Page 106 - Scrimshaw1977-78
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SCRIMSHAW ROTCDolds Military Ball Who is Reasonable? lisa Davis spring the ROTC depart- dorms chaired by Gail Bowman. each rear. On1y ROTC students Each ment sponsors a ROTC formal ball. may attend the formal but they Now, c'mon, let's be reasonable about this whole thing. About two The formal takes place on the last ' The most popular of the fund may invite someone who is not in weeks ago at the March faculty meeting, Professor We Long Saturday in April. This year the raisers have been the movies that ROTC. This year, Roger says, the proposed that the course drop date be moved up to within four weeks of date is April 29. Under ad-' the ROTC ~epartment has shown. military officers will not have to the beginning of the Fall Semester, five in the Spring. The motion was, visorment of Major Martell, the They have Included Walking Tall, pay to attend as in past years. They fortunately, tabled for further discussion until the next monthly meetln_g Junior students are responsible for Cool Han~ Luke, and the ever will be invited as guests without . of the facully. putting on the dance. The coer- pop~ar Dirty Ha.rry, In ~harge of paying. The formal dinner and We've heard the reasons for the idea In the past. Many Instructors on dinator this year is Roger Bair. To getting ~d showmg the films was dance will be held at the VFW in campus have expressed dissatisfactIon with students' use of the drop date ~~Jtdonath:u~~a~~i~:s ;e:ve:;~e: .Jeff Roblns~n.. W;;:.";;:;tm",;n"s",te:..'-,- _ In Its present position. They claim that many are Irresponsible and abuse L tt the privilege by consistently droppIng theIr hardest course, Instead of prospective goal is $1500. Tom Fox IS m ~~rge of a very e ers sticking It out for the sheer sake of learning. Other profs claim that the The fund-raising has taken many ~nusuaJ way of rersmg moner, but late date causes students to stick It out to the last minute and then forms this year: everything from It could prove the most _profitable cropping, thereby hurting work performed In other courses which-are Happy Holiday retained until the end of the semester. ~os:~~~e:itytoC:i:~O:n~d ~s:e/~\:;~P~~::4f:~e~:~ their respective activities have of .$4) .wtll take place at various The way SCRIMSHAW sees It, the present calendrical position was set been: Janis Weimar and Pat points In town and on campus on Dear Sir, up eight or nine years ago In order to give students greater flexl61Hty In Nieves in charge. of bake sales; Saturday, March ll. . We would like to wish the their course options, a thought that keeps with WMC's basic liberal arts Ted Twigg in charge of car T?ese students and the entire campus a happy March the twenty- have worked washes' Janis Weimar ideology. This would occur by allowing us to taste of the different fields of candy 'apple sales at in charge of Junior ROTC class money for their fifth. very bard.relsing football knowledge for lengthy periOds of time without fear of failure through Sincerely, inability to grasp the subject matter. games; and sandwich sales in the formal. All of the ROTC students The occupants of 412 Blanche they can't C formal ball 11 Is this principle that we value above the possibility that some cafeteria and throughout the look forward to the Rh d • students may be dropping courses because they think that oJl,gr e S S 0 e s to "hack It." We are presumedly mature, responsible ccttece students that can make our own decisions about what we value more, a hlgh.level of , , ••• :ono~I:~:Co~l:sh~9:g~~~r~~n:-~t~~;a~oe~c~~~.the drop date shift appears Dave Mos:;~:z L NEWS lung damage! Who smokes that draw all of its forces from the We know what the costs of dropping a course ere-at any time during N NA much anyway??? Ogaden Valley, and has hinted that the semester. tf we were_ alfowed to remove a course up to the last day of ~ President Carter invoked the NATIONAL NEWS Cubaand ~h:~!:t~J~~~U:-~I:; _ :: ~:;s:~r ~:~~~~;:r'I~~~tI~ut~~~ ::~~~:~e~:o~;~~:r~~~n: :~~: I~ ~~!~~;~~e~in~~ re~n ~~!~~~~Fe~_ir8~~~~'n1 Carter asked sun anyone talk you Into bellevmg that overloading IS any real pleasure ha be e hostile pc Congress for a record budget of __ The Senate approved an (altho~gh ~he administration would have us beJJeve that all students _~Th:ns~p~me Cou~t ruled that $12.~billion f~r education. He says amendment to the Panama Canal w~~I~s~~~'W:thechancetoal~~I~JI~_f:~at~orkt,o:he~~I~a:s)h I I states could not ban oiltankers the mcrease IS needed to restress ~~~:~i~~lIY;Xh~~nYW~~te~~ts~~ on too long, student:s~:~ ~~~:;r~t~h rhe~s:l~e~~~ t~i~ an: do ~~rfy ~~ fr~m ~eir po~~ o~.coa~~:s:::e~i th=-~:e~~~ Banking Committee U.S. will have to defend the Canal ?;:t~~!'~~:,:~~:l~~~~:?h:~::~~v:~~t~~~\~~~::{~~~:~:~~~:~2a~,~ih;~:~~:~;~~~~E~~t~ii.~:::s:':::E n:~~~sHf£°r-~F!:~:E~~ ~;:~,s::~~n~i~::::p~:~r!sa;:~~~~a~flet,l~e~o~Xre~:k~a~~~nt~nt~:: ~i~;f~~:b;~eni~ cruirgesw=~ the ~~~i~:efr~~m~iJ~t::,i~o::~;; ~~ra:~~~ri!~~:h~~~~~~~~be~ these workload factors Into account and dicker over the exact placement tim~·ch rdS k dm'Uedf th ~The Supreme Court ruled that Palestinian guerilla tttack. Israel of ~~~ :;~u=~~~ference goes, the editors of SCRIMSHAW would like to fi~t ~m: tha~~ k~lIedl B n~~s i~ ::~~n~i:~~;:~r~~~~~;; ~~ ~~~~: a':~~~lf: a~!:ci~~m~~~ throw their supporfflrmly behInd the SGAwho moved Monday to protect a robbery attempt .12. a~. right to automatic hearings on massive retaliation will occur. the present date. We appreciate the present educational flexibility and SpeC!Wh~~Sbe~nIDJalls.m~~ ~ their dismissal as do students International News ~:~~~Z~~~x:;~~nS:!I~!~:~~err;.:~ern:~a~~~~lia=lt~u:I~~r;~~ :~el~ ~~~JUl':~ence Ui~ho~:Wo;n~; ~:re ;:el~e:Ci~~~ndi~~~~~~ar~llre~~~~~~ M~T~~M~:s~3 dollar is declining our way. fa~o~s hJ_ll~rder cases In our schools, colleg'7S, and universities. sharply on world markets. It has Do You Need a Change na. on ~.tul~e~7~ at Chadran ov~~~:~~de::ha~:r°bvi~~m~l;~ tw~~~~r~n~~~~ Io;!s~g~~~~ and the calis for the Dutch Commission. guilder, mark, The proposal of 'Scene? Plan a Trip Uruverslty y lin. ar.;n~ Ne:aska I s~t m ~~ a. greater incentives for managers, Belgian franc, and is still dropping ~ec01ob / .::~y .;':s r or s al ys a providing insurance of protection quickly in relation to other Andi Sahm IIJ. ., t for those who "blow the whistle" currencies. No one knows when the covers such things as Art exhibits, 7eth~ :.1Ion s un~m~oym~~ on abuses, ending preferenc~ for ~trend will stop, but the drop is Care to take a trip? If you do, the Coffee Houses and Christmas ~ee o;ea~. ~~r;;~:tic= :e~=s~ ve~rans, and easier hiring and certain to severely impair the student activities office is the place decorations. this week, it was reported that the finng procedures. pow~r tf the dollar on the world to begin. Trips to Washington, the Previous trips have had good Circus and other interesting places student response and par- 6.1 per c~nt ~ay be ~he star.t of a INTERN~TIONALNEWS m~h~'Carter administration has can be planned for your en- tiCipation. At present, possible irendwhlch will culmmate With a 4 _ Chinese Chairman Hua Kuo- all but given up hope for a new joyment. All you need to do is stop trips to the Kennedy Center, New pe~ cen~.rate by.19B3. I d- to {eng has released a new revised SALT treaty, until. the ~oviets by and give a suggestion. 'York, and Ocean City are in the ManJuana bemg s~ugg e m constitution for China (the first cease their aggressive pphcy on Ideas for these trips come plans. More information is needed the country from MeXICO may be th Cape of Africa. In a related primarily from the student body. though, for these plans to become contaminated. H.E.W. spokesman :c~o~t~~~~ ~~~th1il ~~~~i~~o:;: st:tement, Defense Secretary The usual charge for such an ac- definite. war~ that ~ pe~ cent of the Brown stated that Ethiopia may tivity is one dollar, which covers So--if you have a suggestion for a marlJuan~ c~mmg Int? the U:S. :~~~Sn~:~OI:~:~I:U~~~n~1l ::'~~o~~ just be a testing ground for the the cost of either the bus trip or the future trip, bring your ideas and I from r.;te.XIcoIS.contammated WI~ Soviets to feel out American entrance for a particular exhibit. some further information to the a herbiCide which was sprayed on stitution symbolizes a new trend in reaction before pursuing further the plants to ~i~l them. The sources Additional funds needed come out Student Activities. They'd be say that 3-S Jomts a day for three China towards modernization, and initiatives in other areas- of the productipn. increased Id Of an Activity Budget, which also -'greatly appreciated. . months will lead to irreversable ti~en:::~~~a~~~~ ~o~~:~~: w~Charlie C~p1in's .body was f:--------------:----------"------- __I 'into neighboring Zambia killing 3B stolen from hiS grave m Geneva. Staff Box b1ack guerrillas. Although Zambia No ra~so~ ~uest has bee~ mad~. Editor-IJI-Orief has accused Rhodesia of this type ~~clentJflc repor~ published ill Jeff Robinson of raid for a tong time, this is the ~a.honal GeographiC of ~le first time that Rhodesian officials liVing to 120 and older ill an Managing Editor have publically admitted to one. Ecuadorian ~ve proven MesHoyle ~ A coalition government has false due to falSified birth records. been formed in Italy, with the left ~Yugoslavian President Tito is (Socialists and Communists) in Washington for a three day visit. Business Manager Photography Editor Scott Dahne Kathv Harblul#! lhaving a majority for the first time The itinerary includes a state News Editor "~MaIMlf88 Ad Manager Charlas Estas \n history. dinner in his honor, and talks with SpOrtll Editor Jim TeralNlni Entertainment Directo. MirkKIItz ~ Somalia has agreed to with- the President Feature Editor Phil LaPadula Music Editor Tim Windsor Arts Editor Thea Brayer Food Review hI.Iltor Joe Brant The Truth Comes Out SlUV)llfSSV(1I~~ Photographers HONOR BOARD REl"ORTS Problems Committee. Additional Dave Meyer As required by the Honor System evidence was discovered in the Chris Bohaska !)aye Cleveland Hal Schll1illowitz Constitution passed by students case, and the hearing was returned Lee Maxwell and faculty in 1975, the Honor Verno" Crawford to the Honor Board for further Staff Board is prOviding a summary of a deliberation. The board voted to let Mike D'Andre" Mark C.Bayet Yon Makino AndiSahm recent hearing. the original penalty stand. 'Phyllis Menschner David Zinck Scott 0eM.ns Dawn Bennett 1. A stUdent was found guilty of AniUc,-ouse. JeffSmi!h ScottSherid;ln Denise Giltngola plagiarism on a research paper in Again, the student and faculty SallyStebbill5!ey- SeJgio arbi" Bill Weeks a Dramatic Art course. The members would like to be of ser- J.y-RoltzlNln Mary Cole Jerry Prophet Lisa Davis penalty for the violation was a vice to the entire college com- Jeff Rosenbetg MIowieCostelJa Kinl Shawbtidge Dave Mos.kowitz grade of F in the course. The munity. We would be happy to be ~McKenzie Anl\Divi~ BruceSwen penalty, not the verdict, was ap- of assistance at any time. Please pealed to the Student Personnel feel free to contact us.
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