Page 35 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 35
October 22. 1976 Scrimshaw PAGE 7 the World tihijacking agreement. Castro said he abrogated the treaty because the CIA was involved in the Oct. 6th sabotage of a Cuban airliner near Barbados, Under the treaty both countries agreed to punish or extradite hijackers. Spain's illegal opposition labor unions called a nationwide 24-hour A cease-fire agreement went into strike for Nov. 12 to protest the effect in Lebanon this week. If it is government's labor policy. successful it will end the 18th months of civil war that has racked thai country. This Ain't No Ad BEV,ERLY·HIL~S, CALIF, SENSES STIMULATED (Speclal)-The Amencan Research Team today announced that it The!x>dy can ~ affected too, Ac- ~:s:~~n~a~t~~i~y p~~}:~~~:d c~ :~~'i!:~ti~;.n~i7hho~:v:A~:~ [ simply listening to certain sounds Soun,d' tape" ~hey expene,nced; which seemingly stimulate the physical sensations of a. highly mind's 'pleasure center', These sens,ual natl!re, Some reported 'Astral Sounds' have been put on feeling such rutense pleasure ~ey tape cassettes and The American could n?t find words to descnbe Research Team plans to make a !he feeling. In nearly all of them number of them available to the It became apparent they had un- public on a first-come, first-served dergone a 'peak experience' in basis, higher awareness. PROJECTION EASY TO DO ,IS AUTOM~TIC And it's al1 so easy. Just relax, These Astral Sounds have been turn on the tape cassette of 'As- known to have profound. lasting tral Sounds', and let your mind ~ffects and, many repo,rt automat- and body enjoy. T1ie sounds on I? out-of-body expenences each the tape do all the work, and can ttme they. listen to th~ sounds. carry you into an unforgettable !~h~r I:~~:;~~h~~~a~ef~::;~y world of l'..ur~ pleasure. - - TRIGGERS VISIONS SEND FOR YOURS TODAY Others report such phenomena as A number of these tapes has been 'explosions of light and colors in- made available to the public for side my head', and 'warm, enjoy- the first time. You can receive able feelings. that are highly spir- one by sending $10 ($12 for itual'. The most common result delivery outside U,S,> to: Astral seems to be a magnificently Sounds. c/o The ~merican Re- beautiful visual experience which search Team. Dept. E, 256 South creates light, colors, designs, sym- Robertson Blvd" Beverly Hills, bois and pictures directly inside Ca. 90211. Mailed postpaid, with the mind of the listener, instructions . •~,"""""""""II"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
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