Page 36 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 36
PAGES. Scrimshaw October 22, 1976 WMC Sports "Fall" Terrors Blanked 28-0 V'ballers take 4 winning in 'two games Jim Wogsland. Wayne Pierce 15-11. The second team, of 15-11 and ccmposec Saturday the Green Terrors Jamison, "Widdman" Randy kickoff return for our opponents. All things considered, the of Mary Louise Jones, Sally Mc- football t~m journeyed to Get-· Halsey. Pete Boettger, Tim "No Equally impressive is the kickoff women's volleyball team had a Carl, Wendy Good, Valerie tysburg to challenge the Bullett. Face" Stump, Brian Kirby, Dan return teamThrough the first five very successful week. In five Lambert, Pat Koval, Ellen squad on their home turf but un- Murphy, "Wild Bob" Hubburd, games of the season, Western important matches the varsity Scroggs, Brenda Eccard and fortunately came back on the short Brent Houck, and Brian Truro- Maryland kickoff returns have girls won four of them, while the Chrissy Moore, also lost to end of a ~ score. Gettysburg, in power - has registered cred~n- totaled 451 yards on 18 returns for second team won three of four of Salisbury, but beat Towson in two front of a Parent's Day crowd of tials for the year such as allowing an average of 25 yards per return - their matches. games. 6,100 people, showed why they had only 31 total return yards through - 'outstanding! Rick Rosenfeld In a tri-match marked by its been Division II caliber as their five games for 36 punts. That leads with a 28.5 average followed topnotch competition, starters In the second tri-match of last last class of full scholarship comes out to a mere .8 yards pel' by Brian Trumpower with 24,75 Kathy Lane, Fran Cizek, Tammy week, the varsity women walked players, led-by Kirby Scott (over return! yards per return, Steve Spinelli Roebber, Lynn Glaeser, Sue over Bowie 15-2 and 15-4. And 200 yards rushing) and Stan Gray, The kickoff coverage team has with 27 yards per return and Glen Cunningham, and Carla Criss lost against a powerful UMBC team the paved the way. Western Md. fought been equally impressive. Members Cameron at 14 yards per return. a tough match to Salisbury State spikers took two straight, winning till the end, though, against the of this team not mentioned for the These teams have definitely 12-15, 15-9, 9-15. However, in the 15-6 and 15-10. The second team tough Bullets, especially several punt team are Glen Cameron, Mike done their jobs this season as is flip-side of the tri-match, the girls, also beat UMBC in two games. good runs by fullback Mike Lewis. Modica, John Pitman and Rich reflected by Western Maryland's ably assisted by Cheryl Stonier, Head coach Miss Fritz aptly stated Thespecialtyteamsonthesquad Nave. These wild men have only respectable record of 2 wins, 1 tie, pulled off an upset against Towson, that, "The wins over Towson and Pun--I·shDopkl·ns pact Terrors should be commended lor their allowed approximately ten yards a and 2 losses. UMBC were most satisfying for play. This is a very important us." of the course of each football game. In a one-sided meet against These unheralded players work Steve Schonberger '__.._ win the game in the 153rd minute of Dickinson, former WMC coach and hard at their jobs without much Last Tuesday, wjrc'sc soccer atifled ~op~n:s high scoring o_f-.the game (the third sudden death student Sandy Still sought in vain fame. A large amount of time is put team played Johns Hopkins rense. The midfield play dommated overtime). For those who watched, to lead her team to victory over our into perfecting these teams and it University in their-annual grudge Hopkins and set the tempo of the - they were treated to good hard women. The variety team won pays off. In the first three games of match. Hopkins, riding high on last game. The final score was 5-1, nosed soccer, and two very handily 15-5 and 15-8 and the ~~~e:~~~~~tz~~~e~:~~~::_ ;::tsa Di;~!~:~~tl~~tO~:~iy w;.s~:~h::r~~~d~ere at gatur- ~e~;;j:~O~el~~:~ o~~em~;:~~:~ ~e:~~~i~~:~o~h~~ ~~~e~a~~~sh yardage by the opposition. In fact, spirited WMC soccer squad. Mter day's game, they were treated to a than our squad, but credit has to be the team good luck as they leave the punt coverage team - whose nine minutes, WMC was on top 4-0 tense, exciting soccer game. After stven to those guys who played this weekend for a two day tour- stars include Eliot Runyon, "Rip" with Doug Barnes and -damie the Green Terrors went on top 1-0 _their hearts out. Next game: Oc- nament at Washington College. Intramurals ~:~r;':e~~i~~~~n01 ~~ ::~!::u~~~~r~a~~::~~k~~~kt~~ :~~i~~·:n~ur;~!~~:ree~~e~~~:;. ~~~t~rOmises to be an exciting Jim Teramani Hopkins was constantly shut off ~ven the score 1-1 and eventually Game time is 2 PM"See you there. This is the last week of Razzle. and was able to score only one Dazzle football and rain and foro, goal. Dick Love added another goal felts have marred play this fall. in the second half to cap off a total The teams will be informed as to team effort in which the defense, A new generation when they will play one another for led by Ken Barnes, Steve Schon- the Championship. berger, and Charlie Wagner, and prior to Frde:L,-ns The Winter Intramural program goalie Ken Lowey, completely of College Rings.. , begins with two activities U' s- Thanksgiving Break. The first is 5 Two-Person basketball, in which CHARLESTOWN, W. Va. _ each team will be comprised of one More than 150 sports car drivers male and one female. Entries must from the Atlantic seaboard will be in by November 5. Cooed compete in the Sports Car Club of Volleyball is the second activity America's Fall Road Racing that is planned. Each team will Finale at Summit Point Raceway censtst of three males and three here on Saturday and Sunday, females. There must be a October 23-24,1976. The event caps minimum of nine players for this the season-long Mid-Atlantic Road double elimination tournament, Racing Series (MARRS) com- and entries must be in by petition held at Summit Point and November 10. • at Pennsylvanla's Pocono In- This Intramural Pr? for ternationaJ Raceway They're limple" sleekf"-and mo,e feminine than college rings ha'fe you, the student, and It provld~s a Tbe Scrimshaw presently holds ever been befme_ L'f'.11..d espectallv for the woman who wants beauutuljew ..lrv as wettasarollegetradinon chance. for wholes?me physical two complimentary (free) tickets Ifyou·renot;m<,youwant.,c
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