Page 103 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 103
Sports {':o:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:-:-:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:::·:::::·~~::-:::::-:::::::-:::::~2:~:::;:m;::o=;.:~:"-:::::;:::;:::;o..:;:;::::-;:;x.:~:;:;::.:.;:;:;w..y"«-~:::;:;:::;:;:;;::;:;:;:::·:·:·:·:·:·6·:·:.: e PeterJ. Clark has been named Bad).- Gets It Here headbaseball coachat western Maryland College, according to Richard A: Clower, director of Iby Anita Crouse publicity as possible. During home letter with the relevant in- athletics. Ever wonder how Vince Bagli football games, he runs the press formation to the members of the Clark, who graduated from knows what to say when an- box regulating the amount of MAC nominating committee and Western Maryland in 1m with a nouncing wMC's team scores'? people that are allowed in. After got Buck into the semi-finals for B.S. in physical education, sue- Ever wonder how The Evening Sun every quarter of the game, he calls nomination. Buck made it for ceeds Fern Hitchcock who has knows what to. print next to the Western Union Office, in- nomination. Buck made it-far be coached the team since 1963. A Western Maryland College? It is forming them of scores and per- only one step from being selected Hitchcock is leaving coaching for j the job of the Sports Information sonal statistics for outstanding as an All-American. medical reasons but will continue" 1~Director to make sure the media players. Mter the game, hehas-to The brochure designed for at Western Maryland as the gets all this information and gets it call all newspaper, radio, and Buck's publicity was similar to athletic trainer and as assistant on time. television outlets in Baltimore and those Dale designs for all of the professor of physical education. ball carrier in and 1975. Dale Frieclman is the Sports vicinity, and Associated Press and men's teams at WMC .: He puts Coach Clark served as assistant' He was also a member of the Information Director for men's United Press International wire information relevant to the sport football coach for the Western varsity baseball team where he sports and Becky Martin for services. about the players and also prints Maryland Terrors and was in was leading hitter in 1975 and 1976. women's. The job is part of the On Sundays, Dale reports the pictures of the team members charge of the offensive backfield in Clark stresses an aggressive Financial Aid Office's Work-Study results from the men's sports by This "Press Guid~" is sent to ;~~ba~l ~~~!:r :~i~e a~ars~~ ~:::~~~~ :=~a~::~g"~~~~ll~ pr~~:~jobentails mainly making 'calling the Mid-Atlantic Con- various places insuring increased dergraduate, Clark was a leading alert on every pitch of the balL" sure that the teams get as much ~t!.~:~:~~~.c~:Ck:~::Suc:~ ~~:~:~~re!~rm:~ g~~:' and is Swim SeasOn Wrapup ofI~~e~~, s~::~c:~ also writing In the spring, Becky Martin will the-sports news "lor the Hanover Sun. During football season, Dale !~~~~~a:ec~fv~~~:r!~en~e~~ of men's events. by Sally Stebbins Thompson, Wendy Protzman, Jane Palkovitz. Mary Gately and Mike and Coach Hindman pushed for As Dale -satd, "the most im- This year's swim team, co- Carstensen, and Jenny Doremus O'Loughlin were voted most Buck Horsey for All-American portant part of the job is to be there captained by Sophomore Mike set a medley record for women at spirited. Honors. Dale designed a brochure and call the results in." But it O'Loughlin and "Junior Mary 4:58.752 .. The 400 free style relay _ The other members of the team tellin~ Buck's statistics b~t seems, they do much more in 'the Gately, had an excellent season. team of Dave Binkley, Rick that gave their full support and couldn t get funds to have It ... support they give to the teams. The team finished up the season Benitez, Ed Moore, and Mike effort were Steve Aswalt, Beaver printed. Instead, they sent out a with the men attaining a 6-8 record O'Loughlin set the record at Bolton, Ginny Davies, Mary Tough Wrestling Match and the women with a 1-2, which is 3:34.17. These multi-talented men Gately, . Ann Harrison, Bob an overall improvement of over 200 also set the medley relay record at Holcomb, Steve Klohr, Jeff Determines WWFTitle per cent over the past two years' 4:02.23. Palkovitz, Regan Smith, Sally records. In the 'MAC's, the men's team Stebbins, and Jim Tarr. This exciting "grudge," match came in 9th, the women came in The divers, who did a fine job The long-awaited re-match follows a previous Centre bout in Many new school records were ee. this season were Brian Hickey, between former World Wide which the action was stopped and set. Some of the more notable Kate Boadway gota fifth place in John Little, and Dan Sack. Wrestling Federation Champion Rhodes declared the winner when ones: Dave Binkley's 2:95.5 and the women's diving finals at the WMC's swim team managers Superstar Billy Graham and then-champion Graham was Jane Carstensen's 3: 00.45 for the MAC's. were P.J. Becker, Kate Shirey, and crowd-pleasing strongman Dusty bleeding profusely from the mouth. 200 yard butterfly. Dave and Jane Swimmers elected by their John Wilcox. Doing an excellent Rhodes will be the feature at- Superstar retained his title at that also hold records for the 100 yd. ,fly teammates for being most coaching job was Kim Eisen- traction in a star-studded Capital time, however, since a WWF title with times of 56.297 and 1:14.2 valuable were Jenny Doremus and brandt. Helping her was Sharon Centre wrestling card on Saturday, can only be won or lost on a pinfall respectively. Beth Thompson holds Mike_ O'LoughJin. Most improved O'Connor. April 1 at 2 p.m., or submission hold. the school record for the 200 and were Sue F'airchild and Jeff The spectacular return of oneof SharonI t r-st-d G':rls 100 yard backstroke with the times wrestling's greats--Andre the a Connor holds the school re:co rd n e ~ ~ .. W_I_om_Giant-highligh"anOXCiting'-Of-3 in which ~ '" 0\ ,,44.0 and "".9. ~fall tag team attraction ~o~~e~~:~~:~~~~~~o~~~~n~ beginning at 10 a.m., and will run The .1978 Chee~leading Squad will ~i~ F[:~~; ~::s~c::~r ;~~gjO~~ times were also shown by Jenny The Baltimore Colts and the all day. Preliminary try-outs will cons~t of ~ girls. Last year ov.e~ the team of Baron Mikely Scicluna Doremus and Wendy Protzman at Colts' Marching Band plan to be held on Sunday, April 9th at a 100 girls tried out for the 35-glr and Butcher Vachon. This 7-£oot-5 the MAC's. Jenny's times for the conduct final try-outs for the 1978 site to be announced. squad. tower of power not only is the 200 and 100 yd. breaststroke were Colts' Cheerleading Squad on Try-outs will be open to any girl Anyone interested in information biggest man ever to step into a 2:58.534 and 1:21.454 respectively. Sunday, April isui. The try-outs interested. No previous about the try-cuts should contact wrestling ring; he also possesses Wendy had a 1:21.863 for the 100 will be held at the Hunt Valley Inn, cheerleadingexperience is needed. Sam Orofino, 3107 Moreland Ave., an exuberant personality that has ~~~~. {~~e~~~~~:I}:rS:~ ae:~~ ~~~~re, Maryland-21234, ceu ~:r~~.him a fan favorite around the swim in WMC's pool) with his There are openings in .the Colts' Tickets priced at $6.00,. 5.00 and 2:25.6 for the 200 yard breast- Marching Band and the Flag Line .4.00 are on saJe now at all Capital stroke. for anyone interested in joining the Ticket Centre locations and the In the different freestyle events, Band in these areas. For in- CaoitaJ Centre Box Office. WMC's swim team was very formation about these openings strong. Jane Carstensen and Rick contact Sam Orofino as well. I I.e Fresh .......n Clo.u Benitez both broke records in the The try-outs will not be open to Proudly Proes>!."h ~fr:etoi!':n:;s 2~i~~~~~. Ri~ sr;~~t~~;one interested, please Bonnie .. Clyde. ~::~n::~~~/:,c~~:O:ls~~e~ '-- ~~~~ct Mr. Orofino before March ~",,;,H ..# 7,_. u" -J ...;J~.,l~ school record for her 200 free with Dh~~~ A.....;I-..~........ a 2:13. Mike 'O'Loughlin holds the school records for the 50 and 100 yd. freestyle with the respective times of 23.5 and 52.5. we.-.e... Dave Binkley holds the school record for the 200 individual medley with a 2:12.2. In the relays, Wl\'[C broke all four BRL\KFAST LUNCH DINNER of its school records. In the women's 400 free relay, the team of Jane Carstensen, Sue Fairchild, Subs PiZzC'I Jenny Doremus and Beth Thomp- son,setthe~or:d at4:17.445. ~eth Daily Specials OIicken Day-Monday Dinnen Pizza Day-Tuesday Spalfletti Day-Wednesday Dinnen WITIHN WALKING DISTANCE Open Er•. m. daily except Sundays 7 8.m. NEWLY REMODELED EXPANDED SEATING Route 140 Westminster 8;41>-9110
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