Page 109 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 109
Friday. I'Iarch 17. 1978 Scrimshaw ....5 . Skytrain-More For ~your Moriey iJeffWhi~ker _ _ there would be 345 seats for sale on number_ and got dtrectlons by p.m. and still buy a ticket, Catch ffrst-_runmoviebe~shown:'!'here Crossing the :\t1an~c ....011 F~eddy . the day of the flight On standby, recording to .the Queens Boule~ard the Laker b~, and leave ~. the ~!s_l!othing second-rete abOut ~ Laker's Sky tram has got to be the one never 1010ws Until the fast Laker Terminal. 11: 30 p.m. flight. This was quite a flight Being a stero buff, 1 set greatest travel bargain pf all time. moment if a seat will be available. Not knowing what would happen different story from tile three-day ahOut tryirig to save myseU the $2 Sky train's $225 roundtrip New When I arrived in New York- at at the terminal, I decided. to have one! by finding out how the sound 'X0rk-London fare is less than 4 about noon and called Laker's, I "onegood meal in case I bad to ~et Having unexpected free time, I system worked and by tapping-into cents per mile. That's cheaper was told by a recording that tickets into a two-day lin~ or a I!st right. At went out for another Iast meal to it. I discovered that the a~ r-ests than driving, end ~t 5SO mph, yet! for that night's 11:30 fliSht had -luncb, one drink led to another, and fill up' for the long flight. I had between each seat house tiny This iswhat I kept telling !llyself been on sale since 4 e.m. that day-- it was 5 p._m. before I showed up, beard that Laker's "no-frills speakers that are playing music all on f!1Y way to New York to fight the eight hours of sales! The recording equipped with backpack, et the flight" meant "no-food flight." uie time. It can _~ ~eard only if a anxi~ty caused by disturbing gave me another number so I could Laker_terminal. _ _ Again, the rumor would be proven person's ear i~next to it. I fou_!ld by accounts of three-day waits in an find out how many seats were still The terminal was almost wrong. experimenting that by raising the airport, fist ng_hts In the Skytr~in unsold. Urgently, I called the deserted,"! thought, "They've sold We showed up- at the airport" at armrest and putting at the speaker line at Victoria S"tation, and flight second number. A cheerful all tfie tickets and gone." I shuffled 10: 30. The passengers boarded" at hole a funnel made from a 4-inch- diversions and cancellations ..Most recording said" that 165 seats to a high desk with a red-dressed 10:45, and the airplane took off atl square piece of paper, the music or ,horrifying was the idea or not'betng remained unsold and that tickets woman behind it. "Any tickets for 11:30. I hadn't waited in one line or movie souna track would prefect able to get on board- at all and could be purchased- at the Laker tonight's flight?" I asked. spent more than five minutes" at audibly, just like with old running up New York hotel bills, terminal in Queens--only. No "Smoking or nonsmoking?" she any desk all day. What a relief Gramophones. which would devastate my limited' tickets are .sold" a1 the airport. asked. :after having expected great delays Shortly "after takeoff, the cap- budget. . Apparently, Laker can't or won't I couldn't believe my ears! and greater expenses. tain's voice came over the public ,. A veteran globe-trotter afford to rent tenninal space-at "Nonsmoking." The airplane ride surprised me address system: "Good evening, suggested thatifI didn't want to fly Kennedy Airport. The recording "Uh, could we have- two ,-after the rumors I had heard. I had ladies and gentlemen. This is by Laker, I coulCl trY to tag on then referred me to the ffrst together?" my- traveling com- been tofd that flying Laker's is all Captain -(slatic). I'd like"" to standby with one 01 the major recording for directionS to the panion said. 'right if one doeSn't mindsitting in a welcome you aboard. We are now carriers for $50 more. Bui the Laker terminal. With my fast dime Without answering, the wpman folding chair for lyielve hours. (static) to (buzzing). Please rest ~I~~~YI ~:::r~ d~re~ei ~~I::O~~ C~llS 1~~ c-~!va_~~r~ i~~~J~~~~c:~~ ~~:.e~ n=~ ;~~~~~Yw~: n~?ae~~~~~n~arthI~ :SJ;~n~~~;~e ~~-(:!~~ knew- at least that ~ith Sky train Ireferendum,), I called the first boarding~sses. "T~twil1 be $135 surplus B-29-it was a spotless, acroSs the·(s~tic) of Gatwick._Our For Males On I, . - - - a ~~~o~l=~~~'ourpassportsand ~~~~~ul~~re:~~;;l~~!s~!:g:: ~~~:~: s::!~~~ T~~ ~~~ra= filled 'Out file cards asking our stewardesses were never out of is -(static). We will be arriving- at Love and Romance at tJae- Dance names and nationalities and such. sighfStandard hot airplane meals Gatwick AiIjort in 5'h hours. lifting 0UI' backpacfs to her, w,e can be ordered on the airplane at $2 After the movie, Istood in a line asked whB.t to do next. She looked, cash. For t1ie Ulifd. time that day, I to us-e the bathroom. "How many marked lack of dresses this week. up from the papers and safd that ordered one fast meal before bathrooms are on the plane?" I ~~~~~I~~~n~~~~I~~!~e~O ~~ ~~ l~~~;~~~~j:[s~o~~~ ~~ino~ ~~mr:~d~lf~~nta= as~ra:r::~~~~~sDO you want dance. We were proud to notice t~~ _ai.rport one hour before £light would arrive -after" all to_ take a bath? I'll .never un· none of the guys on campus flIght lIme. restaurants closed. For my $2 derstand why you Amencans-call a resorting to such tactics. In fact, "That'~ it?" I asked. break(ast, the stewardess brought toilet a 'bathroom.' Are you afraid we didn't notice a single guy this "That's it." scrambled eggs, sausage, hash to say you _use toile~?" __ week walking around campus in a Later, I found out from a fellow brown potatoes, a roll, a sweet roll, 1told her ~t we though_t thE by Tom and Jerry dress. . backpacker on the airplane that if orange juice, and coffee. I1r!tish- calling a_ toilet a "wate!: Second, and finally, here are a ti_ckets remain unbougllt (in the The- stewardesses rented ear- closet" was funny, too~ "B~id~," Once again, we would like to few tips on manners ~t the dance, if winter there are usually eight phones for $2, which allowed tis to I asked, "how do you get wa_ter tc remind all you nosey females out you happen to be. gOing. empty seats each flight), a plug -into our choice of music, a stay on the_ hangers in a closet?" there to stop reading this article. It + It IS very Important to be prospective passenger can arrive bed.time- story abOut Rol:ier1 the She was not impressed. "There ~i~;; ~!r!~~~:~~~~e ~~~J;=:~~~l~r;~~i~i~g h: r n=:;e ~~ at the Laker terminal as late as 9 Raboit, or the soun(l tracK to a ar;r~~ t:l:~~'n::;e a~~~rtr· the ~~~~dden from reading any fur-,~~~!;f:a~~"do;~~r;!I::!~':: Beauty PageDt ~::~rs~i~~,lth:::~~re:a~~ This week,- we would like to ,saying :'Hey, you" all night is n~t of students, but the major p-ortion briefly touch upon two important condUCive to romance. Also, If You are invited to enter. cross InqUlre unmediately to coor- of the passengers was the basic points concerning tOnight's Irish (horror of horrors!) you should the U.S.A. Pagents National dinator, Rte 8, Box 37, Taylor suited businessman. Even so, there Turn-About Dance. Namely, we call her "S.uzie" instead of "Lori" Pagent J~e .23-24, 1978 on c~pus Dnve, Jonesboro, Tennessee Send was a camaraderie among the will touch upon the dress code for you are gomg to have an awful lot at lovely M]lhgan Coll~ge, Milligan a stamped, addressed envelope to passengers as if they were all the week' before the dance of explaining to do, and you may College, Tennessee. G]rls ages 3-12 above for quick reply. doing something naughfy together. followed by a look at prope;lendupwalkingbacktoyourroom yearsofage,teensagesI3-21years Every girl is a winner is out Whal that naughtiness was, I manners. Iby yourself. of age. Age groups broken up. No motto. There are three courts of never found out because, before First, here is an easy way to tell' + ~~ you phrase r our com· cocompetition in talent required winners Royal court, prmcess long, we arrived- at Gatwick air- ~h~~:Sle:r/~~ o~:: ~~~~:~ ~~~ th~sfOI:V7n~~~~~~t;e~ Entry fee$25 00 whIch may be court, and attendant court All port--exactly on time, disem- around campus In dresses closely ~~]~::~. by fam]ly, friends, mrls have a fair' chance of wlnnmg .:::u~h-~b~~~~~~~~ i~~~a~~~ed Amazmgly, thiS phenomena occurs (1) You kno~, dariJng, Y01:l 1ook 1'1 lIege GOP s Make I propoSe to start a new rumor: for exactly one week before each better every hme I you. Crossing the-Atlantic on Freddy iance. Even in blizzard conditions (2) ~ou kn~w, darimg, you look ,-,0 • • • Laker's Sky train is_ the greafest :he female will shed her jeans, very nice torught. . you look a P • .... . travel bargain of our time! Jon her nylons, and go out into the (3) Youkn~,.darhng, olnts at '-'onventlonr---------. • oeld, trying to get some likely lot bet"', th" tim.e. . prospect to notice her. As if the ObvIOusly, the first statement ]S I ~:: i:S~~~I~O!;::~ ~i~!:~~ :!eU~~~f~~~~~~~i~gSf~~U~~ic;r Brett Schurmann Saturday night. Many felt they did The females are to be The secon4, while much better not know the candidates" well Three weeks ago, Feb. 24-26, the enough; others thought the can- ~:r~~~~c;:~ f;o~i:~i~:~ ::!~r~~~~~~i~gr~~~thw~~ College Republican Club of didates running wou1d not be a Yes, Jerry and I have noticed a the way I looked .Iast night?" Western Maryland College sent good choice. The W.M.C, + However, while one comment eight delegates to the annual delegation managed to put off may be better phrased than Maryland Federation of College elections until Sunday. another, you would not necessarily Republicans Convention, held this Sunday brought about different be justified in using either. For year at Towson State University. spirits and a new candidate for' example, "Gee, 1 see your com- The weekend was divided into chairperson. Amy Moritz, of the I:?!exion has cleared up some'.' is executive meetings, workshops, University of Maryland, had been much better phrased than "Gee, I seminars, speakers, awards, the carefully selected over the see some of your zits are gone", election of officers and the passage weekend by a very inflUential but we would suggest using neither of resolutions. Speakers at the member of the W.M.C. delegation, of them. convention included Louise Gore, and others, as a dark horse can- Following are some other things Republican National Com- didate. On the first ballot Amy you should not say ... mitteewoman anc;t Dr. Aris T. carried 4 votes, however by the + You're not as ugly as I thought Allen, Chairman of the Maryland sixth ballot obtained 43 votes, 42 you were. State Republican Committee. votes being necessary for election. + I know all about you .. J read it "Best Club Project" was Mike Steinmetz, a W.M.C. College in a toilet stall. awarded to Western Maryland for Republican, was elected as vice- + It was nice of you to shave the coffeehouses the College chairman. Mike also ,received an before our date tonight...Huh? No, Republicans have sponsored on award for "Best College I wasn't talking about your legs. campus. .Republican." + What happened, run The convention started with The W.M.C. delegation out of Scope? mixed emotions due to a high level throughout the weeken-d showed a Well, guys, good luck at the of competition for M.F.C.R. high level of esteem and strength dance. Remember, be careful of chairman. At one point several over the convention. It can safely what you say, and above all, delegations, including W.M.C., be said the W.M.C. delegation always stay out of range of their threatened to leave the convention pulled the convention together and fists. if election for officers were held kept unity wiUlin the Federation. _J- ~
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