Page 8 - Scrimshaw1976-77
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Page 4 Scrimshaw Friday, September 24, 19'76 WMC Sports "Fall" Freshman DeGross • Shines in J;mWo"I,nrl IJ~tr.,g;murals , • I - intramural This years program 395 yard offense is key· errors 22 14 VIe o·ry IS beginning soon and it looks like for something will there be In their season opener Saturday, fourth down when the offense Something else which shouldn't Come out Saturday and cheer on everyone. Western Maryland's . Green Terrors came away from Hoffa ~~~~g at t~~o~herBU:i~~t~~a~f ~a~V~~I~!~:;:~t:e ~~:;:~~d~U: :~d~e::t~~.a~~:~~~f ~c~~~~ Coming ur i~.the fall is aJen:::! Field with an impressive victory Rose?fel? took the ball an.d sinu:> to only 156 total yards a?d for 1:30 PM at Hoffa Field. ~::.rng so:rC::~be~,r~~ball, cverurstnus, 22-14. Coach Jones' A~ It mto. the endzone. team looked even better than the scumed out, this was all the POUlts forcing 9 pun~ and one m- Prior to Saturday's football which will begin around the end of and a "Turkey Trot", terceJ?llt;tn (by Mike Sanders). October turned score reflects. The first half was a battle be- :f;te~yeedaed W~~I-:~~t~~ :~~ su:~~t~~~~r~g i~~y~:~~edw~; gr:,:':n:r~~';!l~:':::'te~ which i~ on Sat. October 16th. tween good defense, bad offense gutsy play. A 15 yard pass from Joe freshman Eric DeGross (20 carries Senior High, and our own Western All ready to begin are the men's and punters. These three factors Damiano to Fritz Leitzel sewed up for 140yards) and sophomore Mike Maryland College Band will razzle-dazzle football, and for the led to a (H) score at the half. The the game, making it 22-6 after Lewis (22 carries for 105 ya~ds) .on parade from Alumni Hall to Hoffa women, powder puff football. Both Terrors Defense was magnificent, forcing punts every time Ursinus Belt's extra point. With less than a ~r:::-e~~:~~:O~~~~ a~a~i:~~ Fi;~~halftime show put on by the ~~nt~~: :n=t~~:::~o~~~y~~~ attempted to score. Ursinus didn't minute left, Ursinus scored again, at quarterback, form a backfield three bands will be 3 musical the participants but also for the even get close enough to attempt a making it 22-14, but it was too late which should shine for years to pieces by John Philip Sousa. Carl onlookers. field goal. Meanwhile, the offense for the Pennsylvanians. Dietrich will direct. was sporatic. This was especially ~~~:'~Fr.S~E;:~!~. Spikers Look for Championship - the first half and one in the second. Wayne Pierce We don't know what Coach Jones With great enthusiasm, I report Stitt, currently holds the head not made. Returning setters Lynn said to his team at halftime or what the first news on the progress of coaching position for that college's Glaeser and Sue Cunningham have Gettysburg next Monday, the stage fired them up but it sure worked. In this season's women's volleyball volleyball team. already proven they can put the is set; or as it might be otherwise the first series of downs, after Mike team. Though there are a number Miss Fritz also had fine words ball where veteran spikers Kathy stated, the set is up. Because as Lewis' 12 yd. gallop, freshman of things that have been changed, for her talented team that I believe Lane, Carla Criss, and Fran Cizek any volleyball player knows, once Eric DeGross made one of his one ,thing remains the same _ the were well-grounded. With five of can score the points. And watch for the set is made, the devastating magnificent runs, a 24 yarder for team's chances of capturing some last year's six starters returning, freshmen hitters Tammy Roebber Spikes soon roHow. Spikes which the first score of the game. Mter rather important trophies. With so optimism is high, though the coach and Cheryl Stonfer to score plenty will, I believe, bring Western the missed extra point, the score much experience, ability and warns that complacency may of points. This team is good. Maryland a Penn-Mar Conferenct stood at 6"(). For the rest of the desire, the only prediction I can beset her team if an all-out effort is And so, with an opening game at quarter, the Terror defense held wager is one of high success. title in women's volleyball. back the Grizzlies while Bruce Belt From an interview with the kicked a field goal to make the women's nine year veteran coach, score 9-0. Miss Fritz, I learned that the team The fourth quarter started with was now one of nine local colleges Ursinus driving hardwith good holding membership in the Penn- A new generation passing and running. They scored Mar Conference. Miss Fritz an- to make it s-e. The next touchdown ncfpetes strong competition from of College Rings... by the Green Terrors caught the Gettysburg College, Towson and Grizzlies completely by surprise. Salisbury States, and from Rick Rosenfeld (the holder) and Dickinson, where Jast year's Bruce Belt (the kicker) came in on graduate assistant coach, Sandy Field Hockey is In Jim Terarnam Last Wednesday against fact that the women who have Labanon Valley, the field hockey moved up from last year's JV have team began the 1976 season with played together, the squad will be a anticipation. Even though they good one. graduated 90f 11 starters from last Coach Smith pointed out that year's team and have a~new coach, also this year we are switching they expect good things. The styles of play, which many of the final score was 2-2, with our. scores women have never played before. by Sally Stanfield, with a assist As the girls get more used to it the from An Dryden, and Linda better they will look. Also she is Sorrentino again from Ann. The trying to stress more offense this game was played in spurts with the year. Usually teams play defen- ball staying in one end of the field sively minded, but this year, the for .1. strech of time and then Terrorettes will push offense moving to the other end for a period of time. Next Varsity Game: Coach Susie Smit-r is trying to, help mold this year's team quickly Today at Gettysburg at 3:30. The toto winners. With the con- women also play Tuesday AT York cenrrauon on eondltmning and the at 3:30. 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