Page 15 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 15
Friday, October 1,1976 SCRIMSHAW Pagl7 Comment on Week-long Fast CROP Fast DianneJenkiDll 'nfo Word has spread that certain by starvation. Fasting, in this case, The CROP fast will be held this folks on campus have decided to gives us the experience we need to "Our mission is to analyze the situation and, refrain from food for a seven day prove that we don't need as much through foresight and advanced planning, avoid 1:~:n1~~;iJ-~r::: 6~~~ period. Now, if this startled you food as we consume. When you say, Saturday morning 'and will last till and made you drop your I'm hungry," what exactly do you or circumvent problems before they arise. Should after Chapel op. Sunday. There will newspaper into your breakfast, use as criteria for determining the unexpected occur. then our aim is to swiftly be many different things going on lunch or dinner, then pick it up, hunger? A fast may change your Saturday. It is not necessary. to be clean it off and continue. outlook here. For those of you who and efficiently arrive at a workable solution .. at each meeting, but it is very The option of fasting in Dean Ira say you are committed to God, however, when you're up to your ass in alligators, highly recommended for the Zepp's Gandhi-Tagore class is one fasting has, throughout the ages, it's difficult to remember that your initial objective educational program being of- of four; it is designed to involve been a means to concretely ex- fered. Several different things will the student experientially with the press that commitment: a way of was to drain the swamp." be going on at the same time so importance of fasting as stressed declaring that there's more to life that the faster has an opportunity by Gandhi, in the process of than food and drink. Jesus Christ to choose what he-she wants to do. identifying with what he stood for. said, "My nourishment is to do the We Need Writers 'The schedule is as follows: If one is truly into learning, one will of Him who sent Me and Saturday morning becomes physically and mentally completely do His work." As is One may ask the purpose of. this you now. How does "SGA Looks 9:30-11:30 (apprcx.) - Simulation involved; therefore, given the taught in Dean Zepp's class, column. Well, its' main purpose is Into Lavatories" grab you. And we Game Film and discussion Study- options of fasting or writing a Gandhi's fasts were a source of to take up space that would have "Faith Without Works is Dean". paper about fasting, some eight to consternation for British officials, otherwise been used for news. That ~~~~t 0~~m~0r;:~rhirrnJa~8X~ 1:30-5:30 (approx.) - Roger E. ten students have decided to in that, should his fasts result in his is, of course, if we had any. It also who thought of it. Burtner-speaker, Former director "learn" fasting. death by starvation, the death allows an otherwise normal - I hope that I have not made of Mid-Atlantic CROP and Sometimes Ithink we in America would be on their heads, for he creature at this school to show anybody sick while reading the missionary. He will be presenting believe we have an edge on other would have died for a righteous how his mind really operates. poor attempts at humor I have slides, etc. of his experiences in peoples when it comes to being free cause. Especially when a certain paper made. But they lock me in a room, West Africa. to provide ourselves with three I suggest that any of you who are (which of course will remain show me re-runs of the "I Love 7:30-? - Simulation Game Film meals a day or more. Why, we ask, curious as to the efficacy of fasting nameless) almost invites the whole Lucy" Show, and threaten to make and discussion Study-"Fasting". should people willingly give up to try it for a day, or even just one campus to a private celebration of me eat in the cafeteria for the rest During the fast, coffee, tea, and feeding themselves? For some meal. Use the time you would rites of passage. of my lile if I don't come up with orange juice are all allowed for reason, we won't settle for an spend eating in prayer and How many of you remember last something. So help me, tell them it consumption. They will be answer like, "it'll help you to meditation. weeks paper? How many would was good so I can be let out and see provided at the central meeting identify with the hungry around the Also, consider this: the less each like to forget? Do you a.l1 my wife again. Good-bye from The place (Baker 100), Sunday, the world." We would even deny the of us individually eats, the less. food remember the' action headline Department of Redundacy fasters will break their fast with spiritual alterations that occur as a the cafeteria folks need-to buy. The "Spice Added to SGA Meeting"? I Department. At least until next communion in Chapel (11:00 A.M.) result of fasting. Despite the less the demand for the foodstuffs, can tell you right now that is not time. and a Third World Banquet in shallowness of thought reflected in the cheaper their prices; the more what was going to be there. With·a From high atop the fourth floor Baker 100 after Chapel. such attitudes, fasting stands as food for those who NEED it and little bit of investigation one can of a yet to be built dorm, we are Remember-fasting without prayer one of the oldest and most are HUNGRY. The economics may learn the real headline. But, to proud to present some total in- and meditation is only dieting! widespread strategies for shaping not be kosher, but the idea is. _ save you all that work, I will t~ll sanity. Reading time is less than one's life. we thought. Many articles have been written . about this particular fast over the Students Journey;to France, Scotland past years, so, rather than merely Joe Golden" '. describing the mechanisms of the fast, I'd like to put forth some ideas In the. course of human events it Comparative Lit English, of our famed beef barbeque. This gained a better overview of life in and questions for you, as an in- becomes necessary for everyone to warranted .an extraordinary meal, among others, gave her the general. They agreed that they dividual, to ponder during these get away from usual commonplace amount of research. During energy she needed to participate in look at life in a more analytical and next two or three weeks as you find living. Many students think this vacation time she had enough a riding club and travel with a critical way. The education they your friends and acquaintances means going home on weekends. money to travel, as tuition was Scottish rugby club which even- acquired was more than just suddenly declinign to eat. To others it implies staying at only$800peryearan~room$20per tually won the championship. book.1earning. They obtained an Fasting, of necessity, must be WMC while doing unusual, non- month. She shared her apartment Opposing rugby teams would enjoy awareness more practical than the combined with prayer and commonplace things. A third, and with two British women. Her meals an evening at the local tavern written word. Sounds like a good meditation. Otherwise it becomes smaller, group of people have an weren't so spectacular. following a game. means of really getting away merely an extreme form of dieting. even more interesting way of A common meal. was' baked ... sure beats going home on Jesus Christ was alone in the "getting away from it all." These beans on toast. a foreign ofCsprinjz Both Phyllis end Margaret weekends, huh? for His =~~v:~~s.~ se:~::!tJ=~~9"......................c.""...,""'............_-""""_ desert for forty days as He fasted ............_,;,.-""""--1£ and prayed in preparation ministry on _earth. Gandhi main- are Phyllis Rinehimer and tianed silence on his regular days Margaret Cheniae. What's Comin' off: of fasting. The major achievement When Margaret beaded for the of a fast IS that one's University of Strasbourg in consciousness is raised through the France, she had very few ex- FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1 practice of self-denial. In fasting, pectations and a truckload of one literally hollows one's seH out doubts. Upon arriving the senior 4:00 P.M. JV soccer at Towson to receive. It is training in sen- french major boarded with a pair sitivity chart- red by waiting, of BOyear old sisters - one of whom 6:15 P.M. & 9:00 P.M. Film: "Scenes from a listening, sensing and a thank- was deaf while the other was blind Marriage" - Decker fulness for being alive. Life with the sisters turned out to SATURDAY, OCTO·BER 2 On a sensitivity scale, how would be both interesting and rewarding. you rate yourself'? Do you show Awarently she had no trouble your sensitivity to others by adjusting to the French way of life 10:30 A.M, Women's Volleyball vs. F & M listening and sharing with them? as a whole either. The only trouble 10:30 A.M. Cross Country vs. Gallaudet Or, do you invite them to a meal she encountered was some "very 10:30 A,M. Field Hockey vs. F & M with you where you commence to strange men" and their charac- 1 :30 P.M. Football vs. Muhlenburg eat, concentrating more on what's teristic attitudes towards going into your mouth than into American women. This was easily 6:30 P.M_ Mass - Little Baker your ears and, hopefully, your made up for by French food. 8:00 P.M_ An evening of Black America - Ossie heart? Granted, this is an extreme Margaret emphasized that the Davis & Ruby Dee - Alumni Hall example, but well worth pon- natives (who spend half their per dering. One of the more prevalent capita income on food) serve up MONDAY, OCTOBER 4 comments made by students who some gastronomical delights- fasted last year was that life on this although Margaret didn't once campus is Iced-oriented, with all have beef barbecue. Perhaps this 7:30 - 9:30 P.M. Film: "Grand lIIusion"-Decker plans made around those three deprivation gave her incentive to TUESDAY, OCTOBEi'\ 5 most important (sic) blocks of travel. time in the day: breakfast, lunch Whatever the reason, the 'h and dinner. Must we use such a student fare price'encoureged her 3:30 P.M. Field Hockey at Elizabethtown basic biological function as our to make continential journey. Her WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6 focal point for socializing? We all travels took her to Oktoberlest, know that cafeteria food isn't that mountain climbing, and to Victoria 8:00 P.M. - Midnight Slave Auction Sponsored by good, that it would warrant such Station in England where she met the Preachers - Decker popularity as would be assumed fellow WMCer Phyllis Rinehimer. given the-size of the dining hall Phyllis was venturing back to 3:00 P.M. Soccer and Cross Country at Loyola crowd around 5:00 p.m. Scotland where she attended the FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8 'But, I don't want to go too far off University of Wales. She con- track. These are just thoughts I'd like you to take a little further for =n~rasSC~::: ~ ~~~ 6:30 P.M. Pep Rally - behind Hoffa yourselves. Don't just dismiss differently than American schools. 8:00 P.M. Concert - "Atlanta Rhythm Section" them. Six years of drought in All work was done out of school and Alumni Hall Africa have already brought over a grades were based on one fmal 3:30 P.M. Field Hockey at Wilson quarter of a million people to death exam. Her double major of Il00...... _ ........ ........ _'''''''' ............. '''''''' ................ 1 .. .,
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