Page 12 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 12
Friday, October 1, 1976 Kunstler Gems "we have a childlike faith ill "We cannot rely all any form something ., The charmed of govemmellt. Government ~~;n/fest destiny of this COUII- 7;~:'10~~~~~~~10~(!~S-it has to "l'm ill the system to de- "I would leave (taw) except stroy the system." that its contradictions are "Ellsberg and Russo were ill- sometimes workable. We call volved ill a conspiracy to give keep people on the street who us the truth. " someday may slap the cur- "Its always darkest before the rents 1I0W flowing." yalVlI. " "...growing old to die ... doing "We could nave a lot of nothing." power if we could just get our "the most marvelous 28 min- shit together." utes were presented all TV" "The only people who should (presidential debates) . Vale are those who gain [in- 'The youllg are turning for anciatty." refuge to grad school, to "All revolutions take life." avoid going to the jackals ... " "The law is purely a device. " "We don't talk, or write.cor "I have stopped believing my love each other anymore. " civics teacher. " "Conspiracy - 'to breathe to- "We are: being ushered ill to gether'. " Zombie land. " "We are the Roman empire reborn. " Alumni Art in Gallery Now showing in the fine arts dress performing various chores. gallery is a presentation of artwork In one three women balance by Western Maryland alumni. It colorful bowls upon their heads; in includes a sufficient variation of another a train has come to a stop ATLANTA RHYTHM SECTION APPEARING OCTOBER SIN ALUMNI HALL style and media, including pain- (presumably unintentionally) and tings in oil and watercolor, soft the people are milling around the sculpture, Eastern Art Trip silkscreen and ceramics. sculpture, cars. It's so convincing that we can stone hear almost anxious their whispers. The first thing one has to notice when entering the gallery is a soft On Sunday, 3 October the In- Darcy's with Dr. and Mrs. David. sculpture by Sharon Wood entitled ternational Relations Club is The trip, including TRAN- "Three Faces of Eve". It seems to Other works particularly well- sponsoring a trip to the Breezwood SPORTATION, ADMITTANCE, to SGA depict the three phases of a done are a series of silkscreens by Collection of eastern art. • the collection, and DINNER, will woman's day-early morning in C.B. Reisenweber. He (she) makes The collection is considered one cost one dollar. FOREIGN Office Hours curlers, midafternoon in heavy use of black, leaving only of the best in the country, and STUDENTS ARE INVITED TO housedress, and approaching the background atmosphere in includes more than 200 art works COME FREE as guests of the club. evening with upswept hair. There color. Two of the three were from Thailand and Indis. The TO RESERVE A PLACE ON is a startling resemblance to the printed this year--"TaH Ships Sculpture dates from 1000 BC to THE TRIP CONTACT ME BY works of Marisol, whose figures Outward Bound" and "Tall Ships modern works. The Breezwood WEDNESDAY THE 29th of protrude from just about any at Dawn". The ships are not simply grounds contain a Japanese SEPTEMBER. Mon 12-2, 3:30-4:307-9 cubed shape imaginable. Marisol masses of black, but are composed garden with pagodas, ponds and Jeff Whittaker Tu 1-2, 6-9:30 however, being a professional of numerous intricate lines. There I unusualJ plants. P.O. Box 1353 or W 12-1,3-5,6-10 artist, is somehow more successful is definitely a talent visible here in creating Campus Ex. 342 of human a whirlwind After -I Westminster the trip we will return the to Th 6-9:30 shapes than Wood. not only in the prints as themselves, His for dinner at but in the matting well. 3;30-4:30 FR Sun 2-5, 6-9 On a nearby wall are watercolors (her) concern for perfection in this crossword puzzle by remarkably Griffith National aspect shows the artist's pride in William looking like his work. Geographic photographs. Done ACROSS with precision and careful at- lSull,.: 100w'ong Another artist worth mentioning ordinal 2 Uncle in Mad,id tention to detail, his paintings is Helen Gaither who has on numbe<$ 3 F.llllnWhi.e depict Indians in their flowing exhibition various wildlife pain- 4 C.."•., knob !iou... ido on. shield tings done on hunks of varnished BBirthannou"oe. 4~~:;:UP: wood. One, shaped like a hunter's "'.n.:··I.·.····I"· SFi. ALUMNI REMEMBER 12C, .... SEn ..... plaque depict's a bambi-type deer 13 Enclosu,.. 7SingSingsi.o ,WMC: with big brown eyes, long eye- ISoot.) BShun lashes and of course, the prized 9Rocltg,oup ~:~~:VQ;:::;~.I Th.··· 2SSec.ion.ddod 38 Se,g... n"lab.1 antlers. Another depicts a n.. ··· • •• 1 J9P,o!ix:'h, .. retriever dragging a fallen duck in lBRDekgfOup Iti.u•• 40 Wo,du,od its mouth. Both these and others G,~••lul·_ 11 R<><:In 22~\:;·~:~' 36 Vouch.. 01. depicting, according to the artist, :~:':;.~II:"~ 24 Qeveloped 37 Commedia "The Tranquility of Spring", and a ",,~Udebt ,,'isfac.orily 30 Bnd••od 1<:oIU d~1r - soft sculpture-the "Iris Chair"- 31···0;"9" that looked more like a pompous w., 3:2 Go",mo'·, overstuffed doily. There was one J3Wo,duiOd '.' ." soft sculpture by the same artist wi.hlton •• nd that did give me a laugh despite its ~, 34 Ace, .. in lack of aesthetics--the Royal ~:!~:d"b.IO' ." • Pacifier in green and gold, perhaps 35 Me<1i ..... " .. n meant to comfort the football team ;.!~nd when they lose the homecoming 36 AI.·· game-the only problem being that ,,~ 38 CombiningI", ...: they'll ~bably win. J9 R""~ 9fOUp 43 Aet,_Mor""" 44 ..00·_·0 ...... ·• 45 Uni.edAflblobJ Republic The show is definitely worth 46 Bi.otn_. .Ii II seeing if only because of the 47 BoUw il. chance to see both the talents and t"' mpl. ·"Your alma mater just repainted the old water 4BG,eoklettOf the non-talents of our school's past. tower, and tbey're sending b!llll to all ~rople The show will continue until whose names·werescribhled on It. Homecoming. ·,~--~--------------------------
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