Page 118 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 118
PAGE 2 SCRIMSHAW FRIDAY,MARCH 18, 1977 ~w.Cia~ . . Letters to the Editor . orks for W.M.C. had Editor, SCRIMSHAW would liketoapplaudfheacflonsoffhe Housing Counclf D~r We are three members of the a never sophomore woman who WIth assumptions in last week's Per- the matter discussed sonalViewpoint. We also hope that in their recent move to defeat subcommittee proposal for Apartment Housing Council committee on Meg;· furthermore, Meg was not future contributors to the Scrim- drawing. The prcposel. which would have required that the drawing for Room Drawing who would like to present when the proposal was shaw will take time to check the ~:ra;~~oeu~t:;;~i~:~~:e;:s~0~:~~=~at~:I~yO~b!n2~~:~a;!~~r7t~~ber ~4~:~ts s::;r~!ear e~~o~~; ~:~~~o~o:~ she participate in facts before they ' publi'cally tr:~:;~~:~~U~~c~f ar:s:t~s;~II~~e\nthca:r:~~n~:~~C!~~~S d~~~~n a~ ~;:~~:d~:rs::r~~:~~t la;: The most unfounded accusations :~~:~~~ything to which they i~e;;:}:~h!f~i~~~ '!~~ representettves. It was epperent that the legislators had conslsfently Steven xousouris, Roger Levin and ;;i~k~~~ Be~~~:!~~ ~':e :f~~i;~:~;~:~~1 ~~~:~: O~~~I:~~ t~~~nagtt:~~lr constituents to Sh;rr~n o~'~~~~~· US explain the ~~~~ta~de ~~~~~a\nth~~rs~~~ Sally Marshall Apologies may be In order at this time toward the Council, and Its method by which a proposal is However, it must be pointed out leaders, regardlng.m accusation that SCRIMSHAW made in last weeks formulated, presented and voted that there was a five day interval Dear Editor; editorial. When we stated that the proposal had been "sat upon" over on by the Housing Council. Each between the second and final votes In response to the "Personal the past several monfhs with no Information being given to the general year, the committee makes during which every committee Viewpoint" appearing in last campus public, ~ 'vere in error. In actuality the Apartment proposal proposals to the HOUSing Council member considered the pros and week's edition of the Scrimshaw: had never truly eeeo formulated until It was worked on within corn- concerning room drawing cons of the proposal. His therefore mtttee over the past few weeks. But In the abstract form such an Idea procedures for that year. It is then utter nonsense to assume that "Ah, come on Reg! It just won't wash!" ~a"!:~~rr::~~1:~:~;r~ ~ r::lrV:::~S:~::IS~~~~:~s c~~~~~a~e :,::S~~~~~r::~~~~;~v~a~~ ~~~~: Cindy changed her mind solely out Sincerely yours, Carla- Cnss-atnjette. trainer, "kept under wrap~" for any extended period of time. proposals to his constitutents, to ~~f~;e:~~c~e w~i~::s~f g~~i~ women's lacrosse team' ."1" w:!r~ rg~g~:d ~~ar;'t~r~:U~ls:t~~~~~:I~:!f~~:o;~ha:~~'eof~c~I:~~ :~e:~~~s maa~~rig~Pi~O~o~ forming her floor of the proposal. It Sally Marshall-President of Phi AlIiJa Mu .! opinions behind the system. We would alSO-like to reiterate our accordingly. :~r:ail;f:a~~ ~:~~al~: c~~~ . Cathy· Smoot-President of Tri :~~::~!~i;~!:~~~~~ ;:ir i~a~d~:~~ :~ec~~~~~~c;~~~~i~~f::~.!~: ar~~~:Ofth::~ntsJ~II:!~::::~~ mittee and copies sent to each Beta representatives and their peers. misleading and in many cases ~:~s:::: ~~~n~~r:~r~seenc~:~~ Franklin Ca p l a n-Aqt in g President Cabana Club pr~~~:~~tr:;~e t:~;;~e;:eodu~e~~:s~~/~~~~~. ~C~hl~S~~~~::~t!: ~~~~jx~~:o~ a~~~~~~!e~a~~ ~~~~~:~;.ible for polling their Meg Caddick-Speech Therapist Hamilton Blenders preferable system for room drawing as the one which takes the com- Meister. As chairman of the Italso appears the authors of last James Wogsland-Treasurer SGA blnatlon of one number per bedrccrn in the residence that one may be committee, she -conSistently week's article in their "endeavor Jean Molesworth-Junior Apt applying for. We shall further elaborate on our opinions at a later date, maintained an impartial, objective to survey the honest opinions of the Dweller & Honor Student following new recommendations from the subcommittee on room !lttitude. Her view was not "that student body" misrepresented the Jeff Mintzer-Garden Apt.-Penna crawincrs only seniors should be able to live feelings of at least one of the House Cultural Liason Officer Coley Back to Basics ~~~~:r:en~~e~n ~~; ~ ~~~~k~~ft~R~::r ~~ks~I~!~; cellent Senior and ex- Nyman-Future Linda Mary Frank-Captain Pom+Pom of Dir. J~;~~n~i~~~en!Z~g~,~~::;~~i~~ta~~~~v:,,:.~o~~::l~~:~~!:;~7:i::;::d~::Z~~:~~~er:i:~,~~:'~lt!~; Activities- Squad & Senior Center program. The. goal of these student bo·dy participates." One Meg Caddick has forced her met with the body of students he Westminster Zwacki-President Polish Karen ~~~:;::'~:Z;~t~~~;:~:~~:~Ei~~~f:~~~f'~5~~:~t~E~£:~~:~;r:E~~;i::::~I~r\~:t!;~~~~~ea;~ Grimes-President Senior Committee Awareness Lori mittment to the original idea of something that Dr. Lightner would This just isn't so. The article im- to find out more about the proposal Class· Siegel-Secretary of Pat January Term." like to see done. Ultimately, plies that Meg formulated this before he could evaluate it. Argonauts & Tri-Beta ~ The~anges that the Curriculum however, the lack of course proposa11ast May in order to seek We hope that we have been able Mark Horton-Resident Assistant Committee proposed are; I. selection in January Term will be revenge for not having received to clear up some of the miscon- Garden Apts January Term courses are now two solved by the new requirement her first choice of rooms. In ac- ceptions that may have resulted Gerry Philips-WMC fashion co- credi.t:s... and students may take made on·faculty mem~rs. tuality; this proposal was made by from inaccurate information and ordinator A - ~~YJ~~~~~~s:. d~;~~y th~l~~~~ Personal Viewpoint . Susan D. Grubb-an influential faculty member will teach an L individual of the irreligiOUS realm of this school .vmgeofoneJaouaryTe
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