Page 109 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 109
WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE VOLUME V, NUMBER 5 [Statewide News Changes Proposed for Apt. Hunters DeseeregatfonProgressC'afmed .Jett Robinson Jeff Robmson reason for this is mat, while white The Housing and Conduct .Th~ Maryla~d State Board for enrgllrnent has increased over the Council will vote on a proposal to Higher Education has accepted a past six year, so too has black eliminate almost all under report that implies that enrollment in these institutions. ctassmen in the Garden Apart- desegregeuon _3I..ttempts on This has had an offsetting effed on ments at their next meeting, to be Maryland state campuses are the statistical percentages. held Wednesday night. The basics generally beginning to have their When combining both of the proposal are that room affects. The Desegregation Status predominantly white and black drawing for the apartments will be Report was presented at last into one figure it appears that done in the order of the lowest total Friday's meeting of the State Maryland cann~t be accused of combinations for all roommates Board in Annapolis. The in- general discrimination. The total applying together. The suggestion formation was developed and percentage of state undergraduate had been referred to a sub- discussed by Dr. Glenwood C. black enrollment is 22 per cent and committee which just recently Brooks, Maryland's Director for when compared with a Maryland gave a 4 t03 vote approval so that it Equal Educational Opportunity black population of 20 per cent, would be brought up to this point. shows little indication of major _ According to Dean of Housing The major thrust of the statistics problems' the combination Elizabeth Laidlaw, "The object of presented was that, overall, the figures. ~ the proposal was to design a way predominately white state colleges that was done fairly and that gave _ have attracted substantial num- Bait Gay Bars Visited bers of blacks over the past six ;~:~;:~n'~seniors in Apartment Chris Mehr years, and should continue these Johna Ruffo - horhood that made us run for the Mitchell's. While we were there we One reason that such an idea increases in order to meet their Whoever thought we'd go to a bar. This bar was supposedly a had the opportunity ta watch should come at this time was that projected goals for 1980. As-of 1970 gay bar? Whoever thought we'd go mixed bar, but when we got there, rehearsal for a drag show (men there were 12 groups of students these colleges and universities only twice? the only people there were men. If dressing and performing as (18 women's, 4 men's) that were held a black population of 3.4 per you think we were conspicuous in women). At first we didn't realize placed on the waiting list for f:~l ;~i~r ~:~t ~~f;!.~y t~9~ Jan. term was a time for totally Mitchell's, can you imagine seven thai this was a show and we Apartment housing at the end of women walking into a bar full of thought we were seeing a last year. A good proportion of ~~t~~C~~~~ sc':~ldin beo~3er~~ 1 :'~eth~fU~~n~1v~rnri~n~~~~~ men? And whoever said macho he- homosexual stereotype being these groups turned out to be remain on schedule. - called Pballa~y 101. Big Bo~s men have the corner on the market confirmed. Some of us were composed of members of the senior Don't Cry. Bill Tribby and hIS o~ male chauvtnismj- Those guys disappointed, some disgusted, and class. At the same time many of" course provided the impetus for us fell over each other to offer us others fascinated. We didn't really the already-filled Apartments had The State Board approved the to come to terms with our own seats. The atmosphere of the bar know where to look. Then after an underclassmen who had tagged report, without interpretation, and feelings toward ourselves, our was decidedly different from explanation that it was a rehearsal along with a high-ranking senior will now take steps for some type of Mitchell's, in that Mitchell's we felt that it was alright to watch classman's number. presentation to the Governor soon. sexuality, and the sexuality of others. One of the requirements for seemed to be an older, more and we relaxed a little. Unfortunately, several of the bad The effects on Western 'Maryland ' the course was to make a trip to a established place with a clientele aspects of the newly proposed will be minimal since the report gay bar to observe the social in- of couples, whereas Lights, We left there feeling a lot more system may arise with this year's was basically concerned with the teraotlon that takes place there. Camera, Action seemed to be more comfortable, and decided to go drawing. By forcing seniors to problems of the state institutions, Bill wanted us to go, not for shock 9£ a singles bar. There was more back to Mitchell's. On~e there, we choose other seniors as roommates but WMC does playa part in the value, but to open our minds and open physical contact there than at out of fear of not getting an State Board's structure.' Most broaden our experiences. So it was apartment, there may be many private institutions have been with some trepidation and a little Eeon. Prof. Hired situations where Apartment requested to release statistics on curiosity that we drove to dwellers do not get along. minority enrollment to the Board Baltimore. Bostaph was highly preferred by When asked her'-opinion on the in order that they may be We had all agreed that we wished The Economics Department will the students; when asked to list the matter, Dean Laidlaw stated, "I published with the regular yearly to remain as inconspicuous as be welcoming a new member this three in their order of preferance, agree with their objectives. We've report to the public and HEW's possible and merely observe for coming fall; Dr. Samuel H. in Office of Civil Rights. While this the evening. However, a group of Bostaph will jOin the staff. Both hecameoutontop. seem Members of the always tried think to be that fair everyone the highly Econ. Dept. en- system. I request is not mandatory, most seven nervous women is not department members and students thusiaatic about the professor, who agrees that seniors should be given private institutions have been exactly inconspicouous. We who have met him think highly of comes to Western Maryland "very priority in choosing their housing." cooperative. - - arrived at Mitchell's, a women's him, and look forward to having bar, and found that it wasn't very him at Western Maryland. highly recommended." Says Dr. Laidlaw. .....ery saw While the total aggregates for crowded, until we walked in! Then, Dr. Bostaph is currently Alton Law, "I think we're getting a controversy also over the matter little with the state look relatively good, there we out-numbered the regular teaching economics at- Hamilton good man." her experiences in the Housing may be individual institutions in customers. There, we managed. to College in Clinton, New York. He Dr. Bostaph will begin at WMC Council. She felt that it had been those totals that could experience become as conspicuous as possible graduated in 1966 from Texas this coming September. He will be hashed out pretty thoroughly in the difficulties in reaching their 1980 by huddling around one small Christian University with a B.A. in teaching Principles of Econ., subcommittee and that they would goals table. We looked and felt like a tour economics. He received his M.S. in Statistics, and Microeconomic be able to handle any Questions on group. After one quick drink, 1974 from Southern Illinois, and his Predominantly black colleges we decided to move on to another PhD. from there in 1976. Theory. the matter. that may have problems reaching 00'. His major fields ot'teectnngand increased white enrollment include Our next stop was Lights, research are economic theory, Ballieal Paper Born Bowie State and the University of Camera, Action, which was methodology, history, and thought. described Mike this addition, Bostaph Maryland, Eastern Shore. A situated in the type of neigh- In considerable Dr. experience has in Nancy Menefee a new publication purpose, Steinmetz "We went at this saying, week This $120,000 Grant Sought ~~t::~~~i~:lve~er:~~e:cehi~: made it's appearance thing on campus. wanting to get people on campus things .. to to an "un- to think think; about It is the closest other Eammon McGeady among all levels of students. They Austrian economics vs. Nee- derground" paper that Western than just going to class and going Recently, Western Maryland have been donating money to help classical theories of growth and Maryland has seen in recent years. -to frat parties;' and not only to College applied for a grant from people read and write better, with development. The main push behind this paper think, but to get involved, maybe to the Eli Lilly Corporation to help one of the underlying goals of the From 1970-73, Bostaph was at- ~mes from Mike S~inmetz and write, and to react. Our philosophy improve the IDS program here at dQrlations being to reduce the level tached to the Army-Europe office LISa Shannon. When asked why Is that we want as few bindings as WJ\.fC. Though no word has been of "fun_ctional illiteracy" in th~ of the Deputy Chief of Staff of they are publishing this paper, 'possible. We're trying to be in- received as of yet, the ad- United States. In trying to achieve Intelligence. He served as Action Mike replied, "We felt there was a depdendent- of any control." ministration is optimistic. Dean this goal, WMC's IDS program was Officer, and was responsible for definite need for a forum where The funding for the rust issue McCormick backs up this cp- brought to their attention; with the the Long Range Plan of Financial people could-feel relaxed and in- came out of people's pockets. No timism by pointing out that four result being Lilly's interest in the nd Personel Resources. formal and write anything they felt financial support comes ~rom the weeks ago a Lilly representative program. During the last week of Jan. was important. We didn't feel that college. The. staff of the paper will came for a day to interview ad- Back in January the college sent Term, Dr. Bostaph and the two this was possible in Scrimshaw- hopefully be the entire campus. mtntstratcrs, The Dean says this in the application for a grant of other candidates for the position there is a certain stigma attached Mike is hoping for a crossection of illustrates Lilly's intrest in WMC. $120,000 to help advance the IDS visited the campus and were in- to Scrimshaw, it's the official the campus to submit articles. He Dean McCormick also said that: program. As Dean McCormick terviewed by the faculty affairs school newspaper. stated, "nothing is going to be " .. .if they fund us, it will be in relates, the grant would be put to committee, as well as the depart- Wben asked if his paper would be edited, they'll be no editors per se, substantial proportion." use in two categories: 1) ment, and several students. In a competiitor against Scrimshaw the way we receive it is how we'll The Lilly Co., one of the biggest workshops for teachers and 2) addition, all three spoke to a group Mike said, "No, certainly not: print it." Anyone is welcome to Scrimshaw has a purpose and we contribute, and further issues will ~~W~c~~c~ec:m::'~d~n th: hinds to provide for part-time :~aj~~~tA~~~ngS~:C: :~~ have a purpose, and they are 'appear whenever jhere is enough' program for furthering education teachers. Price, head of the department, Dr. different." material to make up a paper.
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