Page 43 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 43
FridaV, October 29, 1976 SCRIMSHAW DraeuIG: SJrilifulllut Frustrating Nancy Barry limited appearances on stage to Imagination, perhaps the most create full characterization. Both the obtrusive poles) made it im- salient feature in any dramatic Butterworth (David Denton) and possible for us to suspend our- production, can be demanding. To Miss Wells (Carol Warehime) selves in the Gothic horror the cast imaginatively produce a period successfully achieved their comic was working so hard to create. The play that would easily be leveled to roles, but unfortunately, their closeness of the audience also farce is no small achievement. It scenes-which were written as magnified various technical takes a lot of imagination to un- relief from the dramatic suspense- problems with the production. derstand and appreciate the fears Again, it was impossible not to and nightmares of the age which were actually high points in tne notice these things-we were too production made Balderston and Deane's close not to; had we been involved Dracula virtually The Exorcist of One of the-major problems with in any way, the Perspective would its day. It was the cast's com- Dracula may not be related to this have been different--the fear so mittment to the honest drama of particular production at all. evident in Renfield's eyes could Dracula, under the direction of Suspense is never really created have become real for us. What Max Dixon, which made the through either the action or the makes Van Helsing's speech at the performance in understage Oc- dialogue in the script. The question end of the play so inviting is that tober 21-24 highly commendable. of why Lucy has taken ill is an- for the first time, the audience Unfortunately, that fear so well swered by the end of the first act. which has all been evening so close, so is around available develops The crisis then long, not so by the cast Finger Pickin' captured communicated, for was reasons whether this horror of a walking summarizing spoken one to. of His the speech finally well but the major dead man can be caught, that might have been beyond their and winds Good. control that the cast play still each act, up questions, down no or themes of the play comes across as warning, and through an the honest with For those elements sustaining rhythm, genuine. response But the was throughout. Perhaps characterization, timing, Friday-Oct. 29-8:00pm-McDaniel audiences of all sizes; and not just was in control of--individual and concerns is a result of a Dracula this imagination needed to recreate the attitude and Lounge-II ' with btuegrassers win the folkies--he interaction upon the stage were all stereotype worn thin from overuse. drama of Dracula was was lost on an to too will invariably audience that attention close They call him "Iinger-pickin' handled very well. One of the good", the "traveling minstrel", and approval of the most die-hard nicest things about the production But Dixon's production was not ignore its problems, and yet too "slightly manic--charting the boogie freaks." was the fact that the characters played for the stereotype, horror and the removed to be involved in its and fear, that suspense, is an instrument The autoharp heavens one day and the sewers the past, yet Bowers, with his skill of developed in themselves as much needed to be communicated simply terror the spectacle of the In general, the next", "a hero from the and finesse, bridges time. "He as with each other, which created a was not. play was handled very well. street." He has also been described takes this simple instrument and synchronized, even production. Dracula's "kiss" at the end of Act by "fantastic", "the finest" and does things that seem physically The roles of Harker (Fred Smyth), I cite the play itself as a reason II was choreographed wonderfully- "extraordinary' impossible." Seward (Michael Ross), and Van for this. The other reason deals -the timing, lighting, and He is Bryan Bowers--the Helsing (Kim Grove) were all with the nature of the set, and the movements of Lucy and the Count autoharpist--and he's coming' to To see the best is a privilege few firmly established, and thus Count use of Understage Alumni for the were synchronized perfectly. our campus Friday evening, 8pm have-Friday evening we. will be Dracula's (Don Harris) parasitic, play. Christian Wittwer's design few other moments in McDaniel Lounge. allowed that privilege. sensuous nature could develop. was typically detailed and true to Unfortunately, came close to it. the in play "What Bryan can do with an Quotations from Wash. Star. Mark Bayer portrayed Renfield's the mood of the play. All the Gothic autoharp must be seen to be Melody Maker, Wash. Times, madness effectively without over elements were there-the charcoal Dracula was ultimately a very believed: and his stage presence is Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago doing it, and Sandy Mackenzie as grey walls, the swinging trap door, frustrating production for me. I can not say that I think the players simply overwhelming. He is a Reader. Lucy Seward utilized her very the fluttering bat. Given the or the production needed more closeness of the audience, the set work. I don't think it needed a Linda Mann Dance the Night Away was still basically representational. and different stage, set. or more space bet- a proscenium, It just needed production the larger in using wrong There is nothing when the best The Circle K Club is holding a There can be a first, second, and funds to support a specific couple. Under-stage in such an ween the audience and the stage. For there are times Dance Marathon for the benefit of third place winning couple. To be a To make the Dance Marathon a arrangement. But it was so obvious laid to imagination is distance, and the mentally retarded citizens of winner, the couples must survive success, the Circle K Club has where the Gothic libr-ary -- com- I'm convinced that had the Maryland. The Dance Marathon the required hours and the first, organized four committees: plete with rugs, trap door, and oil audience been removed a bit more will lake place from 9:00 P.M. -- second, and third place winners Publicity, Entertainment, Food, lamps--ended and Understage from the production of Dracula, 9:00 P.M. on November 12-13, 1976 will be determined by those and Prizes. In order to advertize began. This closeness of the the horror, however silent. and at Baker 100, Western Maryland remaining couples who have raised the Dance Marathon, the Publicity audience to the "machinery" of however subtle, might have College. The Maryland Association the most money. During the Committee has been getting in Understage (the suspended lights, become real for Retarded Citizens with the Marathon, there will be one three touch with the various newspapers Vesper Service support and assistance of Colt 45 is hour break and two one half hour and radio and TV stations. The sponsor-ing the program breaks. Entertainment Committee is in the throughout the state. The winning couples are then process of negotiating with Trigger A musical vesper service will be Hanson and "How long wilt thou eligible to compete in the Grand Happy and Starleigh Corporation. presented by the Western forget me, a Lord," by Brahms _ From 5:00 -- 6:00 P.M., there will Finals, Friday-Sunday, December The Food Committee is finding be a table outside the cafeteria in 3-5, 1976 at Towson State sponsors for the Dance Marathon. Maryland College Choir and The community is invited to which someone can answer all University in Baltimore, Maryland Through the generosity of the local Choristers at 7:15 p.m., Sunday, attend the vesper service. . your questions about the Dance and have the opportunity to win the merchants, the Prize Committee Oct. 31, in Baker Memorial Chapel. the Hinge Treats Marathon. You must Iill out and Grand Prize. The Grand Prize is has been given prizes such as a The College Choir,. under return the registration form to the $1,000 for the winning couple, $500 planter, a gift pack of wine (White. direction of Oliver Spangler and Saturday, Oct. 30, will be booth outside the cafeteria. All for the second place couple, and Rose, and Red), men's travel accompanied by Evelyn Hering, Halloween on the WMC campus for necessary information will then be $250 for the third place couple. In slippers, a calendar, a woman's will present selections from "St. the children involved in HINGE given to each participant. Paul." by Mendelssohn; "Turn A,>in past years, the children will order to be the winner in the wallet, three window posters, three back 0 man." by Holst; "In- A dancing couple can be spon- Finals, the couple must survive the games of duckpin bowling, make- victus," by Martin, and several Trick-or-Treat through .the dor- sored by a school, organization, entire contest. If more than one up in a divider box, and a dinner ether selections. mitories (excluding the annexes business or on an individual basis. couple finishes the Marathon, the for two at the Golden Palace The College Choristers WIll begin and garden apartmentsJ. This is The Dance Marathon is an event remaining couple who has raised Restaurant. their section of the program with your opportunity for Halloween in which couples try to dance for the money will be the winner Last year, the Dance Marathor Handel's "Awake the trumpet's away from home! A few rules the duration of the contest and vie Containers will be supplied to all was a success. There were 2{. lofty sound." The Choristers, which should make everything with each other in collecting participants to collect con- couples in the Dance Marathon. In directed by Mrs. Hering and ac- smoother have been put in every money for the Maryland tributions. These containers may the Finals, the Circle K Club companied by Dr. Arlene mailbox, along with a pumpkin to :ns:oo:;;~ot~J~r Retarded Citizens, be distributed to anyone or any received a trophy tor coming in Heggemeier, will also present post if you wish the kids to ston M group who will be helping to raise third place "How excellent thy name," by your door. See you Saturday between 6:30 and 8:30 - ยท,~------------------------------
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