Page 16 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 16
SCRIMSHAW Friday, October 1, 1976 WMC Sports "Fall" Terrors Roll 21-6 Women'S'V"ball; 2nd Quarter Offeriae Crucial wayne Pierc Close & Coming Last Monday, the women's Western Maryland lost an ex- The Green Terrors of wee.ern, Meanwhile, the Terror offense Bridge.water defender picked it off. volleyball team met the squads tremely close match with York by Maryland rolled to their second was busy racking up three touch- The rest of the first quarter was from York and Gettysburg in the scores of 8-11,15-1, and 10-12, while victory of the season. 21-6 over downs, two by Joe Damiano and composed of punts with the closest first match of the season. In games (ifwasting Gettysburg 15-1 and 15-3. Bridgewater. This win was the 92-yd. run by Rosenfeld. Fresh- either team came to scoring was on marked by many ups and downs, Head coach Miss Fritz stated sparked by Rick Rosenfeld's 92 yd. man Eric DeGross again led the attempted field goal by Bruce Belt. that the problem her girls faced kickoff return for a touchdown. rushing with 109 yards in 32 carries Shortly into the second quarter against York was a lack of con- The defense again showed their- while Fritz Leitzel turned 2 (namely only 13 seconds into it), Sports Up sistency. Under the pressure of worth, holding the Bridgewater receptions into 74 total yards. Joe Bridgewater drew first blood with playing in their first match of the team to one touchdown, a freak Damiano again showed flashes of a long pass play making the score year, starters Kathy Lane, Tammy long pass play. Led by Jeff Hunt brilliance with 89 yards passing (4 6-0. Alter the missed point after, rdefensive player of the week), out of 10) yet he is still plagued by Bridgewater kicked off. Rick Carlton Harris Roebber, Sue Cunningham, Lynn Bucky Horsey, and Rick Bonae- interceptions (giving up two). Rosenfeld received the ball on the 8 The topic this week is "The Glaeser, Fran Cizek, a~d C.arla corsy, the defense held the Much of the offensive credit should and with a great run (and superb NBA". Any basketball buff should Cris~ appeared to be playing with a Bridgewater offense in their also go to the workhorse frontline blocking) broke through to score ch:rg~t t~oeUg:n~i~tn:tie 1~4.75 ~:~~ ~at n':f::;u~:~~s. s~ah~~ territory for most of the game. of Bob Sylvester,' Russ Cepko, Western. Maryland's first touch- York in the second game, but were They also forced 11 punts, an in- Doug Sopp, Pete Blauvelt, and down. After Bruce Belt's good season, this team was crushed in unable to generate a knock-down terception (by Don Enterline), and Kevin Noonan. conversion of the extra point, the the championship series, 4 games thrust in the first and third games a fumble (recovered by Bucky The game started off badly - on Terrors were never again behind. to O. of the match. It was felt that this 2. He holds the record for most Horsey) while sacking the quar- the 2nd play, one of Joe's Later on in the quarter, Bucky points scored in a professional problem will be eradicated later terback ~ne times. passes went astray and a Horsey recovered a fumble on basketball game (100). into the season as the women learn Bridgewater's n and in three plays 3. First of the big men, he out- to playas a unified team. (including a tough, long run by scored au others in the 1949, 'SO and Steve Spinelli), Joescored on a 2 '51 seasons. Against Gettysburg, the team yd. keeper over the middle. The 4. From 1959 through 1969, the was superb. Players Sally McCarl, extra-pt. made it 14-6 as the half Boston Celtics failed to win the Wendy Good, Ellen Scroggs, ended.' . NBA title only once, in 1967. Which Chrissy Moore, Valerie Lambert, The second half was mainly a team won in that year? Brenda Eccard, and Mary Louise lesson in defensive play except for 5. In the 1975 NBA player draft, Jones made contributions to the one set' of downs late in the third this ACe stand-out was quickly game, while the play of Cheryl quarter.dn this drive, Joe made a snatched up by the Atlanta Hawks. Stonfer _ particularly great pass to Fritz Leitzel who took 6. In 1968 and 1969, the NBA noteworthy. thEf ball down to their lo-yd. line. Rookies of the Year were both Two plays later Joe showed that Baltimore Bullets. Who were they? And finally, the team hopes that our quarterback can run as he 7. This native of West Virginia is everyone had a chance to stop by galloped the last ten yards for his considered by many to be the best and watch at least part of the tri- second, and the team's third, basketball player of all time. match with Hood and Loyola, touchdown of the game, making it 8. He was MVP 5 times, more which this reporter was unable to 21.~ after Belt's third extra point. than any other player. comment upon by virtue of this This is how the game ended as the 9. This southern-based team has paper's deadline. It is certain that punters took over for the rest of the a musical name. the women will have amply contest. 10. Originally a San Franciscan, demonstrated their ability to play Saturday, Oct. 2, at 1:30 on Hoffa later a Golfen Stater, this scoring good power volleyball. And the Field, the Green Terrors will try to marvalleft the NBA for the 6 years team members would like to be the add to their perfect record as they in between. first to invite you to the home game meet tough Muhlenburg. This 11. Led by scoring champ Joe against Franklin and Marshall on young team (starting only 2 Folks this team captured the first Saturday at 10:30. The women will seniors) opened their season last NBA title back in 1947. be out to secure a league lead Saturday by beating Johns 12. The 1975 NBA All-star team against this very' tough opponent, Hopkins 45-6! Additionally, they was centered by this Buffalo Brave so the game will be worth seeing. embarrassed our own Terrors who in his first 3 seasons managed early last season with a 41-0 tally. to be Roolde olthe Year MVP, and Awin over Muhlenberg would be a 2-time scoring leader. Plain & Fancy at Western Maryland. Thomas is known throughout Maryland as well as huge boost to the team. So come Scoring ... 7 equals fair, the entire nation for his coaching record at Towson High. Look for an o~t and root our Terrors on to OK 9 equals Good, 10 equals 8 equals Very in-depth article on Thomas in a future Scrimshaw. victory. Donuts G~ 11 equals Excellent, 12 eQuais All of the above and more!! WMC Hockey Hurting Jim Teramani Last week's answers: t-Donna 140 Village This was a bad week for field player. The women played badly 6-0. de Cassius Varona, 2-Adolph Hitler, Ali), 4- 3· Clay (Muhammad hockey, beginning with the game as a team and as indivuduals. ~ Tomorrow the women play F&M Johnny wetssmuner. s-Abebe only 5 minutes away against Gettysburg. The girls lost The JV team, still playing with here at 10:30 and have high hopes Bikila, 6-80b Mathias, 7-Don the game against the homestand injured girls and a few new girls of rebounding back. Also, the girls Schollander, 8- Bob Beamon, 9- Open 24 Hours a Day Bullettes, 3-0. The team played who are filling in for the injured, travel. to Elizabethtown Babe Didrikson, to-Jesse Owens; very well, expecting a different fared no better. The score ended up Tuesday for a game there. ll-Paavo Nurmi, 12-Wyomia Tyus. game. But there was no mistalringp:;; ..................... ... '""'!![ICI __ .. Gettysbury's ability. With more ;r; chance for practice, the Get- tysburg team showed good stick- work and utilized more passes we sen-e ... better. Mtera shaky flrst half (all of the scoring was done in the flrst half), WMC came out with some im- BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER proved play. They pulled their game slowly together but couldn't dent the nets. Subs Pizza The JV team had even more problems. A rash of injuries severly affected the small squad, -'!f Presents ... Chicken Day Monday Dinner $1.75 to the point of playing shorthanded. Only some good saves by Kate International Buffet Every Sunday Pizza Day·Tuesday-$.40 off Shirly kept the game at 5-0. Spaghetti Day - Wednesday Oinner $1.40 Against York;- the situation seemed to worsen. Maybe Beef & Beer Special $1.85 W111f1N WALKING DISTANCE evervone was having a bad day togel her or it was because of a half Open 6 a.m. daily except Sundays 7 a.m. OOUl delay in starting the game, Weekdays 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. t!it :~;:: ~~~~t~astht::-n~l:. Of course we still serve the best corned beefs tiling that happened was the final and pastramis daily from 11:~Oa.m. to 10 p.m. NEWLY REMODELED Route 140 .00re ".oj. 310 €. GREEN IT. Westmi~ter fi:~~~~gg:~ '~didm~~~rf~=~~ Corner of E. Green St. and Washington St. 848·1441 EXPpiDED SEATING 841j.9.11O well as should have" said one. ll...... ...Wf~IT~M.INI~TE;,::R... ~1!\I\II_Yl.IIN;;D .... _;, ., --------------------------------------
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