Page 49 - Scrimshaw1978-79
P. 49
Scrimshaw ....5 Dedicated Dancers. Clock in at 12 Hours for Circle K Sue Frost ent~::stice:;l;ft ;. ~::~thO~ ~:~~~:~~i~;~: ~~I:~:rdeRecords were broken c~~I~~g~h:neTh~nl~~ ::l~~~~i.~~!f~:~:~~J:~[;'~~~:~:f~r~~f:~~~~~~~;;E;;~!~~~!:~{:;~;ut;d~~l ~~e ~~~~~~swho~ ~;~~~:tedw~~ ;~~:s=~y ni~~t ~:~.' ~itt~a~~~~~~ ~:~~ ~~~e~~~~.r;ht~nc~:: ~o{~: turned out to cheer them on in this "like dancing with a chair or for- contestants was asked to relate his annual "event. When the con- ~n!a; s~:r~:~~neD:~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~l~~:~~~~pf!i~r:g,~~r:~~~~~ ~~ . ~~r~~~ ~~~~t.h~u;..~~d ~~;e~~ Center, helped everyone forget to the bathroom, I really do!!!" hours of dancing, the over- their aching feet and kept them A grand total of $897.29 was whelming concencus was that dancing justa little bit longer. collected for the Maryland everyone had a great lime raising Local stores and merchants Associalion for Retarded Citizens money for a whorthwhile cause. were so generous with donations Circle K was proud of the dancers Marathon chairman Dawn A. that every couple received at least and the way the school supported Lufburrow was kept busy trying to one prize. Prizes were given for them. straighten out problems which contests (bump, disco, line dance) developed prior to and during the and personalities (most hyper, The following students par- dance. The number of contestants least likely to finishl. Each couple ticipated in the Dance Marathon: and Greg Buck, Ann was not known until the start of the was also awarded a dinner cer- Sue Trenton Mike Lambert, Pam and Biro forms ...t~~'·" __··1 show because registration or never lificate for dancing .... in the Smith and Scott Trenor, Polly marathon. had been lost, misplaced, Grayson and Rich Desser, Lisa Marathon dancers add a little diversion to the night with square dancing ~~~:~hO~nbeg~~, t~=~a:~~~ w!~: Music: for the evening's Yeager and Tom Mitchell, Robyn Singer, Kathie by two and snake lines through the student center, joined on the dance floor by festivities and was D.J. provided William's Belime and and Ron Craig Wheatly, Harbaugh Dave bands A Delightful Union of several cans to collect the rain Disco Show. In the final minutes of Lynne Parker and Dave placed strategically garbage and Moskowitz, and Beth Devries which was leaking through the -the dance the song, "Feet Don't the MikeConner. to raise Fail Me Now" helped Two Artistic Forms ceiling. These and other minor season. The photography captures Robert Frost Country Betsy and Tom Melvin the essence of this beauty in a Dolphin Books haunting, misty style. The pictures Doubleday & Co., Inc. of (he leaves in autumn are in- 1978Softbound $6.95 describably good; suffice to say they raise photography to the level Nancy Menefee of art that Frost reaches through I am always wary of attempts to the medium of poetry. put poetry and pictures together. By keeping the emphasis on the Poetic images create a slightly landscape Tom and Betsy Melvin different picture in everyone's harmoniously blend their work mind, and this individual response with Frost's, yet each retains their is an important aspect of art. individuality. We see the country Robert Frost Country was. ~o:r.IT\e,, witl,1 a eye to w:hat inspired Frost a delightful surprise. Tom and rather than as a series of Betsy Melvin did not try to illustrations for his work. The book illustrate Frost's poetry, rather is an exquisite blending of a poet, they offer a comparison of two two photographers, and a country. artistic forms clearly inspired by Robert Frost Country is an the same landscape. enchanting volume of photography The New England landscape has and Frost that expresses the a different kind of beauty every poetry and flavor of New England. At Last! (X-country) After two years of winless ~:~nef~n::;m c~~~~~~~n R~~~~' ~:~e~e o;s 6h~S~~' :e~~~~ ~~~::' ~hr~we~!:~tr~a~~~~ - held a 35;45 minute time on the finished this year with a 5-9-1 ~~;::n ~~~~;~~nU~1e~e~h~J~i~:~~ ~r~ Many of the runners participated tlim Teramani Sam Case, 'the co-ed Terrors im- in independent races and Pam Smith and Scott Trenor, Polly Grayson and Rich Desser, and Kathie Harbough and Craig Wheatly proved their times to set several ~~~~,thi~~U~~~ c:: c~:e ~a~~. keep on dancing during the recent 12-hour dance marathon, held in the forum. new personal records. ran in the 26.2 mile New York Leading the team for the Terrors Marathon. Lets Hear What's Goin' Down think. Sour grapes? Gr~m- . staight, good times music and the called The Em Give album's Tim Windsor singer Don Henley squeezes every Enough Rope ...and is available blegrumblegrumble 'first single' off the album, Soul ounce of melodrama he can from to mid- return Good Christmas singles are hard it. The flip is an original Eagles wherever the finest music is sold. If you've always wondered what Man, is a great If it takes the Blues sound. sixties to come by. Even when a group tune called "Funky New Year." Brothers to bring the change, then bothers to take the time to hit the Alice Cooper has always been all the raving about reggae was a reserve a seat for me in the front studio (probably in the middle of It's nothing to write home about one of my favorite rock per- few years back and you want to summer-Who, besides Auntie but it's a nice piece of outrageous. formers. His decadence has been hear an example of a master at row. I'm willing to wait. Marne has Christmas spirit in And. hey kids, you can dance to unmatched in the history of music ~~~~ t~h~~e In!~~i~: J~~iiZr~l~ July??) and record one, something this one. Bicycle. Bicycle. usually gets lost in the shuffle. The ~~~yUPal~~:.g~:h!a~i1~~~ ~t:~:album, Babylon by uus. However., Queen are a 'lot like David Bowie, Kinks' Father Christmas is a Moving on to less seasonal hardest rocking creatures ever to do try to steer away from the (Mary, are you alright'l ), in that. releases, there are quite a few be decapitated onstage. Un- newest by Peter Tosh. The best they never get bogged down in one perfect example; as a rock song decent new albums that have come fortunately, most of his recent track off the disc, (Walk and) style. The trademark sound is it's great but as a "sit around the out in the last few weeks. Leading always there, but they're always yule log with some merry gen. them-is the new album by the - albums have ~n weak PIO~ to ~on~~n~r::k ~~~k, ~~~~~lea~~;h~; willing to try something new. It tlemen and have some good cheer" CLASH. Now, before you all turn .the housewl~es a~d mo ers recommended. Unfortunately, the doesn't always work--this album Christmas song it was a total and the page, Jet me say one thing: If slOgmg along With him. Thank- ~rest of the album doesn't match up has quite a few embarasing absolute washout. -you like Dan Fogelberg and Tim fully, he's returned with his best tothatonetrack moments--but I'd rather ride out Weisberg you probably won't like album in 6 years. space is short the rougher moments than sit and The Eagles, though, seem to this album, but if you find yourself here so I'll just say that you're Just out is the BLUES listen to the tripe that the radio have gotten it. Their new one listening to a lot of Aerosmith or missing a good one if you pass it BROTHERS album. It's hard to feeds us. "Please Come Home- For Ted Nugent or even Toto-well then by believe but, though there are some Christmas" has everything gOing you should give the Clash a chance. funny moments, this is a straight That's about all fOf now. 'even for il. ..and more. Set to a moaning True, the band did rise out of the Billy Joel. Hmmmm. What else R&B album that tl"> pulloff though I haven't even scratched R&B beat, it tells the age-old tale British "punk" movement but, for is there to say? You like him, I beautifully. Jake an Elwood the surface of all the current of a lonely lover on Christmas want of a better explanation, don't and never thc twain shall Blues (actually John Belushi and reJeases. Right now. I'm going to morning. It's not unlike Elvis they're hummable heavy metal-" meet. I do wish him the best at the Dan Ackroyd of Saturday Night turn on the new Eric elaplon Presley's ~'Blue Christmas" but, good hard rock edge with an edge. top, though, no matter what I Live) have a strong feeling for album and go to sleep
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