Page 108 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 108
SCRIMSHAW Friday. March 4, 1977 WMC Sports Winter Case Curses Draw Terrorettes. Destroy Foes Carlton Harris The women's basketball team slstent rebounding. The second- Sara Kain played very well in this finished the season in top form this team of Ellen Scroggs, Sue game, scoring 22 and 18 points, sc!!~~~~~~~~e;:l~~g~e~~d~:r ~~t ~o~*:f~:::~~~:te~:so~:e~ week as they convincingly Sullivan, Cheryl Stonfer, Linda respectively. In the final game of Atlantic Conference Division 3 Banks, who piimed his adversary, defeated their last three op- ~rTentino and Barbara Brazis the season last Tuesday, our girls wrestling tournament. Our own a No.2 seed from Widener, in 45 ponents. Excellent performances were also strong in these games. were fully prepared for the team Green Terrors participated in the seconds. . were shown in all games by Last Thursday night against from UMBC, winning by a score of nineteen-team meeting, placing Gallaudet , the Terrorettes 66 to 23. This game brought the two men fourth overall. In the second round matches, .~~~~~~ a~e;~~h~~~; ~~~~; dominated the entire game, season total. to lO victories and 7 The 'guys arrived in Lancaster, there was some good news. Charlie Kelly Dargan; and freshman winning by a score of 70 to 36. High losses, with a conference-record of Pennsylvania, Thursday night and Hoidal, at In lbs., pinned a man Becky Martin: These girls rriet- scorers in this game were Nancy 5 wins and 3 losses stayed at a local motel. After a from Lebanon Valley who had their opponents with a strong Barry with 17, and Becky Martin The Terrorettes still have a 3-day . movie and a good night's rest, they ~~~?e hi~a!n ~~~~~~~r ~~as~;~ defense, good scoring and con- with 14. The following night, the tournament thisweekend to wrap were ready for the action to begin David Toma 'rerrorettes travelled to Wilson _.up the season-After their vtctcnes Friday afternoon. The team had fourth round. John Koon who College for a Penn-Mar Conrerence-rtn theJast Iewgames, they-are in extraordinarily poor luck in the at WMC game and returned with-a whop:. - high spirits fo"i=this event and are first rounddrawings Not a single ~ef~O~r~:~~s~~I~~,aW~~'i~ ping 91 to 19 win. Becky Martin Clnd expecting to do very well. ,.., Terror grappler drew an unseeded the next three rounds. He even- opponent - jhe average draw was tually- loSt his fifth match in Western Maryland College the fourth seed As a result, only overtime to the man he had faced presents ~ the .•"Great Im- in the first round. John placed personator," the "Man with a RIDE NEEDED we serve.., fourth in the tournament. The Thousand Faces," Toma. Not an Anyone driving to or from other fourth place finisher was actor, a comedian, or a clown, Washington,' D.C. the weekend of Greg, who lost in the second round, David Toma is a cop, a com- March 12th, Please contact Terri, but came back to beat a very fine passionate cop. He will speak on x352 (101 McDanielJ. opponent from Susquehanna in the "Human Decency" at 8 p.m., BRE~KF~ST- . LUNCH DINNER third round. Thursday, Mar. '10, in Baker Price Panel Memorial Chapel. ~ , For 17 years, David Toma has Subs Pizza ~ Ur. Ralph a. Price, professor of dr~:il~o~~~S~~ ~:"~~~~i~~ ~i: used the art of disguise to break up - econ?mics at Western Maryland wrestlers. Sam felt that they had gambling and narcotics rings. He pi~en £a!IKln'f~i~li~n'l College was on~ of _panel fought well, but had simply faced -bas disguuised himself as a Good membe~ ~ho disc~sed Pltfal~s superior wrestlers. The winner of Humor Man.,_a hot dog vendor, and Pizza [Mv- TUMdiy' of Me~a In ReP':lrting Economic the tournament was Lycoming a taxi driver, among other things, News, at the winter Conference (they beat us 0-45 in the regular to help him compile over 7000 Spaghetti Day - Wednesdav Din".' of the MJ!Iyland-Delaware-D.C. season) followed by- host arrests and achieve a 99 per cent Press Association held Feb. 20, at Elizabethtown arrd Gettysburg. 'conviction rate. WITHIN W~LKJNG DISTANCE Hu~t Valley 1nn . . So the wrestling season has Toma, a cop opposed to violence, Sigma Delta Chi, the society of drawn to a close. Sam Case is one has never fired his .38 caliber ~ except Sundays 1 a.m. professional journalists, s~nsored person who is sorry to see it end. revolver at anyone. He is most the panel which was ...organized and He's already looking forward to concerned with organized-crime moderated b~ Paul Smith of next season. And why shouldn't and says, "The one I want is the NEWLY REMODELED Route- 140 WTTR, Westmmster. The group he? ALL team members will be guy running the operation." approached the topic from three returning- smarter, more. ex- .The lecture is open to the public Westminster sides with Dr. Price challenging perienced, and stronger than free of charge. EXPANDED SEATING 8411-9110 the news media to improve before. Guys like John Koontz and _,E\.. __ ~..•....................•.••.• coverage of economic news. Copies Greg Banks hold great promise for · . ~e~t!%~ are being the future. The lower weight Dr. Price, of Exeter Rd., ~~~=,;~~~~ht~~f;~~, f:~~ ~:~~ Westminster, has been at Western matured and improved. Then there Maryland College since 1954. He is always the unknown quantity of carned his degrees at -the entering freshmen. There could be University of Colorado, with some' stud grapplers entering further studies at the Lonoon WMC this September. Even ex- . School of Economics. Price has eluding this, next season promises been Fulbright Visiting Professor to be successful for the Western • · • ~~~~~)~i;e:;~:dan!!~r:!~~ Maryland wrestlers. • • • • fellowships for further Asian and • • Indian studies. • • Senior Recital · • • • West:ninster, Md. - Ms. Mar- • • jorie (o'euer will present her senior • • !llano recital at 8 p.m. on Friday, • • :'I-lar. 4. in Levine Hall, Western • • '\!nryland College. • Toccata. C minor, by Bach; • '. SposaJizio and Gnom~nreigen by Rr.I+o REI •.>TEf
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