Page 40 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 40
Page 4 SCRIMSHAW Friday. October 29.1976 Cont;n"~'~'~fu'b;kes,RoIIoMayOnFreedom Only about ten of the sixteen which go only 25 miles per hour, John Spnnger behaviorism may be dangerous if dogmatism. Freedom is, delegates were present at Sunday's represent more of a threat on This writer wrote this article it exerts too much control and discouraged in our transition meettng, but a number of im- roadways than they do on bike from notes taken by a friend who leads to the same passivity of period as in any other - we Jive, portant proposals were discussed paths. A resolution calling for a tax att~nded Rollo May's le?ture. ~he factual learning. Vulnerability to says May, in a psychotic age. and voted on anywhere. Four of the credit for users of solar energy was article, therefore, IS twice external conditions indicates that a May says that freedom is "the delegates were from Hagerstown, also defeated on the grounds that it removed from the actu~llecture - person has no impact on their own capacity of human beings to pause one was from Smithsburg, Md., would descriminate against the so read it with a gram of salt. life. That vulnerability and in the face of stimuli, and to throw and the lest were from Western poor tax payer who cannot-afford May's talk proved to be well adaptive learning may appear in their weight accordingly". This Maryland. The meetings are open solar energy and just give another worth sharin~ with the WMC t~e form of dogmatism and pause is shown most clearly in the to the public, and anyone is invited tax break to the rich. community - In spite of any DC- rigidness in beliefs. When our asking of questions. Freedom to attend and participate in the I dditi t th I f casional fuzziness . beliefs become dogma, says May, entails both types of learning - it proceedings even those who are ~ ~ ~onb 0 ~e reso u 10~ Existential psychologist and they must be reformed means grasping facts, un- not deleg~tes. An important ~ulml~te th ~ t ~I ~~:e f 0 author Rollo May lectured last The second type .of learning derstanding their context, and then resolution that was voted, on t, e O~~CI a. t de~ Thursday afternoon at John emphasizes the importance of the responding to both. Sunday concerned prayer in public 0 ~ err own d . e~e /nc.u e f Hopkins University in Baltimore learner's initiative. Its concern is ~ay read .a statement by a schools. It proposed, "requiring ano. ~r try at ~nmlna lza~lOt~0 on the topic '.'The Psychology of that students "do something" with Chicano describing his oppression students in public schools to mar~J~ana,. an. a 7s~ ~ IOn Freedom". His lecture was part of the facts. This type of learning, in Americ~. The person affirmed ~~~ti~:re~~e~~di~~~~' ~~~;c~:~ ~~IF~:c~~~r~~~~ ~:eSotsPi~:~ r~~:~umM~~i~h ~~ t~;~~~~~~~ :rr~:a~~~kee:af:~t:~ec~~t:~ :~~~;~i~P~;P~~~ii~n:~~i~~d a~~ voted down by the Council on the InJurle~ to sWlm~ers. A propose~ Question of Freedom". May is the meanings so that a new Gestalt, or inner core of knowledge and grounds that it made participation reso:~hon o.pposmg ~ny laws tha f author of Love and Will, as well as understanding of the whole is freedom which society could not in such non-denominational wou require ma.n ato~y use 0 Power and lnnoncence. In formed. The point of this lea~ing- imprison. The statement; "m e ti i ta t i on" man da tor y . seatbelts asoh rejected; .. a s~~ lecture May affirmed his belief In type is that people learn how to "You can live without (political However, the delegates indicated SeqU~t reso ution {equ~l~g e free w~ll,. while linking it to learn. and economic) liberty _ but not that they would be in favor of a man dt0'Juseuse~ ~e~t tets~a~ determinism and community -May continued by interpreting without freedom." resolution calling for voluntary r::f~~c a~c~Je:Suc e a e a u responsibility. ,He also placed the relatively recent Western History . ~hat inner c.ore of fre.edom, ~ay participation in school prayers. ~od.ern ~rson s (!ac~ of) freedom in terms of these learning-types In~cated, brings ~maety which The passage of the resolutions In hlStoncal perspectlve_. _and the resulting tension between spfl.ngs from. havLn~ to ma~e Many of the resolutions sub- mitted by the House of Delegates ~~!ss~~~IY :a;as:~~tb)~~~ s~~~ di::i~~tiO~e~t:e:~ h~:~f~~~~n~ ~~!s~~~\~~an~n~dap[!~i~~~il~i~' ~~~I~:~~gMr~~ngs.t~~~~c~u~n~~~ were vague and unspecific and will have to be sent back for further legislature. The Council is merely ~~~ °f~:~at;~~~ ~f?c~~~[_:::~~:~::RH:nai?,"i,'aant;~w'haa,"ajUs,:ana,'",'ohne ~~~~~,s ~~~~r~f~.~.u;oe.~.~;,fe:;e~ f opinion regarding asked for it's hi , " t I d f d th I ""........ h h clarification before a vote can be taken. One of these was a these issues, for whatever it's ~ ~~im:~~;o~o;~er~~m~t~ .~~e ~ri~ g ebe!~~~r:n~~:!i1s: ~~~~~ ;~~hi~g~~:sc~~I~;~:ve~/~~u;:g~ resolution to, "change the length of ~~~:rn~~'sthe y~~~~lat~~~iS~~.~ context .of facts.-Factuallearnmg, same way the years sinde World IS necessary to face thIS ~nxlett time a husband and wife must live Council meets once a month and or le~rmng based on r~te memory, War II have been a disintegration the '.'work of worrymg ,I,s apart to create a cause for divorce." However, the resolution the next meeting is tentatively ~~~ I~ P~:~~e~~~~rd:~g f~~e~~~ of the age of Individulaism. ~~~;:~~~sb~~ed~~dto ~:ccee~:~';;es~ didn't clearly state rather they scheduled for Nov. 21 in Ha~er- because it encoutages passivity Transition periods, May ,says, and risk were proposing lengthening the stown. The Council is also planning and adaptation to external con- force people to grab onto available At that point May began a time or shortening it! Gould two seminars in the near future ditions. It is learning which may security. The encounter group discussion of the necessity of in- commented that many of the One will deal with Region Six encourage people to merely ac- movement in our society is an tegrating free will, determinism, questions on the Maryland Ballot Delinquency, and the other with cept without question the validity example. Transition periods and community responsibility into this year are also vaguely worded methods of input into the political of what they are taught. May confuse people and threaten them, our Jives. Determinism is "the and could confuse a lot of voters. process stated that, in this context, and so encourage rigidness and nemesis of death which stalks us Help Pre:1r~entA Sw·cide all" and in which "possibility The Council voted down a becomes impossibility". He in- resolution calling for removal of . V I dicated that determinism is an unconscious process in which ~~:~~~ !~~mp~:~~i~ ~~00~!~ Nancy Menefee Most of the problems involve ~ar. Another common ~~h is that people may be mere victims of to require sellers of food stamps to We all have many problems in ~~~!::~~eth:c~!f_~~~t ~~~:~:~ ~~~~~~~~ i~';~~ ~SU~~!~let~~~ their environment. Freedom, however, is the conscious exercise ~:~f\:c~~r~:i~ei;os:!~~e~ ~li~~~;th ~~m~~n~or~u'Z.~el~~ life. Stud~nts hav~ special f~lse: Talking about it is. an .in- of choice, and is followed by agencies. A resolution calling for many people finr. their problems problems of isolation, and ?ication that they are consldenng responsibility. In fact, May linked the removal of certain dams and insurmountable, anrl attempt to vulnerability. Loneliness plays a It. responsibility and determini,;m, preventing the enlargement of deal with them by taking t.heir own large part in many student If a person se~J?s to be on the equating determinism with others to preserve scenic and wild lives. Suicide, especially am~ng suicides. Even when phySically verge of attemptm~ .or had ac- ~ve,nUbr;u~'baPn~o,2,·'.y°An to have more Inhibitions about be crucial. There is a dtimfe-fa~ftor respond ,tho 'h"h;" feelings, and this is freedom - other examples J ..... " .... calling or discussing their involved in suici d e, an 0 ten I a reassure em a you care might be love and beauty. resolution prohibiting motor- problems. The men who do call are potential suicide can find someone Most people are n?t. equipped to The close of the lecture em- assisted bicycles from using bike usually older, and have been out of to talk to, the impulse will pass. handle an actual SUICide.attempt. phasized the importance of paths and shoulders, and requiring work for some time. Their prc.blem If a friend or acquaintance In this case the best thing to do responsibility to freedom. When them to use roadways, was is their inability to support their confides in you. that they are would. be to con~ct the proper faced with a choice, says May, we overwhelmingly rejected. The' family_ contempting suiCIde, there are authoflty, which In most .cases must pause not only to bring into VOW! What A TRIP!! se~~ra!u\~itl~S ~~r~~ i~:I~d. be ~~~~~e~e w:h~a:~m eq~~;~ntto the picture our own depth but that taken seriously. Even if a person handle the causes that lead up to of others as well. "Responsibility- not anarchy. There is no freedom It was marriage on the move for reception was held at a Nashville s~ems to be joking, that may be a most suicides. without responsibility." Devoy Geiger and his new bride, The next lecture in the Phyllis. They tied thtr knot while hamburger stand. ~~. ~f~:t~n~~~::~~e ~~~':~ ar!he g~~~~~::~es °ts~~~~:~~ Eisenhower Symposium at Geiger piloted a bus along 1-40, in "I'm a bus driver, and we met on suicide attempt with nIYreal desire helplessness and hopelessness. If Hopkins will be on November 1 at Tennessee_ a bus trip," Geiger explained. to destroy their own life; it is a plea we all make an effort to care about 4:15 PM. The lecture is entitled The highway nuptials surprised Immediately after the wedding, for attention. Unfortunately many each other, perhaps we can reach "The Nature of Freedom" and will about 20 guests on the bus who Geiger drove into a filling station times they accidentally kill the people trapped behind these be given by Noam Chomsky, Ph.D. thought they were being driven to to refuel. Relatives later tied cans themselves, even if they had no barriers, and help avoid the who is a professor of linguistics at the location for the ceremony. The to the bumper of the bus. intentions of actually going that tragedy of suicide. MIT .,..........----------------~----~-------------
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