Page 119 - Scrimshaw1976-77
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S.J!)N FRIDAY, MARCH 18,1971 SCRIMSHAW PAGE 3 Social Awareness-the KKK and Drinking Age KU KLUX KLAN . DRINKING AGE , N~~c~:;f~~ William M. Ait- Apparently . the targets of this M:g ~:;~:Iative measure is ~~~sn~~r::;ter~l~yS~~~9, ~~; :~t~~h~i~ w~~~iO~ ::~sa:: cheson,a22yearoldUniversityof·re.v.oluhon woul~ ~ave been currently being considered in the not be able to buy liquor in group as are present in this version Maryland student was arrested at mll~tary c.ommumcat~on centers, Maryland State Senate which Maryland. However, kids born of the bill. his home near Clarksville in radio stations, abortion centers, would, by 1979, raise-the drinking before that date will be able to, up When talking with the-senator's Howard County., Aitcheson, and the NAACP.. . age for all alcoholic beverages in until that date. However, when aide, three main reasons were alledgedly an exalted cyclops in Rauschenberg .sald that Alt- the state of Maryland to twenty- those born in the first ha1f of the given for introducing the measure the Robert E. Lee Klavern of the che.son has. told .hun plans ~o put one. Senate Bill Eight has recently year turn nineteen, they will again in Ihe first place. First of all, there ~~~; o~h~~e~e~u f~~: .~~~r!~ ~~~~~~~~:~~~;:~!:~::~~be;~ea:fIo;;:s~ ~~ Srt~~ s:~t~ ~e a;~~~ur~~:~e a~;~~~ j~~ ;~~t~onsnif~~~ o~~~~l:fi~!~bl~:h~ co~n~fs~~ h~~u';~~o~~~st~f~~er brou~ht to the Klan Beret ~ent!;~e;;s~t~v~n~~:nH~:~~: ~:i~ w:~e~;:~~U!i:r ~~em~nn: ~;~e:~:y ~~~d~~t~~l~~~~~~ set bail at $500,000, and it was meetings. These plans,sho~ed how Delegates, but the vote on it has. not twenty-one to buy any type of the abuse of the privilege by upheld by District Court Judge t~_make a molotov cocktail 8l_lda yet come up. All of the hearings liquor. During the phase-out eighteen-year clds. According to Donald M. Smith. Judge Smith felt p~pe bomb. H,~ cha~acterlzed have been held, and supposedly the period, anyone legally able can buy many proprietors, the kids would that there.was a "substantial risk" Altche;;on "as, Fanati~~ about vote will be taken soon. beer and wine, while hard liquor slt.In their parking lots and drink thaUf Aitcheson was released he explosives as well as, ~~bl~ There have been many questions will remain over twenty-nne. a six-pack before they came in. would nctvreturn for trial. On and extremely dangerous. ~. about the way in which the bill, if Se.nator Connell's. assistant ~d- Being slightly drunk when they March to, lifter an hour's Robert Johnson,. the. pubhc passed, . will be phased in. Ac- mitted that t~ere 15 no such thmg came in, they would order only one testimony, Judge Edward O. defen?ent re.presentl~g Aitcheson, cording to the office of Senator a~ a perfect bill, but not t~~ m~ny or two beers, and were frequently Weant, ·Jr,·ruled· the' bond ex- desc~bed htm as a boy who Jerome F. COIUlelJ Sr. (De-Diet. wI.II. lose out on ~nnklng Very obooxtous, disturbing otqer cessive and bail was set-at $15 000 doesn t do a great deal; a boy who 31) not that many of Maryland's pnvileges. No matte~ whlch ~ate customers. Many of them dollars.' Judge Weant stated.' "I talkS t~ look big among his yotiths will be affected by the was chosen for the bill to go Into presented petitions to their fellows. don't think charges ... He is not WMC M· . representatives protesting these $500,000 is justified under these ICro CO sm............................................... aC~~I1ftier reason stated was the charged with attempted murder or ' rise in the amount of drinking done attemptin.ll: to maim anyonE' " Cont. from pilge 1 students the opportunities that lead fail because of inadequate funding. in the junior high schools. The Aitcheson faces two is increased there is no doubt. that to raising the cultural awareness of Notoniy is there a need for greater increase followed the lowering of misdemeanor cnarges in Carroll some will have some academic its students as well as sensitizing financial backing but a need for the drinking age several years ago. Co. for illegally possessing ex- difficulty but are there not white ~eir minds to diverse cultural greater commitment froIT!. the Eighteen-year olds are reportedly plosive materia1s. They each carry stUdents who have academic lifestyles and customs. Broad institution in terms of the well buying beer and passing it down to a maximum of 5 years in prison difficulties right now at Western based cultural programming is oot being of minority students, The the younger kids, just as twenty- and a fine of $5,000. Maryland College? The need to only the vehicle whereby studen~ increased budget would a1low for one year olds used to give it to At the time of his arrest, Ait- raise the Black student population become culturally educated but It even more diversified program- ei.$teen-year olds. cheson was facing charges from of this institution is paramount to also opens the door to a greater ming in the area of Black student The third reason given was the Prince George's County the development of a more understanding of themselv~s ~nd involvement results of a poll taken recently. 220 authorities in connection and .:iiversified student enroUment. the role they must play m Im- ACADEMICS public schools were asked to state sending threatening letters to Therefore the Black Student Union proving our SOCiety. Statement their opinions on the current Coretta S. King. Prince George's offers the following recom- This is not to say ~at there is no : The goal of education 'is 'to drinking age and any problems it county authorities released Ait· mendations: cultural programmmg at Western educate. The goal of any institution might present. Out of the 190 cheson on' his own recognizance. Maryland College relevant to of higher-learning is to sharpen schools which responded, ap- He was also indicted by a Howard Be it resoh"ed: minority cu1ture, but rather that skills of its students to build a proximately 89 per cent wanted to County grand jury on charges of I. The goals for the next fh'e there is always room for more. constructive society for all people. see the age raised again. illegal possession of firearms and years in terms of the Black student Therefore, B.S.U. offers the Inherent to a college education is Although the House of Delegates illegally possessing, dealing in, population percentage rir the in- follOwing resolutions to achieve a the necessity of' a diversified has' finished hearings on the bill, and manufacturing explosives. stitution: higher plane of cultural faculty, racially a~ well as interested people can still call or Bail in Howard County is set at 1971 programming: philosophically. There is an ob- write to express their opinion. Del. $100,000. The Howard County :I percent Be it resolved: vious need for more minority Mike Wagnor, m.Dist. 32), in. charges carry a maximum penalty 1978 I. The establishment of a faculty members at Western troduced the companion bill in the of 40 years in prison. 4 pl!rcent Minorities' Cultural House on Maryland. This need can only be House, and can be reached at 301- th~hr~s~~r~ilu~~~~v~~a:go~~~; !9~:rccr.t C::P~~iS facility would include .:t ~~t~~~:~t~f;c~~~P;~:~~~~r:'_69~I~~,:,3:_~~_.":"",:,:,"'":"_"_',,:Y,:,O,,,,,:,'" ,:,10<,:,',1 Frank M. Rauschenberg, the state 1980 office spaces for all minority minority faculty members to join ~~=n~~s~~~e~~r~nf~~r~~ ~~~h ~~:rce%1t gr:~p~v::~~e:~~!;d s~:;:~~;\he !~ftu~i~~~in~h~~~fo~~ t~te t~~a~~ ~l~~:;et~O~ ~~:r~~n:~~n ~~~ ~oie~r~:~e percentages should be :~:i!i:!~f:C~~. minority related art ~!~~~~o~~ion offers the fOllOWing-;========~ intended to launch a revolution based (on .he tolal enrollment and C, Would serve as a classroom l. That a greater emphaSIS be ~ ,?gainst blacks, socialists, and should take into account the building for those classes that placed on 'the hiring of minority Communists within the next year. number of Hlack studl!nts to pertain to minority culture (i.e., faculty members. ~~~~n,:ta~~m~I~:y r~~~~ n~~~ gr:.d~::':I~::e~:~~·brOChures and BI~~k\~:~~!es:~r\'e as a tutorial 2. That more courses be pJunds of black powder (enough pamphlets that accurately depict center for students and membl!rs ~ei:~I~~;d :;o~~~~n~!~e ~~=:;I::~ ~~~:;~:i~:~ :~ra ~:!~~~;o~~t~: !~~flc:!~eg:tt::~f:~,:e ~:aar~~~~ of the community of Westminster. ~;~:~::~;~:~ ~ii::;~rure pistol and semi-automatic rifle. College. ~~~n::sent minOrity community American Indian Studies Play T t 3. Inservice training for Ad- at WMC is fragmented and have at 3. That an academic support ryou s ~~~o~o c::~e:o~~ef!;~it pr;raa;~ the pr,.esent time no facility to service be developed to aid in the. Open tryouts for two one-act students. . relate to in terms of getting in- :t:adde~:~od;~o;:~m;~e:thae tu~:;~:~ plays, The Heard by Michael 4. ~arger geographic areas (If ~~~:ti:inos~i~rr!tu~~n~. ~~e! program which could be coor- ~~~~~r;I:~;~; ~~~ey::,o:~I;~ ;:~~~~~I~":n ~!in=I:;~o~~:~:I~ ~YSical presence of a builcling :~:O~i~y !~;:i~;~ the office of held Monday, March 21, from 7:30 Black arf'as. ~~~ \I,:~~i::!;~t~~~~ t~o~~~ 4. Present faculty members pm on in the studio in Alumni Hall. Rationale . perhaps encourage them to stay should be encouraged to include an~en:~~~~ ~~~i~~ ar~:~a~~ stJ!en~e:~~~~~~:sr;gi:~h!I~~~ rather than transfer. :~:O~it;b;u~:r~!ai~k th:nC~r;i~~~~ mythology of "stardom" in the proach of the admissions program te:!~ul;~~!t! d:l~~s~_~~; of their courses where applicable-. ~f~~h~!'~;~i~eboi~~:~f d~~~ ~~~ ~e:;:~~~sB~:c~~~~~~nn~ it will not only provide an outlet for For more details blonde Hollywood sex goddess. would desire to ccme to Western ~:u~~~~~~r~~u~~n~n ~fu~:~o~~ contact: Physical There are three strong ~omens' Maryland would probably in- facility for all nC!n-minority Education Department roles and one male r~l~ m thes£ Crease. The Black student Union members of the college. Through ;Mouse ~lJttle I or ROTC Department two powerfu.lly expliCIt play~ can not offer absolute remedies to the means of art exhibits, seminars ~earsals WJIJ run through April attracting Black students but by and lectures the whole college WIth perfor.mances on the .29th and the implementation of the four community could benefit from a 30th of ~pnl ~d on May firs~. ~he resolutions, we can foresee great presentation of a minOrity cultural plays will be directed by Christian changes center. These presentations would L. Wittwer.. M 0 RED I V E R S I ..' lED not be temporal but ongoing and ~brel ~ljop ei~~oO~e~w~s~~~~s t:~~d ~~ f~; ~~~~~~~~ AND SOCIAL ~eSi~~~~t could only be said to be Best Discounts of Beer, liquor f?r an audition time s.lot on th~ Statement and Wines in CanDIl County! Sign-up sheet posted m Alwnm Inherent in the concept of liberal 2. Increase in the budget of the Hall. arts education is the presentation Black Student Organization to Cox's Barrel House Cox's Bottle Shop- C.opies of The Beard .and The of diverse cultural and social accommodate the larger Black student popUlation. 2445 BllltimoreBllld. 2824 L,nle",ownP,ke ~V:;:t~ \V:no~~s~~~et~:~:I~~~~:; prOgra~~intt!~r :h~t~~u:~nt~r ~ Fink,burg. Md. 21048 E.' Brent Carlisle Ne.. m,nHer Md 21157 Rationale until Mon~y evening for th~se ~~~~~~~ that is primarily con- : 861·8787 833-2078 Manager 346-7311. not We ;e~i~o~~~.ike to see what they re cerned with liberal ari:'>provide for designing are a pr-ogram interested in to f•••••••••••••• ********.A ••••••••••••• : destined
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