Page 116 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 116
PageS Scrimshaw WMC Sports Winter New Lacrosse Season (or-can We Really Beat Ohio State? C'''tonH~'' We are rapidly approaching the stituted. This year's team appears There are also about a dozen Florida over spring break where on Saturday night March 19th, they beginning of the 1977 lacrosse to have more spirit and enthusiasm returning lettermen from last they will face five opponents in- will be playing Ohio State (Do you season. This season the team will . which will hopefully have con- year's squad. Plus, Kurt Glaeser eluding Orlando Lacrosse Club, believe this match-up'? under the be lead by trt-captains Doug Sopp, siderable impact on improving last and Skip Siedel will be returning Jacksonville Lacrosse Club, and lights at Westminster H.S. _ Jamie Mosberg, and John years 6-6 record. Besides Sopp and from injuries that kept them out of the University of Georgia. This Students with J.D. cards will be Nawrocki. Under new head coach Nawrocki, other returning seniors action last season Saturday the 12th, the team will be admitted free for this game which Bill Thomas, a new, hopefully high are Rick Wright, Rusty Hess, Paul traveling to Mt. SLMary's for their should provide for an exciting scoring style ot play will be in- Rowely, and Eric Rosenberg. The team is planning a trip to first scrimmage of the year. tnen evening of lacrosse. Self.Song: Unique Whitman Area Pro Sports Teams' Home Schedules (Mar011-24) At.Capital Centre: ·'1 celebrate myself, and sing myself, And what 1 assume you shall Date Opponent Time assume," 3/16 Seattle 8:05 p.m. "For every atom belonging to me 3/20 San Antonio 7:35 p.m. as good belongs to you." - ' 3/23 Cleveland 8:05 p.m. Tills is the motivating Washington Capitals: 3/15 Ctevetand 7:30 p.m. l~: 3/18 Colorado 7:30 p.m. ~:!~~t~~~~~~o~~e~~:~~a;~~ 19 and 20th by the WMC drama 3/20 Buffalo " :~O p.m. department at Alumni Hall. DAVIS SHOE REPAIR -The play, formed from the' poetry of Walt Whitman, is a Offering a complete totally unique and nearly inex- MONTOUR HOUSE line of men's shoes pressable experience for cast and and work boots! audience. The play is unusual in that it had no script; all action was Finest in Foods Agent for Knapp. shoes. conceived and-written by the large and Cocktails cast of 21 students. Divided into 61 East Main Street four groups dealing with the major themes in Whitman's poetry, each Westminster, Md. 21157 group created a representation of Performers Carol Panitz (I.) and Bill Cochranelr.l, on the set of "Self-Song' Homemade Pies Phone 8484232 death, .democ.racy, creation a~d formality; there is no boundary or reeoer. into the atmospiere of the- sensuality using drama, mUSIC, constriction between the audience theme or thought-There to pursue sound, movement, and lines of: and the action. your own night. '" - Hours: 11:00 a.m.- Whitman's poetry. There are some students helping 9:00p.m. Plain :&Ft't_ncy The set, designed by Christian The best thing I've been able to but not in the cast-they are Ed 6 days a week Wittwer and Richard Norris, en: say about "Selfsong" commented Carll, Torrie Fowler, Rick Powell, circles the audience with an un- its director, Bill Tribby, "iLto Sydney Roberts, and Bruce Tnilio. Sunday: 12:00-8:00' Donuts '1 seek Whitman; quote dulating platform which makes - -- less to "Selfsong is a celebration of each spectatorS""""Decome part of the state or display· any thing or person involved; audience as well . Bernice Fritz 140 Village - r ------ more to bring you, as cast. 876-3339 only 5 minutes away of in- thought The action. is one mood and Manager . _.I"lanteil: l'ersons serious. HOUSE OF LIQUORS 59 West Main Street I Carroll ~Io%oShopping Center 1- .aboutlosingweiQht, - • • Westminster, Md. 21157 Qpon 24 Hours a Day •call 635·2970 - I ••••••••••• I Special of the Week! I 848-1314 I -, Bring this ad with you for: "mported from ~er~any I Liebfraumilch - fifth - $1.39 I Beer (drought) 30< • 4-5 p.m. Mon.· Fri. ITALIAN CUlu/NE. .I I Sale ends Thursday, March I"! I Pitcher '2.00 ~ Rr. 1+0 REISTERSTOWN, MD. 1.-------- Any 12" pizzo 830-6.300 j WMC -students only 8·11 p.m. with 1.0. card ,!:\_~ OPPORTUNITY aUSINESS '2.00 REC.RD Stuff fnvelopes Monday night. 6·10 p.m. we serve... GALLERY $25.00 PERHUNDRED (Keg;; itvit;lablefor part;es) Immediate Earnings .~~~;~~£;~~~ Patio Beef 'n Beer BRE~KFAST LUNCH DINNER Send $1.00 To: Envelopes Dept. 21& ;'~~"~;".~~~_~~""~_~"'::'''~''~oo~.~"~'~;.,.!::B~o~s~to~n~.M~a~s~s.~0~2~1:14=~;;;~=~~i~E~~ U.~7~~.9fio 102 Charles Sireet Piualloy-T_ ~llrreI ;Mouse ftilattIe ~qop ~ ~ ~mi D!f -Wednesday Di_ Best Discounts of Beer, Liquor * 8.823.3 : WI11IIN WALKING DISTANCE' and Wines; in I Canoll County! I:E:~'::~::::'LANO2tl;:~: Opea 6a.m..daiy except Sundays·? e.m, Cox's Barrel House Cox's Bottle Shop Mate" and Female : 24~5 Ballimo'e Blvd. 2824 Littlestown Pike Stylmg ,. NEWLY REMODELED Fink..b""9. Md. 21048 E. Btent Carlisle VVestmin5\er, Md 21151 Razor Cuttmg ,. Route 140 Westminster R~:::'!'~~~:/~:E~~~~: ~_~__'*"""'""__ ,*,,,*,_,*,,_ .. 346-7311 d * * * * '*,.,.,. '* '* '* *.,. EXPANDED SEATING 848-9110 861·8781 1-Mnager 833-207B
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