Page 112 - Scrimshaw1976-77
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Page 4· Scrif\lshaw ..... BSU ealls Flo'"Positive" Teaching Award John Wilcox. JUNIORS!! SENIORS!! The recent campus lecture by the lecture was the only event She DeGross commented that Ms. and ideas were valid. The speaker The time is here to nominate the the controversial Florynce Ken- could recall which had generated Kennedy used her particular style addressed matters which are very instructor you feel deserves the nedy touched off a variety of such excitement that peopJe were as a way to drive her point home to much on the minds of the black Distinguished Teaching Award. emotions among members of the still arguing a week and a half the audience. "Everyone has their population here. She spoke of in- ALL Juniors and Seniors are asked College community. There were afterward. She continued, "FoI' the gimmick. The harsh language was creased black enrollment and of to participate in this selection many expressions, of indignation first time in my three years here, I hers. That'S" ali," he said the need for black faculty mem:... process. _ concerning Ms. Kennedy's saw students come out of their Linda Thomas agreed, saying, bers. She discussed the issue of The Distinguished Teaching flamboyant and sometimes caustic apathy and get aroused." "Her-profanity was a technique. I institutional racism and said that award is presented annually by an manner. She has been labeled a Ms. Thomas, a junior, said that don't condone it, but I do condone western Maryland had succumbed interested alumnae club at the demagogue and a slanderer and she tought people were reacting on the truths she told." This to it. These, the black students feit, Spring Honors ·Convocation and has been described with such two distinct levels. Those who were statement points out the second were the true themes of llie lee- Investiture to commend a WMC adjectives as: "pompous, sar- most vocal in their opposition to level of reaction which Ms. ture. faculty member for excellence in donic, arrogant, and deceitful." Flo Kennedy were those who were ,I Thomas identified. This is the revel In this sense, minority students the field of teaching. In a personal viewpoint article reacting to her extensive use of which concerns itself with what Flo feIt that Flo Kennedy's visit was Juniors and Seniors who vote will appearing in last week's SeriO!:" four-letter words. In general, the Kennedy had to say, instead of how extremely valuable. She brought to be asked to select not more ...than 5 shaw, writer Phil LaPadu1a caIled black community feels that this is it was said. The consensus among a public forum the very' concerns nominees from the list of eligible Ms. Kennedy "a disgrace to the a minor issue. Freshman Eric. black students was that her issues which have been repeatedly ex- faculty members. To be eligible a black cause." He further ex- pressed by the Black Student facu1ty member must have tenure Ad ... . ~ 0 " S- " Union. "If it takes people like Flo and teach at least 3 credit hours ::::n~~a~:~~~~~~~~~~ ministration pinion P It to wake us up, then I say send more each semester. Past-recipients are the.eptrtt 0' intelligent dialogue Flos to us," stated Ms. Thomas. not eligible. Scrimshaw felt that black students Bob Kelley She went on to say that those Ballots will be totaled by the SGA at Western Maryland shou1d be The reaction of the ad-. closely. Barbara Craig said that students who reacted only to _Ms. Action Committee, with the names given the chance to comment on ministration to Florence Ken- she touched on some very real Kennedy's language and ignored receiving the most nominations Flo Kennedy and her effect on the nedy's talk, judging by those that problems. Leslie Bennet thought t?e issues were going against the being forwa~ded to the Office of college. Scrimshaw was able to interview that some of her comments were hberalartsidealsonwhichWMCis Student Affairs. A group of campus Judging from the :esu1ts of a varied. greatly, but most ad: irresponsible, especially those based. s~udent leaders, select~d by the random and admittedly un- ministratora seemed to think she concerning Idi Amin. Her Ms. Thomas summed up the SI~a Alumnae Club, Will rate ~e scientific survey of black students' was worth the school's outlay of discussions before the talk in the Situation, saying, "She's gone now. n~mlDees by secret .ballot which views, the Flo Kennedy lecture cash. Even those who were fun-- cafeteria according to Bill Tribby The problems are not." will then be placed m sealed en- -- seems to .have been seen as a damentally opposed to her views and the olters who attended them, velopes an~ sub~itted to. ~he postitive mfluence on campus. agreed that she stirred up enough showed Ms. Kennedy to a better B d f Student Affrurs ~flce for mailing Many blacks felt that even though controversy to move students advantage than the talk that most eautitu es or to ~he club .presldent. The Club many w?ites were threatened and towards discussing such issues as people heard. Dean Laid1aw said tallies t?~ rating sheets and selects antagornzedbyMs. Kennedy, those racism and sexism. the Exceptional who attended the lecture came One recurring opinion among that she hada great deai of energy, th~recIPle~t. t k away with an increased awareness administrators was that many in ~~~dir:~~. ~~~e e~~~;~elt ~~~ nom:a~:nse~n w:dn:~a;, M~~~~ of the status of blacks at WMC. the WMC community placed too sh.e helped bring the BSU together to llis~~~~:~~~i~~~us;!'~~~~rt~~ 16 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m, SGA Social Committee chair- much emphasis on Flo Kennedy's its person Linda Thomas stated that language-which offended many-. in 'defi,nln'"'h ~dm°~I~.:._ t help us to know that if we per- :~:~ rh~\~~e~~~i~trot~~ ~~i~~ M we can be understood. meal hours servere mrs ...a ors were os 0 e a ideas Ride-A-Bike and ignored Her the abrasive that style she able to sep~at~. Ftorence Ken· .11. Blessed are you-who walk The for~ula for the method of presented. The Maryland Association for Incensed many administrators, nedy, as an. individual, from the With us in public places, and ignore nominating and selecting the Retarded Citizens is planning its although most who commented on I~SUes she raised, and were able to the stares of strangers, for in your recipient of the Distinguished fifth annual state-wide "Ride-A- this said that too much concern discuss them. separately. More companionship w'e find havens of Teaching Award was revised in Bike for the Retarded Day" with her style obscured the issues. than. o~ said that the angry - relaxation 1975 by a joint student.alumnae Sunday, April 24, 1977 (rain date, As for the substance of her talk, feelings amon?" students were III. Blessed are you who never committee in an effort to sample a Sunday, May 1, 1977). no two adminisirators agreed p~r~ly ~ue to failure to make this bid us to "hurry up," and more broader base of student opinion. distinctIOn. blessed, who do not snatch our Formerly only the Junior and Poet Kim Ch~Ha Jailed tasks from our hands t9 do them Senior members of the SGA made the selection for us, we need time for often ratfier than help. IV. Blessed are you who stand Angry? For the -campus· benefit, the Scrimshaw reprints the following portrays as the cynical ex·· were involved in a plot to over. beside us as we enter new arid .. When I'm angry Eight of the courtesy of Amnesty International ploitation of effects peasants and and the throw the government. were executed untried ventures, for our failures All hell breaks loose times of western perniciot1s by the "PRP" will be outweighed defendants AI is an organization working .Japanese influence on his country. in April 1975. The articles were when we surprise ourselves and Again J can be so beautiful throughout the world on behalf of The militancy of his writings has largely based on what Mr: Kirn Chi you. When I'm calm. .. prisoners of conscience. South not been overlooked by the South ~a had learned in prison following V. Blessed are you who ask for ·-·WilliamRoss Korean poet Kim Chi Ha is such a Korean government. His first hiS previous arrest in July 1974, O,urhelp, for our greatest need"is to The only thing I can remember is prisoner major works, the satire Five when he was sentenced to death for be needed. my grandmother's going to give BandUs (1970) and the poem the support he had given to student VI. Blessed are you who help us me a whipping if I do this or that. Mr. Kim Chi Ha is an out- Groundless Rumours (972), were demonstrators. Alter immense with the graciousness of Christ, There was a log house and steps. standing poet and writer who is both followed by periods of im- international protest this sentance who did not bruise the reed and I was an only child presently on trial for his life in prisonment. Cry of the People had been commuted to one of life quench the flax, for often we need And ~y mother was away . South Korea. As a result of his (1974) was published while the poet imprisonment and· eventually the help we cannot ask for. outspoken criticism of the was again in prison. Asceticism suspended (but not removed) in VII. Blessed are you, when, by authoritarian administration of 1974, which takes the form of a February 1975. all these things you assure us that President Park Chung·hee, Mr prison diary, was published during the thing that makes us individuals Kim Chi Ha has spent many of the the few weeks of freedom which is not our peculiar muscles, nor in past 14 years in prison. His per· followed his conditional release in _}..s a result of the articles, Mr our wounded nervous systems, nor sonal courage and his outspoken February 1975. Kim Chi Ha was charged with' inourdifficu1ties in learning, but in views h~ve made him a figurehead alleged violations of the Anti· the God given self which no in. Communist for the the dissident movement in ~~~5H~:e:: r:u~~~:~ Law. This law, under firmity can confine South Korea, particularly among in M~a~~~ which many of South Korea's Donated to Scrimshaw by Ronnie dissidents have been imprisoned, Lonbaidozzi, written by a teacher ~e:a~g~~J~·s~~r;h:r::; ;::e~ articles in the national da.ily is capable of very wide in- at the Wollingford School for the culosis and there is serious concern newspaper Dong-A 1100 which terpretation. It allows for ex- compound handicapped, lhat his health may be ~st~ted that fellow POliti~al ~~~~~~::d ·:o::.---------'---~~-_::""'==----- deteriorating because of long pnsoners h~d been tortured durmg ~rne~~~y ~~~eri~ "praising, encouraging or siding ~~~~~i;:;t~ment in solitary ,con. ~~:~:;lgat:~:'ell~:en~hee ~;~~.~~ with" North Korea or its leaders or Mr. Kim Chi Ha is the author of (KCIA), and that _the authonttes alleged agents. Because of Mr. Motherhood Too POEM OF THE WEEK had fahricated charges in alleging Kim Clii Ha 's previous convictions, the members of the so-called a verdict of guilt in the present ··People's Revolutionary Party" trial cou1d carry the death p'cnalty. home is where I play Bach on the piano while my small daughter dances. -Betsy Wallace The staff of Contrast urges all students facu1ty, and staff of the college to submit poetry, (iction, and artwork to Nancy Barry, Box 76, CampuS Mail.
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