Page 34 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 34
PAGE 6 Scrimshaw October 22, 1976 Robinson Blue O~ster Cult in Philadelphia Named Ford Mik. D'~ndr.a -. and not one minute was poor. performed a terrific drum solo. On their last song each player Coordinator Th On Br"daJ ~Igh~ul?ct~~~ ~~ M.M.E.B. received an encore from The light show during the solo was picked up a guitar and picked ~:nn'su~~J~ e~and ~nd ~g~J ~~f~7;;:~~~~ic~h~i~n :~~~s~hf:~ !~~a~~ ~~':rto~~~f~~e:troh~ :;:~r~f~veeS~~~;~~~r!~:::!a~ ~7&;i~i~~~~:£~~J·:~:f~1i;t~~~:~;f:=~~£~:;;~:?,~:~~~~~~~~~~~:}!F.~~~!~~t;~5rn!~E:~~~~~~:~[:~HE£~1;'~~~::- nounced today the appointment of ;~ eage~ awai~i~g the pr~n~ eX~~ltle~·M:rl~~!~c~ot o~opB~: :te~c~:~~ beo~' ;h~~;ee ~~~i~ ~~v~~~~:~~~~~:y O;~~~ ~~rcna~~ ~~~ir!~~insf~~ ~~e th;ta~OU~~ of t e un own r~ group, . :~; Oyster Cult. They had faceted mirror ball which hung back on staae for two more songs. Maryland. A~el ~aY~d ~u" gll1 .~~vr s ~c ~ 'Philadelphia's Spectrum in a from the ceiling. Blue Oyster Cult Yes, it was an excellent night to Robinson is a student at Western r do e lea d r: 't ~; constant state of commotion. Their played most of their songs from rOC::k'n'';OIl.with. such loud ana Maryland College and served as a ~e:'e::"sfn~~; w~~c~h:nm~~ at~ drummer, Albert Bouchard, "On Your Feet or On Your Knees." quick-pickin mUSIc! Next Week is Special At WMC ~d~~:::.memberOftheBoardOf ~:~t~f~n~h~!~:tt~sH~~~:t: Robinson will be working closely topping it off with a solo with no more closely this week the people carries an intense joy for making with Carolyn Booth, Youth Desk accompaniment. The crowd loved vou see scurrying across campus- others happy with his songs. Director of People for Ford,iat the him. Most of the members looked Not one, but two "special" Perhaps a new face will be among Communication is the mission of President Ford Committee an'dactedlikewomen; two of them performers will be appearing on them!?!? Bryan Bowers, and he does so Headquarters in Washington. even had eyeshadow, lipstick and our campus the week of Oct. 25-30. through his music and [ole de People for Ford is an umbrella oth~r makeup on. The singer had a (What an intro to Halloween!> Though Keith Berger will be a vivre. organization to coordinate the white satin pant suit on and the' tough act to. follow, he will be Though every week around here coalition of special voter group drummer wore a scarf. Angel First is the "Iantistigal" Keith followed, that is, by another seems to be jam-packed, over. volunteers working with members rocked and rolled for a half hour, Berger. A master of the art of dazzling performer--Bryan Bowers flowing with work and prior of the First Family to assure with no encore. I thought that mime, Keith Berger lives in a will be on campus FRIDAY, Oct. 29 committments, here is our in" victory for President -Ford in Angel should have received an world of silence. With amazing for an 8:00 p.m. performance in vitation for you to "touch' life with November. encore, but the crowd was im- control of his body and space, he Alumni Hall-only $1. a hand of meaning. Keith Berger In making the announcement, patiently awaiting the arrival of promises to take us to that world of Bryan Bowers plays the auto and Bryan Bowers scope different Peterson said: "The scores of Manfrecl Mann's Earth Band. illusion and emotion. MONDAY- harp. He is a master on this in- fields and modes of interaction, but young volunteers, with their drive The audience went into an Ocl 25-3:30, TUESDAY-Oct. 26- strument, making it perform as a both reach out to grab life as it and enthusiasm, have made a vital. uproar as M.M.,~.B. entered the 3:30, and WEDNESDAY-Oct. 27- solo instrument with melody, spins by. impact on this campaign and are stage. The spectrum glowed from I :30, Keith will conduct a workshop rhythm, harmonies and charm. Join them for a moment of in. paving the way for a Ford-Dole the multitudes of lighted matches in McDaniel Lounge for all mime Along with his autoharp, Bryan finity. vi~~~~:!a~or:t':~~~"joining' ~~~t~ig~~e~~. b~:i~f~e~h~~~~i~ ~::=:~J::a~~Yo:;~:~:~! 1F";==================='91 What's Happenin' Now ~:e:;Od~~te!~~l~ ~~~ct°fJ~~' ~~~~c~ 1'e~1 ~aa~flja~'~~:; ~~~~I~.t~:e:a~~~~~~m~t~~~ Robinson at Rouzer Hall, Room "Mighty Zuinn," as well as my to sign up for this class of another 119, Western Maryland College, favorite, "Father of Night." Th~y dimension, come to the College CAPITAL CENTRE Westminster, Maryland 21157; gave an excellent concert. Their Activities Office BY FRIDAY, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and Pure Prairie League 10/20 telephone: (301) 848-9723. performance lasted over an hour OCT. 22. For the rest of us, is Frank Zappa 11/4 ZZ Top 11/11 "eul" Opens~~~~h~s'DAi,'';,:";l~,\~'.~:'': 11115-16 Dr...... in Alumni Hall. Tickets are only $1· Chicago John Denver, and the Starland Vocal Band 11/24 - 25 St_r!v~~~~rs under th; influence Don't miss out on the Drama ~:~~: entrance fee to another Aerosmith 12/5 C" of llracula this weekend! The Department's first production of P.S. Just as a suggestion-watch three act drama opened at 8:15 last the semester. Dracula is an ex· HOFF THEATER, U. OF MD. KENNEDY CENTRE night (Thursday, October 21) and perience you don't want to just *:************* Nils Lofgrin 10/22 10/14 Steve Goodman ::~rt~~ r:::I~~:r~~~c~:e~:~ ~:a:ta~ut~l~ts !~~rp~~~;~ ~~~: NOW : Robert Palmer 11/14 Bill Withers lU/21 Gino V
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