Page 107 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 107
Pa.. 3 Friday, March 17,1978 Scrimshaw Personal Viewpoint Jim Wright Resigns, With Blast at Senate This article, originally Jim Wright'S Change on this campus - change for results trom sluggishness, the to~ght _misintery~e_!_ what I ~m work outside ~f this. legisl~tive SGA Resignation Speech, is being tbe better, change towards insensitivity that radiates out from saying. I am not concerned With body have started to drive the Issue printed by request. responsibility and human dignity. complacency. any ~~ticular issu~, ,or issues, ~r o~ problem home, inevitably ~he, It is with great weariness that I W~te.rn ~ary~and College is an Iambeforeyoutonighttosubmit how this body and ItS leadership highe~ ~elons?f the executive stand before the legislative body of old institution; It has worn deep my resignation as a representative has responded to them. The council will step into the act as a the Student Government grooves of tradition that no longer to this Senate because I can no problem is deeper and more buffer between those .. invol~ed Association and it's leadership follow the road of responsiveness longer lake part in an organization dangerous than that - it is a students and the administration. tonight. And it is with tongue in towar~ a society that is fastly that doesn't have the courage to pr-oblem of your own attitudes. Should the President of the S.G.A. cheek that I label certain persons ehangfng , Over the last. two respond to the needs of this com- 'Specifically, there are two causes me~ate between the adminis- present here tonight "leadership," decades we have heard ~e cnes of when in actuality they have done the powerless against the ~~nii~li~!:h~~sl~~~jO~:~~~~ ~~rthi~eo!::!~:~, :~f:~irt~~ ~~~~~ h:~~S~:d ~~~~~ a~:~u:~ little to deserve the title. vanguards of the status quo. Yet chose them to lead and that is your attitude of intolerance. for the highest Ideals? Granted, Over the last two years I have someho",: the leade~hip. of this doesn't have the foresight nor the Whether it is an intolerance that compromise must often. re~ult -scugbt to work with the mem- community has m~mtamed' ~n wisdom to realize the con- radiates out from your own lack of when there are two differ-ing bership and leadership of this encl~~e. of stagnation .and in- sequences of their own stagnation. ~~ern, or out from an un- positions, but must on~ st_;'-rt from organization to try to bring about sensitivity - the stagnation that Lest those of you listening wilhngness to change, I can not of a posture of compromise. I say. Yet the result is that instead SGA Executive Memo being the forum of public debate The leadership here tonight has should that the Senate gutless by the SGA Executive Council instead become a voiceless be, it has been spineless and and highest. in pushing mass of for the best, This is what your S.G.A. has 2. Purchase of a ditto machine and the Deaf Club meaningless bench warmers. interests of the student body~ done for you so far this year: for the use of campus 9. The sending of 4 people to There are those among us that But then again, 1 can't be too hard Sponsored' organizations N.E.C.A. for talent recruitment would rise to creatively confront on them? - they haven't had the 2 Mixers, and training some of the problems facing this vision to see what needs to be 3 Coffeehouses - Nina Kahle, Bob 3. Recommendations for the 10. Obtaining of an S.G.A. budget campus but won't for fear of your initiated, so therefore they haven't Cooney and student talent. dropping of the $95 Overload increase of about $3,000 for 1978-79. intolerance to their endeavors. You, had much to exhibit backbone Dr. Henry Parker (speaker) for Charge 11. Request for test moratorium non-verbally turn them of£. It ts- over. Please understand, I'm not the "Roots" series 4. Financed review of the on the Monday after Homecoming indeed unfortunate that many of trying to be cute, just direct. And Fall Concert - Edmonds and Scrimshaw by professional and May weekend these people feel compelled to please, don't think. that I'm upset Curly, Melba Moore company. 12. Allocation of funds for Circle work apart from the Senate of the over how certain issues were Co-sponsored: 5. The Freshman Directory K's Marathon Dance. S.G.A. It is even more unfortunate resolved. To do so would be to miss 4 band parties 6. The Student Directory We have also sponsored six that many simply stop caring and the point entirely. Issues are not 7. The Homecoming Parade and movies: The Omen, The Sting, The give up in frustration. . the issue, attitudes are. Un- . bonfire, and the election of the Outlaw Josey Wales, Barry Look. at the major issues that fortunately, attitudes are found in Organized or been involved in: King and Queen (a first) Lyndon, Dog Day Afternoon, and have faced the students at W.M.C. people, and people are the ones 1. Two Leadership Conferences 8. Recognization of the Ski Club Ode to Billy Joe. over the last two years. One is hard hearing me tonight (at least I that Therefore, Brett SehUrm8"" pressed to find one issue that was hopetl. Fulton and I suggest Holmes body. Paul Chris by this addressed initially Maryland Legalizes Murder The all too Iarnilar pattern of the join me tonignt in my resignation. Then, those left can begin the task past has been that the Senate and it's leadership has jumped on the of rebuilding the reputation and bandwagon only after the problem strength of the Student Govern- retribution appears to be un- Acting Governor Leu!!s!. the has reached crisis proportions or ment Association, transforming it Last week, Acting Governor necessary, since Maryland has not Maryland State Legislature feel until someone makes enough noise into a vehicle of responsiveness Blair Lee signed Maryland's had a valid capital punishment they should make moral so that the problem can no longer towards the needs of it's con- newest attempt to reestablish statute for six years and has not judgements instead of rational be ignored. stttuents. But here I go agai.n - capital punishment in the state. executed anyone for over a decade decisions. The signing of the bill is This leads us to the second at- dreaming. Forgive me. It's lust This action is unfortunate. The and a half; no one has suffered an unfortunate turn of events. Let titudinal problem .. that found in that tomorrow is built on the Legislature and Gov. Lee have not excessively due to a lack of us. ho~ we wi.ll never see the ap- the leadership of the S.G.A. Once dreams of today - and the day is but based tbeir decisions on facts, but executions. plication of this new law. those who have felt compelled to short. . on morals. Controversy Numerous studies have proved in Government-SGA. Rocked capital punishment to be invalid as ecnt. from p. 1 homicide. a deterrent it to criminal this was this is a culmination of that," Paul Chris admitted weakness here, expect to be effective." complished disparity. I can theorize inside the SGA and see seems However, a great "spirit defended lot J overlooked and signing of the bill. the continued. "If he could get a few "A responsibility of Paul, the of things the Jeff are senate the compromise," saying, his people. my I'll of about how to change this in the Paul by indicated as "Its back up statistics to his passage SGA, but I don't know how to do it way Robin- members. and with of dealing it would add a lot of statements, The I do know, though, that most of the punishment application is of capital meat to them." - son, and Tim Shank and I initiate never regret it. Just look at our executive council should resign, largely a lot of things. I feel that we are all record. " discriminatory against blacks. The Jim had further criticism of the responsible for some failure here." because they aren't doing majority of opposition to the bill In SGA, "The groundwork for anything, and that is a lot more the legislature centered around changing things on any major Paul challenged Jim's criticism, Jim wound up his criticism wilh, dangerous than doing evil, because this point. This, too, did not carry issue-increasing minority saying, "If people are going to "I am not challenging the concept it represents the deception of any weight with the-legislators. enrollment, the $95 overload criticise me, bring it out. Sub- of the SGA. There is potential mislaid trust." The passage of the bill, then, charge, or anything-has been laid stantiate it. I have made mistakes; there. I just haven't seen the In the three years he has been seems to be based. on some sort of by people outside the SGA. The I know I haven't done everything potential realized. It is the ones in .here, Jim Wright has been visible retributive theory. The taking of SGA has only gotten interested perfectly. I think. overall the leadership positions and don't live in numerous activities. He has problems. one life for the murder of another after someone else initiated good job. We have tried to up to them who cause by everyone been an SGA representative for the They are considered to satisfy these quais for something." stimulate criticism and debate. I last two years, served on. many have tried to act in all honesty." to be the leaders in representing SGA committees, founded the the students. We Fit Right in Jim did bring it out. Speaking "I think. a lot of human misery is Christian Fellowship at WMC, been president Life of the Religious and from these problems, about Paul Fulton, he said, "I don't bi-weekly a written think. he has any guts,' any back- resulting are blind to see it. I have Council, for the Scrimshaw, and people column bone. I think appeasing the ad- tried to speak out on things, but I while in residence they sometimes served on the Long Range Plan- (Paraphrased and reprinted ministration is more his interest didn't feel there was an ear to ning Committee of the Board of without the authors' are guilty of vices ... On feast days than initiating for the students. listen. I have worked a lot oUtside Trustees . .Jim is a senior, and plans pennission) by J. Galt they don't go to church ... but gad You can't make love to those you the SGA and compared what was about town With their fellows or ... may have to chalienge, and still accomplished to- what was ac- to study at Westminster Medieval universities, like write up their notes at horne. Or, if 'T'hP<"lI(}(J;f'::.1Sp.m;n::.rv next year. modern ones, knew good students, they go to church; it is not for bad students, and, wont of all, non- worship but to see the girls or swap students. Alvarus Pelagius (ca. stories. 1275-1349) wrote the fo.lIowing The expense money which they account of student vices, in a have from their parents or chur- rambling work called "The Plaint ches they spend in taverns, con- of the Church." viviality, games and - other supernuities, and so they return home empty, without knowledge, They attend classes but make no conscience, or money. effort to learn anything ... They They contract debts and frequently learn what they would sometimes withdraw from' the b'etter ignore ... sucli things as university without payirig them, on forbidden sciences, amatory which count they are ex- discourses, and superStitions. On communicated and do not care ... obscure points they depend upon the peace is frequently broken by their own judgement. .. for they are divers persons who, under ashamed toask of others what they pretense of being scholars, ... sleep themselves don't know, which is all day and by night haunt the stupid ... taverns and brothels ... " They have among themselves evil and disgraceful societies, Isn't if great to supperl those associating together for ill. And age-old traditions~
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