Page 6 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 6
Page 2 Scrimshaw -Friday, Septe~9r 24, 1976 Open in Letters to the Editor Editorial: Dialogue Dear College: 'Dear Editors, It has As students obvious become after Maryland Western conscientious College, we feel of reading the first issue of Scrim- 10 are you to inform attitudes There is a style of living, of love and dialogue on which that (Jourard's term) is receptivity to obligated inconsistencies you of certain shaw, that us to certain trying enlighten in the im- minor relating to others, and of growing skill is based. Without presuming others and their impact on us. plementation of the policies of the concerning social inequities. By inside which some people embody to "know" the nature of love and Exposure to those who are dif- scbccl. trying so hard to prove your own naturally, but which most of us dialogue, it still might be useful to ferent is pretty scary _ it makes us Filst, you bave constructed a liberation, you have missed the need to work at if we are to consider several points of dif- question and reevaluate our selves. beautiful new wing to the science point. "Freshperson"? To say achieve. This style is worth ficulty. It makes us uncertain about our building. The lecture hall in this. freshmen is to include women. The "developing because it allows inside The first is that dialogue is based lifestyles and ideas _ and un- building has a ver:y nice coat rack "man" suffix of words such as growth as well as sensitive com- on strong and growing identity. certainty is tough to handle. Folks in it. Unfortunately, someone freshmen reflects mankind! i.e. all munication with others. Many of us simply don't know that involved in dialogue must live with forgot to put hangers on the rack, human beings. Anyone with any Ever been around someone who much about who we are tQ_be able some uncertainty and doubt which does not enhance the op- semblance of 'intelligence or listens very well? Or been with to talk about it. If we have spent because from those feelings portunity for the students to hand maturity would recognize this, and people who try to learn from most of our lives in a sheltered growth emerges (and that's the their coats. not try to prove one's "liberated" others? Or shared conversations home dependent on parents, going point). There is, as Alan Watts put Second, we appreciate the state of mind. In short, using the which seemed to make you feel to school, and partying on it, a wisdom of insecurity. Or to put concept of athletics. Obviously, the word "freshperson" is nothing extra free to be honestly and weekends, we may not have been it another way, the proof of real school also feels that sports are short of blatant stupidity. If you openJy you - which made you feel forced to introspect much at all. As imler strength is softness - the important. There is a very nice really wanted to demonstrate a extra alive? Henri Nouwen points. out in The acceptance and inclusiveness of gym on campus that is used by liberated attitude, you would have This style can be called Wounded Healer intense suffering experiences and values different many students during the week. given equal time to women's dialogical living because it is based may be a prerequisite for our- from our own. The proof of solid Unfortunately, someone forgets to sports. There were no articles on on a continuing and ever- selves and others. Intense sui- and noted identity is change and open this gym on Sundays. Could that subject, yet the word "fresh- deepening exchange with our Cering may be a prerequisite for flux and growth. this be an effort to force students to person" appeared several times on surroundings. To dialogue is. to identity. Most of us know someone A third problem we face in study on the day of rest and the sport's page. share and then to assume the who is divorced - that sort of sui- dialogue is that of vulnerability. J relaxation? You sir (or should we say "You discipline "and hopefully the - fering fundamentally deepens and Perhaps this is the problem many Third, a gentleman named thing", since sir implies only the pleasure of really listening to changes a person. Those of us who of us are most aware of. William Kunts, "ill be speaking masculine side of the editorship") response. Dialogue is a give and have had parents or friends die Vulnerability is tricky because in at .western Mary •..nd College on may consider yourself liberated by .... take between equals in the com- may-be able to describe the deep telling other people our feelings we Monday, September' 27. Mr. your choice of words, but we shall mon struggle to understand and to changes and inner movement that give them the power and the option Kuntsler is a very famous at- demonstrate our liberation by our bea person. It is tQ talk with people a grief experience may to hurt us. We give them the option torney. We congratulate the actions. rather than at. them with the necessitate. of breaking our trust. If we want. cclteze for brinJ!:in~ such a fine Very Sincerely, assumption that every person has So a significant experience of the riches which come from being legal mind as his to this campus. valuable insights to offer. suffering can spur-a search for and openwe must risk. Before.rnalogue Unfortunately, someone forgot to Austin Gisriel This kind of dynamically sen- discovery of identity. But unless can happen we must learn to live procure a car for him from the Mike Marchese sitive relationship mayor may not we are forced into such a search it with vulnerability. That learning is college car pool. \lillY do American occur between students and seems like most of us get caught up difficult, particularly if we have Chemical Society meetings Dear Editor; faculty, parents and Children, or so easily in the day to day flow and had bad experiences in the past. A warrant the use of a school vehicle, even between friends all depending demands of life - parties, papers to question worth pursuing is this; and one of the most famous at- It has become evident to me that ~~e:::e c!:;:~o~~~~~~edho~e~: :~e~:~!td~~~;~sr:~a~~~~~~ ~~~~W:~~~ltel~r~~e~v?e ~~~ ~~~~sr:I~~h~~i:t~~~~r~~; there is, as Wendy Merrick states whether those professors insisting alone thinking and reflecting which tainly part of the answer lies in that a man of Mr. Kuntsler's in her September 17 article, "Black on betrig called "Dr" are really canteachussomuch.Thatisnotto being careful about who we stature should be greeted at the Student Union: Thrusting Ahead", interested in dialoging with say that unless a person spends lots dialogue with _ who we allow into airport in a 1963 lime green Duster, a 'Black problem'. Unfortunately, students in order to learn from of time thinking and reflecting they our inner world. But that's not the of all things? Don't you think that- it seems to be lodged in the minds them or whether they're into some have no identity. All of us have a whole answer. he may even be annoyed? of those who are black. Of course, there is that ever decreasing ~e~ha~ ~~~O~~? s:~ng~~~t :~g~~~wo:~~of ~~:!~~:ri~~~ Di~i~~~' '~jght' ~ a useful Of~~~~Y~~~~:tJ~:~~~~:~~ segment of the white population distance between themselves and however, we need to spend more yardstick in feeling and thinking committees is a fine idea and that whose warped minds view skin students via an intimidating title. .time developing that world. We through our relationships and these groups accomplish a good color as a base for judgement Dialogue also centers on the need to spend more energy ourselves. Establishing a balance deal at Western Maryland. It is about a person. Through their quality and depth of sharing. Folks developing our identities. Dialogue between rooted identity and apparent that these committees insistance of sharpening the lines trying to get into this style of happens after some development openess to outside impact as well welcome students, both those who of difference between black and listening and sharing attempt to go has been in the works for a good as living with vulnerability might are members and those who bring white, many Blacks are moving in beyond standard. and stale roles while. be the line markers on the yard- ideas for consideration. Un- that direction also. Ms. Merrick and beyond the game playing A secong trouble-point is that to stick. All are single centers in the fortunately, some of these com- with us in ending even asks to "join problems racial greater -I gammet into a hew and -creative dialogue not only requires some in- All are whole of loving dialogue. mittees forget to follow through on at WMC". This sounds like If we are depth identity, but it also requires their commitments in the We to students. of themselves. discovery currents single to dialogue I must come to you as I that we be willing to give it up. The embracing ebb and flow of life. wonder how the members of the something out of 1960, not 1976. am - that is, I must share with you other half of sell disclosure Let's go swimming faculty would react if their Racial atti tudes have changed. I, my pain and my joy. I must share ANOTHER LOOK suggestions were never approved, asa white, do no longer feel outcast by my peers association through =tYi~::~~~~~g~:n~su:~ra~ Relative Beliefs :=~~~'I~r~~e~i~ri~rto~~ with Blacks, or persons of any other race, creed, or religion for ~~~I~lilc:~~~ymajOris,what by Steve Smith (Guest Wrlter) :~~~~~fat,eut~~e~~h~r%a:;: that matter. Also. I, as an When dialogue does occur, and .1 think it would De fairly safe ~If there really IS such a thmg:J ~t ignored? idealogue, reject all refet'lnces to when we participate in that ever to say that no two people have IS not ?~y. presumptuous, b~t It IS Finally, We sincerely hope that race for the purpose of deter- deepening exchange we grow in- exactly the same set of beliefs. very hn:ltmg. D~. John C. ~Illy, a someone in a position of authority mining an attitude about a person. side and are never the same again. Most of us, however, are fairly pI~nee~ in the science of behef, has will look into these inconsistencies. This has been said before, but now it pertains to all races: Look ~~e~~fa~~~~~V=d ~~t~r~~u;: ~~tai~i~~t o~~Jndia~~:~ be~~~ sa~'~nth:~~ p~ovince of the ~ind, ~~~~ ~ ~e cl~~~ct soon \\1th beneath the surface of the skin to between ourselves and our disagrees with us is wrong. I think what one beheves to be true e~th~r Sincerely yours, find the person. surroundings. We listen and learn (and this is only one of my beliefs) is tf"l:le ~r .becomes true Wlthm Cosign, Jr. Respectfully, and are touched and molded; we that a person could learn a lot more_ cer~m. limits to be ~ound ex- Michael H. Steinmetz ORen ourselves and give and if he keeps in mind that any of his perlenhall.y and expenmentally. therefore change and enhance the beliefs may be wrong. These limits are further be~iefs to surrounding community. I am using the work "belief" in, be transcended. In the p~ov_;nce of Dear Editor: exhaustion. At Harvard several The effort to live this way is its most general sense. I am in- the ~ind. there are no hmlts. -We are looking for fellow years ago, pigs were ?ropped alive important (perhaps ..ita!> because eluding not only religious and Dunng the next ~ear, I hope to vegetarian workers. If you are or into 800 degree boiling oil for it has everything to do with the sort moral beliefs, but attitudes and expose you to beliefs a~? Ideas would like to be involved in some eventual compilation as research of relationships we have. As opinions of all kinds. General with which you are unfamiliar. The sort of vegetarian action on your in The Symposium on Burns. At the Sidney Jourard says in The assumptioms made by almost will come fro~ Eastern campus '~ould you let us know. University of B-ochester, at Wayne Healthy Personality some everyone such as the idea of Philosophy, Western sCience, and a This fall there will be a network State etc., dogs were strapped into relationships let us feel more in- murder ~s being wrong, are also nwnber of ~the~ sources, not the of UNTURKEY or vegetarian Blalock Presses and into crash tensely alive and aware than we included in my definition. Even least of whl:h IS. my own head. Thanksgiving public dinners cars, to see how much pressure usually are, while others bore and these general assumptions may be Al",:,ays keep m mmd th~t I am not, around the country. Vegetarian could be taken before bones broke emotionaily deaden us. Some wrong' it is possible that the entire trying to tell you what IS tru~. All Thanksgivings save grain for some and skulls were crushed. of the 50 million hungry, save We are animal liberationists, :~:0:~~~~~~!~;1~w~:~ hOO:~, r:~ewi\l ~i~~~;lnave very ~ep~~::iCe:relS:~ ~~ey w~l~e~ animals from going terrorized to others leave us feeling inferior, good reasons for believing what I dogmatic at times, remember that an unjust death, save humans from world hunger activists, and disease All can be accomplished fighters. crapped-on, and intimidated. Some do," but we forget that those who this not my inte.ntion. the food poisoning, intestinal through vegetarian work, either on people are good at letting us feel disagree with us probably have I've never written a newspaper cancer, kidney disease, and other campus or with us. We work for $5 known and understood while with reasons which are just as good to column before, and I don't know hazards of animal flesh. a week and room and board. Come others we feel distance and un- them as ours are to us. I think that how people are going to react to In laboratories on your campus, on aboard. comfortableness. Certainly some to some degree the "good reasons" this one. Whether you agree or if it is a typical one, are involved in Sincerely, of our difficulties spring from a are made to justify the opinions we disagree with what I have to say, I some of the kinds of research Don Wilson lack of skill in communicating have alr~ady made, rather than to would really like t<2hear .whatever which have happened elsewhere. Nellie Shriver, concern, but, in addition,too often formulate intelligent opinions. you have to say about It. Please E.G., Billy Mick we have fundamental misun- I think itis very presumptuous to write your com.ments to ~he At the University of Calif. at San Emma Wood derstandings about the nature of assume that one's beliefs Scrimshaw. No writer can sur~"ve Diego, pigs are forced to run a American Vegetarians correspond with the absolute Truth in a vacuum . tread mill till they drop of Bqx 32323, Washington D.C. 20007 .,~---------------------------
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