Page 108 - Scrimshaw1977-78
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Page 4 . Scrimshaw Friday, March 17, 1978 Is The Cloning a Hoax? .Ne~l~shes by Ted Howard & Jeremy Rifkin' to find the official announcement of genetic engineers had made an reproduce many copies of a frog. " Phil laPadula Pacific News Service lone of the biggest events in human enormous breakthrough. A human There have been reports of a type Editor's Note: Much attention is history. Yet the Feb. 13, 1978, issue being had literally been . of cloning performed with mice Annapolis, March 17, 1978 currently focused on claims that of PW contained a full-page ad- manufactured out of the single cell and rabbits Some of the neuon's Last Friday, Acting Gov. Blair the first human baby has been born vertisement for an upcoming book of one man. The child has no top sctenttsts Including Nobel Lee signed into law a bill that will through the genetic engineering under the astounding headline, "A "mother" in the biological sense. laureate Joshua Lederberg of reinstate the death penalty for 10 technique of cloning. This news' HUMAN BABY CREATED IN In fact, when it IS grown to Stanford University and James specific crimes. Included among story was originally brought to the THE LASORA TORY IS NOW 14 ~dulthood, it ~j~1 appear to ~ a Watson of Harvard, had predicted these is political corruption. As of attention of the press by Ted MONTHS OLD." carbo~ copy -m e~er~ physical that human cloning could take July 1, when the law takes affect, Howard and Jeremy Rifkin, co- According to the ad, the book, In sense, nght down to Its fmgertlJ)S- place within the next 10 to 25 years. any Maryland politician convicted directors of the Peoples Business His Image: The Cloning of a Man, of the man whose cell was ar- According to Rorvik and his on corruption charges will be hung ~~ s: Commission and co-authors of a by prizewinning science Writer ~ificially ."tric~ed" into developing publisher, researchers somehow by his toenails and beaten to death ~~n!~f:g °C~ll~m~~o g:~:~~ it:s7~ucr:s~~ a:~~~t ~~~!x:~ ~~. ~e I:::I~~~ :ers:~~~~t~ ~o~~:~n:::dt~~~~~ul~d leap :~n~::at s~:t~:'th ~t ~::I~~~e:!-D~~~O~;t~~~d ~;'~~c6~~u:.t,i:n~d~rt~:m"~~t ~~ p~W~~~~ o:f claon~~s~~~ j~~ As of this writing, ~o ~n~ has ~:~%~~~~dto"~~ti~~:Yc:~~~~~~ account of the on-going in- said, "Some people will hail it as a ~~;r~lIY millions of identical ~~t~r~~~~!;:::: ~=:~~in Maryland. ;~~~:~~~n":~:::'r~o~a~e~:~i~~ :~~f~:io:e~:~:~~~r a: Onc~ of cours II f thi uld or the scientists who participated. Sicily, March 17, 1978 MARCH 7, 1978- natural, even holy, process. But bedis~issedas;;i:nc:ficti~n~But :nereisstillr.nbsolu~e~rooft~t, According to a reliable source The publishing industry's trade there is no doubt that by June no more A number of years ago, an f:f:b!~:;:hho~:xaffall' IS not Just (recently machine-gunned to death :~~;i~hee . ~~~~s:::·~o~~:!~~ eVl~y~o~!sbes~~gw~~u~~~: ~~~~~~~s :~el~~~~ aas~~~~ Whether. or not' Rorvik's ,story ~af~a ~~~_::~~'w~~:~c~/~~ S .telnmetz Organizes Panama Protest c,an be verified, most experts tn, the per head as of July 1. Chief Mafioso agree unless that, of Maryland Dave Cleveland field a decision to forbid ."""ety such lead er , Tony branch Linguinl, Mafia of the In makes About 4,000 people stood for to do some~ing about it. Someone ithe time it was built. I think we ~:;~ty h~~~ ~:ut~e~~~ome temettonaf, explained that the about an hour on March 7, in the had to con~nce the ,~enators that have to keep the canal to keep it As for the fir-st human clone and Increase was due to the additional cold and the snow, on the steps of the treaty IS wrong. open. We can't be sure the canal th I' f D ld Ro lk th nsk created by the new Maryland the Capitol building while Senator Mike explained hi's opposition to :will stay open if we give it to t~llC alms ~ avi l'VI 't' ere death penalty law, Said the big Orin Hatch, Senato~ Paul Laxalt, the treaties, "They are not in the: them." ~~thi:et~eal~ex~~~~ ~:~IO~~~ boss, "H-a you want-a knock-a Senator Jesse Helmes and others best interest of the country, There ld kn th full to '0 somebody off, come to me before read speeches to th~. is. rx)reason why we shoul~ give Mi~e feels that "the demon- ~~g ~a~ert~7n--e~ther Sit r~ ~: Jul~ 1st, Im~~e-a you an offer you The group, calling itself the them the canal. I want to be glVen a stralJonwas very effective. We had h fth t fth cant refuse, Nat~o.nal Citizen's, Lobby, a ~?n for giving away something a big impact. All those people ~:S~~m ~~~~ ~~~rO~~!c~rd~ (Note:. Scrimshaw ..vould Ii~e to coalition demonstration staged by whicn demonstrates so well the came to Washington on a cold hi t po apoioglzeto any Itahan-Amencans the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the .mperiortechnologywehad even at Wif!ter day." ~?~' th t f offended by the last News Flash. American Legion, and about 20 rev~lv~~ w~~'oun~ ~~enoss~~~ Actuall~ some of our best f~ends TH' E sm~lIer groups, was protesting existenclof a 14-month-ol~ cloned are Italians. By the way, agaInst the canal treaties. After WltlllUl ~ BlATTY'S bab ha ed t' t nkind hear the one about Purelh tires. the demonstration, the members WUYVV\rtl[Jl, f y s:re rv n~lce o~a ... Purellitires-they-agointherain, heQOROsr staged one of innumerable protests on one of the innumerable issues,. But the.e ;s sometWn. ,",t;not;ve in this protest. Its difference lies in ,Michael Steinmetz; Michael Steinmetz, legislative aid in An- napolis; Michael Steinmetz, who first imagined, and then was the' main organizer of the protest. Mike first envisioned the anti- treaty protest in early February. While in New Orleans attending the College Republican National Student .fon1m February 9-12. he tried to get the College Republican national organization to pass a resolution opposing the canal Ireaties and sponsor the protest The resolution was tabled, and with it, the sponsorship Mike was hoping for. Then, with the help of a few other people, he contacted about 30 groups he thought were opposed to the treaties, and organized the protest himself. Why did he take on such a big job? "We are about to give away something vital to our country," said Mike "I decided someon~ had March 18-in Decker 7, 9:30, & 12 Admission 'I Free pregnancy test- confidential help r...-·..---- .....' I Ing. Birth control Prompt, services. I HOUSE OF UQUORS , Carroll Plaza Shopping Center 848-1314 ~j( I Special of the Week! I I I Aundecker 8ri.nJl this ad .with ya.u for: ~ phone for infonnation I 6-pack bottles $1.89, I without obligation Sale ends March 17 . I Baltimore. Maryland (01) 788-4400 L ------- .... WMC students only
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