Page 37 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 37
Volume IV, Number7 WESTERNMARYLAND COLLEGE Friday, October29,1976 --------------------------------------------- 'Students Governorls Council Could Become a Force to Visit BO IWrd Pho'n'sL"·nP~~y","Oc.IObe"24,m'mbe..., into the affairs of government at The full state-wide council, state':' However. tJ.le Council has .... Ud. ", the state level. It consists of college consisting of 115 members, meets been mstru~ental In the passage Jeff Robinson of the Governor's Youth Advisory students and other youths between at least twice a year. In addition, of a few bills bv the General The Board of Trustees of ~~~:i:t~~~n~~~i~~:\:ose:t~~;~~ ~~:a~~u~c~f,:n~~ia~s~ta~~~~~:iO~~lteco~nc~;i~~:t~~~od~~:~~~~~~~b~Lh~~:;Yth!h;ilIm~:~ Western Maryland College unfamiliar with this organization, Governor's Youth Advisory, and vote on various legislative lowered the. drinking age in re~ently prese~ted th~ st~dents of the G.Y.A.C. was created by Council shall exist as a direct link resolutions to be sent to the Maryland to eighteen for beer. A this college. With a gltt-one that executive order of Governor between the governor and the Maryland General Assembly. resolution calling for the hopefully. will. have an Impact on Marvin Mandel on April 17, 1971. It young people of Maryland and WMC is in region six which in- decriminiliz.;ttion of marijuana has ~h~eth~ ~~~~~v~~ :n~~~~t~O~~ ~u~!a~~~~~ a~~~~~:t~ ~~:e~d~~~ a~~eOfg~~~:~ t~~~ ~W:~e~~a:~~~~~:, Carroll and ~~~ci~~~:~:timb~, ~~ h~o~= !~~~~t B~~s~':~si~e~:s:teP b~ tor-gi_V".;y_o"~n.;.g;.peo_p;.I"_a_n_in;.p"_I_VO_"_'_.;.YO_"_lh_O_f_Ih_"_'ta_I_'._" ... The council functions in the ~~e~;~a~~~~~~~l~°:!c~:~m~ ~~ae~~r::~~~y d~::s~~fo:s bth~ae~ following manner. The Maryland formidable force in swaying student visitors to attend Trustee ~~~S~jS~fOfD:~::I~~~n~:~~ce~~n: ~~gi~ll~ti~e~li~a~ec~~:a~;f:~ mee,~ngs in a non-voting capacity. d ticipation on the part of students; Thil will allow the students ~i~~~ i~~~e:h~f~~~~~Ko~:~!~e secondly if the council budget was ~~u:!~~~~~::et~~~i;~~~ on their opinions on. The regional bigger; and thirdly if the delegates I recommendation last spring by the a council debates and votes it to the were willing groups to cft:~:::I::~t push ~~~ for The on the form followed amendment effective material to and then sends lobbying ~:~~l;l~~r~o:~ adopt such a executive Council's committee. SGA that the board fr!iZu~~~ ~~::anv~ s~i~~to~ ~~ ~i~~: ~r~e~~e ~es~~ti~n:r~l~~~ each region is allowed up to thirty as ;~:-v both faculty and alumni to the ~~n~~~~,A:e:~~'d~~C~y ~:a~~ vot~ng d.ele~ates tnd. of lfoard meetings. At that time the Governor if so desired. In addition, ~::.~~ S~at a~o~~t:e~x~~~tion~~ ~~~f~inG~:;~~rr;i~~t on~:~tu~~~ the Council is free to formulate it's seats are opened to any qualified visitors rather than members in own resolutions and submit them. people interested. If anyone is order to be more realistic about the interested you should contact Carl matter. The number suggested in Carl! Gold the Chair-person for Gold at 876-3238, Roger Levin, the the request was two such visitors, region six and a student of WMC, Vice Chair-person.tor Kathy Long, ~hf~h f~~~It;::~~i~~creaSed by one :::ni~a~aiit~~~e ~~;~:l~:t~: ~~~~r:tad~~~ta~se not that hard to • • legistative policy - The actual wording ot the bylaw SGA Stra "7 te S making of the Cbntinued on Page 4 change reads: W' yO "(Article II, Section 6) 11"JW1"11'W1Qmg Visitors to Board or Wednesday's S.G.A. - sponsored How strange! although Ford won ........ r---"""" Trustees. Representatives political poll turned up some the vote by over 2 to 1, on 4 out of 5 Carter. Then again maybe apathy and ignorance may be the of alumni, faculty and surprising, perhaps contradictory, issues, students supported, the studen.ts think that they're con- most revealing aspect of the whole students are authorized to results. The survey consisted of Democralic stand over the servauve sosu~portFord but when she-bang ... be present at Board two parts. The first listed the Republican! Examining Ford face~ ,":ith.the IS.SUes, d.e~onstrate This survey was valuable in that meetings with the status of Democratic and Republican stands voters alone, one discovers the a definite liberality. Or ~sIt that the it raised more questions than it visitors as follows: Nine on five issues (without revealing same. Ford supporters backed s!udents know. too little .about answered, and shook up some (9) alumni visitors, in- which party supported which health insurance, were proabotion, elth",r the candid~te.s or the Issues ..people's ideas of how this campus cluding the President, view). The second was a straw vote pro-"make-wpork" jobs, and III to l_1lake any valid ]udgeme.nts on thinks. It was also a welcome President-Elect, and of whom WMC students supported favor of gun control! They rejected theIr own'? _The probability IS that change to see the SGA involved in Executive Director of the for the Presidency. Judging from busing, but so did Carter voters. the latter IS closest to the truth. something other than dances, Alumni Association; three the answers to the issues section, Here is the breakdown of stands on This is characteristic of the nation films, and concerts. Many thanks (3). faculty visitor.s; and one would suppose that the campus issues by candidate preferred. The as a whole. A combination of from SCRIMSHAW to the SGA, to three (3) ·student visitors. was Democratic and quite liberal, percentages are based on 100 apathy and cOl).sequent ignorance those who wrote the poll, organized Each constituency shall whilethePresidential.tallyshowed Carter votes and 210 Ford votes. will make this ye-ars' elections a it, and table-sat, and to the many I determine how its visitors the opposite. Results. are as All of this suggests several poor barometer of the people's true students who participated. shall be selected. ThesE' follows. Percentages are based on things, none of which may be true. feelings. But in a Jar,ger sense that IF=========!I E%~~~ee:~~ m~~~~~~; !~~de~~t~y~~6 percent of the K~~:r.\~eiSc~~S~U:u:~~a~~~ag~ MO~~:~au~~B~~od ticipate in all discussions 1) ISSUES: (all figures are percentages) ¥ou just can't trust the moon for but shall not have the right Do you support the establishment of national health insurance
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