Page 81 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 81
C 8et Pithy Saying: "People will do anything for Thursday, February 5, 1976 money. Except some. They will do Volume 3, Issue 1 almost anything for money." Brian Trumpo_r WMC Treasurer Explains Why College Costs are Going Up Jeff Robinson Costs are rising once agams. <1\;- staff salaries. An increase in these presented to the administrative Budgeted for next year is a 12 coming year they will be much the cording to announcement from the salaries can not be recorded here council (composed of the president percent increase in financial aid to same as they have been in past administration, which was made in since approval had not come forth and vice presidents) and the meet an increasing need. Most years. Since tuition provides only late January. Because of inflation from the Board of Trustees at this faculty council for discussion. The probably job scholarship pay will" and spiraling costs, tuition room time next move in December was to also go up to accompany the costs 60 percent of the costs of running a and board for a full year on the give the proposals to the board of of inflation upon financial aid. college the remaining 40 percent and State is broken down here: Western Maryland College campus The budget process began in the trustees who made suggestions and More openings will also be Federal funding-3 percent, Private next year are being raised to $3925 fall when every department and eave inout. Following the ad- available wih 11 larger job-work gifts and grants-4 percent, En- an overall increase of $175 or 4.6 office made their requests for a ministrations reworking of the study progren. that is presently dowment Income-a oercent. percent from this year's cost of piece of the pie. The six month budget to meet these suggestions, pending govc-- nent funding. Auxiliary Enterprise (Housing and $3750. process continued when il was approved :!_anuary 13 by the Food Service)-27 percent, Other-z preliminary figures and recom- Executive Committee of the Board The breakdown is as such: mendations were made and of Trustees. :j. As far as revenues for the percent. tuition will be $2650, room is $475, and board will cost $800 for the full year. According to Philip B. M,,,,G,,.,y Student News and Views on Jan Term Schaeffer, Vice President for Business Affairs and Treasurer, "Jan Term" is very popular and " .. .fun, great, loved Hie free hectic pace, and really recuperate books, and a required number of "We didn't think that our con- almost sacred on Western time." from first semester." hours, and Jan Term is invaulable stituency (students and parents of the college) would be able to stand ~~~!~:r~'s ~:~~'fo·n~Uris~~d~:;S~ te~.·}inaIlY got a course I wan- Free time meant more than just :~ ~ ~~~~~~t~o·be a person as well an increase as sizeable as last could fantacize about January -- a time to goof off. Jan Term gave year." This year's tuition month of sanity in which students "It was great. It let you have students ~e Oprtt~ru!r to ~e~t second semester has leaped out represented a $350 cost increase from the $3400 charged in 1974-75 ~o:~~, ;~~I~le~~~ !~~!Vee1eAno:;r~ r2:h;~!::~:~~~f~ftu~ it~~~~~I~~r~~~~~:I~:cll~~ r:,£::::u ~ti,~~~~r;s~~~7~a~f ;a~e1!~~~ 0;:: The majority of students thought rare when people gd a chance to Term i.sover, and pre~ure is again Schaeffer stated that he knew Jan Term was "dynamite," "It's a good time to relax, meet take some time out of their mounting. we can smile and say, of many colleges "raising their "great," and "indispensable." more people, slow down your schedules. Education 1':5more than "Ah, yeah. I loved it, I loved it." prices by three and four hundred Many students spent time on dollars for next year." With an hobbies and sports along with estimated 8 percent nation-wide classes, and the relative lack of Lewis Flood Damage Slight inflation rate it is surprising to pressure was refreshing to many. find such a miserly increase in To quote the words of one student. tuition costs. Schaeffer's ex- Jan Term was " .. .fantastic! I Ca;~t~~eH~~~~ Scrimshaw, it was boards required replacfmle~"l-&t- Given the potential of such an planation for this was, "We really liked my course. The lack of were very careful this year to pressure made it an invaluable reported that Lewis Science Hall there was-also water damage done accident, the Lewis Hall professors to a lot of books with the added try to keep increases to a bare experience." suffered a minor flood as the result possibility of further harm done to consider themselves lucky that pipes. water The only the little bit of they suffered of bursting minimum without decreasing the Courses, however, tended to go trouble began on 3rd floor in the old Physics lab equipment. damage that was done. quality of the program. I think we from one extreme to another. Some have." section of Lewis, west side ,W,tec •••••••••••••••••••••••• students said that they had too much work - "as much work as a :!P~~o~hJO~~r ~~~ot~!::a~st~. • • • Another fact that came out of the first semester class" - and thus InSide ThiS Issue•• Since that lime, interview was that this budget was found it hard at times to appreciate fi"t, 000', have been held With some. in,. • • terviews based on a student population the the class. The students who same as this year's. With no in- seemed- happiest, of course, were ~~Jht~t;~[!n;~~~~·~~:~!g~:~ • 2 New Features: • creased enrollment the campus those without an unbearable work ha.s been at least partially deter- : "Pages from the Past" : should remain with about 1250 load. Other classes had a good fulltime equivalent undergraduate balance between class discussion milled. • "World News Perspective" •. students on it. For part-timers the and outside study. Overall, the nice cost has also been raised from $85 thing about January was that The Chemistry department on • . • to $88 per semester hour taken. students had time to really get 3rd floor sustained little damage.. Editorial on the New Student Center • involved in their classes, if they so Some pipes had to be replaced. The. • desired. 2nd Ifoor-dwelling Biology. Review of "H. M.S. Pinafore" • The budget was described as simply to stabilize the college's It seemed that Jan Term breezed ~o~~~m:n:hi:~r~~ aO~~lf s~Ft~! • Care and Prevention of Academia During Jan. Term • already active programs. No new by much too quickly. What did ceiling boards in the affected. • programs are being planned and people really get out of Jan Term? classrooms had ~o be replaced.. Plus MUCH MUCH MORE!!!!!!! • no new personnel added for next. There was no equipment damage. • • , year. Sixty percent of the total will "1 think every year Jan Term probably be paid out in faculty and gets harder." ~:te s~t~~~.n ~;a!~~ ~!n~O~~i~~: ••••••••••••••••••••••••
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