Page 114 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 114
Page 6 Scrimshaw 'Revlew- Stewart's 'Cat' Oneof the Best Stephen Bainbridge About the only major disap- keyboard work is outstanding. deserve recognition. U It Doesn't Year of the Cat Closes out the After almost five months on the pointment on the album are the Furthermore, the string and guitar Come Naturally. Leave It. closes album in superb fashion it has the charts 'Wear of the Cat", by Al relatively poor lyrics. On several performances are excellent. out the side, in fine fashion. The best overall performances of any Stewart, has finally moved into the of th_esongs the lyrics serve merely Probably Stewart would have had guitar and piano work on it are song here. The keyboards, par- top ten. The major impetus to the as a frame on which the in- excellent success with "Year of the extremely enjoyable ticularly the piano work, are album's sudden rise has been the strumentation is based. Stewart Cat" if he had done a mostly in- among the best I have heard popularity of the title cut. For- probably would be better off if he strumental album. Flying Sorcery starts out side Stewart do. The guitar and alto sax tunately there are several songs had hired a lyricist to write for Several individual songs stand' two very nicely. The guitar and solos are aJso extremely well here that are at least as good as him, and had concentrated on the out as examples of what Steward is harmonica playing on this song arranged and performed. Best of Year of the Cat. Stewart has put musical score. capable of doing musically. On the give it an interesting, and en- all, the lyrics are the finest on the together an album that should be The instrumental performances Border, the second song, joyable sound. Broadway Hotel is ablum, as are the vocal per- ranked as one of the best this year. dominate this album. Overall the foreshadows the excellent work one of the better songs on the formances. , " that follows it. The string albums, it features some fine Dixon TDDesSatDr~ay :s;;:~~~e~~ts:di~:' ~~nrs~: ~:;~:r~!.~~St~:;t!::~rew~~~ rates as one of the finest albums "Year of the Cat" In conclusion, Sue Coleman acoustic guitar solo. Midas although the guitars seem to currently popular. Al Steward has Max Dixon, songwriter and contract and where he spent a 15 Shadows features. some fine dominate this song. 'Broadway produced a mellow, easy to listen assistant professor of drama here month sabbatical last year. His electronic keyboards, although Hotel and On the Border feature to album that nearly everyone on The Hill, will give a concert of music is infectious and exciting vocally it is rather weak. The the best string arrangements on should enjoy. It receives my his own music this Saturday night,' and promises to provide good percussion section on it and the the album, although in neither case highest recommendation. March 12 at 8:00 PM. Flying in entertainment. next song, Sand in your Shoes, also are they overdone. from Nashville for the concert will' The concert will be held in the be three outstanding session cafeteria, to eccomcdate more musicians to accompany Max, who people and launch a new campus Assistant to the Registrar: registrations, certification, in- Applications accepted up to Ap- sing~ and plays guitar. On fiddle entertainment, the night club. Western Maryland College invites stitutional research). The ril 30, 1977 with appointment will be -Ear l Spielman, who has Robert Nelson, a musical juggler interested persons to make ap- Bachelor's degree is required. beginning July 1, 1917. Send played for Lynn Anderson, Faron and a popular nightclub en- plication for the position of Other important qualities are: r~umes to: Office of the Young, and Johnny Rodriguez. tertainer in Nashville, who juggles Assistant to the Registrar. This personal traits appropriate to the Registrar, Western Maryland Playing harmonica will be Terry to all-types of music"from classical person will assist in rendering a responsibilities of the position, \ College, Westminster, Maryland, McMillan, a talented performer to bluegrass, will open the show. )Vi. de range of services provided by managerial competence, and data 21157. 21157. Western Maryland who plays with Chet Atkins- and Admission is just $1 and tickets can the Registrar's Office (scheduling, processing experience. Salar-y College is an Equal Employment Jerry Reed. Boomer Castleman, be purchased-at the Student Ac· maintenance and evaluation of $8,SOP - $9,500. Excellent fringe Opportunity Affirmative A~tion formerly one half of the "Lewis ttvtttes Office or at the door. un d e r g r a d u a t e records,. benefits. Employer. and Clark Expedition" duo with Michael MUJ"Iily, will be playing lead guitar. Two members on the NatiC!naland International News WMC Jazz Ensemble, Linda RickeJL and Tom Payne will also perform on the electtric bass and dr~lmt!" ~~~ng ~O~g ~i~ ~ax IN~~E ~!~IO;'~s'de t J' Northern and Western raame. INTERNATIONAL NEWS... ference and may meet with ~ t gra ua e· n an Carter ~av~ / v~rt~oso ~~!Included in the claim is Bangor, -Earlier this week President President al-Assad of Syria. oY;~al~o~ca~~i:il~a~e i!ot~~' ~~~~;~a~7o ~:ll:;~s:r;:~efi ~:~:ii:~;~t~{;fl:~~~~~er t~~~ h:b~~a:~ ~i~:eke ~~ -Brady Tyson, one of the u.s. :~~~~~~~~~b~~!';!s~:~f~~~ ~~~~~0~~~tec~i~kit~g7~~~ local businesses that Congress will ~:~~~~:~~fd:~~ ~;~tr~:Ii~~~ ~~~~:e~o~m~~io~'~xP~~~~ _ The style ranges from quiet,' accepted 42 telephone calls from ~~P ;~~~~~~e ~:~ngs:ti;o~ t~ countries will meet in London. "profoundest regrets" Tuesday for ~::;i~n~O~e ~~~ a~~ a~~:~~~~:ca~s~dacr~~e~ton~oun~; revocation of the claims. ~~d ~o~Yatt~~~a!n N~;~e c:~~ :~~i~~~eS~!:e~~C;~I~f~~~~~ intriguing. 'Max has found his. suggestions for the President on subverting the Chilean Govern- ~:~ ;ee~as~:!~~~1 ~no~~~~~ :e~~or~~g:e~tf~:r~ O~~ ~!~~LaPadula's World News ~:~e Ofu~I:~i~~~I/; ~~f3~r~~~~ wanted an ear for their pet issues. commission during a discussion of ; -Follies Preview ~naef~~!~~~':~~~~~~~f~r UGANDA--Yesterday, the has accepted a teaching job with ~ed~~at~~gh~:~~:tti°':x!~li~~~; by Jim Wogsland All in all, the two hour long session, oodies twenty-thousand political Towson State University. The goverrunenL The statement came the latest Carter attempt to enemies of President Idi (V.D.) course Mr. Butz will be teaching as a surprise and was immediately Each spring the Junior Class deimperialize the Presidency, was Amin were found floating down the entitled, "colored sex," will be disavowed in Washington to be a goes absolutely crazy·dancing, . a roaring success. Mterwards, Nile, apparently dead. Today, offered next fall. personal and unauthorized singing and telling corny jokf's in Carter stated his intentions to President Amin issued a statement statement.' front of sell-out audiences. This repeat the show "pretty often." saying that all twenty-thousand of BULLETIN .... ~his just in! -President ldi Amin of Uganda insanity stems from: a) a craving +Good news for .taxpayers! The the dissidents were killed in a hpge Ugandan government sources lashed out again at the U.S. this to raise funds for their class and, House of Representatives recently automobile accident on the En· have just announced that there week, rejecting suggestions that an b) the chance to have a great time passed a tough new code of ethics. tebbe Freeway. was an error in an earlier international commission in· by pe~orming in a. supposedly The measure, favored by Speaker statement. The twenty-thousand vestigate r"eports of atrocities in theatrical productIOn, better Tip O'Neill makes financial NEW DEHLI, INDIA--The political enemies of President Uganda. Amin repeated his charge known as the ~unio~ Follie.s. This! disclosure ~ requirement and government of Prime Minister Amin were NOT killed in an that Washington might be planning ~nual event IS written, directed limits outside income of all Indira Ghandi has just released a automobile accident. They ac- an invasion of his country. "I am and cas~ by only Juniors and is Representatives. The code is also list of the announced candidates tually went in the Nile for a swim proud that I am the only leader in used to raise funds for the Jr.-Sr. designed to eliminate office slush for the March elections. The list and drowned when Amin made Africa who is challenging the" Banquet and next year's Sefuv •. funds and inflated expense ac- includes four announced can- the Nile turn red. Amin has called American aircraft carrier En· activities. counts, and to restrict gifts from didates for prime minister. They it the "wrath of God." terprise which has 140 planes," This year's version promises to lobbyists. are-Mrs. Gandhi, Mahatna Amin said. "We will'crush them if be one of the best. The script was +While Jimmy "Carter's cabinet Gandhi, Mao Tse-Tung, and WESTMINSTER, MD.-~Last they come to Uganda." The written secretly during January level appointments were mostly Gerieralissimo Franco. Mrs. week, Phil LaPadula declared atrocity allegations stem from and Felruary and rehearsals have of familiar faces, the next lower Ghandi has been campaigning himself the dictator of second floor reports that his security forces already begun (although some of notch in the executive tranch is hard and says she is "confident of Rouzer. Mr. La Pad41a assumed began slaughtering Ugandan the actors haven't shown up yet.) made up of many newcomers. The . victory." power after a coup d'etat and Christians of the Langi and Acholi Performance dates have been set· proportion of minorities and T '!W SON, MD ... Form er :~he:~~~ declared martial law \ ~!~~:~~~r ~~~s~~~e~l~~~~~ :~:r::~i!~!6=;on! :J=~:;~;~~en:~ th~~poS~~~~oi~sh~g~~~ AgrIculture secretary Earl Butz I killed red Indians and invaded abiyassistedbyChrlsMehr(Stage ministration. Unfortunately, $ f St d t Cuba. Are they not ashamed of Manager), Rick Norris and Jim Carter has placed persons for only or u en s people they killed in Vietnam? Are Wogsland (Set Designers and 65of the ISOsecond·level jobs in the ~~~~h~~~hi~~?ki~~~ ,- Technical Directors), Sue Grimm government. This unusually slow (Choreographer), Alan Zepp. pace is blamed on two factors.· The American College and theYE~~tOf :~~n~' A' b;r: D~~Y:~ y ~M~~iC)H sa.lIY(:J.~~ ~v~~ce): First, the stringent code of ethics University Service Bureau an- =~o= ~~~f:~.'~o about ob- m~~: wererlr:!e
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