Page 117 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 117
VOL V, NUMBER 6 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE Fiji DAY, MARCH 18, 1977 Housing Council Says Forlines, Elderdice Go Coed Phil Lapduta ' O,n Wednesday night in 'a fairer ratio since seniors are Attractive, - Whlte~ord Lounge, the Housing suppose to be given first priorities on, apartment They dwelling. Coun~ll, by a vote of twenty-three to eight,. defeated the highly. pomted out that last year. fifteen proposal that would applied who for New Alumni controv~rsJaI seruors more of an seniors lost out in the drawing apart- have ments glve~ ~~va~r;t~~e all~f~~~r~~~ta:~i~~~~ R.~~er ~e~n, dl~~d~~ of the' o~ While the construction of a new student center is taking place on numbers together instead of the ~os~l~o~'a~:I::de t~e a;:::e~~s campus, one of Western present system whereby ~e lowest almost "exclusively for seniors." Maryland's oldest and dearest number of a group of four IS drawn. He mentioned that he had spoken structures is also' capturing the The proposal now goes back to to Dr. Rosenswieg a math attention of architects and con- commltt~e ~here a, compromise professor. who indicated that it struotion workers-that building is proposal IS hkely to I:>e formulated. would have been impossible for the Alumni Hall The room dr-awing proposal advocates of the proposal to have During-the course of the 1977-1978 =~:~nat~uAo~~ ~~ur of lively fig~red out, a probability of the school year, Alumni Hall will be that passed the pr~pos~c:~~~t:;; ratio of seniors to ~nderc~assmen renovated, and at this point there are two alternatives as to how this ~~;~ on th~ ~~tter a~d pr~sen~ed ~:~;;:i~:b~: t~~;e~~~eo~::~~:~ can be done. The first of these is to . Las! year outside. next year inside. Alumni Hall is due for a complete ,. major: y an. minor-ity worked for a long time on it and simply have Alumni undergo a mtenor renov~tion during the-'77·78 Ischool year. cpmtons to the council. coult not determine a probability. general renovation; the second a.fternoon .recitals. Mr. Cole con- it will be a positive step and almost Proponents. of the p,roposal Levin also cited a poll taken in the that indicated that alternative and what Dr. John calls steered this an "educational step" an obligation to renovate it. The presented statJs~cs shewing that to apartments of apartment dwellers a majority rat.lO of seniors the present "the most attractive" is to for organ students. The other drama department will get more renovate Alumni and convert it for organ will be kept in a small, efficient use from the building, and ~n~r c1assmen.m the apartments were against the proposal. Added better use by t~e drama ~part. comfortable, air-conditioned j-oom the purchase of two practice ~n:~~~::~~~~IO~:~ ~:r~~e to this were polls taken by the ment. The question coocerrung the off of Baker 200 for practice by organs is a step forward for the plan, supporters claimed that the sophomore a~d ~reshmen clas~es latter of these is whether or not it students. music dparbnent. With a little ratio would have been 75 percent tha~ also indicated negative can be ac~ieved architecturally, After all of the use that Western luck, by the fall of 1978, the plans seniors to 25 percent un- feelings .on the matter, ~~O~I~~o~~~~t~~ ~~m~o~~a~~ Maryland has gotten from Alumni, for Alumni Hall will be a reality. derclassmen, which-was said to be pr~pom~lo~n:i~ ~!aYne~~e;e:t~: with the prospects. If the money T M· f WMC..... was voted down by twenty-three to heated several comes through, within the next rue Icrososm or . ." eight. After and some. parliamentary ex- changes month tho ar-chitect will b. authorized to go ahead with the problems, the proposal itse1f was plans, and renovation will begin . voted down by the same margin. possibly in the fall of 1977, with the Scrt.mshaw reprints the balance the racial composition of G. Would serve as a resource Bev Miles, a leading supporter of work hopefully completed by the followmg prop~al of the Student the. campus. This commitment person for faculty in developing the plan expressed disappointment fall of 1978. Life Subcommittee to the. Board of should not just be verbalized but bibltcgraphies applicable to their at the outcome but stated that she While considering this con- Trustees for the benefit of the actualized by Western Maryland teaching disciplines. was "encouraged by the fact that struction and the aftermath of the en~i~e W!\~C community. College. H. Would serve as a counselor to most people seemed to agree that work being done on Alumni, a Orlgmally ~r1tten by the Bla~k It is not enough to recruit and minority students in conjunction the present system is rotten and deci~ion was made by Dr. John, the :~~~~~!d ~;I~~ s!~~m::::O;~~ ~; admit minority students but to with the counseling and career that a compromise proposal is A probable Maryland Western compromise progr~m.. College needed." musIc d.eparbnent a~d the drama the Chapel Committee. In addition I. Would work with college ac:.- would be to add either the two programs that meet the specific ~~~~;ttAc~:u~~~~:n~r~~i~~~~ the t~GAM iS hOl~i~~ : 8 speci~1 needs of these students must be ti\'ities director in formulating lowest numbers together or the a mee Ing on d ay lug Kline who builds organs ~~~k~:lit;iO::n~i~:r c~::~~~~;I:~st~ has seen more programs relevant to three lowest numbers rather than p.m. instituted. The institution In discus'sied wi~ Mr. Cole, the head fit to institute such programs as minority student concerns. all four. This would presumably the French house and Spanish Rationale allow some underclassmen to house to meet the needs of those In order ~o~ allY pro.gram to .be obtain apartment residence. ~s:it;;lit~~~f m~~~~:nli~~ ~~~~~r::-~~ el:do;~t~~:nt~h:lls:;~ silcc~sfu,1 It IS essential that the Olher proposals that w.ere organ to Little Ba~er to replace the meeting. Our thanks to the Sub- students in those disciplines. Are coordin.atlOn of that pr(l~a.m be passed by the council included one organ there. ThiS could only be committee and to the BSU _ the they not a minority who have centralized, Under the· position of that would make Elderdice and done if the Alumni organ was good Editor. special needs which could only be the Director of Minority Affairs, Forlines House co-ed residences enough to move and if there was In over 100 years Western met by the dt'velopment of such many as;lCcts of the institution next year, and another that would room e.nough in ~ittle Baker to Maryland College has not suc- programs? could be drawn together to meet leave first floor Whiteford as a hous.e. ~t: and neither of these cessfully homogenized the studenl The"needs of a minority student needs that are not being met now. men's residence. poSSibilities held to be true. The body, faculty or administration. Tn entering
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