Page 54 - Scrimshaw1978-79
P. 54
,SCRIMSHAW Letters to the Editor Answer Found in Kind Students Gratefully Thanked Student Vigilance Dear Editor: SOCiety says that we are a group' feeds some 900 people in 2ih. hours, This student newspaper en- The violence and destruction to the Western Maryland of uncaring, insensitive and don't the food is not bad. I know few courages creative writing in prose here people. campus over Jan. Term was, apparently. the straw that get involved is certainly not This students anywhere who could serve the a and poetry, and stimulates in- as meal true as statement good broke the camel's back. Weeknight parties and section about some people that came to my cafeteria does in that time per-iod. telligent thinking on controversial matters." handbook p32) (student parties have been banned by the Administration. Parties .aide Monday night (in December) especially in that quantity. _ "So here we sit, randomly are now limited to the Forum, cafeteria, or dining porch. after a fall in the library. Item: Our new student center is punching any typewriter keys that The Administration, faculty and a large number of To Sue, second year student; the best thing since the invention of look good at the moment The year Biology (hope students are tired of the senseless and very expensive Jamer, second an unidentified hand- Wiper napkins. a thousand enormous tj8xd6s.m'lkkjnlh ... Come on, you I'm right>; gameroom is times damages to the College Center and dormitories. some gentleman; the librarian; better than the old one. The had to know that was coming. Comprende'? Speeko Right'? These same people are also tired of hearing the standard Mrs. Dollinger and Dr. Palsner, bookstore is much more efficient. Englishee?" (editorial, Scrim. alibis - "I didn't do it" and/or"l didn't see the person who thank you for your kindness and All administrative officers who shaw,Dec. 7, 1978) did it... If someone damages college property near the site. caring. Without your help I would deal directly with students are Stimulates. intellectual thinking of a party during or soon after the party, it makes sense not have made it to the hospital easily found. The information on controversial matters? stand can tell one much of what he and home. this Scrimshaw. year, that at least one of the 1334 remaining students will Joan C. Lockman needs to know. The lounge is very especially the issue of December and 7, probably see someone doing something. The fact that most Williamsport, Md. comfortable, elegant even. I hear has rapidly deteriorated. The damage is done by a group of students should make them Low Wages Found that we may even have an added writing has receded into ludicrous even more obvious, even to the uninvolved passer-by, luxury in a pub. The-dining porch infantile babblings and perhaps -The damages to this campus have been occuring.more . OffenSive adds much room to the crowded unjustified personal attacks on is The Forum frequently and more extensively since the opening of the tj dining hall. addition, 'able to handle a individuals. I understand the plight delightful of the staff, being overworked and Decker College Center this past falL People complain Dear Editor: a variety of functions. Would understaffed. Yet is that an excuse about the contracted workmen not finishing the Pub. and . With the start of the new year anyone in their right mind prefer to lapse into the type of "Creative several shops yet, and here it is second semester. But at minimum wage went up to $2.90 winslow? Certainly not! So there writing:" exhibited this year? the rate these destructive members- of the campus are per hour. Students working at are a few bugs; I for one would Item: I cannot comprehend why im- prefer Decker; much prints WMC per hour. going, the building will never be completed. There will . Although receive $2.35 that WMC is perfections and all, to Winslow. It's Scrimshaw to the editor rebuttals to letters on the same I understand always be holes to patch and bathrooms to fix, windows to on a tight budget and that a student better than What we had before. day that letter appears. This replace, etc. should feel grateful for campus Item: I pay dearly to attend this yellow journalism is just not There is one way to cut down on the violence and speed employment, I still consider our school. When_a few Jackals punch responsible reporting. It is unfair up the completion of the center. If everyone could report student wages offensive. I feel that holes in the walls, steal plants, rip to the author; it gives the paper an mug bathrooms, phones apart. valuable is more any damages they see being inflicted and the person my time hour especially when than I destroy windows, set fires, et- unfair advantage. An editors note, in- false merely correcting $2.35 per responsible Scrimshaw believes that there would be fewer know that students on other cetera, it is my money as well as formation. is considered ac- to report and in a rela tively short time. True, they or their campuses receive minimum wage their parents, which is spent ceptable; a personal attack is parents are paying to send these people here, but 50 are for the same kind of work that repairing or replacing. Just think unforgiveable. And to add insult to on your parents. The College Center belongs to us all. The students do at WMC. Though I The money could spent go either repairing injury, a paper is not published for to irn- damage months, wage, only way to keep it in one piece, apparently, is to con- hardly expect minimum of having proving academics or as a refund more than two for that author taking to away the chance what are the possibilities tribute what little information you may know. Let's give it the student wage raised'? to those of us who pay the bills. I defend himself against the unfair a try. Kathi Danish would hope that those who don't attack. care would realize what a waste of In order todo a good job, a paper Ice Presents Hazards Scrimshaw _Edltorla/, their parents' to be here. We choose to must hold to the base con- money and mine .it is for them Writing Challenged attend this institution. I would only siderations of journalism. r hope to see Scrimshaw doa good job . hope Ihat those who do not wtsf to: . ';:"" . Sin'cerely, Living on this campus is getting to be an adventurous! Dear Editor, go here and those who insist upon thing these days. Just walking to class means that you are) I am fast becoming tired of disobeying rules and seem bent on Thomas N. Mitchell taking your life' into your hands, and driving, at least up hearing how "horrible" Western destruction would choose to go else. the drives and in the parking lots is basically out of the Maryland College is. I am quite somewhere "Scrimshaw is the official Editor's Note; Scrimsha w was not Item: if I were not, I fond of the school; The reason question. No one really knows how much ice is out there, would not be here. This school is student newspaper for WMC. published for more than two - because more snow has covered it up, but it's there. giving me an awfully good Published entirely by' students, it months was very simple. We had Slidingshoes and sliding tires prove that . education, not only in the serves as a vital source of news on no money. A tour-page issue costs well there? Sure, even though the snow that fell Monday should I classroom, but in relationships . this campus as fo~ students an im- in. approximately $300 and one-third in as Why is it still question: Which brings us to the main portant with other people ~s well. was spent of the SGA allotment activity have been cleared off by now, we can still make excuses Item: Considermg the Cafeteria ""'terested m journalistic writing ... ~~ying last year's bills for it. But what's reaUy dangerous is the snow which fell Carl Rowan will ••••••••••• Tuesday night a week ago and has since been packed down and is now basically ice. address WMe Now it's true that this problem has its good sides as well Carl Rowan. one of America's formation Desk at Decker College all The editors would Jike to remind and students. faculty, staff. as its bad. People have. come closer together while helping' prominent journalists, will address Center beginning Monday, Feb. 12. anyone else concerned that letters each other push their cars into and out of slippery parking a Western Maryland College 8:30 a.m.·4:30 p.m. weekdays. For, to the editor about any subject are the spaces. And some people find it an amusing past time to audience on Monday, Feb. 19, at 8 more information. please Office, contact 848· concerning However, campus don't welcome. if you the College Activities p.m. in Alumni Hall. watch people fall (at least, until it's their turn to fall). But Mr. Rowan enjoys a broad 8000, ext. 265 or 266. want your name on the letter, you this stuff can be dangerous too. Broken bones and broken a cars are painful and expensive. It's a miracle that we've ~~l~~~~~ fo:sThe Ch~:~~~i~;~~ Reelt •• by ~ott ;~~~~rei:~~n~~~~~~r~t::~tors in only had a number of smaller accidents. News; a permanent panelist on the Terry Mott will present her What Scrimshaw would like to know is if someone is ~:~~:~~o;~::;~::s~n~~~;~'~ ~~~~a~;r~:.natr:c~~ i;u;~~~; ••••••••••• hired to clear this place off after it snows, why aren't they Varsity Club doing it, and if no one is hired to do it, why not? Can up the ~ro~:~ R;::!~~~.~ rO~:;!s~lto~ :!f:t1~~lfro~~~~~I~nd:re:~!~~' County Department of Transportation and have them send regularly featured college.' lee- ~~r:t~~~~~es '~~~~,~t~;ou a:r~ Western Maryland College has a plow up. Hire students to shovel the snow. Basically, ture~; ,~nd a frequent ~nehst on the Rock) will be featured. recently recognized the WMC A member Meet the Press. of Delta Club isa clean up the place before someone gets into a major ac- \ NB~s appearance at Western musical honor SOCiety Terry Omicron Varsity Club. The Varsity designed to "111$ group coeducational is the cident in which property and maybe even lives could be Maryland is ~rt of the c.ollege's student of Mrs. Ev~lyn Hering, recognize Varsity athletes as well endangered, Year of Special Emphasis: The majoring in music education. as to provide a means for Western Humanities and a Humane World. Recitals are open to the public ~aryland. athletes to ~eet and :'Scrimshaw i! ~e;=~~ae~~, o:~ ~ea~i~:~~li~ ~~d.everyone is welcomed to at- ~~ce~f:s a;s~~e~OIl~:rtnant to Editor· in· chief Meg Hoyl. "first-(!ome,first·served" basis. F.ealty Art Show pa~::~:~N%n (~i~~e~~;~J~~~ J"~NewsEditor Chris Boh .. ka Glo" ••• 1 leetare seasons of Varsity level com. ""'\ Sports Editor JimT.,.mani Nikki Giovanni, author, poetess, The Western Maryland College petition at Western Maryland, a 2.0 Bu,iness Manager Sue Ouinn recording artist and lecturer will Faculty Art Show is currently on grade point average of of a letter or disp.layattheFineArtsBuildingin and !ubmission better, AdMlna9fln Jim Wellman appear at Western Maryland Gallery I, through February 23. of application. Application letters Pam Owen College on Tuesday, Feb. 20 at 8 This annual event featUres the must include the type of sports and p.m. in the newly renovated Profess"Ors involved as well StIff: Teres. Bak,er, Kart BU9flnhagen, Steve Alumni Hall. work of Roy Fender, Wasyl number of seasons of current GPA. as a statement Palijczuk, Gina As part of the celebrations of Bl.inbridge, Bill Byrne, Dave aeveland, Mary Cole, Wendkos, and Judy Walters. The Applications or requests for more Black History Week, Giovanni will o.MY o.wi., Sue Frost, Mimi Griffin, Tim Hackertn.n. present a program of readings ofl show is of importanctl to Art information can be sen! through twill Hein, Ron Jon.. , Hoot Mlthi .. , Lea Maxwell, her work. majors, and to the Western campus mail to: Club Varsity .lenife, Urey. Debbie Wood.n, Amanda Walker, Judy Walker Admission is $2.00 and tickets\ Maryland community in general. c/o Pam Hu,dson hours are 10 a.m. to The Gallery will be availabl~ at the I~\ 4 p.m. weekdays. PO Box 963, WMC
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