Page 104 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 104
....4 Scrimshaw Friday. March 10, 1978 Fugues and Fantasias Fill Recitals by Dawn Bennett up and brightens: At the conclusion public school and continue as' a the foreboding motive returns, and church organist. Linda AugugUaro Preview This Sunday, at 4 pm in Big ends the piece quietly. ManhaPolkPreview Baker Chapel, Linda Augugliaro, a The third work on Linda's Marcia Polk will present her student of Mr. Gerald E. Cole, will program is Tremoto en Taille senior piano recital Friday night at present her senior organ recital. (Tenor) from the GothiqueSuite by 8 p.m. in Levine recital hall. Linda has organized her program Jean Langlais. Langlais Is a 20th Marcia has a double major in vocal Century French organist so this music education and piano per- to emphasize the unique qualities work will sound more modern. fonnance. She hopes to teach of each work. In this recital Linda Next on the program is Prelude, public school and has 00 age will show the various capacities of Fugue, and Chaconne by Bux- preference as she finds each age the three keyboards (two manual and interesting. and one pedal) on the organ in the tehude. With this piece, Linda goes group challenging student of Dr. Marcia is a chapel by calling into play the back in time to the Baroque period. many different stops (pipe com- Linda enjoys the Prelude very Heggemeier. binations) available. _ Linda Augurjiaro to present ~o~~hd~~~:~ ;~ ~~s b~~:'~i~: Piano recital Friday nii#lt F~[:!iaO~ ~~~~~~s b:~f.a~~~ Linda will open with Pastorale in F major by -J. S. Bach. In this senior organ recital. does some fancy foot work with a by Marcia Polk. Fantasia's are meant to sound free work, descriptive of shepherd big pedal solo. The Fugue works Chordal accompaniment. and improvlsa tory, employing scenes. Linda will lise the flute day when the judge (king) sits on out a three measure theme which The final work on Linda's much erpeggteuon (brok~n stop. the fuller sounding Bourdon the throne and judges. All creation is repeated about fifteen times, program will be Toccata by ~hord~) but although the .Fantas~a (also a flute), an oboe solo with ~omes back to life for the ~ accompanied by a counter theme. Eugene Gigout. In this work listen In C mln~r s?unds improvisatory In drone accompaniment, and the Judgement. The Ores lrae text The Chaconne uses a motive for sudden changes of stops, finger nature., It IS actua~ly very well principle (or natural organ) stop. ends with a petition for mercy. repeated eight times in the pedal articulation, and the pedal melody. organized. M~rcla s.uggests The second work, Dies tree by ~~~~ngP~o~:!e ~~estra~t~o~~ :~~~~ a~~e;:!o~sM~:~:h~~eri: :~:nT::a~k requires steadiness and ~~:~Jn~~ga t~:r:;~~or~~ It would Richard Purvis is quite different Dies Irae comes from the Requiem ~~~n~e~u:? ~r:!;i~~el:~ ~o co~~;:~ b~e~p~Vaughn Williams' Linda is majoring in vocal music 0 Next ~n t~e :ro:ra::: is so~~~a Mass and means "Day of Wrath." This work describes the dreadful drone effect and gradually builds features a folk-like melody with education. She plans to teach s:~~ is ~~ll of~m:on:vC~n~ngi;: in the moods often and suddenly Circle K: ID Case YODWere WODderiDg•••. two fast movements. The slow movement is very lyrical ana romantic. The difficulty in this by Phillis Menschner community. before. A total of $430 was donated The Skys The limit. Anyone in- piece lies in the keeping of a steady The most successful project they to the Heart Fund from Western terested in joining or just coming tempo despite the changing moods. CircleK? What's that? These are did this semester was "A Penny a Maryland College. to a Circle K meeting can stop by A group of three Chopin the usual questions that come up Point Pledge" for the Heart Fund. On March 17, 18, and 19, nine any Sunday night at 8:00 in the Mazurkas is next on the program. when someone mentions Circle K. People were asked to pledge a members from the Club will attend Whiteford first floor lobby. These mazurahs are stylized forms Circle K is an international, ser- penny for every point our Mens a convention at Towson University. vice organization that works along Basketball Team made against At the convention they will attend Nice to Knou' ~~~~d~~t~~~;~:~n~:~e:~y:.~ with the local Kiwanis Club. They Gallaudet; they scored 113 or $1.13 seminars and present a summary favorite and she chose the other do a variety of projects to try and per penny. More money was of their projects for the year. The In San Juan, Puerto Rico, two to compliment it. Marcia likes better both the campus and the collected this year than ever convention is not all work; Friday SOCiologist Marin Segrera of the the Chopin for sheer enjoyment of night the, Hospitality House of University of Puerto Rico says that playing; as Chopin is very Towson Univ. will throw a party in a study of 1,000 students indicates ptanisttc. their honor and on Saturday there that regular sexual activity has a The last grouping includes The will be a dinner dance. positive effect on grade-point Little White Donkey by Ibert, A La Membership in the club has been averages. Prof. Segrera says that Maniere de Bcrcdin (In the low in the past but is slowly start- married students, as well as single Manner of Borodin) by Ravel and ing to climb. Because of the in- ones, who reported engaging in Bear Dance by Bartok. The Little crease in membership the club is sexual intercourse frequently White Donkey is very cute and able to do more projects. On April showed up with marks almost 20 descriptive. Marcia says she can 7th they will bold a Cafeteria Party per cent higher than their less imagine the donkey !dcking and from 9-1 The band playing will be , enthusiastic colleagues heehawing and doing whatever else little donkey's do. In the very Manner of gooey, Borodin is a waltz. 1 Abortioo Borodin was a late his style. Bear syrupy, romantic 19th· century services. Romantic and Russian composer Ravel is imitating Dance by Bartok is quite different of the program Free pregnancy it uses that 1119 Birlhcontrol test- from the rest the piano as a per- in I Pizzas and Platters services Prompt. cussion instrument. The difficulty fast in this piece lies in continuing Fine Italian Subs confidential help notes Free Delivery to WMC Residents repeated levels. and sustaining dynamic 8484151 Call Mead Marcia has enjoyed working for Hours: Mon.· ~tJf this recital. Of all the pieces the ~t.l0am· Beethoven sonata is her favorite 9 pm closed because of aU the many facets to Sundays look for and work on within the Eat·infacmties sonata. eomingsoon ~ 5 Locust lane MaIl,Westminster phone for information The without obligation' Present this Id and Very Feminine receivel0%offon Baltimore. Maryland Question of ,nyafthe.bove (301) 7884400 (offerexpiresafcer Life Insurance Mareh 15, 1978,Iimit InIMwli". ...J.... imesno .. om.nn<'f1l r--------.. seuleror .. tak.iMIfKIi~efinalKlal for the one per customer). ($10mlnlmum.l·dropstopl planninK·o.-velopingfinancial in.......nM"" andrslllle_urily rulurei.""impor1antforwo_nasitls fo. men. Your f'iMJily t)nion Life F;"ld HOUSE OF LIQUORS • AS§OCililekoo ..... lhalandcanfHolp),ou IICh;""raCollt1:eMasln~ornthtr • Carroll Plaza Shopping Center. wh;"h will~. pr"llram illdinlilefulllrt. your nH
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