Page 113 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 113
Scrimshaw PageS found the bar a little more danced, drank, and had a really going to be performed at Mitctiell's the good time we'd bad before and crowded. We split into smaller good time. Back at school, we the following weekend. Four of our the relaxed atmosphere, we were groups and found we could really agreed we had a very positive original group decided we'd like to looking forward to it. However, it enjoy ourse1ves. After being in a attitude toward gay bars. see it, but when the time came only turned out to be quite a different bar full of men and feeling like two actually went. We were a little experience. intruders, we felt relieved- to be We heard that the drag show nervous since there were only two - The bar was very crowded and .. the women's bar. We we'd seen being rehearsed was of us this time, but, remembering .,.~c=~~~~~:~~::~~:~ in back to be a mixed bar almost appeared B t t er . sit at the bar so that we could see U was an in- the show better. That The in itself. 36 percent of the proposed 1977 teresting experience the show were men who performed federal budget will go to the' very convincing in both ap- Defense Department a total of $112 pearance and mannerisms. It was billion. 16 percent more, or 'SO billion, will be spent for other war- amazing to watch the reactions of related matters-debts for previous the women customers towards wars, veterans benefits, eel-for a these impersonators. During the total of 52 percent. show, some of the women actually The following is a list of con- went up and put money in the version possibilitiesfrom war- clothes of the performers. We had related spending to civilian to keep reminding our selves that (Chris) Yes, I was'tntroduced to programs. we were seeing these women a group of older women (and we respond to men, not as men but as found older gays more biased in very convincing copies of women. their opinions younger ones). It was all a little unreal, yet still They were very friendly until I was something which we had to believe. introduced as, "This is Chris. She's a straight girl." I could feel them We had previously decided we recede twenty-five feet. We would pose as a couple to avoid any realized that gay people have as uncomfortable situations. But our many stereotyped images of plan failed. We were too con- straight people as straight people vincing as a stereotyped couple. 'rave about them. Later, when There are some people who say Johna and I talked, we agreed that the gay movement has there were times that night when progressed to the point where no we felt like apologizing for being roles are played and each person is straight. equal in his or her sexuality. We Not only did we feel a biased HEALTH & PUBLIC SERVICES $1.5 billion: cost of the three B-1 didn't find this to be the case. attitude against straight people, Bombers the Defense Dept. wants Some of the women tended to act but we found other prejudices to buy this year.
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