Page 9 - Scrimshaw1976-77
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DYNAMITE ISSUE: Friday, October 1, 1976- WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE Volume IV, Number 3 Dynamic Knnstler Electrifies Crowd "When Dorms Go Co-ed" Nancy Menefee Sue Coleman and Carlton Harris Despite the fact that co-ed dorms this problem has been con- What is law and doe~ it relate to have been in existance since the siderably reduced. (Reader's morality? From William Kun- late sixties, they are still not Digest, February, 1970," When suer's viewpoint American law is completely accepted. The con- College Dorms Go Co-ed."L in opposition to morality. Law, he troversy is still alive on many There are other benefits as well. says, is "a device by which rulers campuses. Parents, students and Research done at Stanford (which perpetuate themselves ... ". The administrators still want to know has had co-ed housing since 1967) famous lawyer for radical causes exactly what does go on in a co-ed reveals several advantages to co- and their leaders spoke last dorm. Is sexual promiscuity in. ed living. The survey showed that Monday evening to a mesmerized creased? Do co-ed dorms foster students in co-ed dorms participate Ahunni Hall crowd of about 500. more understanding between the in less one-to-one dating and more Starting several minutes late, he sexes? informal group activities. They first stated his purpose for The answer to the first question study as much as do other speaking to student groups. While is no. There is no evidence that students, but they do more cautioning all listeners to take his students in co-ed dorms increase studying with members of the opinions (or anyone else's) with a their sexual activities. In fact, just opposite sex. They are more in- grain of salt, he confessed to a the opposite seems to be true. The clined to participate in community desire to be a "seed sower". "family image resulting from such and cultural activities. Manners Kunstler is looking for an arrangement actually and appearance seem to improve, Kunstler; "We don't talk, or write, or love each other anymore." revolutionary, radical change- decreases the frequency of sexual continued page 5 perhaps eventually through armed ." I friends or Student Researc relations. Most of the girls per- h "M arve ous L earning struggle. ceived the guy' not" lovers but as surrogate big The theme of Kunstler's brothers who would not approve of . Susan Burns message was the use of American sex." (Today's Education: NEA law and "justice" to suppress Journal, October, 1971) This basic Uyou go down to the bottom floor marvelous learning situation." define territory? For these and threats to a status quo dominated idea is also expressed in the theory of Lewis Hall of Science at the right Four main experiments are other questions, Joe Gainer, who by the ruling class of multinational of Stanford psychologist Dr. time of day, you can see a bunch of going on right now. The wrote the experiment, is relying on corporations. One such threat was Joseph Katz. He says: people in white coats sitting around aforementioned is concerned with a system of putting the fish in plain the anti-war movement which "Quite simply these students holding and petting rats. They're learning and questions whether or and unique tanks and recording challenged the enormous profits tend to form deep intimate brother- preparing the animals for the oot a delay in gratification affects observations., An invader usually and' economic gain then being sister type attachments. They (the Delayed Gratification experiment, learning. The rats are put in their loses a fight and the fish seem to be amassed by American big business students) find that you cannot treat in which the rats are put in mazes, maze, and are not rewarded able to recognize their home tank. in Southeast Asia. This sup- the people you live with as sex choose routes and eventually immediately after making the One theory explaining the fish's pression is accomplished by 3 objects." He relates this directly to receive rewards for their choices. "right" choice. Will their learning ability to recognize and mark approaches. First, the voice-the the incest taboo that exsists in our These people in white coats process be affected just because home base is that it leaves a leader (or leaders) of the culture. (Reader's Digest, are just a few of the students who their gratification is delayed? So "signature" in the water. movement must be destroyed. February 1970. "When College participate in psychology ex- far that question hasn't been fully Secondly the followers of the voices sapiens Homo sometimes are Dorms Go Co-Ed.") professor of periments. The work is voluntary answered yet. involved in the experimentation. In must be inhibited, discouraged, or Lastly destroyed. Kagan, establish- the Jerome and requires carefuJ long hours, J :.~:~:g;u~~~~:r!~~'~~t ~~:~~e.aI~d ~e~~~!~~~a:~~ designed an experiment in- an carried investigation written Davis and of the vast "silent majority" that Still at the rat lab, Mark Vernon ment buoys up and gains the favor has and out by Rosslyn prenatal of rats stress vestigating so much guilt - (I had better leave and the mazes, the experiment has and its connection with aggression Dr. Steven Colyer, deaf children hlindlv believes all is welL you alone, you're my sister') - as been going on for three years and and sexuality. Not as complicated were used to clarify an aspect of KunsUer cited the trial of Jesus simply a reluctance to exploit the paper will be as it sounds. The pregnant rat is hwnan learning. We know that as "a perfect political trial" sexually a person who has become presented to the Eastern subjected to stress (intense light> hearing children can learn high exemplary of the 3 steps of sup- a regular companion." Whatever Psychological Association in for certain periods of time before imagery words easiest. (Its easier pression. As a result of Jesus' trial the was to grasp the reasons, co-ed dorms do not Spring '78. giving birth. Ten male fetuses compared the word "desk" as before Pilate, the followers voice were crucified, to "love") But is the seem to increase sexual activity. Sometimes experiments get subjected to this stress grow up- same true of deaf children. They driven underground and the However, they do increase un- published-sometimes they don't. with female sexuality. How this must be taught to use sign crowds were roused and derstanding between the sexes. And sometimes the end results are stress affects aggressiveness is language, but do you use the same manipulated by the priests against Both sexes gain benefits from co- 180 degrees different than ex- still unkown. The yardstick for principles in teaching them the voice. Mter extensive com- ed dorms. One of the most obvious peeled. The work is challenging, measuring aggressiveness is the tha t you use for hearing ment on the trial of Jesus, KunsUer benefits is security, a problem boring, fascinating, necessary. affinity for killing mice which the children? The children were attempted to show the same which is becoming more pressing Says Dr. Colyer of the Psych. rat exhibits. exposed to stimuli of varying devices at work in 5 recent political on various campuses. Women department, "Experiments are the Also being investigated is the imagery; the deaf children learned trials in the U.S. especially have had problems with most productive and ins~ive aggressive behavior of Siamese the higher imagery words faster. The first of these was the Ben- late-night intruders, many of them experiences a student can have. He fighting fish. Who wins and who Which means that with or without jamin Spock conspiracy trial in ««~ ~~~«~ from nearby towns. With men learns about himself, his drive, His loses a fight? Does territory exist, hearing, children learn words with 1966. Kunstler said that the real occuping lower dormitory floors, organization. Experiments are a and what are the stimuli that definite image meanings easier. continued page 5 ~ ~ Homecoming Spirit Alive Again 1« -« It's that time of year again; time Rouzer. The cost will be $3 for against Moravian, will include game, the Meg Hoyle of the football HaHtime $4 for staff and alumni, students, WHAT'S INSIDE THIS ISSUE: for those annual fall festivities and $5 for guests. Dance tickets usual performances by the band, known to all as Homecoming. The will be on sale at the same places, poms, and majorettes, as well as M Fasting on Campus ~ fun begins Friday The cheerleaders, at $5 per couple. begin at 12:30 the at presentation time will of be of the night, October 8, the queen and her court. ~ with a bonfire. Homecoming '~ •.~ ._..~.~ Rhythm it to Main Street, classes Featured circling in many the the the 9:00, in the cafeteria. contact with parade, the this the Saturday's Also events will all poms, and football players Homecoming PM, with the annual of the Alumni peesenteuon ~ Beginning Parade. get the spirit. will be The bonfire Homecoming Parking The seats, held behind the Hoffa Field I "' e- ' Are the Debates really Debateable? ~ be there to help Western Maryland Ave., by the Municipal at Longwell Year Award. and will Dance begin will at NOW in Carroll County beginning Zedd, feature down will move Lot, the parade at dusk, and will be over If you are and on up to ~ in time for everyone to make ~ helping College, in ending by interested Hall for the Homecoming Alwnni twice. track dance or the concert, M Linda The concert at 8:00 PM. Concert Culture through Sculpture Thomas; will floats if you'd like to assist be the parade from with Atlanta will ~ ~ feature else (bonfire, different anything and werd. Section and Jerry are on sale in the College Activities contact cheerleaders, the SGA representative poms, ing Office and in the Student Govern- and others. your floor. majorettes, ment Office, in the basement Tickets of campus band, organizations; the march- ec.), talk to Doreen Strothman. Or on .,~------------------------------
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