Page 87 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 87
, Th,,,d,y. F,b""y 5. 1976 Scrimshaw Page 7 Sports Carlton Harris missed the Green Terror Empty Gill Good For Victory continued to foul thousand one students Over second by 89-84. time this season Jim Teramani line as M-Burg baskeball upped his Bernie Gallagher team scoring over 100 points for the average end kept WMC in the lead .. first time since 1974, with a 102-84 Feldman by scoring the game scoring high Maggio's clutch-shooting near game the Not including 30 points with 20 of those in the first Tuesday's win over Dickinson. More faculty half. M-burg, led by all-conference against Lebanon Valley College, and player's parents than students guard, Glen Salo's 19 points, the baskeball team is now ~5 with "Anything Goes" in Westminster and cheerleaders witnessed an a11- couldn t dent the G. T. 3-2 zone a.4-2 record in the MAC, good for a out run-and-gun game which left defense. Again Ammons and lie for second place. The next home Saturday a week ago II seemed must, be from a town with a senior John Feldman and junior Kurzenhauser swept the boards. game is Saturday night against like every TV on campus was tuned population of between 8 and 15 Ron Anderson running the red As a team the WMe fire shot 32-53 Gettysburg. Gametime is 8: 15 with in on "Almost Anything Goes" at thousand). But in winning the final devils back to Carlile. Feldman, and made the difference at the foul J.V. at 6:00. 8:00P.M. For those who missed it, event, the locals pulled ahead of who is leading the Mac with a 22.8 AAG brings together teams of leader Bel Air, inspiring a cheer of average led all scorers with 34 everyday average people rep- Support from TV-watching WMC points. Shooterettes- Varsity resenting their home towns in a partisans. The game started gunning as variety of zany "sports". And it both teams hit jumpers off their The Women's basketball team record. just so happened that one of the Incidently, in a film of West- pattern offenses. Dickinson had the had an interesting week. In the three teams in the Maryland state minster shown during the lead at the midway point of the conference, they were undefeated Then came the hard part of the championships of AAG hailed from nationally broadcast program, our first half 30-24, but for the next six and in games against non- week. The girls travelled up to good ole Westminster. own Elderdice Hall was pictured. minutes the G.T. fires evened up conference teams bit the dust 3 Frostburg State for a non- The Westminster "Bullies" One of the Bullies was Carol Shook, by outscoring the devils 12-6 with times. Ironically either the teams conference game. The girls were started out slowly, falling behind wife of former WMC admissions Anderson taking charge by an- blows its opponents off the court or overmatched and did shoot the . teams from Havre de Grace and and financial aid director Ken swering with 8 alone. From that get bombed out themselves. worst percentage all year (2i Bel Air {each group of participants Shook point Dickinson played poorly, percent). Final score 76-51 . A Weigl;lty P~oblem scoring only 6 of WMC's' 9. Good Frostburg. defense by senior co-captains To-m Someone brought to the attention casional abuse) it is bound to wear Ammons and Bob Kurzenhauser of the Scrimshaw hierarchy a out. He. did say he. knew about kept the board clean and An- complaint about the weight lifting problems with the weight machine, derson's sizzling hot 6-10 first half machine in the gym. As the sup- but he gave a reasonable and performance put the Terrors in the porters of the oppressed and logical explaination. They aren't lead to stay 45-42. Feldman and crusaders against injustice, the going to pay for any repairs Anderson scored Zl of the first 45 Scrimshaw sent this reporter to because they're waiting for a new points investigate. machine. It's called a Centurian 16 Dickinson picked up the pace in After searching for the person with variable resistance. It will the second half as they began to who would know the most, I was arrive in approximately 2 months run. Feldman continued his show finally directed to Dr. Clower. He assuming the budget (all donations with 17 of the first 28 points of the was very frank. The machine is accepted) and the company agree. second half. He finished the half about 6 years old, and with the Are you sure Charles Atlas started shooting an incredible 10-13 as constant use it receives (and oc- this way'r many came from precision Grapplers transitional Damien passes 'Doctor from D" sophomore Western Maryland's wrestling whelming but Wilkes is among the .Maggio. Ammons found the team ended January with a flurry best division one teams in the shooting mark by scoring 16 of IS of wins and one understandable nation when the team slowed down. loss. Last Wednesday while most of Again, the final score: 102-84. On the atst. WMC traveled to Western Maryland's students were A physical Mulenberg team Baltimore and mauled Johns wheeling their ways homeward, suffered a defeat by the hands of Hopkins, 46-6. On the way to this our wrestling team was chalking the WMC roundball team for the impressive win, five pins and two up yet another win vs. a strong superior decisions were picked up. Salisbury State team. In this Shooter-e tte s-J; V_ Getting pins against their opponent match, at Gill Gym, both Terry were Steve Koster, Terry Caudell, Caudell and Bob Duvall pinned Bob Salganik, Mike Marcheese, their adversaries. Additionally, Did you ever notice that during and John Koontz. the women's basketball games, a Steve Koster and Eddie Herring small group of uniform-clad girls Three days later our matmen had superior decisions. 29-17 was keep score, lead cheers, and do were at Wilkes College to regis- the final score. other odd jobs. Well, that's not just ter an impressive win over These wins brought the WMC any group of girls. No, that's the Oswego State and an expected grapplers record up to 9-5. Many of WMC Women's Junior Varsity defeat to Wilkes. Oswego is one these matches were against really Basketball team. And they playa of the top-ranked division 3 excellent teams. damn good brand of basketball! wrestling colleges in the nation. The next two matches are to be For those who stay around after Five wins were had by WMC held at home. The first is tonight at the varsity game (and I recom- "SOAP" wrestlers plus a superior decision 7:00 P.M. against Gettysburg. On mend it) will be treated to a game by Eddie Herring. The winners Saturday afternoon (2:00 P.M.), that, while maybe not technically is coming! were Jed Marchio, Phil Watson, both Lebanon Valley and Kutztown perfect, sure is exciting. They try Charlie Hoidal. Greg Banks and will be in Gill gym for a trimatch. to play the same type of game as John Koontz. The final tally was Come on out, WMC students, and the varsity-fast and exciting 25-12--a really fine performance see some first class wrestling! We Coach Sandy Stitt says that she by our grapplers. The loss to have an excellent and winning tries to keep her girls playing Wilkes was by o-sz-qutte over- team which deserves our support. tough defense, forcing turnovers and. pouncing on them. Splashers The team is undefeated in Western Maryland's swim team were turned in by WMC swimmers conference play, defeating brought a well-earned victoryback during the Lycoming meet. These everyone by no less than 14 points home on the 24th. This win against were by Lorin Hershberger and and by as much as 52 points (final Lycoming was the first of the year Larry van Horn, each of whom Score was 56-4--good defense, for our swimmers. were victorious in three events- huh?) Outside the conference the On the zoui, WMC faced quite a feat! Congratulations to all girls have had a harder time. Georgetown in Harlow pool and the members of the swim team for They've lost all their games vs. suffered a defeat, 60-49. And on the a fine effort. larger schools such as Maryland. rthM~~~~~I~ ~;:~edl~i~~~~~~ The next meet is this Saturday Although the team has no big victory and losses brought the vs. St. Mary's away. The next leaders, Linda Sorrentino and ~TW;;;O;.;;;'";;;ts;;;ta;;;ndi;;;.n;:g~pe:;,;,rlo;;nn;;;;;;'n;;;c"';;;.;E~;~""';OI;:.r~.;H.;:.~:o.e~~t~.e.~~._D'.Y•.• v.s. :. :. TbeB .. home meet to 1-7. season's record following •••••••••••••••••••••••• is the I and:: *,ll1efi ron Looking for an exciting job filled· the satisfaction of writing =: with generous benefits? Want to seeing your work in print. Most L-I ~ meet and talk to interesting people important, it's loads of fun! Come • • ROUTE 140, WESTMINSTER PIKE day after day? Ready to be to the next SCRIMSHAW meeting • • FINKSBURG, )\olD. launched ~nto a fabulous career o~ ''I pv8u{J\nolJs bFAcE : : ___________ ~5_m~n~t~.:_r~m_R~i~~~.~q.2._ _ never-ending fame and fortune. "3D ffl\ W9.; ftY. FEB III • CARROLL COUNTY'S • ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY & SATURDAV :~~~i~~~,m;.rt.,~~~I~~~~: • r P,. ~ FASHION CENTER : Featu'ting KEN BATES AT THE KEYBOARD be totally true, ~ut we ca.n promise We \Voul? like to see some new ~ Westminster • __ .... ~~~!..~I!~:..~~~~R..:~'=t~ _ ou that you Will never be bored! writers 111. all departments, .so : Shopping Center : GIFT CERTIFICATES PRIVATE PARTIES ... 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