Page 102 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 102
SCRIMSHAW LeHers to the Editor Trouble At The Top We Can Stop Vandalism, if We Dare Dear Editor: .portant: Lock the doors! at night there in bed and let them get away "There's Irouble..rlght here In River CIty; with a capital T, whIch I· W~d ~kef t~ c,:mt~nt onh~ .~oo::t :::e~:~~:. ~~:td~i:o~!~~ ::/\:Jrl~k~et J~:..;.:~m;~~ rhymes with E and stands for Executive Committee." recen ac 0 es cion w I may be how someone comes in and provides solid evidence. If Fir:s t ..paraphrased from the musical "Th~ M!J~_is;M~n" have occured on thi.s campus. vandalizes your property. Be necessary, bring police in . to ~e vocal. Tell the administration property of private A number of Incidents have recently brought the thought of thIs type of of all, CO~atu1abOnSt 0 write ~I .e you feel. If someone is causing how Destruction by the law. I realize this is e courag~ who had punishable statement to the mlndsof several SCRIMSHAW edItors. In fact, incidents let~r to the men of this campus via destruction near you, call the dorm sou.nds harsh, but something needs Involving the SGA Executive Council have been brought to Ilghl lately-to Scnmshaw. She ,?ade some very resident, the security guard, or any to be done. Changes can happen bring questions to many students on campus regarding the actual cohesiveness and function of the group. ~:~I~~.~i~ ~a':p:~:~~ of the administration. Don't_justlie o~y if you ~ome involved. Over the past semester-and-one-half the executive council has been that she did not feel safe enough to Gr a.pev irre Dteg uetfng attacked on many fronts for supposed indiscretIons In their collectIve and sign her name for fear of Dear Jeff, ,problem lies, not with the people individual activities. Complaints have eminated from Senate members, concerned stueents. and, yes, even the Student UnIon. They have been re~~:~r~g must be done to make Wi~e~:~~ch:;:;:neei~nC:':~:: ~::e ~li:::~o~~o s::~:'w:t ~:~ aImed at the ActIon Committee, the Social CommIttee, the Elections this campus safer for students and become quite disgusted. I have have been told; instead I believe CommIttee, the Publicity Committee, each respective committee. to guarantee that just punishment. heard many rumors about students :that the main problem lies in the chefrrnen, the SGA officers, and the Council In general. - will be meted out to the guilty; at WMC, none of which I have paid fact that someone started the We doubt that all of these crItIcisms have real has a very party any attention to. Unfortunately, I rumors in the first place. I think distinctive characteristic to complain at the drop of a hat. And yet, there (s). have been other Indicators of diffIcultIes at the Executives level. MC5t of us believe that the ad- j know quite a few people who took that people who start rumors The most recent disturbance wIthin the$GA has been the resignation of ministration is to blame for the _I the rumors for 100 per cent fact. I should keep their big mouths shut SocIal Committee Chairwoman Linda Thomas following a presumed lack lack of control of student caused think that that is very unfair to the and let people find out the truth for of support during thls past Black History Week by the SGA PresIdent vandalism and harassment. person about whom the rumor was themselves. Paul Fulton. Paul responded to thIs publicized resignation wIth some However, we students have done started. I think that the main John Q. Student substantial reasons (dealIng with tIme commlttments) for his non- this to ourselves to a certain support. degree. We laugh at drunkenness My Elephant is Still Loose But prior to this conflict, ottier smaller problems had been croppIng up saying how cute drunks are. We on the grounds within the Council. Classes were hurting attendance of some members. excuse behavior The main comment of I drunkenness. Some assigned duties were gOing unfulfilled. And there were often have heard in connection with the comments, among dlssatlslfed members, of a certain "clIquishness" person who tore out the phones in by Gertrude Gastrokostrovitch light up in read my bare _ hand! the 1 carefully through' within the group. the preacher section was "How As with any kid who never totally directions two times so as not to And so, what the SCRIMSHAW, along with an informed portion of the proud" everyone was of hiR:!:.How grows up, I have always had a miss any details, yet even after a campus, would like to know is whether jhere is true dissatisfaction Sickening! We are proud of our great fscination with magic. So it third reading I had no more idea of mumurlng Inside of the Council's cauldron. vandals? No wonder we can't stop was with anticipation of learning a how to do this trick than the man in We would also like to know more on the Social Committee Chairman them. But we can. They are few tricks of the trade that Icurled the moon. What I did have however Incident. Rumors have abounded Involving such thIngs as impeachment responsible for their actions even up the other day with a coke in one was a great description of the best and investigatIve committees on the subject. Because of the con'tlnuing when drunk. We are adults on this hand and Marvin Kay'es Catalog of type of equipment ot purchase controversy over the matter, and the incomplete picture that seems to campus and are in control of our Magic in the other. from my local magic shop. U~n have been drawn by the statements of the two Council members involved, own actions. If certain parties wish The front cover claims the book further examination and With we would like to reInstate our commlttment ot the principle of the to get drunk or high and cause to be "an indispensible guide to the great dissapointment I found that students' "rIght to know." We therefore back the proposal to be en- damage, they must be willing to apparatus and technique of over the entire book was merely a tertained by several (resently anonymous) students that the SGA pay for their actions. And we must 250 tricks," while the back cover magicians rendition of the Sears prepare- an unbiased Invesltgatlon into the Incident. make sure they pay. Because of declares that even a mere beginner Roebuck catalog and nota guid~ to Along the lInes of the oftler problems, that mayor may not exist, we our own attitudes the most guilty can learn the tricks. The ex- performance at all. I guess If I hope that the SGA Executive Council can pull Itself through the parties on campus' ever receive is citement of learning how to do were an honest to goodness remaInIng month and a half of offIce to retetn some of the progress that It "Naughty, naughty" warnings and those baffling tricks I'd seen so . magician the Catalog of magic has accom~llshed durIng the Initial stages of this year's SGA. the taking away of fraternity many magicians do was over- would be of value to me, but like I clubrooms. whelming me as I turned to the said before, I'm only a beginner Thanks for the Help Recently, the Ho~ing Council index to choose my first trick. just learning how to make the gave a simple warning to one of After a lot of thought I decide eagle on the quarter cry! After those persons responsible for the that starting off with the vanishing reading the book the on1y thing I Scrimshaw would like to thank all those Involved In the Gong Show last Friday nlght-·the many talented(?) performers, the people who worked latest destruction in Whiteford. No elephant trick might be a bit much successfully made disappear was the tIghts, and all of those who helped to clean up after It was allover. A fines, no punishments to the guilty, so I settled for the comedy light my coke and the ambitions of specIal thanks to Glz, our MC, and hIs assistant, Martha Pratt, and to our ar.d who pays? those students who bulb trick and turned to page 129. joining the ranks of the great great panel of WMC celebritIes, Les Bennett, Chris Holmes, and Dr. Jean were vandalized. The general description said I'd be magicians. Ot's too bad, I really Kerschner, as well as to our really enthusIastIc audIence. The administration does have able to make an unwired light bulb wanted to try the elepahnt trick!) authority to change the situation, -----""'S;-;c~.~,M~S~H"'AW=O~FF~,"C".E"'HO'::U~.::'S------ which they have not used. For Sunday: Sprfng1918 S.oahne :;a;~~f~~l~~o:e:e:~~~!:~~~ Student ,Involvement Mond.])': 1:00-8:00 PM several months now, but nothing Tuesday: 7:00-8:00 PM P~L~;;~~~:has been done about it. Also, stiffer fromp.1 Wednesday: 3:00-4:00 PM punishments can be meted out, and works in creating the about it, as well as several Thursday: l1:;~~~:~:~:PM J. T~;a~:~~ s~~;:"oc'~~~u~~~~N~:g~:?;~; curriculum, including all proposed suggestiOns FrIday': changes, adding of or eliminating 2:oo·3:00.PM J.Roblnson dorms, however are the fault of the AI" students and faculty are InvIted fo stop by the SCRIMSHAW office students. The girls seem to have courses, or changes in the purpose All students are eligible for course. and In the Student Center durIng any of the hours listed above. You may drop forgotten the scare of the peeper of Brenda any Donovan Bob Heer to the membership on these committees, reported by for just a social vIsIt or to discuss any urgent busIness of the utmost What we are facing now is a lot although there are certain fm~rtance. We hope that you will utilIze thIs service should the op. worse than a Ilarmless peeper. SGA that the committee has requirements. Some may need portunlfy ever arise. I have a few suggestions for discussed the conlraversial students of a year and·or sex, but overload 'charge, student-designed with others it may not mmatter -The Editors protection and action. Most im- majors, Jan. Tenn, the Physics These committees don't make and Computer Science depart- college policies or deciSions, but Staff Box ments, and positions open in dif· only consider the possibilities and ferent departments. recommend the best ones to the Editor·In·01ief faculty for approval. If you are Jeff Robinson Carl Gold and Sally Keck, interested in joining one of these representatives to the Student committees, a new member is ManagingEditcw Personnel Problems Committee, elected to each one every spring M&,Hoyle reported the appeal of two Honor The SGA asks for letters of ap- Board decisions at their last plication and from those choose the meeting. This committee is representatives. Photography Editor Scott Oahl'Hl Business Mana~r Kathv Harblu"" basically a board of appeals from NewsEditOl: Nancy Manef_ Ad Managel' Ch;uI8$ Estes the Honor Board, Housing and r---....:...------, EllterUinment ~to Sports Editor Jim TeralNlni MiIIrkKatz Conduct Council, and the deans of BA-.JG ' Feature Editor Phil t..Padula Music Editor Tim Wrndsor 1..... Arts Editor TheoBraver Food Review t.dttor Joe BrfIl'lt students affairs. The last committee is the Special Assistants' Trustee Committee on Student j Photographers Denise Giangola One Mayer Affairs, which has six student Do you want an ACTION Chris 8ot-ka OlIVe CI...... and Hal Schmllowitz members, the three student PACKED, FUN FILLED, EX- - AnnOivinrt- Vernon Crawford visitors to the Board of Trustees CITING night??? Then stop by and three others. It is a means of Decker tonight at 7:30, 9:30 or communications between the 12:00 and for just one dollar you Mike O'Andr .. Min: C. Bayer Yon Mekino students, faculty and trustees, and can see.the all time favorite movie ""'Vilis Menschn ... Oavid Zinck Scott DtMerir; AndiSahm review and evaluate for recom- "BONNIE & CLYDE". This movie AnitliCroUM Jeff Smith Scott Sheridiln Dawn Bennett mendation of the Board policy is guaranteed to please everyone, Sally Stebbins Oav.Langlev- Swglo arbin Bill Weeks matters relating to student affairs. it's everything rolled into one great JfryHollzmln Miry Cole Jeny Propl!et The major topic under discussion film. Sponsored by the Freslunen -, JeffR,osenbwll Mlggi.Cost .... Kim ShewbriCSge Usa Oavil 'was tlie social life at Western Class .. Heney McKenzie u.; Maxwell; Maryland; what is and can be do~e:.~:.~••,:,.• :-:.. ~ __ ....,.... ...J
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