Page 111 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 111
Personal Viewpoint: Housing Council Limits Apartment Chances All too often regulations are would make changes when she was choose their housing, but do not and triple' rooms with only two .... In a recent endeavor to survey Miss passed that are to the detriment of in charge, and that she knew the have the right to pick their people, in McDaniel. underclassman Meg the honest opinions of the student lived-with Caddick . the s~udents of Western Maryland, right people to help her make those roommates. This proposal would Jean Molesworth in one of these body we have talked to several and Just as often the students of changes. We, therefore contend force seniors to live together not tefples with only two people in 1976. people that represent the students this school are unaware that these that the- present feelings of only in the same apartment, but in in name and in reality. First, is ridiculous regulations were ever a Western Maryland's Housing the same rooms .. This is fine if Question - Is the Housing Council Roger Ensminger, president of the public issue. At the present time Council chairman go against the these seniors want to live together going to make these rooms sophomore class. At first he was as there exists a virulent issue before wishes of the students. Fur- by choice, but many seniors live available through a combination of surprised as we were to find out the Housing Council concerning thermore, we feel that Miss with underclassmen because they numbers also? ' that the Housing Council has un- room draw. Also, at the present Caddick is out of touch with the too are friends. Miss Meg Caddick 4. Although the apartments have dertaken this idea of four seniors time the students of this school are feelings of the general student is one of the latter, living with living rooms~ living in a double living together in one apartment by completely unaware of the issue body. junior Jean Molesworth. with a roommate chosen in order to virtual requirement. After counsel and the selfish behavior that .has The issue concerns the rigfits of The logic against this fallacy have a low enough combined with the oody that he represents, carried the ludicrous thought of seniors, juniors and sophomores to ridden proposal is as follows: number to . gain entrance; may he told us that he stands against alteration this far. This issue is live in the apartments, and very still be uncomfortable. any proposal like the aforemen- definitely one that will be to the few people are aware of the tioned. He further stated that he disadvantage of the overall student changes that may take place. The 1. In every other room on this body. Housing Council subcommittee has campus one person draws the H~~~~ngr~~~:i~~~~~~~: as~~d~: ~i~~:r~k:n~~I:~:~!~re:ia::.t~: In the last two weeks the Housing passed a proposal to add together room, and therefore has the right students of this school for their wish that Housing Council mem- Council has formed a sub- the four room draw numbers, and to pick his or her roommate. views. Last Saturday, a Housing bers felt the same moral respcn- committee to review the housing the lowest set of numbers would 2. Seniors have the right to Council member told a student sibiility to represent the students. policies for next year. However, have preference. Now, at first preferential rooms, however they that she did not think that the Second is Linda Thomas, head o, the basis for the policies to be glance this may sound reasonable, 'also have the right to pick the in- students should be told about ,the Black Student Union, Social considered began last May when but it is in actuality utterly dividual with whom they wish to Housing Council proposals until Committee, and recently returned Miss Meg Caddick, president of the ridiculous. live. they are passed. It was also ad- from a convention in Texas where HOUSing Council, did not rectve her What this proposal really says is milled to the student that most of she worked to find activities that first choice of rooms. 'At that time, that no underclassman will have 3. The apartments are not the the members of the housing council would culturally broaden our Miss Caddick, in a fit of anger, was access to living in the apartments' only desirable rooms on campus. are voting according to their own school and social life. Linda, a impulsively heard to say that she that seniors do have the right U; There are singles, Forlines house, feelings and have not consulted future and excellent presidential Powerful Trustees Invol.ved their floors about this issue. Now is candidate, stands fully against this Another change. She says that she "had a this fair representation? instance concerns Miss Cindy very strong reaction against the Meg Hoyle Deans. The Trustees sercom even and three-year terms for Trustees Sprinkle, who voted twice against proposal" when she first heard of In' the last article about the say the students whose ccuege they enacted. These measures will the proposal at. the committee 'the Housing Council plan Board of Trustees, we discussed governed. Board meetings were doubtless make the Board younger meeting and then changed her . Third, Jeff Robinson, a member the organization, powers, and for Board members only, and the and more fluid. In addition, there -mind for absolutely no apparent of the Student Government duties of the Board:The structure opportunities for contact with has been a trend in recent years to reason on the third vote. This final Association,' an editor of the of the Board was outlined, its of- students were severely limited. appoint to the Board more dif- vote was 4-3 with Miss Sprinkle Scrimshaw, and outstanding fices and committees listed and its Today, the situation has im- ferent types of persons. adding the necessary majority. member of the republican youth responsibilities explained. We proved, largely through the efforts All of these changes are for the Unfortunately, Miss Sprinkle movement in Maryland, also learned that the trustees are the of Dr. John anda core of dedicated, good. Virtually every member of forgot to inform her floor that any stands in utter opposition to this guardians, governors and hard-working Board members. In the administration, when asked, proposal.ever existed, and just as proposal. He also intends to fight "owners" of Western Maryland October of last year a number 0(- will concur in this opinion. There unfortunately for Miss Sprinkle we for the demise of this proposal. College, Incprperated. 'changes were made in the Charter may be some differences of opinion started her job for her. At last Fourth Carl Gold, chairman of the In the segment, we examine the and By-laws of WMC. One of the as to whether we have gone far report there are some very angry Carroll County Region of the Board's importance to students, its effects of this action was to in- enough in the representation of girls on her floor. They feel Governors Youth Association, feels relationship to students and its crease student involvement with students. Should there be more slighted because "nobody ever that this proposal is based on interactions with them. We will the Board of Trustees. student visitors to the Board? mentioned it." As of now we have personal bias, and not represen- take a look at how the Board has A provision was made in the By- Should they be given the right to yet to find any girl on her floor that tation. Fifth Jim Wright, an in- changed and what measures could laws for the appointment by the vote so that students themselves knew of the proposal. We asked a fluential individual in the religious JXISSibly be taken to make the student body of three student Virtually become part of the. member of the subcommittee why realm of this school is also op- Board more responsive and visitors to the Board. They have Board? Dean Mowbray sees no Miss Sprinkle changed her mind, posed. Jim is the head of the available to students. ~ the right to par-ticipate in essential need for the student right and the reply was that she seemed Religious Life Counsel. . The role of the Board of Trustees discussions, thus presenting the to vote, noting that the presence 01 to be getting very bored. The Black Student Union has is not understood by all. The Board students' viewpoint to Trustees student visitors at Board meetings Another interesting correlation even distinguished-itself does not involve itself in day-to day buy may not vote upon resolutions :-:!ntth~~mp~ o~~:~~itb~;~ ~:s~~g;~c~ra~~~m~itt:: Hopefully, all of the above decisions concerning academic or and other actions of the Board. The student affairs. The President, in appointment was recently made by McCormick feels that the Board Miss Barbara . She argumentation has presented a turn, hires a Dean of Student Af- the Student Government r~~~~;~r:\~~~~~~~:::::::r:~:~~~i~E:r:~-;:~:1~J.~fE~~ fairs (C. Wray Mowbray) to Association of Dave Reinecker, oversee student life. The ad- Mike Cunningham, and Carol ministration, then, headed by the James to be these visitors. Palmer, however, sees the recent view, naturally enough, was that tempt to contact your represen- President, is the body responsible A new committee was formed, reforms as part of a trend that has only seniors should be able to live tatives on each floor, and to attend for making the little (or sometimes the Committee on Student Affairs not yet ended. What lies ahead can in the' apartments. We do not the meeting. The final meeting for big) decisions which directly affect (presently serving as chairmen is only be surmised, but D:-. Palmer consider this an unpredjudiced this proposal will be on Wed- the daily existence of WME's Jon Myers, a 35-year-old Trustee), favors the eventual granting of view, affirmed by the wishes of the nesday, March 16, 1977. The place students. the p-lmery.purpose of which is ~:::io:::~~:~:'~i~;~~1:i:~g~~:~~~:=~:£~:E~~:~h~!~:':~~:~~2~~ However, this is not to suggest " provide a means of com- that the Board of Trustees is munication among students, unimportant to students or that the faculty-staff .members, and In the next installment, among held .great influence over the theearlyevening.Doanythingyou two groups need have little concern Trustees)! This body is unique other topics, we will examine more presidings. This is the committee can to help stop this harmful for each other. The Trustees DO among the six Board committees fully the area of possible reforms that makes the recommendations regulation, and playa part in the have the power to involve them- in that six of its thirteen voting of the Board. Several Board to the Housing Council itself. activities of our school. Thank you. selves in any issue that they wish members are students (three members will be giving their Usually these recommendations Steven L. Kousouris to. For example, the setting of members are faculty-staff opinions on this topic. The role of are followed, because very few Roger P. Levin academic .pelicy is considered to members and four are Trustees). the visitors to the Board will also students ever know what is going Sharron T. O'Connor be the sacrosanct domain of the Three of the six are the student be explored further. faculty. But if the' faculty were to \'is.itors to the Board previously make a decision that the Trustees maintained. The other three, as strongly disagreed with, the chosen by the SGA, are John Fulton Reeftill, PIII~ Tr~·outs latter would have the unquestioned Leitzel, Dale Friedman, and ~~~;~ ::1~Z7n ~:y f:rr:e~i G~;f~~~:::o~::~ade by Dr. Ms. Carol Fulton will present her Mechanicsville Repertory 13 14 20 and 21 at the Mechanic- college JXIlicy. The Trustees even' John and others to increase SefllOr organ recital at 8 p.m., on Theater will hold tryouf:.'> for its sville' School on Route 32 in have the power to close down the student-trustet: interaction on a Friday, March 11 in Baker Spring production, Night Watch. on Gamber. coll~e when they wish to. one-to-one basis. 'The wine-and· Memorial Chapel. Thursday, March 10 and Friday, The Board of Trustees, then, dine program has involved having Ms. Fulton, who has studied should be a matter of concern for trustees, among others, serve as under Mr. Gerald Cole, will play =~ni~~'vifI~ ~;!!t~~~~n~~ students. The questions then hosts for students in a relaxed but selections from the works of Bach; auditorium. Night Watch is a, ariSe: "What direct contact do formal setting. At the regular variations on "America," by gripping thriller by Lillian Flet- Board members have with the board meetings,- students act as Charles lves; and Sym!ilony No. I, cher, author of Sorry, Wrong student body?" The answers to hosts to the trustees, taking them Op. 14 by Louis Vierne. The Number. Director will be Frank these queries can best be un- to lunch at the cafeteria. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards, who most recently derstood by putting them in the Several reforms which occurred Fulton of Pitman, New Jersey, Ms. directed View From the Bridge. perspective of the past. In former as a resu1t of last year's Charter Fulton is a 1973 graduate of Pitman also at Mechanicsville. years (very recent former years) changes may indirectly make the High School. She will receive her any input by students was by in· Board more responsive to B.A in music education from The play has roles for 5 men and direct means, through concerned students' needs. A mandatory We.. .•un Maryland College in May. 4 women. All roles are open. The recital is open to the public faculty, parents, alllIll!l~ or the retirement age of 70 was created Production is scheduled for May and there is no admission charge.
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