Page 42 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 42
agl6 SCRIMSHAW Friday, October 29, 1976 Dr. John Support2 Student Visitors Personal TGUChes Make Maggies Continuld from Paga 1 According to Dr. Ralph C. John, pleased that this step has been Since the selection method is left Break from School Lunches College President, the student taken. It certainly will mean good up to the SGA, there are a number visitors were discussed and taken things to all of us." In a recent of ways that they could go about it. care of without any qualms on the interview, in regards to the effects Three more prominant methods Maggie's Restaurant on Dr. Weber tells me that the part.or the Board members. The upon the students of the campus, probably under consideration Washington and Greenis drawing really debateable question, he felt, Dr. John said, "The students include: Election by the SGA itself; large numbers of WMC students. building dates back to 1910. In the would have been whether or not should find that the Board is made or its Executive Council, or even a Co-owned by Dr. Weber of our 1930's the restaurant was run from students deserved full membership up of a group of human beings." .carnpus-wtde election for the three Political Science Department and a wheelchair by a double amputee with the Trustees. However, since The responsibilities of the positions. Those persons interested Mr.. Jack O'Connor, Maggie's named "Maggie." Her husband the SGA was very specific in its student visitors will be to attend in serving in such a capacity offers a variety of delicatessen- used the back room, which is now requests, such a question was not the semi-annual meetings of the should contact their SGA type sandwiches for $2.00 or so. part of the restaurant, as a even raised. Board of Trustees (held the third representatives for more in- American beer costs .80 a bottle, blacksmith shop. His products John personally felt that the Friday of both October and April) formation on how to go about being and sometimes imported stout were transported in a wagon by newly approved procedures were and, Dr. John supposes, they will eligible for the student visitor beer is available. Ivan Gamber. The present owners fine as they stood. Through the be able to serve on the Board's positions. Maggie's decor provides a found a name-plate from Mr. visitors, the board can get student where a major load of the Board's oleasant atmosphere for an in- Gamber's wagon, and put it above input and reaction to the subjects work is carried out. One that all ~IRve1ops ormal meal. The interior has a- the door to the back room, which is that they have to deal with. Since three students will serve on is the 93O's feed, with a big collage of now called the "Ivan Gamber the faculty, alumni, and students Committee on Student Affairs, novie stars from that period. Mr. Room." are all affected by the decision of which includes the visitors and Are you a photography nun Do t'Connor has put up some in- Later, in the 50'S, the building the board, be-sees the non-voting three other students named by the your own processing and sresttng paintings, and there is a became a fairly rowdy saloon status as fitting correctly. The SGA. However, it is possible that developing for the fun of it? How replace in the back which, I called the "Green Street Inn." It president, himself the Secretary to other committees will be open to would you like to make some extra nder stand, is sometimes lit. closed again, and fell into disuse the Board, feels that even he the visitors. cash? The Military Science arious plants hang from the for years. Then it housed doesn't deserve a vote with his All regular Trustee meetings are Department is looking for someone nling. "Leonard's Crab House," which employers. held on campus, which should be to provide photographic coverage The employees at Maggie's are moved to Taneytown and is still As far as his reaction to the easily accessible to the students. for its activities throughout the iendly-most of them are WMC operating there. Board's big move, Dr. John stated Committee meetings are many school year. If you're interested tudents. Sandwiches are_served in a letter to SGA President Jay times held off campus, often -in see Cpt. Moler in the basement of with fried potato slices, most of Another interval passed in which for the Rodstein, "I personally am very Baltimore and Washington, D.C. P"---------. them not really thin enough to be storage, building was used only Dr. ANW or call 848-7000 Ext. 244 and, last November, Big Apple Thanksgiving Nov. 2 ~~I~:~toar~h:~edA~~a~~tl in the Weber and Mr. O'Connor became as with Mr. O'Connor co-owners, records Real play background, rather than the piped- the active manager, and began The Amherst Institute to the hotel. Flights are also in "Muzak" which is a repulsive work. This July, they opened their "A Non-Academic Center for Ex- scheduled from most U.S. cities. Frock's Election characteristic of many enterprise under the resurrected change of Ideas Among Adults" For more information or for restaurants. Mr. O'Connor says name "Maggie's." In the short reservations write immediately: Return Center that there will be live en- time that they have been open, ,. Thousands of college students The Amherst Institute, 233 No. tertainment on Sunday nights. they seem to have established a from all over the country will Pleasant St., Amherst, (Cash Bar) These and other personal touches fairly stable business. Dr. Weber converge on New York City for Massachusetts 01002 or call Ad- suggest that the manager might be says that they have not done badly, four days over the weekends of ventura Travel at (413) 549-1288. trying to appeal to students who nor have they prospered ex- November 11-14 and November 25- Reservations can be made by are sick of routine meals at the cessively. He describes their 28. Although New York has always mailing a $20 deposit to the same Bi partisan cafeteria. Currently only 5·10 financial situation as "solvent." been a popular destination for address. Written confirmation will percent of the customers are WMC ••••••••• exam-weary college students be sent by return maii. students. during the long Veteran's Day and '-----_....1 Thanksgiving weekends, this year things will be more organized. TV Review - Comic Debates Fmmiest The Amherst Institute is spon- scring a special $39 hotel package Heomrv (Title not by Spoons) which top rate humor can be so slip." One thing that nearly ruined entertained, amused, amazed, and for college students that should As a reporter lor a small, un- artistically weaved into such a this joke was Carter's insistence all left with one question in mind: remove many of the hassles and derground, local, bi-monthly serious theme. upon repeating it at every public "are they really serious, or just uncertainties associated with a trip newsletter, I was fortunate enough to the "Big Apple". to be asked to give my expert All of these shows deserve some ~~~::;:nt~~ ~o:utyt~~ t~e~i~~ PU~!~~a~~r ~:~Ii'~ever know. "New York is still the most opinion of some of the new fall exciting city in the world. Nowhere comedy shows. I found some to be ~~~:i~i~:w~ve(h~~~a~o~'~;:~; :~~s:::i~~t~~a::!~~~lllingers on in .. else is there such a concentration rather boring, while others proved Plain& Fancy.' of great stores, restaurants, quite original and entertaining. ~~~~:i~:re~~l~~:~~~~?e~~v~~: Cart~r also p~oved ~at he. can,.. theatres and museums," notes one OnE: in particular, however, stood most brilliant, witty, and en. =~t;~~~nh~~ ~~:~~ee7::tf;::~n~.. iC: of the trip's organizers en- out as perhaps the brightest and Donuts ~ thusiastically. "Yet visiting New most hilarious show Ihave had the tertaining of all of the fall shows: ~~il~~d ~~; ~::on~n~~~o~~", York is all too often expensive and pleasure of viewing in many, many The Presidential Debates; This succeeded in showing about * -it the viewers'" lonely. We wanted to put together a viewing hours. But first, I'll give comedy special had one of the that he was confident and really,. 140 Viilage ..., program that would allow college my brief opinion of a few of the fc students to meet other students others: !~~~esi~ v;:;~~~ ~~~~~~e:n%fI af~~ ~:i;es:~e ropes show from all over the country and at a away « very reasonable price. The tips Mr. T. and Tina; This weekly ~~;:o~kiu~e:,~~~~te: t~~te~~; All in all, I don't think any other*' only 5 minutes are planned as a break from show succeeds in showing that series of it. A new and emerging program can match the zany .• Open 24 Hours a Day 1C classes and studying, a change-of- people of the oriental race can ;~th w!~:*•• pace before the pressures of have fun too, although they have ~f~:a~en~'~~~iJ::":~n~a~~~~ ~~~~~:e~~a~eD:~!~~:.d "'''JfJI...¥..¥iC December exams. the misfortune of living in very professionally, and the "So we collaborated with Ad- America. In this week's episode, seasoned veteran Gerald Ford ventura Travel, which has been Michi, Kinji, and Harvard sat and handled the role of "the dumb one" organizing ski and beach trips for listened as Tina told how she first equally as well. I was reminded of college students for seven years. met Taro. I didn't watch it. many of the old classic comedy We asked them to put together a teams of history, such as Abbott low-cost package including hotel Alice; Too common a theme; a and Costello, Laurel and Hardy, and a computer date match," waitress with a dead husband and and more recently, The Smothers explained Brad Esty, a student at a son to support (who knows more Brothers. Carter said many things _ the University of Massachusetts, about sex than she does) who that were not really funny at first, and one of the orginators of the wants to be a singing star and can't however, through a series of clever idea. seem to find the right man and contradictions, some well-placed "With Adventura's professional wishes in real life that she was pauses, and a multitude of insults advice, we designed what we born Marlon Brando. against his partner, he began to believe to be an unbeatable make clear the nature of Car-terian package: $39 includes 4 days and 3 The Tony Randall Show: A very humor: a bit grim, but sure to nights at a lop hotel in the heart of believable story about a lawyer bring a chuckle to Americans Presents ... Manhattan, a Welcome Party and with a 'dead wife and a daughter everywhere. fne International Buffet Every Sunday All-College Mixer with free beers, and son and an annoying a:aO;dhi~ni~haeg~~~r :~:~IJ~~:':": an optional Computer Date Mat- .secretarv. 'Too many serious Special this week:Aussian Buffet ching with other students moments. nationwide, and a free "Survival ~:';;~a~ ~~~:~c~ti i~n~e~~~7~::~ Beef & -Seer· Special $1.85 Kit" containing city and subway Holmes and Yo-Yo; The maps and a remarkable candid hilarious story of a real cop and a ;~eCi~;~~~\-no:h~;:C~~:~ Weekdays 11:30 B.m. to 1:30 p.m. guide to New York's best stores, r~bot cop who successfully capture when Ford delivered a line which is Of course We still. serve the best. kosher corned restaurants, discos, galleries and vlilians and criminals with 11 :30 a.m. to 10 p,m. museums. Holme's experience and common ~~~~oo~~f~~i~n.C!~~~~~s t~~ beefs and pastramis daily from For students from New England sense, and Yo-Yo's computer brain Soviet domination of Easte:-n 848-1441 schools chartered busses will leave and robot body. I gave this series a Europe," shall be remembered for 310.E. qfeen -St. at Washington Rd. from Boston, Worcester, Amherst, very good rating, because I was Springfield and Hartford, direcUy impressed with the manner in ~~~~::t:"o~~:s:s ~e ~~::: ... .... _~w..""'..mli"';;;""'_· ,iiM;;;."'_''"..d.... ~ .• ..,. d' ....... 7. •••• '.. \,', Jr...... ___
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