Page 110 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 110
Page 2 EDITORIAL: Housing Council Moves Hinge Invitation In banning all but seniors 'composed of one scholastic class D~~v~~:~ a member of Hinge :~~ng~~ f:th~f! o:~wrnat u: ::ee ~~e~ho:mth~~ :~i~~ ~i1~ from resldlng- within the Garden !:a~:n~~epfli~t;h~~t:~~I~~~ o~t~~eyn~; for the past two years, I wou1d like We tutor these kids (grades 1to 6),. There's a playground near Center Apartments next year, the Housing to call thestudent body's attention play baIl with them, and generally Street that sees plenty of use in the Council may be making a those rho are left out"? to the work of this organization, try to show them a broader View of spring. ~:E;~~~~:~~~U~~"~:~~t~~?n~~:t~ ~~I:~:~ n~:he~.y ::~~~~ ~~~IO;~ ~t!~~:g~~~nt~~~ti~~!O anyone lif;h~:~~~sO~~i~~~t~O~:-oe:~ f:C~iO~ua:~~ ~~;:e ac~~;e~OC~~ entire year solely in order to Hingeisagroupofstudentswith one-to-one basis with their "little ·campus each semester. A swim- ~~o:,:~ :r~:, ~~~:v:~::ej':;:~~~~ reside In a housIng unit that rates :~~~~~~?I:;~d of c~~r~~~ Wi:~ !7~~e~~' s: ~'I~~k~~~r:;;/~~ .~~t:~~r~~te~f~~oo~un~~~ ~~dfo;o~d:~!eC~~~~~~:tl~;u~~:~ :~~e t:~y;:h;.S T~ea~O~~r~IO~ Westminster. We work with them the- afternoon. Some student-work small basketball clinic are' planned WMC Besponse to Kennedy Wednesday, March 16. ~~::I~t~~:~~I::;~{tq~:~~~~rs;o~~~' fO~;~t~~~:~ncampUSfeeISthat ~CRIMSHAW would'llke to take not only include the furniture, Dear Scrimshaw- demogogue that comes along to th.ey ar~ interested in working with a definIte stand against this sort of lighting, and Ilvirig space, but also, I didn't hear Florynce Kennedy' force them into expressing such lllng.e, Just stop by and see eit~er Idea, as a consequence of some of how well he or she will get along speak, but judging from the vile feelings. Curbs Rook, Rouzer 403, or RICk the unseen after effects that It may with their potential roommate. By remarks on the board outside the .BobKelley Clark, MacLea A-33. Thanks. may end up containing. We feel limiting these potential roommates cafeteria and Phil Lapadula's that, although it may accomplish to the senior class, the chances of article, I can guess that she is a its Intended· pur-pose of giving getting along well. are also sub very abrasive character. However, Sorority Fantasia Seniors full advantage of their "stenflelly llmlted." many of the remarks I read were Dear Editor; science. traditional right to preferentral so viciously racist that I don't 9 pm, Wednesday, March 2, In epprectatron. houslng,~the bad P9lnts outweigh Another question that comes to believe they were aimed at Ms. Blanche Ward Hall. I was en- Tracey Eldridge Baker Cross ;~~~~~~~g t:~:t:~~nge in the ~i~~v~ f:'::hr~e~h:O a~i~ht:~n:~ ~ne:"se:at~rnec~~r ~r~~~~e ::r ~~~~~~ot~;s~~O~~en~~ti~~~ Briefly the 'concept entails prioritizing housing options. If it Is much hatred-the hatred was here (Note the recent coining of the TQ the Editor: totalling the draw numbers for the true that these units are so much before she arrived. She triggered a term BLAR, and acronym devised Some kind of protest must be four candidates who are interested better we would like to know why reaction that has revealed much to euphemize compelled con- made against Stephen Kepple's In living in an apartment, and then the discrel?ancY'is so great. A about WMC students to me. frontation with like nemeses) With heartless closed-minded view of allowing the lowest combinations significant difference in To the people who wrote those my lack of aptitude for quan- Big Baker chapel in March ard's to pick-thefr rooms for next year desirability could mean that the remarks, I would like to present titative thought; enthusiasm, in- Scrimshaw. Has he ever seen Big In most cases this will mean that _presently "normal" dorms erenet these questions: Is it Flo Kennedy terest, nay, mere 'Power of con- Baker in the snow. Has he ever allowing an underclassman into being kept up to their potentia! you hate so much, or is it blacks centration was clearly bought. seen the sun set behind the hill the drawing combination would be standards, while the Garden and women, or can you even Imminent disaster the sole when Baker's windows reflect the practically sulcldal" in the attempt Apartments, which are a potential separate them? Did you feel even a motivator, my equanimity was the brilliant orange of the sun? Has.he to get a number low enough to source of rental revenue for the sJjght tinge of guilt when you p-ice of that last desperate, if ever stopped to pray there late at select the crererenttet housing· on college in the future, have had walked by later and saw your necessary, attempt to-grasp that night, when the steeple seems to go campus, the Apartments. more money poured Into them on the boardt, remarks . which had proven to be as abstruse straight up to heaven? The calm Phil Lapadu1a said that Ms. as is Hegel's dialectic. majesty of Big Baker is, in my One thing that the SCRIMSHAW A major fault that we have found Kennedy only succeeded in driving \ 0 .. th t be lf tends to question is the motivation with the Housing Council's actions the races f~rther apart.en cam. A p.l~e bounces through the t~2~~%p:S~:Sy in :~~ :;i~~.o~ behind such a propp sal. A major on this matter has been the relative pus. I agree. But I feel that the hall smglflg (perhaps more aptly._ cross is only a symbol. If one proponent of the combination obscurity which the proposal has responsibilities for this lie with us. described as yowling. Please don't; person stops to thank God for the system Is Housing Council been kept in over the past six People like Ms. Kennedy will ~:S~~in~:r~~o~':eem~~t~~i~~~ ~:r~tYi~!~~::n~e~~e;o~~~l~s h~~: !~~:':e ar:~d~e~~ less =;:~~::~h~r not C:rdad~C~u~:e~e~~~~ low ::~ths~lv~~ry k~o:I!~deen~n have a angry children, and more like VtooCBifeat'mataniO~,beth"'emin.e. ,reon,em.,bIlan"'nCdeAmaPkIe~Cite.Io,'weWhOa"vheiPthei'he':~tattoY,Oee~ .... if could although year like was subject, sufficiently enough to select an Apartment great effect on a large number of secure, educated adults. Maybe myself ensnared m t~e .real?l .of it, there is a lot of God's love in Big before they had been entirely filled students when it comes to room someday the people who wrote the super-heroes. Fantasla IS highly Baker ;~:~~~r~o:e::~~llt :~reesar~~:~; ~;al~~~;~:~~nth:a~~· :r~~~rla~t~ remarks won't allow C I petty preferable to general physical· f M- II Julie Ashby every A St t one senior was living In an apart· Irlbutable to a breakdown in 0 or: ment with three underclassmen, communfcationson the part of the " e 0 In already. This gave rise to the Housing Counell reP':"esentatives or question of why some of the the Housing Council Executive by Stephen R, Kepple parents loved him. He saw no said Remus, "the idea of having younger iunlors~and sophomores Board Itself. I met someone in the Student reason to hate himself. sexual relations with a white girl I were able to live In the "splendor" Whosever the fauJt turns ouf 10 Center the other night. He called find repugnant." of the apartments while some be SCRIMSHAW Implores that all me over to his table where he sat _ Then he began making secret His parents wanted to send h·im seniors were forced to live in the of Its readers make their opinion with milk and twinkles. It was a bus trips into Downtown. It wasn't to Western Maryland College, but "crudity" of a college dorm. known to their Housing Council rude, loud, angry cry he made _ hard to fool the !,urbli.nd old folks. he persuaded them to send him to But the motIve ·for pressurIng representative by this Wednesday. such as is necessary to penetrate There for the first time he saw UMBC when he found out what a such an issue up to Its present point The only way to support or defeat my character armor. (He told me black people in large. numbers .. He great big lily WMC is, without even to us seems to be even more thIs entire concept is through their later he had had to speak thrice was fascmated, excited. Yet Im- a single black teacher (although questionable. Is It an actual at· votes af next week's meeting. before I turned my sad eyes.) He mediately he felt 9uite inferior to there are blacks on the janitorial tempt 10 Improve student living at Representative Democracy was asked me several questions, and I these tall, exotic people. They were and cafeteria staffs). WMC or could It be sImply an devised to be truely a voice of the saw immediately this was an poor and underpriviledged, yet "Now look atme," he demanded angry reactIon to a single people. We hope that this great unusual young man. So I sat down, how prou~! He felt ugly and left- slowly, as .though I had not been situatIon? Would the fact that the ideal will· hold true. in this case, and told him my name. I will not out in thelI" presence. So he began doing so all along with trance-wide Apartments may -be entirely also.· ~: ~:s~:a:~~tl~t ~~~~ ~i:~e~c~~:~~~d~1 a~::~ ~~~i~ eyes, "look at me -- and tell me I am white!" Wedding Celebration ~e:!n.~~~ ::res:~~y":g: ~~di:ea~~! ~f~~~t. a~a~: Our congratulations to 'our very own' newly wedded WMC staff but I do not think it was these he worked harder, fiendishly, until Editors member - the former Miss Jane Frock of the College Activities office. meant to sell. When I told him I the streets and fields puddJed with John Springer On Februo¥"y 26, Janie got married toMr. Tim Bartlett at the Church (;i was not interest~, and began to his sweat. He developed a deep tan. Jeff Robinson the Brethren In Westminster. Their honeymoon was spent in Win- rise, I saw his face begging me to And bought himself a new ward- Meg Hovl" chester, Virginia· a "rlnky-dlnk place on the map", says Janie. At any stay. It was almost the face of a : robe out of tiny stores rock~ by Carlton Harris rate - congrats are extended. girl. So I stayed and we talked for music. Often he had the un- Business Manallllr sensation Film Series Mareh %6 an hour. Mostly he talked. 'comfortable clerks were humoring that him. the Dave Range black said that he was born in Remus Nowhere, Nowhere, and had Certainly people stared - but had Layout The fitLh part of a seven-part in Lecture Hall III-of UMBC's film series surveying the history of Administration Building. Lindley somehow ended up in Baltimore he ever been stared at before? It BiUTodd American avant-garde cinema will Hanlon, a doctoral candidate at with a wealthy foster family. They was exhilarating. be - shown March 16 at the New York University, will narrate were a slow old couple whose only He came close to merging with University of Maryland Baltimore the presentation. Ms. Hanlon has child had died many years before his ideal. A great step was taken Bob Kellay Kim Shewbridllll County. taught film at NYU and has lec- in a plane crash. The first thing when he began cultiviating John Wilcox Brenda Donovan Part V, which includes works tured widely on the avant-garde they said to him was: "Keep away friendships among the blacks. It NancV"'Barry MikaD'Andrea from lil63 through 1967, includes film. from the Negroes. We don't want to was a struggle - half the job was in Jim Wogsland Matt Bowers short films I\y independent artists General admission is $1.50; see you playing with them." ~ hiding everything from his foster Patti Chandler McGeadv Sue Col "man all-white to LaPadula Eammon Phil was He sent Jordan Belson, George Landow, students will be admitted free. school where he received an a cheery parents. He studiously neglected Stephen Bainbridge Mark Bayer his few white acquaintances, "who Bruce Baillie, Jons M~kas, James The series is sponsored jointly by Sixties' elementary education of never gave a damn' about me Nancy Men"fee Whitney, and Michale Snow. The the UMBC Division of Arts and long division and brighter anyway." Soon Remus found films, which run a total of 87 Humanities and the Baltimore grammar and patriotism, while himself being invited to incredible Typists. minutes, emphasize a major Musewn of Art. The fJJms will be bombs exploded all around. By the partie~ at which he was the sole " Barb Kelley achievement of the New American shown at UMBC Wednesday time he entered high school he white. But from the stores he Cinema-subjective interpretation evening and at the Museum on looked and acted "like a Howdy already knew what it is to be a of reality by the filmmaker Thursday. The last two parts of the Doody doll, except with pimples for minority. Don Ball through mechanical manipufation. series are schedu1ed for April 20-21 Chris Boha$ka Dave Meyer The p-ogt.:l.m will beltin at 8 p.m. and May 18-19. the freckles." He was pudgy, Hegota girlfriend named Aretha nacreous, apathetic, and his foster w~ave him all. "Nowadays,"
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