Page 41 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 41
Friday, October 29, 1976 SCRIMSHAW Page 5 Md. Letters HomeD I ·F· Polls r. s 11mExceptional People Busy Carlton Harris D~~W~~~Y:~~i~~'Ihooe.HOW'S EamonnMcGeady Dr. Griswold and Dr. vernon In most cases films about the All eyes will be turned upon Butch? He isn't getting into Usher's syndrome, deaf blind- first collaborated on a program for exceptional have been made with Messrs. Carter and Ford this anymore fights with the neighbors ness, spine bifida, "genius" the Public Broadcasting System in t!J~'7exceptional person as the Tuesday, as is deserving of the dog, is he? children. Not many people are 1972. With Dr. Vernon's work in the object.or the film. Doctor Vernon office sought. But other elections, In your last letter you asked me familiar with these terms and all field of deafness the result was a and Doctor Griswold have taken potentially as important as the big to describe some of my classses. that they entail; but through the three hour, prime-time, nationally the opposite stand to this, and their one, will be underway as well. I Let me tell you about Cu1tural work of two WMC professors, Dr. broadcast program, entitled An films are designed to show the speak specifically of the Anthropology. If you don't mind Earl Griswold and Dr. McCay Evening on Deafness. The show exceptional in a new focus. They Congressional elections. watching naked people throw Vernon, these topics are being described the many aspects of a have made the films from the In good old Maryland, it appears spears at each other, little Eskimo brought into the open and exposed deaf person's life, and the viewpoint or perception of the as if we will be having a new kids eating raw fish, and grown to the public eye. problems deaf people encounter. exceptional person. (who is still the object of the films) as he or she :~:~~~n ~~~~;~a~:rsb~~:S~t:;;; ~enJggi~g i~ the dirt ~OOking!or A brief background on both ~h:~~o~i~:~ s~:e~~~~i~v~~~~ perceives the world about himself in the state. There is no statehouse e,*yabi~. ~o~o ~h~~t;;e~a:;;:s~ doctors. Doctor Earl Griswold is a casting award as the best show of or herselfl. The success of the films contest and all eight House in- bushmen fighting their wars. They prominent anthropologist and has 1972. has been proof of this technique. cumbentsseem safe. Polls indicate throw spears at each other and over 15 years of film-making to his Since that time, both professors that Sarbanes should win easily, then go out there and bring them credit. He is also the head of the have been working all over the In relating to audiences, as in the piling up a huge lead in the back! Seriously though, all we've sociology department here at country with different aspects of educational aspect, the films have Baltimore area. learned about is nudity and dirt. Western Maryland. Dr. McCay exceptionality. Another example of been directed to a dual purpose. Several close Senate battles Dr. Griswold is the professor and Vernon is internationally-known something they have teamed up on First and foremost again the films ~Z~~di~::e:t~~~~ ~d~~s~l~~~e~ ~r~~~e~~ t~::m~it~o s~:~l~f ~~; :e~iS ;;~~~y Wi~~~~h:afinHe d~~ has been spino bifida. ~~;~u:e th~x~ti~alth:e ~~~~ the incumbents seem safe. These his work. It must have been journals and is also the editor in f1i~ii~n~.~~fi~e~S w~a~r~~npa~~s a[~ people who have exceptional traits ~~~c~7 exceptions are the races to ~~:~th~~;s i~ee~e t~ri::ll~~~~~~ ~~:!I~foft~~e ~:!~~i;ne a~;~~~~~ that the development or growth of ~~:i~~l~d~tfcs:t~~~:ri:~~es~t~~?s 1) In Arizona, Rep. Paul Fan- things in that class though. The kid this he has written two books: They ~~':.vS:i~~~~;sd ~a~~~~~t:~f~: is not the "misery loves company" nin's seat will probably be won by a next door to me is in the other Grow in Silence; and Multiple spine become jumbled in a ball, cliche; far from it. In fact it is Democrat. The conservative section and after seeing a movie Handicapped Deaf Children: usually located in the small of the totally different. Through these ~,~~~o:. is retiring after 12 years of describing the Magicot-elfgious Medical, Psychological, and back. The results are that lower -films people who have been af- _,............. culture complexes (TRANS- Educational Considerations. portion of the body is without fected by a handicap of some sort a :;o~~~~Tt':;:~rho~~:I~~~n~~~~~~ ~iII~~~h:i~.'10ctors) he cast a All of these terms; Usher's ~~~tai~t ~~~ef~~~ n;;;:l~~eist~~ ~~: f~~~et~~t~h:::~~ec~~Z;~i~~~ ~~~~~~~'id~~: Ofp:~:UD~~C''in~t~~rtt~~~!f: ~~~;g~~;~E!~:~~f~~~~f::~~~:~:~~~~:S~~~;;'~~~~v:e·:~~o'nes~h"~V~~~~~~t::~~i~::sa~~:~~~ :t~:~! T~~n1Y~~p~~~ican seat in Hawaii wonder they chase after their own ;~e:c~~~~~~ii?; th~~x~~~~fl~a~~ directed their films to i~corporat;· would be a film that Dr. Griswold ~~~~~na~a won by Dem. Spark ~~~~r~ittl~i~~~i~~te:at ~~~h;i~~ plies to the handicapped or, in the ~~i~:~e~io~~~~~~~~~~t;l;:~~ ~~:fDrbl~;n~~.m~~: la:itl~ea~~~ in4in~:~:~'~\~~;~:~~g;:l~lf~~!::ir:'~:~~~~:\~~~~iE:~~:~~~~uE:;;'~!~~t~t~~1:~t~:w+:~ ~:~~!t~;;;;~_;::dn::da::rnPt:~~:~~~~~:~!~:f.~:f:r:~:~ 185\e;~ ~~st~: ~an:~earrOWlY lose :some of their food in cow's of exc~ptlonahty are mental are trying to accomplish with"their complished two functions: The to Bob Monks in Maine. Muskie has urine. I wish they'd try that here. retardatlon and cleft pallet. films is to educate not only those first being a study of deaf blind- been around as long as Hartke. At least it would be a change from Realizing that most cases of who fall into the exceptional ness; but the second may have 6) Don Riegle (Dem.) appears to cooking things in axle grease. exceptionality deal with the bracket, but also those who are been even more helpful. By be safely ahead in the race for the handicapped, Drs. Vernon and close to the exceptional person. In making the film in coordination retiring Philip's Hart seat. His Well, it's late and I golta go. Griswold were faced with the idea the words of Dr. Vernon, "We are with the center, they were able to opponent is Marvjn Esch. Around here if you're early to bed . of how to best expose these trying to humanize the human communicate the fact that the 7) A Republican will take the and early to rise-you're behind in problems to the public. With Dr. condition people face". In Helen Keller Center had just re- Dem. seat presently held by Stuart your work. Griswolds' extensive background this "humanizing", they have opened in a brand-new highly Symington With Deep Sleep and Love, in film-making, the tool was taken a unique approach in their advanced clinic on Long Island. ah8~a:in ~:~:;;~!.:fo~:~H~~S~ l~mery Be~oreFinals As was ~entioned before, the film-making. present. Barney second part of the audience " (Rep.) is retiring. B iI.\JlJ ~IJ films' pUrJ¥lses are twofold. The that tr~~bi~m i~uc~:~ i\~~k~eri~~~ the films are aimed at are the Moynihan is heavily favored to win w~~~~;ha~~i~~e :Z~~;ng~:~ liq~~idsS~n~~~:tat~~'s u~~:u~~~~ th~~~h~~~l~h;o~r~~~~l:~~~~~~ ~:~~~~rs~~. ffl~S~e~;ti~e ~:n~ Buckley's seat for the Demos. partYIng, 5 percent of the student intrepid weekend warriors fired will be mountain climbing rap- close friend is reached by one of col:~ress~~~ ar/ff;h~fng i~i~:~~ ~dY spent an action-packed 18 the. 1\1-16 ri~e and conduc~ed pelling, rope bridges, patrol~, and these films, that person is made take the place of Hugh Scott, who is oou7 at.rt. Meade, the Number tactical exercises at Ft. Mea 7· survival style living. As of this aware not only of the problems and .-~~ tel have ami Y ~s.ort area in the land retiring _::o:.p!:e=,=,,:::ot:.:::'v='n!!:g . Although th~. weather wasn,t writing 35 ROTC in going. This is the. thinking of an exceptional people person, but also of how they can perfect. the SPirit ~f the day wasn t shown an interest ~mpen~. ~ while you all ,"":ere a much greater number than the 8 relate to that person and un- Poem of the Week Just gellmg mto bed from the mght men who roughed it at Bloomery derstand some of their feelings. As of the year. this Keller in the case Helen ?f your .fell.ow last percent before,S last Unlike year, cla~smates were Just begmnmg year's group will have several Center, close friends and relatives their day. females. Maybe this is the reason are exposed to the institutions that She's Gone On the weekend of Dec. 3 to Dec. for the great male interest. Or can provide the needed services 5, the WMC Ra~gers along .with maybe everyone merely wants to . selected others Will make a triP to become more proficient and DOC~Ors Vernon .and Gnswo~d A child Bloomery W.Va., sponsored b~ ~he confident in winter living, while at ha~en t. been ex.dudmg students In can still remember ROTC department. The traml~g the same time having a fun-filled t~elr film-making. Some of the the best parts will be conducted on the family weekend before the start of exams. films have students as the sub- lunch, & candy & a dollar for each visit farm of SFC Dan Myers. jects, while many have students but it's harder for me-- I;;;;.;;;.;;;.;;;.;.,;;;;;.;;::.;;;;;..._------ involvedinsomeaspect, whether it antiseptic washes away sweetness be research or prodUction leaving sobering old women Real World. News· Dying The wide Distribution of tnc Dyfng for you peop~e. in day of methane gas to some C~~~i~~~ ~~~~~~. f~~~O~n:~ for a smile, , ~y the wmter of 1977, \9 ~~: a moments pause Chicago and numerous cItIes companies across the U.S. are the films recogn'zed and in to prove they still are ~~i~~ot~:~:~~%o:,i~~;:~~~:-., -"" -" _.. , -,. _.. , _... demand in the United States, but manure won't go directly into What is the town of FernwOl-t!, ~heyare.recognizedan~i~dema~d passed on, fireplaces but will, instead, be Ohio (the setting of Mary Hart- ~ntematlonally. Dr. Griswold IS gone, supplied as natUral methane gas man, Mary Hartman) really like, Justly ~ro~d to show t~e n~me:s or laid down to rest, produced by a company called you may ask? ~he mayor of tho orgamzatIons. and institutIOns dead, Calorific Recovery Anerobic town of nine reSidents reports, fo bot~ here and m Eu_rope tha~ have No longer extant Process __ or, (you guessed iO; starters, that the TV reception i pu~ In requ~ts for films. H~ IS also Visions remain ;:~'isf~~e ~:t\f~~e kf~:rna~~ ~~I~~V~~'ts~:~rbl!ht~t w~~csh ~I~~~~:~~~ o:~:~:dt~~!::u~~ drying the mouth rountry, will obtain its raw Mary Hartman yet. In addition, ~ew requests fiowmg In all the because the eyes are wet --Carl Gold as we go to our death. ~~:rf~~dl~~~n ~:~=h::~di:~e;~ :ys e~~:~l~ orifa~hnen;~, ~~~e a: tl~~~allY, the films do~e by Doctor CRAP is located. Tht. cows'are fed swingers. : "Nothing like that Vernon and Doctor Griswold have Poem of the Week is being sponsored by Contrast, All students, faculty, on a high protein diel and their happens in Fernwood," says the been ~ great boon to the name and and staff of the college are welcome to submit fiction, poetry, and art waste is converted dirl:,'ly into mayor. He a~its, however, that standing of We_stern ~aryla~d .work to Nan~y Barry, Box 76. The first issue of the magazine is presently methane gas. CRAP offichls say Fernwood is m the district of th College. ~he films. gwe . thiS m the plannmg stages, so anyone who wishes to have their work con- they expect, by 1977, to begin swinging former congressman, college .n~tlOnal and mternat.lOnal sidered should submit it as soon as possible. - supplying 3.5 million cubic feet a Wayne Hays. ~:::e~~ltlOn as all educalional .,-------------------------- ..
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