Page 106 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 106
",,.2 SCRIMSHAW Friday, March 4, 1971 Editorial Letters to the Editor <, Forlines Deterioration To the Editor, Sir, To the Editor, Sir, other or not doesn't matter. If I We are all aware of the fact that Last week in the bathroom of 4th slap a child whom I don't know the the Black Student Union has been floor Blanche I was listening- effects are the same as if I did Because reported of deteriorating conditions In the Forlmes House making quite a bit of noise this willy-mlly.-to a late-night know him; the outrage of the act is ~~:~~~ ~~~~;::o ~~:ep~~~I~~~:~ ~~~:I~~~~~:e;~~~h o~:~e b~f~~C~:; ~~p10P~!~:d~~~~i~e ath:!~ ~~~~~~t~is~~n;~~~n~te:Ud~:~~ ::~i~~~!~d by the degree of states of disrepair By only granting the House a new water fountam, limited budget have been able to and found myself staring at a I have also been told that the taking some. measures to prevent a rotting bathroom floor pull off so.many events, especially strange guy. In those few minutes I girls in Blanche gave the boys fro~ ~reaklng senous ha~oc, the. administration may be over the events for Black History Week. discovered that I didn't like reinforcement and provocation for e~tlmatl~g the true amount of Inconveniences that resident students will Since much of the activity has been strange guys-who neither knew or their actions. I agree. But that put up Wlt~ before finally 'getting out:' into better living quarters. geared toward the education of were visiting anyone on the halt-In doesn't alter the fact that I was not The .ma,lor problems complained about, which have been included in .wbtte students at WMC I feel that a my bathroom late at night. responding and my rights were an er trcra on the metter in this issue, are unsafe bannisters, rotting response from a white student is Nothing horrible happened. No disregarded' furthermore i£.there w~, and mice throughout the building., Just recently Forllnes was appropriate. one's virtue was .threatened. A. was no crowd of drunk people in fun'lIgated for a second time in several months in order to rid the House As a result of Black History drunk boy walked m and walked front of the dorm flashing their o~ cockroaches. Most residents will. readily admit .ftret the' Forlines Week Ihave observed a little more out. But-a refusal to give someone butts at the inmates and 'singing sltui'ltlon Is not quite as pretty a picture as some would make It up to be. discussion about blacks in general the consideration due him-her as a titillating ditties, no one would be ~ SC:I(:IMSH~W WOUldlike to call for a thorough review of all present blacks at WMC, and WMC as a human being is an insult. Whoever provoked. plan~ regi"lrdmg what Is to be done in the upcoming months about the racist institution. Not all of this it was didn't respect me or-care This letter is not instigated by repa~r 01 the bulldi!"1g. If it is found that there are major maintenance talk has been positive but at least about me. By his action, he told me either antt-Irat hatred or excessive requlremen:s that must be undertaken In order to retain the house as as the BSU has succeeded in bringing I was shit. prudery. It is only a protestaginst a proper resteence hall, we urge that funding beapplied tothe task. If no the issue to light. That in itself is a I've been told not to lake it drunk people who invade my metntenenca work IS required then tne'revtew should simply prove thiS major accomphshment and ~rs?nally--after all, the person, bathr'oom-varid' ... my privacy-- fact out. .---- deserves congratulations, didn t know me or the other girls. t unasked and a strong request that . Furthermore, If other dormitories are found to have major main- Chris Holmes say that whether we knew eacf it never' happen again ~~:~c~p~:~:~~:~ a!~~~a:i~~~~p:~:et~~r:~~~s~~; t:~~e ;~~;~~~t~~: IPersonal Viewpoin t . . ~LisaS. Robeson S::~I~u~O:ro,,: Ms..KenlJed~:Pompous Dema,D,ue ;~I~~t~~'~h:~a~;t~~~e~n~Oe~~tl~~'i~~dr~~i~~~c~O~;~ii~n: mitory. . - Phil Lapadula _ ~ Alright! Everybody up amateur and listen • Cafeteria Wall. Hazards because I'm going to teach you how hers was planned unintended while made some blatantly prejudiced She in ·adv~ce. to make an ass outot yourself in is a professional demagogue. She remarks about Catholics and front of 500 people. If you don't wanted an emotional response and Mormons. But, let's face it, there's SCRiMSHAW would (ike to take exception to the fact that a waif is recall I'm that lunatic who get up she got it! a little bigotry in the best of us. Our soon to be placed within the cafeteria over the spring break at f~e end of on Tuesday flight and cut down Flo goal should be to not let it carry-us this month.JI is not so much that we question the actual use of such an Kennedy. _!n the Feb. 28 edition of the to extremes so as to stand in the object, rather we have serious feelings that the timing of its installatIon First of all, I just want to state washington Star, Flo Kennedy way of social integration, as Ms. may not be quite right. that I support equal rights for defended Ugandan President Idi Kennedy has Ietlt done. A basic premlse of the wall is that there will be a dining porch built women_ and blacks. However, I Am~n. She described him as. Speaking of oppression, I felt a alongside the cafeteria in orclerto increase eating space in the long-run. don't support murderers, and I "outststanding" and stated that little oppressed myself wben I was But the porch will not be completed~untll some date next year. And the do'.:"t support people wpo preach criticism of him was raci?t. Iasked standing up there ~d sev~ral ....all will. in essence, remove an entire row of badly needed seating in against violence and oppression her howj;he could descrJbe~a man members of our aJ?li-{lppreSSIOn, the cafeteria whICh will either be taken out enttrely or pushed back when their words are full of bitter as "outstanding" whQ has mur- shiny liberals, screaming at me to further inlo an already cramped and crowded seating area. hatred. , dered 300,000 of his own people. I "sit down" and "shut up." Many __ We do not bring up this discrepancy in order to sound nit-picky. There is a fundamental dif- told her that she was being people think they're $u~h open However', we feel that we owe an obligation to the students of this ference between being sarcastic to hypocritical for standing up there mmded liberals. but Just let campus 10 explain potential and unforseen problems in order that stress a point and being sardonic to preaching about liberation and s?meone sound off on an opposing -- anyone who may have concern over the_ matter may speak now or arouse. feelings of hatred and owression whil~ describing one of VIew and they Want your head. I forever hold his peace. In other~ords if no one feels strongly on the contempt. Ms. Kennedy was the the most oppressive tn:ants in the woul~ have gladly sat d~wn if she Subje!=' at this time it will be too late to complain when the wall has been latter. She presented herself as an world as_';'outstanding." I support hadn t cornered me and If I hadn't finally constructed. arrogant, knOW-it-aU, deceitful, liberation and the elimination of. been so nervous. She was the one There may be other possible fauTts wJth the wall but th~re ls un. demagogue. Ms. Kennedy's oppression: I ,do not support w~o invited me. up to the complete mformation on at this time. The beverage dispensers are words were not designed to bring murderers, rather they. be white, mlCrortJone, knowmg that she supposed to be moved "into" the wall thereby eliminating all sight of people of different races and black or any other color of the could tear me apart. I knew it also, the ugly machines from the dining floor. But this may not be done until cultures together in a common rainbow. Ms. Kennedy slated that but I was hoping for a miracle. r sometime next year, thereoy reducing floor walking area and making bOnd, but rather to drive them she was merely pointing out that would have been alright if I hadn't cafeteria accidents more pOssible. Traffic flow could become a serious fllrthp.r aoart into bitter strife. all governments kill and that stayed up there so long. Where I problem. - The way she tore apart Dr. Amin's victims were not any worse really blew it was when Idescribed The use of vinyl for the new seati",;g booths may be another mistake Cra_ne and the reporters at the off than those that died in Vietnam. her language as gutter and thE-Il' but information- is still Incomplete on that subject news conference was at best Well, two wrongs do not make a -preceded to use the word "bull- SCRIMSHAW is only asking that any student that may have conerns pompous, at wors(vicious slander. right, neither do ten or a hundred. shit." That was a blunder. But then about the new addition to the cafeteria, to please express them soon to These were people that she didn't Because thousands were killed in Iguess it's hard to compete with a the administration or the SGA. If the complaints come after the con- even know and yet she found it fit Vietnam, it does NOT give Idi profeSSional demagogue, and I was struction has been completed It may be too late. to pass judgement on them and Amiu a license to kill thousands in really nervous. Apparently, sixty slander them in front oj 500 people. Uganda,. Murder cannot be thousand dollar a year lawyers Our Condolences Flo Kennedy is a disgrace to the justified - not in Vietnam, not in delight in trying to tear apart little nothings. Chile, and NOT in Uganda. black cause and I would hope that She If Ms. undergra-duate the blacks at this school would Kennedy thinks Amin is "out- failed. We of the S,crimshaw, on behalf of the students of Western Maryland recognize this. standing" then she must also think The problem with· the world ColIE!ge, wish to express our sincere sympathy to Mrs. Arlene Mac. Donald and her family on the loss of her husband, William MacDonald. ar;~~~ :~t~o~fi~h~~t~~~~~:~! ~~tln~~~,d s~~s~;~ ;::e~~~~ ~~~rrei~o~~U~iUS~v~:~ew~~i~~ Mr. ":'acDonald died of a heart attack while on a golfing trip in North the podium like I did- it was. The Amin's renowned h'eroes Kennedy up there shooting out her Carolina. He was fifty-fIve years old. The MacDonalds have two difference can only be that my Flo Kennedy, the great crusader cute little, witty, nuclear warhead , children, Jean and Carol. arrogant, emotional response was against bigotry and injustice, also loaded rtJrases and thinking that - An Emasculated G.-ant. B.-g Baker she was the sharpest thing to come the m" bl,de. 'Ioog ,In" Everyone must be a wit! We all go and graduate school Stephen R. Kepple to 'college a 'superiority _ complex to develop Ah, Big Baker Chapel. you poor, bowed in contrition. There is no from your nave, and few heard institution of. You lack di·gn!t¥. and go out in our arrogant way castrated elephant! Are you indeed contrition, of course. Only, at two the rustle. All you had, Travesty, You lack imagination. You la«;k a the home of God, you uninspired in the morning, an ugly, sodden was that cross. And that is gone, rtJallus and a womb, and the . thinking that everyone else is an Mongrel':' They spent so much to voice lifted to shear your dreams. melted down for a ooorstop. You dynamic consummation that gives imbecile. Flo Kennedy exemplifies this in the most 'repulsive manner brE'ed lOU from bricks and wood Do you dream about the cross they are not even -remotely religious. meaning. And lacking a cause, you possible. She is not anti- rified classroo!Jl, and drift, babbling, through the listless establishment. She merely wrong way, like a- clumSily-named reasons of money'? an aviary. No, do not protest, "1 Seventies, toward uncertain man seated backwards on a haveasymbol!"It is hidden away storms represents the worst of the donkey. Forced to view forever so They kept the cross on Little inside you, like a symbol of shame. ,-- ;:---;-;- __ --, establishment. prosaic a sight as a national flag, Baker Chapel, as compensation. It means nothing to God Ull1ess He Staff A comment sheet was posted up rather than _!.he grey at blue There must the weary Christians can see the sun glancing from his in the cafeteria after the Kennedy Editors distance leading clear to the first file, into the dainty cell. God is not crosses, the rain drippipg from JotlnSprjnger speech and early returns show a Appalachian ridge _ the real dainty. God could not even stuff his their .. angles, the snow winds Culton H;trrl$ Meg Hoyle 100 percent negative opinion of her. America! There is nothing of God beard into Little Baker Chapel. pouring past their fragile arms. Jeff Robinlon Layout D~ve Range The next time the students sh'ould in you, Big Baker, no stomach full Yet GQd is. wi!.h you, Little Baker, Symbols high, Yo!here we can look PJul Hewett Contributors be consulted before their money is Bill Todd wasted. of myster-y and warm, fragrant ;~6~~~~:~~o~~a!e~~,:s~~~ up and see them branding clouds! Nancy Barry M11c., D'AIldru At any rate, as a famous ex- Thus may we draw strength as we He Ornery Phil (apadul~ ~~~~:~t~,Tch::a~a~pl!~~:sO~;~: smiles on all houses of worship, be move upon the landscape, tending President would say: "You won't have Phil La Padula to kick around" h ' they huts in Uganda or cathedrals our opuscule tasks. ~~~~:~Z:nd 'fis~~;~o~~~" "~h~~e,~:nhae;;,_:~, !~~~~s w;: in Germany. any more. He's quitin' politics and might observe in a cJassroom,~ But you, Big Ba~er, you are not a But you are in this time of the r~~~i~~!eEes ~jls";~~~~Ib;~d!le changing his major to Chemistry. I lighting his way tQ a C+ on a house of_worship. When they Seventies quite like all of the in- Jim Teramaol ~~~Cn~~i~~nann hope if you've learned nothing chemistry examination. Thl!t"e are castrated you. God stopped smi-ling Stitution youso ineffectually serve. ~~~~~J~~Geeooy ;~~~~yHSehd~=~r from this article you've learned no candles making beauty of faces upon you, God pulled his ~a~ What I accuse you of, I accuse the "N.=';.c'O,-'_M':..:":..:"':..:'_T_"_'O_'.:.."_"_' __j how to make an ass of yourself - the truth. speak
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