Page 14 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 14
Page 6 SCRIMSHAW Friday, October 1, 1976 Carroll County ~OW Alive 'n -Kickin' Entertainment in the Area Jane Wettig and Jennifer Watt!> CAPITAL CENTRE GASTON HALL, G. WASH. U. what's happening now with moreawareof voting steusttcs, between allof those groups. F" Lynyrd Skynyrd 10/20 TOIlJ Waitts 1r NOW? Funny you should ask. We educational and recreational further information call the now Chicago 11/15 -16 attended a chapter meeting and facilities, attitudes and em- phone number. John Denver and found out that NOW is in its loth pl.oyment habits of business-all on NOW is the most radical of the goals its year; par- the local level. are active the Star/and Vocal Band 11/24 - 25 ticipation of women in the main- Carroll County NOW is large women's groups in the stream of society with equal preparing for "Alice Doesn't country. There are over 800 CA THOLIC UNIVERSITY responsibilities as men, and Day". 'Alice' is a synonym for all nationally recognized chap- KENNEDY CEIvTER NOW's Carroll 9. Chapters DOli McLean 11/14 Bifly Cobhon. 10/6 alive and kickin'. County Chapter is women; Alice Last doesn't work in ters ... Maryland has status for 9 are years attempt convening Wonderland. in Top on NOW's list of concerns is by women to express their in- months before being nationally the campaign for ratification of the dependence and vital contributions recognized. The Carroll County DAR CONSTITUTION HALL Equal Rights Amendment. This was anti-climatic due to lack of Chapter has just opened and is in Steven Stills 10/20 move would declare women fu1l . publicity and organization. its 7th week. Involvement so far is Jackson Browne, and Orleans 10/24 - 25 citizens.", "the quality of rights However, the liberated Alice this excellent. Hal! and Oats 1I 30 should not be denied on account of year will be seen October 20th in ~:t~~:t ~~~i~~ ~~~e~:~~~ the Westminster Shopping Center All are welcome to meetings. LlSNER AUDI TORIUM, G. WASH. U. by March 22, 1979 in order for ~~:!~~ng ~~W,N~~d N~~~ Check listings in the Hanover Billy 10e/10/4 women to realize increased equal ERA ... attempting to diminish Evening Sun, Carroll County Jimmy Buffer 10/23 :;rtunit y and the right to equal sexism. _ ~~~~ha~k~~;il!::Ca~i~~al~n~~~ INDIAN SPRINGS, MD. The next several chapter Oc~~~~t~~~ S~=Sit!:~:~~le~: schedule changes. For further Charlie Dantets Band. Earl Scruggs. Ozark Mt n. 'Daredevils, ;'~~~~es ;~Iwo~xe~~~n~ar~:ll ?f Single Parenthood," which ~~~:~iO~o~~~ne~Sftin~a~~~ Doc and Merle lIIatsoll, Vassar Clements. County and troubleshoot areas of :n~u:e~ ~~~~~asf~etia~ef; g:~~~,C~:~~~f::~~~~;~ta~~ Eric Weisberg and Deliverance, and others 10/1 - 3 ~~:!~in:~~~~ ~O:ak~~rsthe~ caseworkers and counselors, IS board member) at 848-0571 '----T-h-e-F-i-,.-s-t-D-a-"-o-'-t-h-e' Rest 0' Y ;:: ,~;;;,,"c"on I Refl~utions I Larry Norton One should never temper one's The elevator was working the What are those funny weeds When all the little freshpeople freshperson. In time, however, words because of fear of disap- i first day. The meals closely growing on the w,indow sill? Fresh- emerge from the gymnasiwn, they freshpeople blend in with everyone peoval. Friendship is based on the' resembled the ones back home. people begin to wonder why they are rushed off to the bookstore. else and even begin to talk and act o~~roi~!!:n~!~n;~~g, :~l The stereos blared sweet and didn't choose to commute. The new student soon finds out how like upperclass people. :~i~~ comforting sounds which echoed The answer to this query comes to write a check-unless of course he derstanding of convictions. If one throughout the dormitory. The sun about when the true benefits of or she happens to carry $50-$100 This transition, of course, is very person feels he must omit opinions was making its way out from campus life are revealed: (Yes, around for small change. As the beneath the clouds. A blissful freshpeople, there are benefits!) cash register total mounts, so does ~~!~I~!~~h~~Yf~~h~~~:~~n~ =~:~i~fg a:~~~~!n~~~S, i~~I~~ feeling pervaded throughout the The first taste of social excitement the anxiety in the little fresh- of Memorial Hall, or wondering Honesty, within the framework of campus. The freshperson was begins with the Freshman Mixer. person's mind. Adding to this where they hid Dean Zepp's office,. love, can never hurt. It's purpose is clam, secure, and optimistic. Then Half of the cafeteria is crowded nervous breakdown process is the or inquiring as to the whereabouts to educate. came matriculation convocation. with tables and the rest is left open senior next in line who in response of the hottest night clubs in The term itself is enough to for a dance floor. Naturally, the to the final cash register ring says, Westminster. Please have sym- strike fear in the hearts of the freshpeople, eager to meet their "You lose!" pathy. Undoubtedly this aimple Chris Okenica unsuspecting, but the process is new classmates, find room at, on, Inevitably, the first few weeks on character is a member of that equally mind boggling. The fresh- or under the tables. Faint and campus seem like a loss to the trampled mtnority-Ireshpeopfe. person is pushed and pulled from forgotten memories of Junior High room to room. After a countless School dances are stirred up in the nwnber of forms are signed, a mug minds of these new students who Newsbriefs shot is taken, and a few more begin to wonder why all this is forms are signed, the new students being done lor them (or to them). are handed a WMC mug and sent The freshperson also develops a on their way. The freshperson ....learer definition of the ex- I·V Speaker leaves Memorial Hall completely pression-"The world is made up of Talent Show The White House exhausted, but with a better un- all kinds of people." Undoubtedly, As students return to campus Inter-Varsity Christian Are you between the ages of 23 derstanding of why the building is every conceivable weirdo and a and begin to pursue their academic Fe1I00NShip will meet on wednes- and 35? And possess "leadership, so named. few other assorted specimens goals, so does the social life begin day, Oct. 6, at 8:00 p.m. in intellectual and professional The freshperson is promptly congregate at this great social for the college. It is the goal of the Englar 101.·First, there will be a 20 ability, high motivation, and a ushe~e~ to ~umni Hall where the gathering, Another important college activities program to offer min. film on URBANA '76, as-day committment to community and AdnllOIstratlOn proceeds to issue question formulates in the new as many diverse activities that will seminar on missions and nation"? The President's Com- several thousand welcomes. students' mind. If registration is reach every tangent of the college evangelism. TMn Kieth Dietz, an mission on White House Parents beam with joy while their tomorrow, why am I giving up community. This year we see the l.V. intern currently working with Fellowships is now accepting offspring are busy catching up on sleep for this social fiesta? coffee house segment of the college Tom Balma, will speak on the applications for the 1977·78 session lost sleep.. This invig?rating \ Registration is the culmination activities program this year by Lordship of Christ - come and find - deadline is Nov. 1, 1976. This ceremony IS capped With the of the tresbperson's arrival on sponsoring a talent show involving out why Christ has the right to be program includes a year of high parent's final farewell. ~e fresh- campus. Reduced to a lowly talent of students on campus. This the Lord of AlL .Ievel experience in the Federal people. ~re casuall~ remmded of positionfrompreviousdaysofhigh talent show would be competitive Tri·Beta Government and an extensive the tUition fee thell' parents are school esteem the new student ~!:e ~n~~: =oe::: : c ~ Tri-Beta, the biology honor seminar program. For more info ~~ing and in a f~w minutes they discovers that the freshperson society, is sponsoring a tutoring contact Scrimsbaw. im. alone. If ~ou re new to the class is the last to register. Due to the coffee house throughout the program for biology students bt~.~~ess of bemg a freshperson, this wonderful rule, it is not year. Any group or solo performer thl<> IS where the real f!.Ulbegins. unusual to see these new students interested in participating in the having difficulty in chemistry or Writing Contest S'lddenly, t.he meals don't ap- running about with schedules that talent festival should contact biology. Study times would' be pear to ~ qwte the same as they "wiU not work." This tends to Bernard Franklin, Ext. 217 or arranged for the convenience of tutor. and wen' the fIrst day. One freshpers~n create a minor difficulty for fresh. :s~act the college activities, Ext. the student in this program Anybody International Publications is interested should reqU('s~ a straw uPln seemg hIS people on this fateful Sunday. You The key to the success of any contact Pat Siegel, Keith Metzler sPlnsoring A Collegiate Creative Writing Contest ~~~o a tabf~~' w~~~e~e ":!~~see-classes begin on Monday. college activities program is or Kathy Smoot. . and a National (deadline Nov. 5) Poetry College food to be brought out. The fresh- student participation and in- This year, Tri-Beta is continuing Contest (deadline Oct. 25). Cash recycling shed people felt sure that much of last volvement. We are in the process to behind operate Harrison the Hall. We would prizes offered in both· if interested :rr~~~~oerta:~,s ~~a:a~~~ HEALTH CONS.CIOUS STUDENTS ~f~~~~~!~~ ;re:f:~~~~ welcome any help on recycling contact Scrimshaw. Soon the new §tudent learns the You can I~se weIght or have more very interested in getting as many days. The shed will be open all day joys of getting to the end of the energy, WIthout drugs, Call 635-2970 students as possible involved. We Saturday, October 2, November 13, cafeteria line and guessing what would like. to establish a coffee and December 4th if you wish to each item on the tray is. This is house committee to coordinate the Iring down old newspapers, tin or Scrimshaw only the beginning. cn:lII:n:lI::::n:::JaCII::II::n:n;~ programs and to see that these alwninwn. For those who have always programs are implemented. There Students who are interested in The position of circulation enjoyed the comforts of their own will be a sign-up sheets on the joining the Tri-Beta and have eight manager is open. This job requ.ires room, a new roommate can be a HElP WANTED buIletinboardsin the cafeteria and hours of biology should see Mrs. about 2 hours from 7 AM - 9 AM on Esson in the biology department. Friday mornings. Interested ~~~~~~~!te~~:~~~:~ ~:~e~;~ Part-time job, sales position, ::~J~rao~:,uEx~~~17~~~Oc~ Your name must be submitted by people must have a car. Contact questions while looking across the energetic student, you set your are interested in serving on this October 11th. Scrimshaw, Box 3-A. room. Can that awful smell reall) own hours, call 635-2970 Committee. Anyone is welcome to attend Tri- Scrimshaw needs typists - About Beta meetings the second and 2 hours per month is needed. We be him? Does she always pile dirty, clothes in the middle of the floor?_ •••••••• _ fourth Wednesday of each month. pay . .,------------------------------------------
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