Page 101 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 101
Faculty Considers luation The regular monthly meeting of the Iaculty was held on Tuesday, terest was a committee report by Dr. LeRoy Panek of the Faculty Council. The Council has formed a sub-committee to study the prospect of evaluating ad- ministrators who are "closely related to the academic process." Many of the faculty expressed concern over the definition of "academic process." Dr. Samuel Bostaph raised a point by in- dicating that some of the faculty do not know many of those in ad- ministration and hence, would have a difficult time in any procedure. 'evaluating will continue The sub- the study committee We Bang Our Own Gong with a questionaire Another report to all full-time members. faculty -is expected at the next meeting. by Sally Stebbins given Great Literary Moments by for his fine efforts. Especially since I'm shorter than Friday, March 3, 1978 was an Mark Bayer. He read a part of the Wayne Pierce sang his own many. He received a well earned 25 Mrs. Evelyn Hering, of the important date for WMC. The (gasp) Baltimore Phone Directory composition about how agonizing points. Calendar and Schedule Com- school's first "Gong Show," (namely the cover and' a very acne is and then burst into lively A fowl act by Nancy and Joan mittee, presented the proposed sponsored by the Scrimshaw was exciting portion of the emergency chatter about the miracles of "Zit and then more literary moments. college calendar for 1979-80. Dr. held in the cafeteria. section). Split." He got 6 points. This time, Mark read a box of Wilbur Long presented ad- One student was asked what she God only knows what the "Oil of The "Cosmic Muffins," a story of Cocoa Puffs. mendments to set the date for was expecting. She stated, "I'm Olay" women were doing on stage. wierd but hopefully not true love A rather unbelievable Oxydol 3 withdrawal from classes without expecting this to be verv funnv surprisingly enough, these lovely got 8 points and was preceded by commercial (received 18 points) penalty earlier than proposed. because of the distinguished ladies were given a 19 more literary moments by Mark and another fowl act performed by According to the standing rules of panelists." She was right-the whole The Prince of Pun, Son of Sar- Bayer. He read WMC's Landslide. Ellery Queen and Sigmund Freud. Ithe faculty, these admendemnts show was funny because of the casm, Wizard of Woopie! the The Great Furman did a superb This one got 1l points. will be considered at the next panelists-Les Bennet, Chris unknown comic appeared. The rendition of "Zipper-fly;" "I'm a faculty meeting, April 4, 1978. Holmes, and Dr. Jean Kerschner. audience found out why he was friend of blacks, I'm a friend of- Finally, the winners were an- Another reason for the hilarity of unknown .. whites; I'm a friend of slacks, I'm nounced. Receiving second best William McCormick, Jr., Dean the production was Austin Gisriel's Then Steve Pfistner and his dog a friend of tights ... " and received was Drew and second worst was of Academic Affairs, indicated to wonderful job in M.C.-ing the (although it looked like a cat) took 12 points. Fine Tuning. The first place the faculty that several students "Gong Show." Or was it possibly center stage. The dog (or cat, Then Drew and his guitar sang winner was Sergio Zarbin and the petitioned to have a final grade Chuck Baris'? depending upon how straight you for and about short people-it was worst act of the evening was the changed from Fall Semester 1977- There was a lively opening by the were seeing) did "im- complimentary and delightful! Lily Pads. Congrats to AIL 78. Dean McCormick said that Tranchitella Orchestra. The or- personations" of Mario An- unless a faculty member informs a mathematical chestra kept the audience's at- drettikitty. The cat walked off with Jluditions Set him that in calculating the error occured final J tention acts between acts all unique during 21 points. was graced with Auditions for Two Gentleman of campus. Bill Tribby is directing; average, report the grade given on the and intermissions. The audience will stand. grade were The tile Toilet Seat after Lunch Bunch. and interesting. A rundown of the acts: They played "The Anal Burp." Verona will be held on Monday and Carl Dietrich is music director, Included in the President's Charlie, clucking to In The Mood This quintet of semi-talented (even Tuesday, March 20 and 21, in with Bobby Smith as report to the faculty was the an- was gonged. Then Phil La Padula, though that's questionable) people Levine Hall. Hours for Monday's choreographer. Settings and nouncement that the reitrement with his tongue stuck out in intense got 9 whole points. auditions: 9:00-11:00 p.m.; lighting will be designed by policy for WMC professors would concentration, juggled glow-in-the- Tuesday's: 6:oo-9:oop.m. This is a Christian Wittwer and costumes not change until 1982, at which time dark balls to Heart's Crazy On Then we had "Fine Tuning." musical .comedy version of designed by Marilyn Warsofsky.ยท the mandatory retirement age will You. This act was well received Someone was driving his chair and Shakespeare's play; lyrics are by' Please see sign-up sheet on the be raised to 70. Also announced and he was awarded""21 points. playing with a radio. There were John Guare, music by Galt Mac- bulletin board, first floor, Levine was the commencement speaker- The next act was described as- great things coming from the Dermot. Hall (more information regarding Joseph Brown, renouned sculptor "Three girls from Roman radio-the driving, however, had me The production will be. per- the production is on the sign-up at Princeton University. Polanski's camp for wayward worried. This act was gonged. formed on May 12, 13, }4, on sheet). girls." They called themselves "the Lily Pads" and sang a song There were more literary We Hgye Voice that I remember from Girl Scout moments-this time it was a spiral Students On 7 Committees summer camp. Thank God they got notebook-blue line, blue line, blue gonged-memories like that need to line, blue line, hole. be erased quickly. Next," Jim Next were the Invisibles-the act by Meg Hoyle of academic achievement. This Schedule Committee is to propose Terramani did something with a was interesting, but the audience In early February, the SGA year's student members are Craig a working calendar. including the trombone that the audience is still never quite got to see them after executive council called a meeting Merkle and Kay Wilson. Since dates of breaks, Jan. Term, final trying to figure out. Chris Holmes hit the gong, he of all student members of College September, they have mainly been exams, and summer school. They Eliot Runion (rather bald for his quipped, "I just couldn't see this committees. There are fourteen financial aid, as . also create the class schedule. Past act) played a mean blues piano and act going on any longer." representatives to seven student- well as screening the first group of topics include fall break, class song "Mr. Clean." He was given 19 Suddenly, we saw an excellent faculty committees, with an ad- applications. schedules, the dates for summer points. act! Sergio Zarbin did Groucho di tional six students elected to the Sally Stanfield and Andy Weber school and Jan. Term. Student Suddenly, the audience was Marx and got a whopping 25 points Student Affairs Committee, which are the representatives for the representatives are Meg Hoyle and Athletic Council. The main purpose Rick Roecker. of the members meets with several Turn It Around Board of Trustees. of having students of Director group is to in regard the to The Library Committee, with advise the of Athletics The purpose Ann Weigal student and on these committees is to express the conduct program. of the intercollegiate to Andrea members basically develops Sahm, In their report athletic that the girls have to ask the guys. the feelings of the entire student the SGA, the retention of an ar- policies for use of library facilities, All right, girls, are you tired of So don't juststt there, start asking! body to these, involved in the chitectural firm for the planned allocates funds {or each depart- -sitting around playing scrabble The dance goes from 9 AM till 1 decision-making process at athletic-physical education area, ment, and ~orks between the and watching old movies whenever PM in the cafeteria. The band is Western Maryland.' The com- an Alumni Office proposal for a faculty and libr-ary staff.Q.ecent,ly there's a dance? Do you always "Ten Grand," a ten-man group mtttees discuss problems, Hall of Fame for-former WMC discussed were ways to increase blame it on the fact that the guys that includes a fourpiece bras! changes, etc., and as a group make athletes, the Middle Atlantic library funds, possible changes in are "chicken"? Well, here's your section. The Phi Alphs will have recommendations to the Faculty Conference were mentioned. The the method of subscribing to chance to make a change. The Strohs on tap, plus set-ups ant and-or Administration. dates for the 1978 Homecoming and periodicals, and the special library Irish-Turn-Around Dance is munchies. Dress is semi-casual, The Admissions, Financial Aid Parent's Day were decided upon: runes. coming to WMC on March 17, Saint meaning no jeans "r corduroys. and Standards Committee's main ,l;Iomecoming--October 7, and The Undergraduate Acad~mic Patrick's Day, of course. No,the Tickets are $5.00 per couple, and, purpose is to review applicants to Parent's Day--October f4! ".- Policy and Curriculum Committee establish Irish-Turn-Around is not a new for those of you too "chicken" to the College, ~id, and create policy for The purpose of the Calendar and (VAPCC) forms academic policy (or dOe)'., ,financial standards ask anybody, $3.00 .stag it form o! the hustle, j~~:.~ean~ ~ . . cant. p. 2
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