Page 11 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 11
Friday, October 1,1916 SCRIMSHAW Po .. 3 Debate Review - 'PhillaP,d'"' Who Pulled the Plug on the Debates? Who Pulled The Plug On Carter- responded that, "Philadelphia has The debate startedlike a football Ford speaks in a dead pan everybody's eyebrows when he Ford1 been isolated from the world for game with Carter winning the monotone only occassionally described Nixon as, "a strong "The C.I_A. did itl" years!" That comment probably owortunity to answer the first escaping it with a slight rise in ieader." What they probably didn't "No, it must have been Lester trought thousands of telegrams question by the toss of a coin. By intensity. Both candidates looked realize was that Carter was ac- Maddox or Gene Mccarthy getting pouring into A.B.C. from insulted the same method Ford got in the extremely rigid and nervous and tually throwing the ultimate insult revenge for being left out of the Philadelphia citizens. last word by wincing the toss for neither displayed any sense of at Ford, by saying that compared debates." It all started at 9:30 P.M., the closing statements. That, it humor. There was not one joke to Ford, even the fwnbling Nixon "The Republicans are playing Thursday, Sept. 23, when twenty- seems to me, was far more im- throughout the entire drab per- was strong. dirty tricks again!" These were five to thirty people crowded into portant than Carter getting the fonnance, not even when the audio ~f Ford dominated the early some of the comments floating McDaniel Lounge for the debate first question. Its usually to went out. The audience around me gomg, carter deflnatejy picked up around McDaniel Lounge after the party sponsored by the College anyone's advantage to get in the roared with laughter, and it towards the middle. This trend, audio suddenly went out during the Republican's Club. The majority last word, and I wouldn't be too seemed like everybody in the probably began when Ford was Ford-Carter debates. At the time, were Ford supporters, but there surprised if the election were country thought it was funny ex- asked why he saw it fit to pardon Carter was responding to a were a good many Carter partisans decided by that one coin toss! cept for Carter and Ford. Nixon but not the Vietnam draft question about intelligence agency and a pre-debate survey indicated One conclusion that can be Ford seemed to be more in evaders. Ford responded that abuses in the U.S. Baffled com- that a large number of the at- drawn from the debate is 'one we command in the early going, while Nixon had suffered enough and mentators stared at the screen tendants were actually undecided. more. or less knew to begin with, Carter seemed to be almost that he was trying to bind the trying to think of things to say. One Unfortunately, I was unable to re- namely that neither Ford nor melting from nervousness. Quick w~unds left from. Watergate. At commented that, "Philadelphia evaluate their opinions following Carter is a particuarly dynamic flashes of the candidates' profiles this, the questioner asked if the seems to have been temporarily the debate because most of them orator. Carter pauses too much trought laughs and snickers from 90,000 draft evaders abroad had isolated from the world." Another left when the audio went out. and swallows his- words, while the crowd. Neither looks par- also not suffered enough and why ticularly channing from the side. not pardon them and bind the with of the Viet- division Paliczuk's Piece "Enlightening" Foro, standing stern, head rigidly wounds War? and Carter quickly con- face erect, nam hands and the shots seldom Theo Braver grasping trying podium, portray was ap- curred that, "big the little ones are go while to the patently to jail My subject for review being off- be interpreted differently. These sculptor's universally-applicable gallant knight in armor. Carter, punished." The crowd coed and campus, I found my assignment to figures can be seen as joyously interpretation of it. standing with hands folded, was awed and Howard K. Smith be more enlightening than I had welcoming those who seek comfort The sculpture itself consists 01 trying to be the picture of piety. chalked up one for Carter. Carter first imagined. My mind was on this place or they themselves three men-not the physical ac. Both failed and what we saw were scored heavily again when he cleared of a misconception quite may be making their own sup- tuality as we know it but abstract two carefully posed statues, declared that, "Ford should stop common on this and many cam- plications to "God." representations---their hands fear'ing that any sudden, dwelling on the Democratic puses-that theoprofessors we face Despite its larger-than-life clasped together forming a circle, unrenearsea movement or gesture Congress of which I am not a part, every day are limited to height (ten feet), it remains a spiritual union. Their uplift anns would cost them a thousand votes. while ignoring the Nixon ad- "professing," when in fact, they somehow to be an unassuming give usa definite mood. And yet, as Harry Reasoner commented that ministration of which he was a are not. As a matter of fact, they declaration of emotion by an Wasyl said of his smaller sculp- both candidates were, "sweating partl" The Ford people were are quite busy doing other things. unassuming man. ture, these moods and feelings can under the lights." Shame on you muffled. Carter had gone for the Wasyl Paliczuk professor of art Harry! Don't you know that horses jugular! has designed and erected and sweat-people perspire! It was hard to keep up with the sculpture on the beautiful grounds The nrst question directed at scores of figures which both of the Taylor Manor Hospital in Carter concerned jobs. He im- candidates were throwing out all Ellicott City. Quite similar to the mediately took advantage by going night. Apparently they think the one he designed for our campus, it off on a rhetorical tangent about average American has a computer stands as a sign of welcome to all Ford being a weak leader. He then brain and can easily grasp this visitors and residents. His model went 'On in length to describe how confusing and distorted data. Ford was originally entered in a com- he favored a balanced budget, tax was more guilty of this statistical petition sponsored by the Jewish incentives for low incomes, warfare than was Carter. At least Community Center, the proposed research and development funds, ~arter stuck to a few figures which theme being shalom. The Jewish housing mortgage loans, and an he repeated several times. For work shalom can be used either as unemployment rate of 3 percent by example, I got carter's message a greeting or farewell. His piece 1980. Ford's response was as that there are 500,000 more people did not 'win the competition, but it predictable as the tide. "Carter is out of work than three months ago, won the heart of Mrs. Taylor, who being unspecific." From then on it because he repeated it three times. liked it so much that she com- was just each candidate making I also caught on to the thing about missioned him to sculpt the piece several short speeches and unemployment being up 50 percent hosptial that bears for name. the The fact that his sculpture her repeating things they had both said in the last eight years. These are J could be appropriate for these two in the past. It probably if the can- relatively simple numbers that Ford he statistics. would have effective more fed out so many been could have questioned institutions as well as for Western Maryland College, says a little "an assuming declaration by an unassuming man" didates directly. Then maybe each could have overloaded put an I.B.M. only they computer! Carter the other about the word shalom and the could have had a good brawl, at human element into an otherwise least! mechanical performance with "An Evening of Black America" some of his comments on unem- carter's best line of the night ployment. At one point he blurted are human out that, "these It is virtually impossible to historical panorama of black Ms. Ruby Dee, the other half of was w.hen he ~~~ribed the current were talking about. 7.9 percent beings is a husband-wife enumerate in on'"e evening all the experience and includes dramatic this team is a tax system as, a welfare for the human tragedy!" successes, disappointments, and readings, anecdotes and short recognized actress in h~r own rich." His biggest bl.~der was As far as who won this debate? frustrations of Black America, but scenarios by black authors. "These right, having appeared in such when h~ rerered to, 1;he" Great Well, Ithink they may as well flip a in the presentation of "An Evening are things that we have fallen in diverse roles as the American Depression of the 1940 s. That coin to determine that as well. of Black America" by Ossie Davis love with over the years and that Shakespeare Festival's production brought enormous la~ter and Certainly one loser was Elizabeth and Ruby Dee, one can begin to we love sharing," Davis reports. of The Taming of the Shrew and jeers from the.Ford perttsans and Drew. She asked the most am- about carter. grasp the beauty inherent in the with Sidney Poitier in Buck and the .probably cost At one pomt, Carter a biguous and ridiculous questions Preacher million votes! culture of Afro-Americans. This The actor-author-director's list . conveniently mistook Ford's name I've ever heard. I thought the Saturday, Oct 2, in Alumni Hall at8 of Broadway, television and The entire college community is for Nixon's. This brought some candidates were usually pretty pm, the college community will motion picture credits bespeaks encouraged to attend this per- srorts from the crowd. Carter also specific, but some of the questions have an opportunity to experience his varied talents. His play, Purlie fonnance because we believe that displayed some unneeded over- were ridiculous! In conclusion, the the beauty, joy and sometimes Victorious, successful on Broad- it will be an enlightening ex- confidence ".; if I'm general consensus seems to be to pain of the Black American's way and made into a motion- perience that you will never forget. describe what I've just described experience. picture, is a reflection of his own in twelve hundred words with one This production gives an childhood. ยท,--------------------------------
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