Page 110 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 110
Scrimshaw Friday, March 17, 1978 Music Notes and Comments Mary Cole, Jim Martin, and Tim Windsor After waiting four Issues tryln No Mean Feat to get our respective typewriters In Mangione "Feels So Good" managed to gear, we've finally pound out a few Incredibly biased Aliv~~n~~~~~~tF~~~~ ~a~t~~k. citement when they come to town ~~~~~~~adne:I~~~~agf:.rT~~~: :;~ CHUCK MANGIONE: Feels So The title track opens the album F.<;IrColumbus g, ~,If,hy,"9"ht,m,,'n,Y,,'m"t' "hn,',h,' ,"'~d"m" going to be a few changes, some Good In fine style. After Mangione I I I Ou ,II' u taking effect ImmedIately, others Chuck Mangione may be one of elegantly states the theme, hIs real~:I~~.O~ver1:I~c~h~heyt~::~~-cf ~~~~t~:::~~'at~~j~;t~osne:;n:n~~;~s when the Valium wears off. Most the most refreshing artIsts of the talented musicians jump In with a for Heart In Baltimore and. From the openIngF.E-A.T cheer to ~~tV~~~:tl~g,thr:a~~a;l~eg;:p~~:~ ~~sS~f~l~hy:~:~;tt~\~I~~I~:~~~:~ funky, la'tln tempo. Regrettably, - knocked~hesocksoff of everyone I the rOUSingversion of "Feats Don't More important, though" Is the between pop and jazz. Some jazz this track has been butchered by ;;;:~ c~~~~~~e~;h:~:h~~I;:':;Sm:~~ Fall Me Now," the listener Is addition of two new reviewers to aficionados label Mangione's style some radio stations In order to facilitate aIrplay. Consequently Skynyrd; they had a distinctive :~~~~~~~e~IO~~:~:h ~;~~tA;I:~' ~:rt:~~f~he~a:~dI71~1: ~~Id al~~~ ~~t"~~~ym~~~la;~~np~::jc~~~;II~h~ this shortened version lacks the ~:~~e~f ~:~:n,o~u:I~~:~~~. bX· te.' "Dixie Chicken" and "Sallln' , the column to have a wider scope, simple beauty and flow of his cohesiveness of the original. Nevertheless, this opening ~I:~~~~~: ~e,e~~:1~0~I:~~;~~~~' ~:E~:~:a~~~22~1!~:~~UI~~~k~::~~ :~ecr~r;:nr;~~::t~:~ (hopeful Jy) ~~~~ri:~~~~~~r~ ~r~:~~~s~~~ selection sets the pace for the followIng cuts. The Intensity found fO~!~~i~:lrt t~~sc~s;1~::~eISc~:. of breaks here; Little Feat Is a BAND· in~~~h:'~~I~~~,t~ ~~n ~ho;~o~::~! ~h~~s~:~~el~~nyIO;I:OWi:eh~~sm~~~t in "Theme from 'Side Street": the most disappointing albums to :~~~h:tj~ge .~~o~~:~~~s~ns!::~r~! a letter or an album review or? successful to date. Who buys presents a nice contrast to the and 11Iting playfulness of "Hide ~~::,:o~~tI~e t~lk~ai~ltag~~~:h~~, guitar-toting egos they worked ~~~~I~er%o~~c~nw:o::n:sfoe~p:~ ~:~~~o~~:~t ~~c~s ~~~ts~~~~a~~; Seek." The brooding, con templative style of "Last Dance" technically, the record has nothing :~~e~h~~r i:e~~~;nFt:~;e~~~~rs~ ~:~p c~~m; I~~et;t ~::e ~::I~f ~eea~~~i:~etl~~i:e~~~:~:t~:~ ~~~ justifies its title. Certalnly there are hornmen who :vh~~:thi~t:n~~ur~ut:ntojU~ t~~~ definitely qreetjnus!c. T_W. you're Interested. Tim Windsor, offer. Chuck's infectious tunes surpass Mangione In terms of guitar haze. Throughout, the band Music Ed. have a universal appeal and technique and flair, but few exude seems to be more concerned with FEELS SOGOODis further proof. the samewarmth. Chuck knowshis plenty of lengthy, brain-frying, abilities and performs within them "look me. no hands" solos than. masterfully. There is very little with the overall musical contenf of Neil Young's Ten Years Of Greatness "hotdogging" here. Every note has the show and, ultimately, the a purpose. His accompanying record. '" musicians are not the prominant Thesedays, when just about any If you love him, this album Is the soothing despite a murder scene studio artists that appeared on his garage band has ten guitarists, all Neil Young'soneof thosepeople; act of saving grace; rather than go previous album, MAIN SQUEEZE. He is self-admittedly obsessedwith of whom can duplicate everyone' either you love him or you hate out and buy new albums to replace "the ups and downs of the drug Chuck's current quintet is com. from Clapton to Berry to Hendrix him. Consequently, YOUI'reaction .the worn out one, here Is the an- culture," reflecting in "The Needle posed of relatively unknown to Segovia,a band can't rely on the' will be similar with Decade, his thology of the best songs, and the Damage Done" and but impressive musicians. Bassist flashy techniquesof the late sixties "greatest hits" 3 record set. If you "Tonight's The Night (Part 1)." He Charles Meeks, and drummer andearly seventies. Granted, fIery dislike Nell Young Intensely, you'll He can't'slng too well. but he's paints few fanciful Images, pic- James Bradley, Jr. anchor the solosare nice but the band must be wonder why they'd waste the vinyl excellent once given an Idea and a turing scenes in stark reality. In rhythm section. The talented guitar. His piano playing is ~~~:I~~ln~un~tI~~YI:so~/ ~:o~~n. :o~I~yp~~~~~r/~ ;lhse~~~~:~t~~~~ rudimentary. He's not particularly this starkness, the blend of word fingers of Grant Gelssman offer a welcome change from and Instrument, lies the beauty of heavily That's what makes LITTLE FEAT those who haven't given Neil optimistic, this strange Canadian, Neil Young. amplified, screeching rock guitar. one of America's finest bands. Young any consideration at all, singing songs about Kent State, Chris Vadala's expertly crafted "Wa1t1ng For Columbus," the Decade presents a wide enough drug overdoses, racism, inef. Anyone acquainted with Nell sex-breaks compliment the work of Feat's new live album finally selection to satisfy curiosity about fectual government and the Young's music can make a Mangione throughout the album. shows why there's so much ex· any phase of Nell Young's career. conquest of the Aztecs by Cortez. judgement on Decade from past Yet, he can be strangely soothing experience. Dflettantes with some Clearly, these five gentlemen Muddy's Ready as proven by his "Helpless" money should buy it to give Nell sense of enloyment that they convey to the listener the same memories of Ontario. Even the Young a fair chance; a chancewell violent "Down By The River" has worth the money. themselves feel while performing a slow, dream-like feeling, Me. the mUSicof Mangione. J.M MUDDY WATERS: I'm Ready mediately but after you've played Muddy Waters has class. While I It nospecifics are remembered. All Palmer Has Twice The. Fun all around him musical trends the songsare based on standard. have shifted bac:k and forth, twelve·bar blues forms and to the through the' years he kept on casual listener they may all sound ROBERT PALMER: Double Robert Palmer tlaunfs the role of he'll get the recognition and sales playing the blues. He was pushed' alike. Each song, though, has Ifs Fun 'a cool lover, living a forbidden he lacks now. And maybe he'll around and abused by Chess own special characteristics that Robert Palmer has come a long dream. Whether or not you like the even get a Grammy then; not the records until he left for Blue Sky, setif apart from the rest-·be It Pine way from sneakIng away from smooth image, there can be no one mentioned earlier but rather Johnny Winter's label, They Top Perkins' planofills on"Who Do Sally to relaxing In his swlm-mlng denying the power of his music. one for BEST NEW ARTIST. So It worked together bringing In James You Trust:' Jerry Portnoy's pool while two unseenwomentake Unfortunately his records never goes. Cotton, Pine Top Perkins, Willie Electric Harp on "Copper Brown" him to the furthest regions of get the larQe sales they deserve. Smith, Bob MargOlin and Charlie or Muddy's own slide guitar on earthly delight. Luckily, none of Calmese resulting in the finest "33 Years." this sweet decadence has r~bbed ,while he has yet to match the Bigger Than Beatles Blues album In years, last year's This is the blues, pure and off on his music. "Hard Again." Simple; you won't fInd a syn. This time around the lineup Is theslzer or rock gulfar here. If you "Sallln' Shoes" medley from his Sometimes the humor gets a bit pretty much the same except for don't like pure blues played by one the absence of harmonica player of the masters of fhe form then ~i;~~~!:U~~::~I:~~uc~~~ln~:sv;~ Well folks, to paraphrase Jon ~ornball but forfJhe most part this James Cotton. At first his Intense forget about this album. But then failing to please, Refreshing Landau, I've seenthe pas' of rock ISan enjoyable comedy album for style is missedbut In the long run It again, as someone said in our throughout, this record has several and roll and Its name Is the Rutles. the Beatie freak In all of us. This forces the rest of the players to music survey, 'You've got to have standout cuts Including the single 1 This new album sets out to tell the Wednesday,at 9:30 on NBC there work harder, netting a record a hole in your soul If you don't like "Every Klnda People," "You're history of the world's greatest will be a televisIon version of the almost as good as "Hard Again." the blues." GonnaGet What's Coming" and a band, four guys who rose from story. I talked to someonewho saw "I'm Ready" is the kind of T.W. remake of the KInks' "You Really obscurIty In England and Germany the film In New York, and he album you put on and love Im- Got Me," marked by Palmer's to worldwide popularity until their assured me that they don t miss a stop-tempo treatment. It may noT final breakup resulting from trick, provIding a flrst·rate HOT To Live A Spacey D~eam... be the origInal but at least It gives lawsuits in 1970. television special. ?WhOneeds a us respite from that InsIpid version Anyone who watches Saturday Beatie reunion now. T.W. by Van Halen. Night UveorMonty Python knows As 'always, Palmer's unending fhatthelr breedof comedy depends on sharp.wltted drive for sex makes him the most Now, the two shows have Joined RUMOR. satIre. heavily with adequate time and attention. likely choice to be Masters and Tangerine Dream is not your Tangerine Dream, as seems Johnson's poster child. For him, I forces to produce the fInest • average rock n roll band..They're IStandarcfforEuropeansynthesizer nomInate a new Grammy moment In musical satire since not into boogie or the blues. artists, has done an extremely Category .. MOST OBVIOUS' National Lampoon's "Good Bye Tangerine Dream Is Into music of good production job on Encore. SEXUAL REFERENCES IN A Pop" album three years ago. The TRUTH OR FICTION? Ap- the mind. Particularly concerned with SONGfor "Best of Both Worlds"; record features note-for-almost· parently, Mick Jagger was In Encore Is a live two record set of sound, Tangerine Dream suc. "Tight as a drum, looseas a gun note copies of famous Beatles Washington last week sometime the trio, Edgar Froese, Chris cessfully dubbed in audience to holster, yeah it's getting closer songswhile the 18page liner notes and was seen talking with Doug Franke, and Peter Baumann, makesurethealbumhad1ts"live" mmmmm. Why do we waste our take off on famous incidents In the Tull, drummer for a group called making their own special kind of atmosphere -- otherwise It would breath, child, on what we like the careers of the "pre·fab four:' Razz. Informed sources are tying synthesized music. Unlike most Ibeimpossible to tell from a studio most? Seeing as we've wound up including the time John was quoted thIs in with the fact that Stones albums, there is only one song per recording. here, we ought to do them both." as saying the Beatleswere "bigger drummer Charlie Watts wants to sideof the records, It Is, therefore, If you're into the "sIt around and The saucy lyrics, tight production than God." However, this time quit the band and start a chicken not an album from which specific spaceout to records" fype music, and a near·perfect performance around John claImed that a farm (NO JOKE). The Stonesare - fragments will beco'!1e per· YES-like and beyond, Encore Is combine to make this one of hIs slightly deaf journalist made a planning a US tour beginning in manenfly ingrained on the made for you. Disco addIcts best shots at a hit in his entire mistake. What he had said was June··will it be Watts or Tull memory after Justone listen. Full needn't apply. career. Why it wasn't releasedas a "We're bigger than Rod behind the drum kit? Who knows? appreciatIon requires many listens M.e. Does anybody care? single, I'll never know. (Stewart)."
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