Page 10 - Scrimshaw1976-77
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Page 2 SCRIMSHAW Friday, October 1, 1976 EDITORIAL: Letters to the Editor WHf: Lifestyle a He? In the midst of fraternity parties struggling for expression. If we Dear Editor Dear Editor Dear Editor and food waste In the cafeteria the cannot feel fhat struggle, If we poor remain poor and hungry. In cannot feel our unity with those I have a couple of question'S for In reference to your Letter to the the midst of our numerous stereos who suffer, If a consciousness of your sleuthing department. First, Editor, published in the September and refrigerators other folks are those chlldren Is not here at WMC, why can't the clock on the chapel 24th issue of the Scrimshaw: On cold because they have no life- much has gone wrong. If all we be repaired? It has been b{oken for May 'n, 19'76, cars were requested giving fuel. In the midst of our have left Inside Is at worst total at least a year. Second, would you for all visiting artists and lecturers :"Iational freedoms so loudly and so apathy and at best token, cern. ask your resident plant experts if appearing on our campus for the proudly shouted about In this 200th prlsed concern, then their public having an extremely bright light 1976-1977 series sponsored by the year, too many members of our poverty Is only a reflectIon of our turned on at night will adversly College Activities Office. Since no society live In filthy and degrading inner, private death. If we are to be affect their growth. I am thinking car was available, alternative schools of criminality called most fully human those children mainly of the trees and bushes arrangements had to be made for prisons. In the midst of widespread must be here at WMC. between Blanche and Whiteford, the arrival and return of William student apathy toward social where the new set of floodlights has Kuntsler on September 'no Thus, issues most of the people of the In love we find our selves (our been installed. , the 1963 Lime Green Duster and earth live In pain. humaness) and In love we may These are just a few of the driver, who will be reimbursed' for Our Insensitive laughter echoes respond to the world's pain. In love questions and uuzzlinz situations mileage. their tears. Our parties echo their It Is no longer (lQsslble to "eat, that come u{>occasionally here at If you would like to know why no joyless and powerless lives. drink, and be merry" while others W.M.C. Perhaps Scrimshaw could college car was available and why Apathy and Its silent complicity cannot. If we are to be human, If start a detective column of some a 1963 Duster was chosen, please with the status quo is a vrctcus turn we are to care for others beyond sort and have people search out the see me. I would contact you, but I of our boot heel In the prostrate tokenism, we may no longer live In answers to these problems from have no idea who you are. bodIes of the poor, the hungry, and luxury. In love we seek to share persons who would know. Thank Sincerely, the oppressed. their suffering and their pain. We you. JoanM. Avey There is as much pain and suf- seek in whatever small way to Sincerely, Director of College Activities AlanZepp fering in the world as we care to share their lifestyle by stopping the know about. The amount of pain abuses and exesses of our own. In which we allow to filter through signifIcantly altering our lifestyles WMCAides NAACP our liberal arts shells Is our choice. we seek to flesh out our token ef- Jim Wright We can feel a lot-or none at all. We forts with embodied commit.tment. On Monday may give our starving brothers We seek to correct the lie that Is the students read evening two WMC in the Washington and sisters the respect, the discrepancy between our ver- Post of the legal plight of the apology, and the-human response balized "I care" and our affluence. due them In their suffering or Wo: NAACP (National Association for may concern ourselves primarily What to do? Buy jeans !nstead of the Advancement of Colored with degrees, getting drunk, high, more costly and frequent additions People) with shock and disgust at way felt state or laid, and with making It In to your werdrcba . they last longer the Mississippi they was raking the them over of middle class America. anyway. Quit slapping the hungry the legal coals. For those that are in the face by wasting food in the Perhaps we are members of cafeteria. 'Fast a day every week not familiar 'with the case, the some campus service group so that you are reminded of those NAACP sponsored a boycott of perhaps that suffices and pays our who must fast every day of their twelve businessmen in Mississippi debt to those who have nothing. But lives. Stop spending your money on who were exercising our lifestyles of drowning In costly records and stereos . send what discriminatory practices against possessions and wasteful affluence you save to someone else so that the black community. The boycotts gives our token efforts the lie. Our they can eat. Stop wasting gasoline were successful and the lifestyle labels our supposed and other precious fuel. Tell your businessmen consequently went concern for others hypocrisy. out of business and into court fraternity to gIve up one beer party against the NAACP. That case was Think of It In thIs way; have you a month and to spend that money very recently settled to the tune of seen those CROP posters pic- for others. Rearrange and upend 1.25 million dollars in favor of the turing hungry children which the your lifestyle so that you may twelve businessmen. According 19 Chapel community has put up begin to experience a tcve-bcnd MiSSissippi state law 125 percent of around campus? Because those with the poor. the settlement must be posted in children are people, and because court before an appeal will be they are valuable beings, and Our campus needs leadership heard. The NAACP had no such because they are our b-others and (by example) In this effort. The funds in reserve for use as a bulk - sisters, let's ImagIne that they are Chapel community has made a sum and thus were faced with the here at WMC. Imagine that they beginning In Its 30 hour fast this dilemma of losing the case by not silently witness our partying and weekend. But more than that Is being able to appeal, a basic our laughter and our apathy. cemenoed . will that communIty judicial right! If they lost they ImagIne that they silently watch us contInue? And will the SGA would have to declare bankruptcy, take two plates of meat for dInner commit Itself to responding In a and disorganize, to settle. and then shove Ice cream down as slgnflclcant way to the suffering? This is the group that pushed and well. ....- Will our frIends In fraternIties and passed every major civil rights sororities respond too? legislation in the past two decades, Imagine those things because, In has defended in court countless a sense, those children and all of men and women unable to defend our human family from across the themselves in civil liberty and globe must be and are truly here at Most of us simply need to know racial discrimination cases and WMC. Those In prison, those who what to do. We need some has significantly changed the face live In rural slums, those who leadership from campus of this nation in favor of equality starve In India, are here at WMC. organizations In figuring out the for all peoples. Their services a~d This Is true because any Immensity and awfulness of what skills have been great, their possibIlity, any potentiality that we Is happenIng In the world. And we arguments firm. Yet after all have for humaness demands that need some leadership In finding out they have done for mankind in we be bonded In love, In concern, what we can do about what Is general they are about to fold and In creative action to those who happening. Both Individually and because they can't post 1.56 million suffer. In groups we need to assume dollars for an appeal. responsibility for InsurIng that our They are our brothers and consciousness Of all who suffer is ,Isters. And so their voice Is growing here at WMC and Is On Monday Jeff Robinson and SCRIMSHAW somewhere deep within us fleshed out In creative action. J.S. Jim Wright decided to help and took their pleas to the WMC EDITOR IN CHIEF 2nd Spring Now community. $61.00 In one evening they John Springer in individual netted con- tributions. That money was mailed Have you always had a secret and other experts (even teachers) special delivery to the regional MANAGING EDITOR Jeff Robinson desire to mix the perfect New York Many good courses have been office of the NAACP in Baltimore BUSINESS MANAGER David Range Sour I maim your enemy in six suggested, but we have run out of the next morning since the money Carlton Harris seconds or less, or 'sn in the Lotus experts. If you know' of one, or needed to be posted that day. Both SPORTS EDITOR Position forever'? Many students would like to volunteer, for any of students experienced elation at NEWS EDITOR Meg Hoyle share it, and last year they had an these courses please call Debbie the generous response on Monday LAYOUT Paul Hewett oWOrtunity to learn these and Tull (Blanche200), or Joan or Jane night and deeply wish to thank all Bill Todd other skills through 2ND SPRING. in the College Activities Office who helped. One point twenty five And we are having one this fall. (Ext. 385 or 386): Disco Dancing, million dollars is only 1.25 million Bartending, Backgammon, Reptile one dollars. Both Jim and Jeff's These Semester Programs Study, Assertiveness Training, Box 3A Rigged to your Interest that have Macram'e, Photography, karate, only regret is that they heard of the Western Maryland College Nothing to do with Grades are no judo, First Aid, Body Language, problem so late that they had little Westminster, Md. 21157 credit courses to take just for fun. Yoga, Interior Decorating, and time to adequately respond. Yet They are taught by fellow students Breadmaking. $61.00 is a lot for one night's loosely organized drive.
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