Page 13 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 13
Friday, October 1, 1976 SCRIMSHAW Page 5 Groves and Wu join WMC Mountain Craft By Lisa Robeson '. R. Groves Lieutenant Col. James ROTC Festival to be held recently new joined the WMC faculty a,s training which he feels Lt. Col. University and of Minnesota for his of the to University provides. M.A. the of professor military basis, On a personal science. The directorship of' the Groves wishes "to have a hand in Texas at Austin for his PhD. in the He has done traveling much provided by selected entertainers. ROTC is his latest post in an producing officers who will be United States, to such places as Nearly 130 skilled craftsmen and Being featured this fall is a eighteen-year career which has leaders of the army and the Hawaii, South Carolina, california, artists from the entire east coast National Guard. If I can do and Alaska-He spent three years will be featured at the Fall talented and enthusiastic group, ~~~::d a l~=y~Sit~O: at ~~ anything to make these officers teaching at the University of South Mountain Heritage Arts & Crafts "The Putnam County Pickers," :ninistration job for the Army more profficient and well- carolina, and one year at the Festival, which will take place at whose repertoire includes blues, Chief of Staff at the Pentagon, and rounded," he added, "I will have University of Texas and Texas Harpers Ferry, WVA., on October ~eu~Frass a~~::ekd and n::~::t~t~ most recently, the command of an been successful." A&M University. 8,9, 10and 11. Careful1y pre-judged Lt. CoL Groves is a graduate of Dr. Wu is currently teaching and screened to assure only the "Trapezoid" who not only play the ~~~?'batallion at Ford Hood, Texas A&M, where he earned his three courses: "Problems of highest of standards, they will ~:~~:;~:utD;~~i~:~ ~~k:l~~ Lieutenant Col. Groves' job wiU B.S. degree in civil engineering. He Philosophy", "Logic and display their handicrafts on the acquired his Master's degree in the Reflective Thinking," and gently rolling hills of the Harpers delightful instrument. Also on tap ~!:~est~~li~elfo~so~C::e/!~:,~ same subject at Massachussetts "Philosophy of the Twentieth Ferry Caverns amidst a splendid :~d ~ ~e :~~:;'~ou~t~ overseeing the ROTC program. His Institute of Technology. Century." During Jan. Term, he showing of autumn colors. plans to teach the "Philosophy of With such an array of exhibitors musicians old who will be playing their specific goals for the corning years Dr. Laurence C. Wu is a new Self-Realization." In addition to mountain and unique time of ROTC the expansion include whose crafts will be on sale, this assistant professcr 'of philosophy, "Problems of Philosophy," he will seems to be the perfect place and music, "The Southern Sounds of _~~~~: ~e c:~=; ~'::~~ coming from Taiwan. He received be teaching "Philosophy of setting to purchase Christmas gifts ~~:s~;as~~haendP~:o~~e~t:;~ involved, and the furtherance of his B.A. from the National Taiwan Science" and "Problems of Mind for family, friends and associates Dancers. the leadership and citizensh~p 'University, and then went on to the and Body" in the spring. at the most reasonable of prices. You'll he able to choose from The Fall Festival hours of the leather, pottery, glass, - wood, Mountain Heritage Arts and Crafts Admissiohs Gains Craig & Murr metals, ceramics, furniture, Festival will be from 10 AM to 6 musical instruments, jewelry, PM each day, Friday, Saturday, This year.. WMC welcomes two admissions work, Ms. Craig has She would also like to see the needlework, quilts, paintings, Sunday and Monday. Food and new members to the A'dmissions much experience in teaching minority students take a more candles, dolls, plus much, much drink will be available at the Office, Ms. Barbara Craig and Ms. HUman Development in high active role in the WMC social life, more. festival site and you are most Joan Murr. school. The friendly attitude of the .and feels that this would benefit the While strolling and shopping in welcome to picnic on the grounds. Ms. Craig graduated with a B.A. people of Western Md. has entire student body. Ms. Craig the panorama of autwnn colors The admission of $2.00 for adults from Morgan State University and especially impressed her. One of believes Liberal Arts education from the surrounding trees and includes free parking. Children she received her M.A: fro~ In- her special concerns is recruiting a should be concerned with the entire hills, you will be treated to time- from 6 to 17 years of age are ad- diana University. Although she ha~ more. diverse student body, in- student, educating not only his honored dancing and music mitted for $1.00. had no previous experience . 'in . cluding more minority students. mind but also helping him grow in other ways. _ -tl ec rlclty Kuns er EI trlel Fl' OWS Md., but not to admissions work. Ms. Joan Murr is new to Western from page 1 She bas had five years experience purpose of the trial was to stem the those in the peace movement and militancy. and the prison inmJ~.te as we always have been-into a working in Admissions at Johns anti-war movement. He drew the greatly discouraged the "voices" uprisings. "Whenever you have. a robot-l~ke state. In this apathetic, Hopkins University. Previous to same conclusion from the trials Of from being very vocal. The trials movement that threatens the robot-like state, no one is an in- that she spent three years as an theChicag07,theCatonsville9,the also forced the peace movement to status quo ... " this suppression is dividual thinker and all blindly administrative assistant in the Gainsville 8, and the trial of Daniel tie up large swns of money for encountered. '. believe in the fairness of the Computer Science program at Ellsberg and Tony Russo for the legal defenses which then could not Kunstler'spurposeasalawyeris nation's institutions. Hopkins. She is especially en- Pentagon Papers. be used to further the movement to work within the judicial Other topics included: thusiastic about the accessibility of Although all of the defendants in This approach has been used structures so that radical voices +Voting and the necessity of faculty members to students. She .cthese trials were acquited Kun- aga!'~' other threats as well. The may be kept on the streets leading registering to vote and then spent three weeks visiting the stler felt that all served the exal.lpie5 he mentioned included the movements. Alanned by the refusing to cast a ballot in an various departments and was very _government's intended purpose the black liberation movement, the widespread apathy in America election in which there is no choice impressed by the genuine interest _because the trials initmidated native-American (Indian) today, he feels that we ere set,Uin'g- except between "Twee
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