Page 105 - Scrimshaw1977-78
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eminist Allianee Moves In Secretary Linda Rider, and MmiGriffith Treasurer - Jenny Krebs. The On February Z1, the Student responsibilities for running each Government Association meeting and the recording recognized a new organization. secretary's responsibilities will, This is the Feminist Alliance of however, be handled on a rotating WMC. Feminism is defined by basis. It is hoped that this sharing Webster as "the theory, cult, or of responsibilities will establish practice of those who advocate trust and make the group collec- . such legal and social changes as tively ruled rather than hierar- will establish political, economic chical. Present comments are: and social equa1ity of the sexes." Gynecological Investigation, The group's major aim is to bring Program, Publicity, May Fair interested women and men Booth, Resource Library and together to work toward this Handbook .. equality. First and rorem- the Feminist Future events will include: Alliance is intere, . in providing Match 19, 8:30 PM, Baker Seminar Sandra Thomas, Rev. Room, ~upport for campus women. They "Women and the Bible:' New In- Intend to do this by providing terpretations"; April 11, 3:00 PM speakers and films on women's McDaniel Lounge, Planned issues, creating both mens' and womens' consctousness-eatsmg Parenthood will sponsor a Human . groups and hopefully establishing SexualityClinic; April 23, 7:00 PM, "How to Film: Lounge, McDaniel a resource library containing in- Say No to a Rapist". Watch WMC. formation on a variety of topics Today for more events. for, by and about women. Also, the At the meeting this past Sunday, Allfance is investigating -the Sue Seeney, from the Baltimore possibility of securing a Gr~wth gynecologist for the weekly 'women's speaker. Her Center major was the guest em- 'Women's Clinic and full-time phasis was on forming con- psychologist for the campus. sctousness-rastng groups. These Another objective is the publishing are small groups of five to eight of a handbook providing a listing of people that get together to share available health services in the concerns and offer opportunities Washington, Ba1timore, Carroll for support and growth. There are County area, a list of books and no judgments made and other informative material on everything is kept in confidence. women and opinion surveys on life WMC's Feminist Alliance is in the as a woman at WMC. process of forming these groups. At the meetings recently held, Interested women should contact Virginia Diehl at the Writer's ~~~~~~ ha;:r1~~~n e~~~, p~~~~ House, 848·9872, and interested established. The officers are: men, Scott Beam, Whiteford B..£I6, President Marty Clemons, X312. Charges Hock SGA.-Leadership to encourage all interested parties Alliance would like The Feminist to help them work toward the Dave Cleveland any ideas which rock the boat. people were turned off when he "I don't think he likes a lot of common goal of sexual equality. The next meeting will be Sunday, Ji~ Wright: at the ~arc~ 13 S~A !~~~~~~~'3:~~~:::~s:: ~~~t!iSba~~:~:ed JIm th~: things I've :~:. i~~ rst. 1 think March 19 at 8:00 PM in Baker meetmg annou~ced hIS resignation in a pool 0{ stagnation. The biggest had a Joto{ good things to say in the Ed. Nete . Seminar Room. A brief business as re~esentabve for 169 Penn- reason why I resigned is I could no past. I think its unfortunate he's Jim Wright's resignation speech meeting will precede the talk by sylvania house, and ?eclared that longer be part of that farce." taken his football and eone home." is contained inside. Rev. Sandra Thomas. unammously. the residents of 169 When these charges were :'enn~ylvama house no longer repeated to him, Chris responded, Honorable Students Apply C?nslder the SGA .the duly al?" "They have validity in that any pomted representahve of their person's feelings are valid. Iwould LETTERS OF INTEREST Board. election on Tuesday, April 25, 1978. concerns before the ad- have liked him. to name specifics so ARE NOW BEING According to the Constitution The student body will then choose ministration." we can deal with them. Some of the ACCEPTED FOR TWO ratified by students and faculty in two (2) students who will serve Jim's resignation speech was d STUDENT OPENINGS ON 1975, the Honor Board will in- until graduation harshly critical of the SGA senate ~~~:~j~~/e:n~rs:gn~~~ia~~ THE WESTERN MARYLAND terview all applicants and then Students who are interested in and especially the leadership of the against my grain. I try to be COLLEGE STUDENT·FACULTY nominate twice ute number of serving on the Honor Board and SGA for stifling debate, for failing sensitive and responsive to the HONOR BOARD FOR candidates as vacancies. Since who have questions may contact to take initial action on issues, and students." 1978·79 there are two (2) openings for any of the student members listed To be eligible tor consideration a next year, the Board will then below. The Honor System is ~m~~~. c~~P~~~~~~~!dS~~~t'~ When asked to deal with student: nominate four (4) students for the ouUined on -ees 37-40 of the 1977· fonna1 declaration of 169 Penn. specifics, Jim responded, "The 1) must be either a current Iresh- ballot in the general student body (78Student 1 .'lk. ~!V;~i!. house's secession from ~~d~~~b:;:t i~e~~~iS~e~~:!t m~~ :u!~~=i7~ letter of in- 1977·78 Honor guard-Student Members Residence Explaining why Pennsylvania ~:~~:r~~~~n~;~nth°en~~l: terest to the Honor Board, e-o the Name-Class Blanche Ward 412 house seceded, Jim said, who have most to say, start chairperson, David Zinck. The ~::::i~~~~::sn(i:to~;nore) Albert Norman Hall 224 "Unanimously, nobody in the talking. They nonverbally com- letter must be received by no later Geri Lane (Senior) 52 West Green Street house felt that the SGA was an municate intolerance. All vigorous than Wednesday, April 5, 1978 at Paula Markley (Sophomore) Whiteford Hall 32 effective voice expressing their debate, needed debate. is cut off. 4:~ p.m t be inte . ed b the Bev Miles (Junior) Porhnes House ret concerns, therefore, there was no US ___; ~~r;:t~! ~~r:'~A~~~~ L.:::.:.:::....:;;;.:::...=:....::....:=-;;;.::=- reason to be a part of it.Ifit doesn't There is not a free flow of ideas." curr:t mem~rs ~;'~he Jonor Dave Zinck (Senior) Garden Apartments IlI-C --1 v~:y meet our needs, why should we c.:;r:~:,':':~g~~::::::,\" ng "umps W"t L. Act"v Ity time on it?" waste ., .. ., ."1 had Similar responses to the ~ .,. ~~~! lee Maxwell . . . all right with me. We won't run Star Wars ~tiA budget. The Achon Com· SGA allot up to $250 for a cafeteria anythingdifferenl." Chris said, "If The la~t SG~ meeting-held last Gone with the W.ind mlttee needs 20.people to taste-test party sponsored by the Betes and Pennsylvania house doesn't send a Monday OIght m Baker lOO-was The Good· Bye GIrl new cafeterIa food. Also, the BSU. AnotheI: motion was representative we just won't mark rocked by the blunHy worded OneFlewOvertheCuckoo'sNest Granola will soon be served at made to allot another $250 to the their attendance. They lose out on res~gnation of .SGA .S~nator Jim Most people felt that the movies breakfasJ. lFC for a second band at the Quad the representative process.' Wright fro~ hiS posllion as SG.A this year have been good, and some Several motions were considered party. This motion also passed. A Jim explained in.depth his represen~hve ~f 169.Pennsylvanla interest was shown in having an and voted upOn. A motion to make motion was pa~ed assigning the reasons for reSigning, "Two ~ouse .. Hls reslgn~hon, however, all-night science.fiction film the SGA policy concerning dut~ of pubhshlng the F.reshman reasons for my resigning are: a big did .not mterfere Wtth normal SGA festival next year. The Finance payment for vandalism damages Register of each years mcoming problem in that the leadership of busmess. Committee will meet March 15 at by the whole student body rather Freshman class to the present the SGA takes the role of a Cm:is H~lmes continued the 6:30 in Baker seminar Room than the residents of the area Freshman cla!>s. mediatior between the students - meebn~ With several repo~ts f!om conc_erning the budget; any where it occ~red was voted down. Next meeting will be held and the administration They Committees. The ElectJons organization looking for SGA funds Another mohon to have the SGA Monday April 3 for regular aren't leading. Leadership'is not a Commit~e reported th~results. of for next year must be at that take a s!M d against a proposed business: and on March 20 for the position but a function, and they the mOVIe poll follows. meeting. The SGA Senate will vote movement of course drO~ ~te to budget, both at 9:00 in Baker 100. aren't functioning. The other big Young Frankenstem on the budget Monday, March 20 at four weeks after the beglOnmg. of All students are invited and en· thing I see is that SGA isn't the Oh God.. 19:00 in Baker 100. There is thesemesterwaspassed.AmotlOn couraged both to attend and to forum for public debate it should The TurOIng Pomt Ipresently $2,300 alloted in the was made, and passed. that the speak up on issues. be, because of its intolerance of ",_*
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