Page 39 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 39
Friday, October 29, 1976 SCRIMSHAW Personal VIf!WpOiJd: Wars, R~poera~, and Pardons Phil LaPadula wrong or not is questionable. Few years, killed off thousands more, surdity. If the Republicans are so commited in connection to As this presidential campaign people question the fact that Nixon only to have it end with North anti-war, and are trying to portray Watergate, but neither he nor comes down to the stretch, one was wrong and that the laws he Vietnam taking over the south! themselves as the "peace party", anyone else can ever pardon all the issue has been practically ignored broke were right. Why then does They could have done that in 1968 why don't they pardon the people ruthless and selfishpoliticans like in the last few weeks. This is the Ford see it fit to pardon a man who and we could have saved a couple who took a stand against war-.the Lyndon Johnson and Richard issue of pardons. Speaking strictly broke laws that everyone agrees of hundred thousand lives! This draft evaders! Anotllex ~~ect Nixon who sentenced hundreds of from my conscience, I can only say are just, while refusing to pardon just goes to point out that no example of polit~cal ~~n~y! thousands of young men to th~ir that Mr. Ford's decision to pardon those who broke Jaws that are at political party has a monopoly on In conclusion, all I can say is that deaths in a hopeless, immoral war. Richard Nixon and not the 90,000 least questionable in moral rec- war and it's ridiculous for Robert Gerald Ford pardoned Richard That is a case that only God can decide! exiled draft evaders is not only tltudet The case is often made that Dole to even suggest such an air Nixon for any criminal offenses he (WMC) _ .._ be an insult to those who did fight Jesau Power vs.KISS .... ....,... Inconsistent and the height of to pardon the draft dodgers would •• hypocrisy, but is vehemently ~nti- cu~ •. christian! Referring to the bible, in Vietnam. However, I seem to • ..,~. • fifth commandment states: ' remember towards the lat~er part John Springer persuade Ford and Carter to Students are called by 'Thou shall't not kill." Notice. it of the war, veterans strolling up to It might be useful to reflect on renounce of offensive, first-strike their first name while faculty are doesn't say: "Thou shall't not kill the White House fence m wheel and imagine the reactions of use of nuclear weapons. One of the not people but are titles instead. EXCEPT in war!" It doesn't ev~n chairs and throwing their medals certain well known people to the rasters _a nun-wrote of her intent; (talk about intimidating roles). make any exception for kilJing 10 over in protest. recent Liberty vs. Power history "I can be a channel of Life, Love Students must request permission self defense, al~ough l_1lustpeople symposium. We might gain some and Peace which the Spirit of God to speak via hand raising while read this into It. It Just states: I am not trying to be vindictive in awareness of our own response to imparts through bodily means. I professors speak at will. "Thou shall't not kill-PERIO~!" saying that Nixon should not have the Liberty vs. Power issue if we fast as a way of being nonviolent One wonders when the niggers Ther~fore, I m~t ask the follow~ng been pardoned. The man probably consider the possible reaction of and powerless over others in will get it together ... and one must ~~ie:e~o~~:UhYi~S ~hC;:~t~!~ ~:l~ !:~! s~~e~~:u~:~tg~s f~~e;·~~~:~ ~:s:e;al human models to that ~:~!:as~y toP:~:ic:~y ::lit::;e:~~ :lsc~:nn~~ ~~rh~:sr~a~h~er~~:: punishing these me.n for merely inconsistency in showing com- Take Jesus and Henry other social forces," Jesus never owned any plantations adheretng to .Chrlsti~n ~oral passion towards one man who Kissinger for example - reflective Parental acceptance of and faith either. values 10 refusing to fight m an broke just laws, and not towards of their mutual and quite intimate in a child is a third example of imm~ral, pol~~ical ",:,ar? Is 90,000. who . broke a law of concern for liberty and power both Jesus power. Freeing, no-strings- The differences between Jesus Amenca really, One nation under uuestionable Justness. might have found their seats in the attached love empowers children power and Kissinger power are God", or "One nation under the While we're still talking about front row (though it is question- to love others to create and to important. Jesus power is based on sword"!" Before judgel_1lent. is pardons, I think Ford should also nable, of course, whether they make a potent response to the a truth of life's continuity and passed on these men certain things pardon his running mate Robert would have found seats next to world. A genuine love which hides oneness. Reflected in interpersonal should be broughtto mind. The war Dole. Dole's behavior during the each other). no game playing creates people love and in social justice, that was wrong! The war was immoral! Vice-Presidential nominee's While both men might agree that who are powerful enough and continuity dictates that all human The war was lost! It was the bloody debate was vicious and in poor power leads to freedom, their secure enough to be who they truly beings are brothers and sisters. In result of a series of abominable taste to say the least. It appeared conceptions of the brand of power are this truth hurting another person political blunders by a small group to me to justify the suspicion that leading to freedom are not only Rather than empowering human means hurting oneself. There is a of selfish and ruthless politicians Dole is the most repulsive political fundamentally different but are beings, Kissinger power tends to be piece of God, says this continuity, and self-interest groups, sen- figure to appear on the scene since also, perhaps, unalterably opposed power over people who are made to in everyone. tencing hundreds of thousands of Spiro Agnew, The thought of such a to the other as well: Power has a feel frustrated and impotent is A~~~fU~:~~~ta~~~ Je:~sb~7:~ ~:~Ie~en a~d th~it~~~l~ ~~a~ ;i;te~i~~O~i:agy t~:~:!~:n~ndi~ ~~ihadi:fi~r~nJ'~:aJn:~J/or Henry ~~~~t~r:t~:~f~~ ~~a~~~~~~: committment to truth at the ex- tainable cause. Whenever would rather have a cobra as Vice- The point of this essay is that defeated and victorious, the im- pense of a "safe", middle class, g ~~~~~h~g m .:: t~:°:C~p::~~~~ ~rses~~:~tLc~~~::~ F~:~:i~~~~!~~~wa~~~::i~ ~~~~rt~~:= ~~e~~lf;!~~ent, and the leaders ~~s~~~!~~r~~~r.I~~e a ~~r~~:~di~ the case of the Vietnam War, the retain a certamdegree cr dtgnitya Jesus' and Henry K.'s approaches Our world, of course, relies a school steeped in pain and suf- draft dodgers are being made the trait which the undistinguish to power mold our paths to great deal on Kissinger power. The tenng, class distinction and in- scapegoats for the mistakes of a senator from Kansas obviously humaness and freedom. Each American bombing deluge of timidating roles, love and truth fe~e%~~i~~~~an pardon Ford for ~~C!~;n~:d ~~o;~, t~,~ ~:oa~:b~; ~;~~O~~fe ~~a~ i~e~an:: t~O~h: ~~~~~ ~~~~n~~;:s;S~~:~~~r~~ :~~k~~an::!~~:~cetr:;s:~~~a~\: being a hypocrite in this matter· won't say anything." In this person- and that question, whether ··peace·' negotiations in Paris are and barriers. Jesus power points p~obably caughtthe .affliction ~rom ,respect, he kept his promise, at conscIous or unconscIOus. IS a vivid example. One figure quoted out that when we have power over hiS predeces~or Richard NIxon least as far as sang anything about inevitably ours as well at that time was that more bombs others we forsake our real, Nixon exposed himself as the the issues. What we did hear were Some examples might illumine fell in an eleven day period than deepest, un-en-roll-ed selves. In ultimate hypocrite when he cam- alot of cute little one-liners such the contrast between the two were droped on Germany empowered humility it brings paigned and was elected on the as, "We'll give him (Carter) the responses. Jesus' crucifixion throughout World War II by the respect and integrity to everyone theme of "law and order", only to bunny vote." He then dragged on might be an illustration of his Allies. on all sides of all dichotomies and take the criminals off the streets of about his war wounds and "the brand of power. While- the Romans The inhuman dichotomies which confrontations. The victors and the Washington and put them in the Democratic Wars". To point out thought that Jesus was an impotent reflect Kissinger power are also defeated, the high status folks and Whitehous.e! But how can Gerald how ridiculous Dole's strategy of loser as they made fun of him on present at WMC. Consider the the low, the teachers and the Ford poSSIbly believe that a little, depicting the Democratic party as the cross the impact of his ·'im- discrepancy between the social learners, are all people in love and unknown draft dodg~r could the sole war party in this country potence,' was, as we know, status based on occupational roles in pain in the truth. "The moun- cause ~ore dam~ge to ~IS c.ount~y is, lets take some examples. We enormous. Jesus' priority choice of of the maids and maintenance tains shall be lowered and the than .Rlcha~d Nixon did With hIS can start with the Spanish- embodied truth instead of the people here relative to that of Dr. valleys shall be raised" - Jesus :~doc;:s di::u!:ctor~~:r.lal~ ~:S~rif~,;::ali~:~s ::~ o~~: ~~:;i;l~~!s:e~~ta~r~n:h!ni~~:tf~~ -;~hdn~nt~na~~di~~~ j~~n s~~~ ~ ~:f~~!~:t~~~l~:~:~~~ i~r~~t~~i~, hindsight, it should be noted that wars in the history of the U.S. and his brand of power. Catch the vividly contrasted. Even though valleys and mountains l'_ the draft evaders only made one William McKinley, a Republican images which express his choice; Dr. John is a person and a hum",... Kissinger power is based on mistake, if indeed they were wrong was President! Going back even At his trial Jesus answerS one of being apart from his authoritative falsehood. It assumes that there is and 1 believe they weren't, while further we find that· Abraham Pilate's questions by saying, "My role, he exercises power over no fundamental continuity of life ~ixon made many mis~kes and Lincol~, a Republican was kingdom is not of this world" people because of that role. and that people are alienated disobeyed thela",: many limes! Yet President during the bloodiest War which is to say "My power is because of his job he may be individuals without bonds or Ford pardons NIXon an? not t~e in the history of the U.S.-the Civil totally different from yours" reckoned with and feared by un- relationship to one another. This draft evaders. ,II thkmk, thiS War. This is not to say that the Later, in the midst of ultimate derlings in ways which may even pod.wm~r~,'ok"'lel'otahlel~.SIt0~ro~~ represents a tota ac 0 com- Civil War was Lincoln's fault defeat at the hands of a state im- be quite foreign to him as a person. .... ......" • '" passion and obvious distortion of Finally, we needn't go back too far mersed in Kissinger power Jesus Roles entailing power over people one to enjoy st"1tUS and privilege value.s to say the leB;st. . in our history to discover that was concerned with forgiveness and ruscrepancies in status are whictl others m::lY not. It allows It IS of~en the SituatIOn With Richard Nixon, a Republican was and love ("Father forgive central to the same Kissinger and creates dichotomy and class - controversial cases that not only President during four bloody years them ... "). Jesus power seems to lie power which bombed North mountains and valleys. the individuaIor's biased interpretation of .~,-------------------------------
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