Page 7 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 7
Friday, September 24, 1976 Scrimshaw Page 3 Perso~al. The idea of Humanit .. Viewpoint - .;, bu Cara Diehl Editors' note; Cara is a member new shoes, and maybe even a new 1970 Over Ih of the world s family, the more there are to help e:dnge In our rue nave any enect of the Chapel community which is coat. Not only all this, but we are population earns less than $100 per work in the fields, to take a three at all on this world situation? Can sponsoring a 30 hour fast for CROP receiving a college education. year. And the figures and statistics day trip for fire wood, to take a full we not see though, that it would be and other similiar organizations on go on and on. day trip for water; the more very possible to start something by the weekend of October 2-3. The Then of course we have those few children born insure that after limiting ourselves? If we cut down purpose of the fast is twofold; 1) to have-nets in this world. Most often But really, why should we disease and starvation rob the on our lifestyle . limit our use of raise money for the organizations we don't stop to consider that those concern ourselves? What do they family of their children a few will energy, food, and other resources _ by getting people to sponsor "have-nota" outnumber us more have to do with us? Just because remain. Are these not people too? perhaps others will see just how students who fast and 2) to than 2 to 1, and that these people people in Maryland as well as Do they not bleed as we bleed, and serious the problem is and do the - challenge members of both the. are slowly and painfully starving many, many foreign countries feel pain as we feel pain, and laugh same. Sure this is idealistic, but it Chapel Community and WMC to death while we have food to starve to death doesn't mean that it as we laugh, and live and breathe works. Sure it can work - if we are students to understand through waste. The average income per all has much of an effect on our just as we live and breathe? How really serious about what we are experience a little bit more the person in the United States is lives. Anyway, all "those" pelple can we allow our fellow human- doing. We need to learn, to know plight of all hungry people. Cara's almost $4000 - the average income just keep on having more and more beings to starve for food, for what is happening with our statement is in reference to the inPeruisbarely$200.0nly.33per kids and if they would stop having medical care and for all the little brothers and sisters all over the Chapel fast and is not an objective cent of our national wealth here in as many children, they would have things that help make life more world and to help them out when news report, but it comes from the the United States is spent in foreign more to eat, right? 'Wrong! easy (such as electricity etc)? they need it with our time, our heart And that's refreshing. development aid - while between Children are almost an insurance energy, our money, our selves. in this ifu~~'y~~..~~~~.~. hungry? the United States and Russia, $204 policy to families children "third we really do? How would any Help them to help themselves. But even if we do care, what can the whole idea of humanity. The more world". That's billionwasspentonthemilitaryin in the Have you ever been sick' and not Student Government been able to get to a doctor or nurse S for the kind of medical care you Personal Viewpoint - needed? Have you ever been denied the privilege of schooling BagSby .Jim Wright from elementary years onward - so The Student Government happening and that, two, th~re elections? According to the bylaws Wo", Simply word of moutn to say that you can help scratch away in a Association ran into its first snag of were no advance notices to give of the SGA the Election Committee the elections should be held soon _ field that you know will never the year last week. Mter Jay them time to consider whether is. Yet that committee made no not specifying any date. This oc- produce enough food to experience Rodstein pubJicaly went on record they wanted to get involved in the attempt, according to the resident cured on Monday. The impression satisfaction after your one meal for in support of greater freshman SGA. The problems seemed most heads of both Whiteford and received by the Head Residents the day? More than two thirds of involvement in SGA activities pronounced in the womens Blanche, to communicate a was to hold "them as soon as the people in this world experience many new students experienced residence halls and a few other specific night on which the elec- possible, which they did. Again, no all of this daily in their lives - that what they considered a direct scattered places. tions should be held. No mention of written procedure. is more than 2.31 billion people. contradiction. the a fter convocation stipulation 2,310,000,000 people! According to the SGA Con- outlined in the Constitution was Three: Why weren't advance Due to misunderstandinngs and stitution and to Loretta Thornhill, made. Thus the elections were held notices displayed? Quite a few _ Here we sit, housed comfortably lack of communication many SGA the SGA Election Committee before the freshmen could fully people never heard of the elections and very well fed. We have floor representative elections were Chairperson, no housing unit become involved. Also, no until after they were held! Again, medical care just across the street. held the first few days of school on representatives are to be elected procedural guidelines were given lack of SGA Election Committee We have roofs over our heads and Monday and Tuesday. One was . before the Convocation, which was as to how the selection was to be beds - complete with mattress and held as early as Sunday the 12th. Wednesday the 15th, three days made. No requirements to be met organization and initiative. Hopefully the re-elections, if held, speings.rblankets and pillows. We The reasons for the feelings of after many elections were actually by by the elected floor reps were will ~et advance, visible, notice. share our room with usually only being left out of the process by held. In talking to Jay Rodstein, he given either. The elections were one other person if we share it at many freshemen interviewed were said he was aware of the problem held in the dark, not by the SGA but Four' Will the freshmen be given all. We are so well fed that we can twofold: one, that they had not yet and that all floors involved had the by people never formally informed a chance to really get involved? throw out- food in the cafeteria. become acclimated enough to their option of re-elections. Yet several as to the whens or hows. Jay Rodstein says yes, the Election Most of us buy a few new pieces of new surrounding, to become in- questions needed to be asked. Committee Chairperson doesn't clothing before we start school - volved or really know what. was One: Who is in charge of the Two: What role did the SGA know and it remains to be seen. in the are Committee reheld, play Sh"'YW,~ctivist Lawyer to Speak Election 'Fhornhilll~ only elections? Even if the elections the precedent some tend to believe planning of the "illegal" of the first elections will make the Ms. com- munication to the residence heads second of no effect. Do names like Daniel Berrigan, A L U M NIH ALL .. M 0 N - been associated. See how many Dr. Martin Luther KingJr., H. Rap DAY ... SEPTEMBER 27 ... 8:00 ring a bell with vcu" Brown or Stokely Carmichael p.m.---William Kunstfer will be From the Greeks mean anything to you? Are places here. United States v. DEKKINGER like Wounded Knee or the Attica Autbor, Consultant and lawyer to (CHICAGO 7Y Keith Ammon prision familiar to you, or the world of radical change ... he Special counsel to DR. MARTIN The WMC Greek system will this writing, but a number of in- relatively meaningless? Have we will be lecturing on the topic of LUTHER KING, JR., present a "Greek Weekend" on . ternal games and other activities , all been living too long in the WMC "Law and Morality." Trial Counsel, United States v. campus this Friday, Saturday and are in the works. BERRIGAN Sunday. (Sept. 24-26) The event Further details and admission ;~I~:~b~~n~ t~!~U!~~I~~ toII~~~ As a means of intro:ctuction to Bill People of the State of New York is being sponsored jointly by the prices will be- announced William Kunstler to bring you back Kuntsler, here ~s a h~t of ~ome ?f v. H. RAP BROWN IFC and ISC ami will consist of a throughout the week and students to reality. the cases and trials With which he s United States v. RUSSELL number of events open to all are asked to watch for these in MEANS (WOUNDED KNEE students and their guest. A series "WMC Today" and on the bulletin Poem of the Week Cl!IIbw.Il CASE) of Greek-oriented will displays in the .boards. All students to regulations pay should People of the State of New York cafeteria attention lobby start Wed- particular PASSING THROUGH BARN WINDOWS v. MARIANO GONZALEZ (AT~ nesday, with festivities beginning concerning the parties and con- by Joe Gainer TICA MURDER TRIAL) on campus on Friday evening when certs. Your cooperation in this Birds bursting like red tokens from bam windows Graduate from Yale and parties will be held in the frater- area will help ensure the continued Slurs of ice and green down mohican hills Columbia University Law School, nity sections. success of these events. (Students Buds escaping, reshaping into bubbles and jugs Mr. Kunstler is a noted author as are requested to show their ill and Slow beams, expanding, golden and polished well as a respected lawyer. His list The high point of the weekend have off campus guests show proof The mitten slipping from the loose fingers of puhlishi ngs include ... " And will come on Saturday when an of legal age at all events where falling slowly and slapping the floor Justice for All", "Deep in My outdoor concert will be held in the beer is served.) The dizziness that comes with Heart" and multiple periodical quad. Continous music will be heads bowed at pews articles throughout the N.Y. provided from 2:30 until 6:30 by The fraternities and sororities The glimpse of the crucifix Times, Rolling Stone, L.A. Times, '~erchanee" and "Hollins Ferry". hope that all students will par- all too gentle and brief and many more. _ Soda and beer will be on tap, and ticipate in the events of Greek Come meekly born: The evening of the 27th will in- the cafeteria is planning a Weekend. This is an excellent a baby in a stall elude not only a lecture, but a bullroast supper for that afternoon. opportunity to see the Greek , 'D churches in embers question and answer period in Section parties will be held again organizations in action and to meet r~cu a The Christ looming tall and wild Alumni and a discussion-reception on Saturday night. Plans for their members: "A good time will into the blue sky in McDaniel Lounge. The beauty of Sunday have not been finalized at be had by ali". I' , Don't miss it! His hair disheveled, His teeth hollow this event lies not only in the the frown, the perfect brown hands prepared lecture Mr. Kunstier has slender fingers thin wrists twisted and pocked with holes :n~~;':~~a~~~d:!th~f :u~Stk~ Susan Coleman • ..... . burning with pain that may arise. The lecture will be Cast was announced this week _ Harker; Michael ':toss portraying glowing with purity what its audience makes it be-as for Dracula, the Drama Depart- Dr. Seward; andKimG~oveasDr. The~~ _ volatile or apathetic as its ment's first production of the Abraham Van. Hel smg , The ruting helplessly violently wobbling and spinning descending response. semester:. A suspenseful drama heroine Lucy Sewa.rd is portrayed crashing and shooting splinters Occasionally, we all need a adapted from the book by Bram by Sandy MacKerwe; Renfieldand like red tokens break from the neat, precision of Stoker, it will be performed in Butterworth ar:e played by Mark ascending from barn windows. campus life into the knocks and Understage in Alumni Hall on Bayer and DaVid Denton, and Don Poem or the Week is being sponsored by Contrast, the WMC reality of a world that awaits us. October 21, 22, 23, and 24 with Harris IS the powerful Count literary magazine. The staff of the magazine would like very much to For some knowledge beyond that possible matinees on the 23 and 24. Dracula. . publish a fall issue; whether or not this will be possible depends, more of books of sliderules, try to make Dracula is being directed by Max Make pll!_I1S now to WItness than anytlung else, up::ln submissions. Students, faculty, and staff of the It to Alumni Hall ...8:00 p.m .... Dixon and the cast includes, Carol D~cula-it's lor ~Il those who Monday. Don't be afraid to learn Warehime as Nina Wells, the beheve and especially for those ~~~: :~e~[bJ~to ~::~ =::~~~~o~g~n, poetry, and art work, more than what is prescribed. maid; .Fred Smyth as Jona who don't ..• yet. ·,------------------------------ ........
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