Page 100 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 100
.... a Scrimshaw Friday, March 4, 1978 Toll Presents Beethoven,.Chopin Dawn Bennett However, even at the point, Beeth- which the music depicts. Min· Cathedral which is immersed, but is the flashy 0 Polichineio, which Debbie Tull will present her oven showed his uniqueness by sr ets describes a band of every so often rises up out of the means Punch, as in Punch and senior piano recital tonight at, 8 not including a slow movement. It ministrels telling a tall tale. Listen water. When this happens, one can Judy. The music describes the P,M. in Levine Recital HaU. A is for this reason Debbie chose this for the various moods expressed hear the cathedral bells. The music antics of Polichinelo or Punch. student of Dr. Heggemeier, Debbie particular sonata. In this piece, from very lighthearted, to feisty, to depicts the rise and fall of the Debbie is a music education will perform Two Sonatas by listen lor abrupt changes of very sentimental. La Cathedral cathedral. This is Debbie's favorite major who hopes to teach either Scarlatti, Sonata'Op14 NO.1 by volume, expression, and at- Engloritie (The Sunken Cathedral) piece in the whole recital. high school or middle school in- Beethoven, a group of works by ticulation; all of which are difficu1t depicts an ancient legend of a The last number on the program strumental music. Chopin, Minstrels and La to achieve. . in- T Ik • R • Cathedra Ie En,gloritie by Debussy, The group of Chopm works 0 len, e VIe", : and 0 Polichineto by Villa-Lohos. ~~~~:So~h;7~~I.O~~~d s.~~It~~Cp Hobbit The word "sonata" in the time of 64 No.2. Both the polonaise and Lee Maxwell - creased in popularity in bath the Scarlatti meant literally a piece waltz are stylized I?r~s of actual U.S. and all over the world. It now Bilbo on a quest he only half to be played, as opposed to a dance~. The polo.nalse IS a stately o~ ~~~;t!!t~~~e ~~~ ~~g~::.;:~~ has been recognized as one of the desires to go on. Bilbo goes through in a number and of adventures, great classics of the science fic- ~~~;~;~~: f~:eW~~ ~l ~~~~io~ ~~ticl~Vae;~a1~I~~b~;n~~li ~~; least one of these three words (or doing so finds a 'magic' ring which and until later in history; the two s.hould be very familiar to the ~~~a~:~: J~~oRi~g~.·~i y~~~~e;~ ;i~~-ffsn~~~d g:~rea o~a~~:~~~ur~ he will use to his advantage to the back with him will bring measure all other works of its type. sona~s ~hich Debbie will play are !~~~e;te N~~U:::~er are ~:~l~ not, you are c.erta~nl~ deprived of Shire What makes Tolkien's work so 'rne only comptamt I have wnn ~~~ il~~]~;~~rt~~ ~;Lti~o~~~~~~ featuring extended ?Ielodie~ ov~r ~~~;!~e~~w l~~sI~~~:~~::~~r, ~~ good as compared to other works is this book is the style it is written the quality of reality Tolkien put ~~~~~~te~~~t .J.~~~:~~k~~!~ in; the simple second person style :~~7as~:~~*;et:~:d~~~ ~s~=~: ~~J~~la:c.c~:fu~~~m~~~~in~h]i into his. His world of Middle- reserved for preschool readers. (K 420) is rasv with many scale m.lddlf:sechO'hwhlche~ploysvery classic fantasy epic, of which !he Earth, seems to jump out at you; This tends to either turn off the runs and loud passages. With both wldespre~d chords. ~Ith each of main part is the trilogy, The Lord every character, no matter how reader entirely or give him the of these sonatas, try to imagine the Ch~Plll wo~ks, .lIsle.n .for the of the Rings. fantastic or remote, has own its own wrong impression of what the book its un- personality, them played on _a harpsichord. eXpreSSI?n, which ]S difficult to As you can already tell from the questionable existance. And is about. However, it does provide The Beethoven Sonata is an early accomplish. _ paragraph above, I think very a good introduction to the trilogy; one by the composer and should be Bot.h of th~. wo~ by D.ebussy highlr at; the novel. Nor am -I aIOl~.e- there is so much in Middle-Earth, the Ring, Hobbits, and Gandalf different places, beings, so many mainly in the classical vein. have interesting stones or pictures -Tolklen s work has greatly In- Best of all, despite the style it is and things to learn of, that it takes written in, its a pretty good story, Win Wil. more than one reading of the novel worth reading cover to cover. to absorb it all. THE HOBBIT (The next time they run out of my to put in, I'll continue 5. What mountains are on the 3) An auto horn was the voice of !heHobbitisth~-firstbook.~fthe articles of the many books by and revue New Jersey side of the George what television show clown? r~~e-E!r~ ~~est' an\~lv: ~ about Tolkien and his literature A Bite of the BigApple Washingt~n B?ridge spanning the Clarabell Hornblow of Howdy !I~;~S th~ adv~~:;~s ore Bil~ with a short but concise look at the Hudson RIVer. Doody 'Baggins a member of a subgroup .~ord of the Rings Trllo~ itself). 6. After what Northern New 4) What was the Ford Motor of the Hobbit race who inhabit a Here's your chance to win fame Jersey city was there once a T.V. Company's big-selling car when land known as the Shire. Bilbo and glory (and a prize as well.) detective series named? _ Henry }o~ord brought out the lives in this little backwards Yep, another New York 7. In what Northern New Jersey guaranteed$5-a-day wage for Ford agriculture land quite content with Metropolitan area trivia quiz.! town was Astronaut John Glenn Company employees'! Ford Model hlmself for some time. Then comes These northern city-dwellers seem born and raised? . T' along Gandalf the Wiiard, who sets -~ .. ~~~~~IY be COmi~g out of the is~i~~~:':~f~r:,mN~~entPark ;~:~y~s~rrrce:id~~~l~::e~::;~ Westminster ~~ .. '.. "'.'" Racket Club ~ F;:cr~,e(t~et~o~~~,tr:~;hO~i::~ Ci;Y l~s~:gfa~yO~:~n: a~~~~ ~a~;~O~ooney and his orchestra Westminster's own Carroll whaes up and what's down III the made a hit recording in 1948 of a Theatre on Saturday night (how City? . songthatoriginallycameoutinthe MD. Rt. No_ 31 and appropriate), March 11th, will be 10. The title of a popular Big .mid-1920's. What was its title? Wakefield Valley Rd. !€ocktp'S' ~dbtrn awarded to' the person who. can Band era song belongs to what Rabyface most· correctly answer the subway line'! 7) What make of U.S. automobile Student memberships followingquestions.lnthecaseofa BONUS: has the longest history'! Old- $10 tie winners will be decided based If you're in the New York city smobile Now Until April 30 Steok Lobster - up~n neatnes$, accuracy, and area, and you tune in ~e ~ollowing 8) What is the moral of the f~ble I' spelling. All judges' .decisions are numbers on your radio dial, what about the Hare and the TortOise? final. call-letter stations are you Slow and Steady Does It, Per- Random time 216 E Main 5t Md 21151 . Submit entries to Box 3A, by6:00 listening to? 99 FM, 101FM, Tl AM. serverance $4 00 per hour Westminster, pm, Wednesday, March 8th. Name three well-known 9) Who created Superman'! Jerry for student members universities in New York City. Siegel (writer) and Joe Shuster 848·4202 call 635-6446 ,Her;e a~e the answers to last :~~t~at auto company made the Play Tennis 1. What three bridges connef!t week s qUiZ:. Terraplane? Hudson Motor Car ~YOUrhost, N~~ ~~:e an~e:e;~:~p'~ewest ra~ir:~i~ ~~~ ~:it~s~~~:~n~~ Co., Detroit Mich. in the Bubble! Lee C.mb.. , .:.;.;.;.:-..;.:-;.;.;.:.:.:.: •.•.....•.•:- :. newspaper. Raltimore and Ohio Railroad J cd. ' - _ _ - -_ : _._ :'--:-'.:.::-:-:.:.::.-.- ..,:.:.:.:.:.:..:~ 3 On what block is Madison Company FREE DELIVERY TO @ Sq~are Garden located? 2) Johnny Dodds, Pee Wee Russell, 4 What T V channels and Artie Shaw are all included co~pond to th~ f~llowing New among the top jazz musicians of all time. York area Networks? NBC CBS '~~::~nue~ents'? All their regular the I~~.'":::§:~::'"I Do you know ABC, WPIX, PBS, WaR-TV. played '''--:~~~I:U:;-'' Birth Prompt Free pregnancy test- control mg. Carroll Plaza Shopping Center I ~ I serVices confidential help I ." 848-131-4 I' '" . . . r:.Jf Special of the' Week.! I 8ring this ad 'with you for: I ~:~.:a Pr ... n' 'hi' adand""I" 1~:':ffm~:I~:ym,l·d.oO"001 ,:.":[....::,·,,.,.:1 National Premium ,I cans or bottles 6.pack $1.89 ,1- ~11b- of the above (offer expires after March 15, 1978. :: limit one per customer) 11 Sale ends ·Thursday. March 2 I Baltlmo.e, Ma",Iand Ea·t·in facilities coming soon a 1m ;nlmmat;on phon' without obligation: _ _ _r---"~_~__ "" _ _ ~ . WMC students only (301) 788-4400 5 Locust Lane Mall, westminster\\~\ '&.-..-----_.I~._-------_,:;l:::;:::;:;:;:;:;:;:::;:;:;:;i;~:~~/:~::;.~~/.!;~:;;::.::::::~:;:::-~::.~~:~:-z._v.;~::::;:::::::;::J >_G,(Jn'7.Shf;JW_ln_;Ca'e~onl,ht ...: ' .:
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