Page 107 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 107
Friday, March 4, 1977 SCRIMSHAW_ t---------, Record Review "' .. 3 Se~, Lust, Stevie Wonder: In the Key of Life· a"d Filth· Steve Bainbridge Village Ghetto Land and Contusion ~::~h:ef~~r:l~ :Sj~~~:~~e:~ ~i:~e~t~~fr't:~ ~':~~t~~:~ Now that we have your attention, ou~~~~ :noe~~b~~,f!~~~~Ya::~ ~t:::: s~~~e~:t ~~":~~ ~rt~~ the musicians he tries to-praise. get to Summer's Soft. On this song we would like to make an addition two years of waiting. Un- poorest SOCial comment songs Side two begins with one of the Ronnie Foster's organ work nicely ~lth~t~::~t~ B~~i:~te~~ls:e~ ~7e~~~!e~'~~:rdi~na:!~e~~ ~:~n~~~~~i:n~f ~i~a~~~~~~~~~ g~es~:i~ng:O~~ th~~nbd~' ~~i~;~col~!.te::n~:~;d:~~ :~:~ree m~~~~:~ th~~r~~~' printing, the ~~~:u~ !~S h~~~ie~o:eor~~~ ~~~e sr,c::tu:~n~I1~~t .~~~ ~!~~h~~~hae g;~~~~~~o~~!I'.h~~: i!~O~i:g~~~~y ~:~~e ~%~e;!~st.el: ~~e:~~e f~reml~~77 Ofw: ~1'~~::e;-e~~:!:ea~~;ede~p!h:~ ~:~~~t:: jaz~:e~:ul, a~~n~k~ !:~~~~~~~~a:;:~nl~:is:o~eh~~ ~:;lur~nj:.~~re~~ng~!f~l sO;e~~ ~~~~~~'an~i~~~~ti~:m:~ th~~ ~~:~~s ~~~fer:'m~~~:~~~~~:~:~i~s ~!~eb~:a~t!~!;h;! ~~:s~~~~~s~~~~~e ~n~;~~:e:g ~~~m:e~~~~~~~t~~~~th:i~s~k~~ ~n~c':rr~~~s:;,r:~~u:a:ar! and the work of some fine back-up avO: ft~~ ~br 1}T6CS }hdirmllir ~~n~ :~~~.a:~~~ :!eh~~~n~~~~ ~1~:a~7an~h~0:~1;0~;e!o~ happy to answer any questions ~~~i~r"~eispoa:~em~°te~~ h~~~e ~:teisoSir ~~e~'m~~i~~ t~~but: Wonder will continue to use bands song on the album. Although the- B· B. , -I Ha from students or faculty con- Side one starts out poorly, only to many of the giants of Jazz. like this on his future albums. story of black historical con- cerning the Honor System and its te 19 10' tributions needs to be told, this workings song only succeeds in weakening We ~ge. you to save t~e - _ • the album. . - ~~e~~I~:~~;~r~=I:~r: Aust!" Gisriel. 1. Wait until the ~one has r~ng to was.i down all that food." r~in~~~~~h~de~~~~i~!~ - Code violations. We stress that the WI!h the fll.·st tes~ .o~ the new for what you know IS the last lime 7. "k ter drinking all that water, Singing, H it's magic, As, and list is not complete but merely semester cormng up It IS unportant and then dash out for your chair to I better go to the bathroom." Another Star rank wi!h I Wish as intended to provide a list of to be ready. . . go an~wer it with the excuse of "I 8. "Hi. I just thought I'd come the best songs on the album, As possible violations. Each case is These excuses are desJgl1ed to haven t answered the J;ilone all over and see how your studying joins I Wish among the best songs tried on its own merits in- show somebody ior yourself) why year the least I could do is answer was comblgalong." (This is a good Wonder has ever done. The "bonus side four without dependent of prior cases. '. you aren't studying for that big Bio it during finals week." one for t\l'O goof-offs, ~caus: ~ow album" follows Os:nf~~r~ :f~:P~: c!~e:~~illh~otH~=~ ~~~ :~;l~~:ot~i~e If:t~ ~:~~~o~i'n~~ ;: ::r~~~~~ttsw~i~:n :~Ite;!~~::: -~lspe:~:~a~~ ~oav:toJ;S~y~~~~~ ~~~~~ri~:e~y your support! r week of last ~emester, John 4. "I bet my parents would like to rool1_land see how your studymg IS novelty wears off the bonus album HONOR BOARD MEMBERS FOR Cochran and I fOWld that the most hear from me about now." commg along.) i;Jecomes more of the dead wood 1976-77 effective method for wasting 5. "I better get something to eat 9. "My roommate will be so that mars this album Students studying time was, to sit down and to help me studx._ better. It keeps pleas~ when she gets bac~ fr?m In short, "Songs in the Key of Lori Grimes (Sr.) try and think of Legitimate Ex- me alert." , the library and sees' that I ve -Life'Lis marred by poor l}Tics, and Scott Hancock (Sr,)-Chairperson cuses that we could include in this 6. (returning from the wal.t!r cleaned EVERYTHING!" by excess. There are too many "I had "to get something fountain) Chris Holmes (SoJ;il.)- - ~ list hP LIE -AS' 10. "I'm gonna go exercise my mediocre or poor songs here to Geri Lane (Jr.) body to keep my mind alert so I'll justify the length. In my opinion e p m e,E ~F;,a~ueWlt~yi~~~/~r.) :!r:7p'I,tlt~k~'lla~htuO;Y"be~ntt~~~~rto ~~~:~f~~~~~~(~i~e~~:~~t~~ ... ~" <.
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