Page 84 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 84
Page 4 Scrimshaw Thursday, February 5, 1976 ************************************************************** There comes a time when a newspaper has done all it can do to and this is a very important ~~~at~er:r~~~~I; ~a~SSt~~!~~U~ ~~~eca~~~'t'~eticit b~~~ce ru~~, stand. our campus. Keep the student SCRIMSHAW was trying to be as J!:~!!!l!llIlIln!m;;;;~ ~~~~r;h!~ee~~iS i~O~! ~~t:;et~~ neutral as possible when the article student's way and where there is on the new college center was the room for it to be improved published in our November 19, upon. 1975, issue. In that article, which I The final disagreement I have wrote, I tried not to state my with the building of the center is opinion, but instead I tried just to that it is a college center, not a give the basic facts so that you, our student center; the first floor of the readers. could each derive your building is going to be ad- respective opinions. And you did minislrationoffices. Iwonder if the so, as our Letters to the Editor administration realizes that their column later showed. All of the rooms are going to be all on one letters published in SCRIMSHAW level and therefore very small. I concerning the center were clearly also wonder if they will be able to in busy from students to the presently proposed come building in its erecting ~~~~~~~~~~:~§~g~~~~~~~~~~l.1~Jcope with the noise that will surely the opposed of the location, and from what I can see, second and third levels. Why, when the majority of the campus agrees. Elderdice is sufficient, must the The building and location of the administration move into another new college center is a topic of building? Why are we mixing quiet ra~~:tyc~:~e~~u~~n~eo~~~g~Ya:J ~~: :r~:e:~~l :~eh~:~~~t"::t~~~! ~~~~~~~a~ \:a~l~~r~~: o~et~; ~~~~1r~~ssor~~~~!~t~e:i~~n~~~~ t~~ ~~fii~;Sro~m~~fa:J~~~t~~~iz~ae~~ ~~~~~~ls~~~~: t1a~s:~:gc~~U:~ ~~={edgr~~~re~ur w~a~i~'cI~:el~ ~~edasby f~/o~:ct~egnt~~I~~;: walk through Rou~er i~ order to :~ ~~e ~~l=~:;/ C~~~~sbe~:~; t~~! longer remain neutral. Now hear located but not too closely located, necting to the cafeteria-every ~~tint; t~h~Sca~~~%!a't~em ,~~~:~: a~inistration in .E!derdice, and this: SCRIMSHAW is opposed to a college center planted in the time we- students go to the venient" angle; it's just that the the building of a college center in middle of our campus could ruin cafeteria, we'll have to go through process seems silly and un- e cen er w. ere they belong-om its presently proposed location. the bala~ce between o~r buildings the college center. Think of what necessary! I say that the central the present gr-ille. e;£~~;o~:~!~H~!'~l~~:11~:~,~1:::'~FI~~:~,~n:~i~~'\~::I::~!£:~~~~r~~7;E~e~~:;~~:~:Ft~~b~:~f~:in~7~~£~\:~~::~:~i~~:;~~:l~:~; center facilities at all. The present will connect Elderdice and the administration, will be kept locked aner its construction, but because, continue writing letters to P I V. grille is suffiCient, but it could bea I---------------------------~ • SCRIMSHAW full of disgust for the little nicer in a few areas, such as ersooa leWPolot.. new college center and expect to its facilities for day students. So, have something constructive why can't we just improve on the result. This is not to say that ~:I~~~e~~l~o~~r~~a~:ei~~tt!hf:~i Men and Love bv John Sprinper ::u~ll:~~~t'Sdj:~~~~e :~~oe~~~;: . ~:t:~~:~:/~~'~:a~~~r ~~~~ a~: vi~i~;~~~ ~~~t~r;,t~C~~~ o~~d~i~~~ ~~gn~th~~C%~a~e~~y r~~:si~el!~~ ~~is~!~~~e;0Iet~~lyi::~a1~~~~~:~ ~:~:;us:n~ dOg~:e~eti~~ns;ee;~ campus just to get their mail or made -me see again the rather and thinking inside. How often do genuine human encounter-the real Mowbray, but as you all read in a to get something at the school strange way in which we guys tell each other that they are people behind those roles feel recent letter to the editor, that bookstore. Ridiculous! Other sometimes relate to each other hurt, or lonely, or unsure of things like loneliness, depression, effort failed because the Dean feels campuses have miles between I've done many things with this themselves, or conversely-that and anger. I know that there is a that the students of WMC today their dormitories and student group of guys over the last 4 or 5 they love each other, that they whole lot more to who I am than old have no say in our school's future. centers; we're fortunate to have a years-drinking escapades, care, or even that. they openly like stories and sports-and so I feel That is where Dean Mowbray, and school that is closely constructed basketball and football games each other? How many guys can pretty shortchanged when. my anyone else who may feel the but yet has enough space between pJayed together, and occasional ~;~~:~~c~~t they like another guy male friends are no~ accepung of same, is wrong. We do have a say the buildings so that we don't feel 'shared personal problems are all a anything in me other than th~se in the building of this college crowded. I lind my walk to the part of our group experience. And Of course guys do care about things. Superficial relationships center, and we will have it! grille each day to be a refreshing while my friends are sensitive each other, and do like each other- are. a drag. They are boring, break. It's pretty bad if we peopJe, I saw in them last night but we are so afraid of it. We are dehumanizing, and they are a lie- There should be a general students can't make a little ten some insensitive role playing. By afraid to be open, and to shed our because there is far more to each student body meeting to organize minute trip every day, or how role playing I mean that each of us masculine roles for more human of us than our surface roles. the efforts of those of us, which I feel is a majority, who are opposed every often, to the grille. I say that had preconceived ideas about the ones because we don't like to be So many guys on. campus try so to the building of a new college if we need any additions at all, let's way in which we should relate to vulnerable and to be hurtable hard to be masc~llne and strong. center in its presently proposed improve on our present grille and each other. Our ideas and our Somehow we don't feel that it's I'd like to know If these men are location. It doesn't matter who leave it at that! roles, unfortunately, limit and very masculine to be vulnerable confine us at times to being and emotional. Its also true that people as well? Do they have organizes the meeting--it could be unemotional-last night the role did feelings, insecurities, times "-,,,hen the SGA, it could be just a few The major objection that many guys are so afraid of open they really need to cry, or times concerned students but there students have to this new college 1I0t permit us to either ask for caring, affection, and emotion that when they really need a hug from a should be some' kind of center seems to be its location. As car-ing and warmth from other they might laugh at another guys friend? Because I sure have these organization of our efforts. I'm not not did it permit you know, this building is going to group members, extend caring and openness. If you find youself or moments and feelings-and I've saying that we are meeting to plan us to openly sprawl over the hill between human initiative. We are able to those around you laughing at this discovered that one of the most a riot or a bomb threat--no! We Elderdice and the cafeteria, con occasionally break through our article, chances are it is because beautiful things in this world is should just meet, and the sooner necttng these two buildings. roles in talking about personal you or they are afraid. But of sharing those parts of me with my the better (the construction begins Without even consider-ing. the problems, or about other things course it is alright to be afraid-its friends-both male and female. Isee In the Iallj , to plan what our next finished product, just think of the that truly matter to us. I am un- very understandable. some lonely, frightened, and constructive move will be to op- gigantic .ness that the students and certain, though, which is the ex- It is a pretty scary thing, when scared guys here at school. I want pose this building. faculty will have t~ put up with ception and which is the rule in our you think about it, and feel about it, to say to the feeling and h_wnan while the building is being con- friendship-imprisonment or in- to honestly tell another person, part of every guy on campus (and And when this meeting takes structed during the next two years. timacy particularly another guy, what you every woman)-come on out, get out pJace, hopefully in the near future, If additions could be made to the are feeling and thinking. That of the closet, express yourself, let I hope that everyone who is con- present grille, then this problem of My uncertainty extends to mens' other person can hurt you if they yourself cry or love when you feel cerned about our school's future noisy construction disturbing relationships in general. On this react insenSitively or unfeelingly:- it-set yourself free from your roles, will be there. Too often we don't students in Memorial, Whiteford, campus I see lots of backslapping, And if they do its really too bad for and from your inhibitions. want to get involved because we and Rouzer, and the dirt we'll have partying, laughing and joking both of you since a chance has been Together let's change and claim that we don't have the time. to walk in and around, could be between men. But I must wonder, missed for an honest and sincere revitalize and give birth tn our Nonsense! Make the time! Get eliminated. Without considering based on my own experience, how communication. Open com~' relationships and ourseives, to our involved! If you don't want to sef the construction, Jet's think about well do those men really know each munication is very pretty, and so campus and our earth. Let's be our campus ruined, if you don't when the building is completed. other? How much open caring and are other people-but we, par- ourselves-()ur true selves-let's quit want to see money wasted, if YOt Where all of the grass, trees, and love is present? Unfortunately ticularly guys, must learn to take hiding, censoring, and trying so don't want to see a new collegt. space prospered before, there will most of these people are so in- the risk of being hurt if we are to hard to be masculine. Let's be center built in its DI'oposed spot, now be a three-level building. All of volved in their own roles and in r-h_um_,n_,"_" -------t theadministratiorwho are pushing reacting to the roles that the people ~~~~~~~:u~~!a~o~U:i~~:e~~~!, ~,~ng~~~~:adra~e ,,:c::oen~v~~~~:ci the new center contend that it will around them play, that they rarely and open with others and give up effort to oppose this building. be very low bUilding, and therefore figure out who they are, and even the security of our roles. This very won't conflict with the beauty of more rarely do they know who the insecurity will bring us the "SOAP" What do you want for our college the campus. I question this. What other guys are. If I meet you and security of intimate and warm fifty years from now? The do you consider to be the beauty of ask who you are-chances are you friendships. It wilJ also give us the is beautiful campus that we have now the campus? An occasional will tell me the roles you play-you security of realizing who we are with a few well-located buildings glimpse of a few blades of grass will tell me your name, your in a more in-depth way than ever that time must add, or a campUS between low buildings? I'll tell you major, or perhaps which fraternity before. coming! crowded with wall-ta-waH Dean what I consider to be beautiful--our you belong to, or what sport you Mowbray College Centers? campus _as it is constructed now. pJay. Guys find it sov~ry hard to go When relationships are super"L -.-J K.L.S.
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