Page 38 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 38
Pag.2 SCRIMSHAW Friday, October 29, 1976 Editorial: Knuckle Rap Election Day Question. Leadership to Tomorrow Starts Today To Vote or Not to Vote do .they 'tinuing. to lead need An oft quoted figure In recent months Is the expected voter turnout of Jim Wright seems to be a quality A le~der is one who is in con~ol not only those goals but they need Leadership towards less tnen 50 percent for Tuesday's Presidential election. The obvious missing today. All around us the of basically three things. The nrst to clearly establish and define question Is, of course, wny over 112 of the American people probably will lack of meaningful direction is is he knows where things are them. Persons of vision and not vote. An equally valid question whlch the Scrimshaw wuld like to evident. People are apathetic and headed and can anticipate future' wisdom as opposed to status quo raise Is why almost 1(2 will choose to vote. Why does anyone vote? What tired, weary and complacent, problems and rough spots. The and coordination are needed, both value or power Is there In voting? disillusioned and disgusted. On second is that he not only knows nationally and locally. But the only The Scrimshaw respects but does not necessarily echo William Kun. the national scene it is estimated where things are headed but where way to cultivate such people is to 'stter'e recommendation that students refuse to choose between that fewer than half of this nation they should be headed; what needs encourage their actions and tweedledum and tweedledee. We would suggest that Mr. Kunstler's low will exercise their right to choose to happen down the road. The developement and prod them on to opinion of the candidates Is shared not only by some who will not vote, but the "leadership" of this country. third, and most important, their full potential. We have to also by many who will. Cesar Chavez: of the United Farm Workers, for People are fed up with the choice of characteristic of true leadership _is realize that we need men and example, is supporting Jimmy Carter as are a significant number of government offered us. On this to have the wisdom and skill women of great character, vision, black leaders. campus, but for the efforts of a few needed to get where things should wisdom and insight >- not just good We at the Scrimshaw endorse very profound doubt and creative unrecognized individuals, there and need to be. Too often we settle office holders. I believe that it skepticism toward the election on the part of students whether tney vote seems to be no voice for the for leadership that does nothing takes a few people, ten notches up or not. We do not endorse nnn-votlnq rooted In apathy, but do respect non. people--or at least if there is, it's more than coordinate the ac- on the totem pole, to br-ing society voting whIch Is protest. The Scrimshaw endorses as well voting on not effectual. The recognized tivities of others. If we settle for up just two. Leadership must lead Tuesday which is a realIstic and Machiavellian choIce between the lesser "leadership" we have has not risen this form of leadership then the and can only do so if they have of two evils. Scrimshaw applauds the skepticism of voters and nonvoters up and pushed for their con- students of WMC will never break beaten a path for others alike. Apathy Is not the enswet . but trusting Jimmy Carter or Gerald stituents. The only real progress out of the status quo of com- Ford is, perhaps, lust as bad. made towards any constructive placency and excell to greatness. Now is the time to demand such It Is questionable, In fact, whether any individual who is a serteus change at WMC has been wrought The job 9f leadership is not merely and no less. It is time we encourage Presidential candidate could effect human change in our society. Even if at the hands of a silent· few not to coordinate but to initiate and those that can meet this challenge. the 1976 candidates wanted to be truthful and to answer to human needs known to most. But maybe it would carry through. with skill and It is time we accept no less and be (and perhaps they do), they probi;lbly could not wrthtn the powr structure be fruiUul to look at the attributes wisdom, hIS or her constituents to ready to change the present when of the Federal government. There are too many forces and too many of true leadership before con- the fulfillment of their goals. Yet the future knocks on our door powerful tugs and pulls operating in Washington for a PresIdent to be a humanist as John Kennedy discovered in 1961. It is doubtful whether Ford and Carter are humanists, but It is also questionable whether they could take their principles to work with them even if they were. On the National Scene ... The Scrimshaw doubts that either Ford or Carter will make a significant response to our society's problems or these of the world. -with the Presidential campaign Have a hangover? Scientists fans kicking. -Gnettos and nuclear weapons, old people eating dog food and iail~ which drawing to a close, both Ford and believe that they have finally found ·A· .BeiIow are Incredibly inhuman will not be dealt with by those men. Neither Ford Carter have taken to the road. The the cure for this age-old ailment in last week received the news that he nor Carter will deal with world hunqer , candidates are visiting crucial the form of "amaethystic agents." had won the Nobel Prize for TransformIng the world tnrough an Involvement whlch no longer trusts states such as ohto, Illinois and -On' the' 'Mississippi' near' 'New Literature. Bellow is known as the the Fords and the Carters avoIds both blind followIng and apathy. This California in an effort to swing the Orleans last week, a tanker and modern master of the comic novel. creative skepticism rather than apathetic cynicism is crucial for both undecided voters. The Gallup poll ferryboat collision resulted in the Born of Russian parents in IndIviduals and society. If it is true that our leaders will not act, then it is continued to show 6 percent Carter Canada, the st-yeer-old Bellow is up to lndtvlduets to bring about fundamental retorm . and if you aren't lead of 47-41 percent with 2 percent de.~~!::f!t~~IiZ::;£:ti~rving best known as the author of such involved in some way with that reform that Is your loss as well as for independent McCarthy and 10 switched teams lash week and will works as "Herzog", "Seize The society's. percent still undecided. Me- now be shooting hoop for the veers Day" and "Me. Sammler's Perhaps our most immedIate task is education and consciousness Car-thy's impact on the vote seems instead of the NS. Nets. Erving Planet." raising as the birth of commlttment to Improvement of society. There are to be dwindling as Nov. 2 ap; cost the Philadelphia team $6.5 many dynamics of that commlttment. It Is, for example very much an proaches. million. This amounts to a Intellectual search . a head trip. We need to understand how the -Finai week 'carrlpaign' strategies dramatic power shift in pro -All of the above subjects may be President's hands may be tied by other, less public, power groups in our are as follows: Ford will be basketball that has left New York found treated in greater detail in SOCiety such as the corporations. We need to know why some old people stumping hard, on the attack will a the Nov. 1 issue of NEWSWEEK must eat dog food. We need to know why the poor remain poor. We need to- multi-million dollar media blitz know who Is polluting and destroying the environment. Education and following him in his travels. Carter Letter to the Editor consciousness raIsing In our Impersonal, industrlaJlzed society should will take a slightly more leisurely focus on seeking out accountability and responslb1llty for the largely pace. His plans are to avoid con- anonymous evils which cause so much suffering. We need to seek out the troversy and shore up traditional Inhuman connections and- causal relationships which are basic to Dell!~~.!!~~. y?~i!l8. !:>.10l_!~~;... Dear Editor: juices. If that's too expensive or America. -On election night, keep a close Who does Dean Mowbray think unfeasible, don't require me to The skeptIcIsm and doubt which so many students seem to feel about watch on the early returns from he is kidding? Alternate board board here if I live here. Why can't the election Is not creative unless we couple it wIth that head trip and then New York and Connecticut. If plans will "cut down significantly Iresponsibly cook my own food in a flesh out our understanding In action. Voting or not voting on Tuesday Is, Carter wins easily, he is a nation- the social aspects of the trtead's apartment or in the kit- perhaps, a small matter compared to that long term commlttment. So wide shoo-:i~. If Ford upsets the cafeteria?" What about the cbens in McDaniel or Whiteford if I whether or not you vote Tuesday we at Scrimshaw urge that your decision Georgian in these states, he is present "social aspects" where a store it using the proper be based on creative skepticism, and commlttment to people rather than practically assured of victory. main topic of conversation is how precautions against rodents? Or dead apathy. For your own gOOd as well as that of others, commit ···AND '!'lIE lousy the food is, and why do we even go to restaurants all of the yourself to learnIng who really dOes run our country and who makes HAVE to board here, who has food time? Why is the only way for me people suffer. Commit yourself to learning America's power dynamics. G10bal s,pecu,.nn poisoning, and why are my to have a balanced dietis to live off ..... ).5. fingernails always purple from campus (or "isolated" in an . . lack of protein? . apartment) or change my eating the I'm reply habits? ~mte leaders "Attendance Required"Threats rejected new RhodeSIan nationalist that's I know WEIRD, a vegetaflan me and a "because If everyone only will want to is but black give demands this week and the rivalry Jreak! At least serve mor~ fish, stop paying board" than its time to Western Maryland College Instructors are presently using an in· am~n~ the bl~ck leaders surfaced oeans in. the soups, cheese In ~e stop looking into the problem and structlon technique that seriously demonstrates a lack of respect for the agalO In the fmal preparations for macar?n! and cheese, whole gram start changing it. maturity level of the student body. How long will certaIn faculty memo the conference on the future of flours In the baked goods, and not Sincerely, bers require their students to attend various lectures and acfivltles on sou~~:~ .~~~i:~:............. ,coo;;;;,k ;;;al;_;1O;;.f_;;th;;.'.;,";;:g.;"ta.;,b.;,I';;.'.;,in;_;m.;,"'_t .;:A;;;ndr;;_':;a.;:K::;lin::;';. campus In order to apply a grade for their mere presence at each func The United Nations General t1on? And more importantly, for what reasons do the professors go to Assembly by a vote of 134-0 refused their little black books in order to mark down whether little Johnnie Doe to recognize the independence that SCRIMSHAW dId or did not appear at the guest speaker's lecture. the South African white govern The students of this college are not paying $4000 In order to be taught ment granted the Transkei tribal how to play in the sandbox. By the age of 18 they are considered mature territory. as black African EDITOR IN CHIEF enough to be called "adults" and therefore deserve the ensuing respect 1eJegates lined up more than 100 John Springer and responsibilities. One of those responsibilities Includes that of tending ;peakers for the annual attack on to the necessary studies for passing the course. Not attending many of South Africa's ap.::rtheid racial SPORTS EDITOR MANAGING EDITOR NEWS EDITOR these activities should surely show upon the final grade. policy. The U.S. representative Carlton Harris Jeff Robinson MegHoyle If students must not only be prodded, but must also be threatened In abstained from voting saying that order to Insure their attendance at some of the more '!culturally while being against racial apar· enlightening"· presentations, tnen something may be wrong with the teid, he could not support a BUSINESS MANAGER LAYOUT learning environment under which we all exist. Students must not only be resolution containing such "loose Dave Range Paul Hewett Bill Todd expo.sed to different fprms of knowledge, they must also want to absorb language" and extremist fXIlicies. the knowledge that is there for the grabbing. This is the decision that WRITERS someone wilt have to make··whetner to go and soak up this Information or An' 'Arab' 'League' summit' 'con to lettheopportunlty pass us by. III many cases the decisIon is taken on by ference in Cairo endorsed a peace Jim Wogsland Mark Katz plan for Lebanon Tues., but failed Ine Instructor. to agree on enforcement. The He Ornry DianneJenkins Phil LaPadula The SCRIMSHAW would like to state that they are noUn any way supportive of low activity attendence caused by a sheer case of student Christians demanded total control Jim Teramani Jim Wright Doug Bowman neglect. However, we would Ilketo reiterate, that .with the high costs we by the Lebanese government over Mark Bayer Chris Bohaska Mike D'Andrea are paying for college tuition, and the amount of responsibility laden on Palestinian guerrilla in Lebanon Linda Mann Nancy Menefee SueColeman students today, that the students of WMC should be allowed to make their and pledged to drive the guerrillas WaynePierce Joe Golden own cnolces on how to get the most from their education. from southern Lebanon. There was Syria that ·J.R. no expectation of its forces would A_R_T_IS_T_E_'_iC_Y_e_iC_h .a ***** ~~!~:any from ... ., ------------------------
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